Apparently, one of the accords in Carnal Flower, a new tuberose fragrance from Frédéric Malle Editions de Parfums will be Juicy Fruit gum. As Frédéric Malle said to W magazine, “One of my children was chewing a piece of gum the other day that gave me an idea for a fruity note that added sex appeal to the whole thing.” This comment is very interesting, particularly because I recall Jean-Claude Ellena mentioning that he smells bubblegum in jasmine. We will see how Carnal Flower will exploit this note. The fragrance will premier in September in France and will feature notes of tuberose, orange blossom, coconut milk and camphor. Thank you for the article, Robin!
Anjali: Tuberose + juicy fruit = anything vaugely carnal? LOL, I can’t wait to see how this turns out! August 17, 2005 at 2:01am
Tania: Juicy Fruit gum was my favorite gum when I was little and I would stuff several sticks in my mouth and chaw it slow and steady like a plug of tobacco in an old man’s cheek. I could recognize that scent anywhere. And so, to my surprise, I am actually now curious about another tuberose scent. August 17, 2005 at 10:06am
BoisdeJasmin: Anjali, I cannot wait to see it either! The composition intrigues me more and more. August 17, 2005 at 10:43am
BoisdeJasmin: Tania, I remember when my uncle would bring Juicy Fruit gum from Iraq, where he was working. My cousin and I would cut each piece in quarters and then chew them very slowly. At first, I was kind of turn off by the idea of Juicy Fruit note, but now I am very curious too. August 17, 2005 at 10:45am
Liz smellslikeleaves: For some reason Malle’s comment about the sex appeal of the Juicy Fruit chewed by his kids made me think of Sally Mann’s photographs of her kids A bit weird. I’m not optimistic that this fragrance will work for me since Ropion’s Une Fleur de Cassie was such a disaster on my skin, and the list of notes does not encourage me either. I’ll probably try it anyway just to satisfy my curiosity. I’m hoping that there are more Malle scents in the works, though! August 17, 2005 at 5:31pm
mreenymo: Juicy Fruit?? Very interesting… August 17, 2005 at 6:00pm
marnie: Wow, those kids are going to be messed up. With their mother/relation sexualizing them. I am so tired of this pedofile chic thing…Calvin Klein, Abercrombie, Larry Clark. August 17, 2005 at 6:30pm
marnie: On a lighter note I love your site. August 17, 2005 at 6:38pm
Campaspe: This is going to be one wacky fragrance. Most of the Malles are lovely, but not exactly what I think of as daring. This one sounds like he was really trying to challenge us. We shall see! August 17, 2005 at 5:34pm
BoisdeJasmin: Liz, that is a bit weird indeed. I am such a tuberose fan, I would try anything, as long as the fragrance contains it. The more I read on Carnal Flowers, the more I am looking forward to release. August 17, 2005 at 6:27pm
BoisdeJasmin: F, the composition sounds like it would be interesting. I can just imagine how great tuberose might work with coconut, and as for camphor, we all know what it did in Tubereuse Criminelle, one of my favourites. August 17, 2005 at 6:29pm
BoisdeJasmin: I find it disconcerting. I also do not know anything about the photographer, therefore I cannot even say much on the matter. However, my first impression is of something off putting about these images. August 17, 2005 at 6:33pm
BoisdeJasmin: Thank you! I am glad to hear it. 🙂 August 17, 2005 at 7:10pm
Tania: Those photos remind me of Dobson’s photos of children—of the whole Victorian fashion for photographing children as grubby little angels and that kind of thing. The old prints strike the modern eye as embarrassingly perverse, but the Victorians thought the children looked innocent and (artfully) artless. Interesting stuff. (I don’t think of it as pedophile chic, just our continuing cultural obsession with the innocence/corruption of children.) August 23, 2005 at 1:24pm
Tania: I meant Dodgson. Charles Dodgson, aka Lewis Carroll. Oy, too sleepy today to make sense. August 23, 2005 at 6:14pm