Perfume News: New Hermès Hermèssence Osmanthe Yunnan


Fifth Hermèssence called Osmanthe Yunnan will be joining the existing four fragrances. A fragrance created by Jean-Claude Ellena will be based on tea. Osmanthe Yunnan will be available at the NYC Hermès boutique at the end of October 2005.


  • Archived under: News


  • Robin: Best news I’ve had all year 🙂 September 16, 2005 at 9:16am Reply

  • mreenymo: Okay…finally a fragrance to be excited about. :):)

    I hope you have a restful weekend, darling.

    Hugs! September 16, 2005 at 11:21am Reply

  • Laura: OMG!!! Dare I hope?? Will it really be osmanthus??? Oh, I see— tea. Well, osmanthus tea (NST sent me some) is a lovely thing, but the osmanthus blossom is the most mysterious and elusive of scents and someday, before I leave this planet, I’d love to find a perf that gets it. September 16, 2005 at 8:19am Reply

  • Marina: New Hermessence! Based on tea! *thud* September 16, 2005 at 8:51am Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: L, I love osmanthus oolong, and I wonder what this one will be like. Yunnan teas are dark and rich, known to be “coffees of teas,” but I suspect that this one is light. September 16, 2005 at 10:10am Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: Great news indeed! September 16, 2005 at 10:10am Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: Me too! I love osmanthus anything. September 16, 2005 at 10:11am Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: I agree! 🙂 Hope that you have a great weekend as well.
    xoxo September 16, 2005 at 11:58am Reply

  • Tania: I am so stupidly excited. I love osmanthus tea, and I love Jean-Claude Elléna.

    I hope they do a new travel set with all 5.

    I was planning on buying the mixed set this weekend, but if they do a set with 5…now I have to think. I’m done with my Vetiver Tonka, the Ambre Narguile has grown on me, the Poivre Samarcande I decided was so weird and savory I had to have it even if I never wore it, and Rose Ikebana can tag along if it wants to.

    Eek! I feel so cheered at the thought. Osmanthus tea by J-C E!

    J-C E September 16, 2005 at 1:49pm Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: They are not sure if they are planning to do a travel set with all 5 anytime soon. For now, it is going to be in a 100ml bottle. I love J-C Ellena’s work too, and this fragrance sounds like something I would like. Osmanthus and tea–can it really get any better? September 16, 2005 at 3:40pm Reply

  • Sisonne: Dear V, that sounds worth trying, but I must admit that I don´t like all of Ellena´s creations, e.g. I don´t like the TDC fragrances that much, Rose Poivrée is pretty, but the others didn´t work for me at all. They are too strong for my liking. September 19, 2005 at 7:29am Reply

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