Do you want to hear some good and bad news? Here is the good part. Armenian cognac company Ararat commissioned a new limited edition fragrance from L’Artisan Parfumeur, called “Ambroisie ArArAt.” The fragrance was created by Bertrand Duchaufour, the nose behind such L’Artisan Timbuktu, Christian Dior Fahrenheit Fresh and Acqua di Parma Colonia Assoluta (in collaboration with Jean Claude Ellena). The fragrance is based on floral and nutty accords and is constructed to resemble the tri-tiered gustatory sensation from experiencing cognac. Alas, there are bad news too. There only 10 bottles of the fragrance available, therefore this is more of a tease than a true temptation.
Katie: That is a tease! And I could have remained blissfully ignorant were it not for you, V, you big meanie 😉
Do you have any alternative cognac scents you might recommend, though? August 7, 2005 at 12:00am
Anjali: Ten?! Oh my stars 🙂
Looking forward to your Paris shopping feature next week!! August 7, 2005 at 9:07am
Sisonne: Dear V, it´s me again 🙂 Sorry, but what is AG Sables – oh, is it Annick Goutal? It is, right?! August 7, 2005 at 1:07pm
Sisonne: Dear V, I did a bit of research & found a lot of raves about Sables – I´ve to try it next week, seems to be very unusual 🙂 August 7, 2005 at 1:34pm
Anjali: LOL, I will not be there, but you should go if you can V, as you would probably win! Your nose is amazing.
BTW, for the most part I thought Madame Koko smelled like dirty gardenias, but I sent my sample to you so you could see for yourself. Should be arriving shortly! August 7, 2005 at 2:30pm
Victoria: Katie, I take offence at being called a meanie. 🙂 Just kidding, I fully deserve it!
As for cognac scents, Serge Lutens Fumerie Turque has a hint of congac along with sugared rose petals and tobacco, AG Sables, Victoria’s Secret So In Love (“an enchanting blend of violet leaves dipped in cognac, a trilogy of moroccan rose, rose orient, rose de mai, carnation and ylang ylang” according to their website), Yosh Madame Koko. I have only tried the first two, which I really enjoy.
Anjali, sad, isn’t it! However, if you manage to fly to Moscow for the opening night of Ararat dedicated event, you can win one of the bottles in “the most sensitive nose” contest. 🙂 August 7, 2005 at 10:31am
Laura: And just when I was starting to like some l’Artisans. sniff. August 7, 2005 at 11:12am
Victoria: L, I smelled the new pineapple scented Invitation Creole candle from L’Artisan today, and it is worth at least a sniff. For some reason, I thought that you might find it appealing.
C, let me know what you think! Cannot wait to hear about the results of your explorations. 😉
A, you are very kind, and I appreciate your generosity. I will report on my thoughts as soon as I receive the package!
xoxo to all August 7, 2005 at 5:05pm
Katie: Thanks V – I have sniffed NONE of those, though the VS one will be easy enough to find – I just have to get over myself and wander into one their stores. (I’m not a VS fan, no offense to anyone who is, of course.)
I’d love to wear ArArAt, just for the sake that when I tell folks what I’m wearing, I could say it like a pirate: ARRR! ARRR! At. (I think I’m far too easily entertained.) August 7, 2005 at 8:00pm
Victoria: K, you are welcome! Let me know what you think. I heard enough of “Victoria, what is your secret?” jokes (from the boss of a law firm where I used to work) to take kindly to the line.
Can you roll your r’s? 🙂 August 7, 2005 at 8:18pm
Katie: Of course I can roll my “r”s. I am a master of speaking abysmally awful Spanish, which means I inevitably OVER-roll my “r”s. August 7, 2005 at 9:03pm
jane: Do you think this will be like Frapin 1270? August 7, 2005 at 11:15pm
Victoria: Jane, I would imagine it having a rich note, reminiscent of cognac or scotch. I cannot even begin to imagine the possibilities! It is too bad I probably will not get a chance to try it. August 7, 2005 at 11:36pm