New Guerlain Boutique at Bergdorf Goodman will be officially opened on February 7th. The boutique will include the following fragrances for the limited time only: La Voilette de Madame, edt 100ml, Snail shape bottle, $1300 (3 pieces only will be available), Plus que Jamais, edp 60ml, Limited & numbered by Jean-Paul Guerlain $350 (10 pieces only), Rose Barbare edp 75ml, Angelique Noire edp 75ml, Cuir Beluga edp 75ml, Cherry Blossom 1oz perfume (30 pieces left, the fragrance is discontinued in the States).
Future Launches for March inlcude Vega, Baby Guerlain, Room Scents, Candles & Guest Soaps. Call (212) 872-2734 for prices and ordering information. Attrape-Coeur and Metalys are not included among the fragrances available. (from BG email notification)
marchlion: I am trying to figure out how to get P to spring for the Violette so I can have a decant, but when she found out the price she said no way. I mean, I deserve it, right?!?!? I just don’t want to pay for it. February 2, 2006 at 7:41am
violetnoir: Ugh! All of these incredible Guerlains, and they hardly have any of them available at BG. What a disappointment!
Hugs! February 2, 2006 at 11:25am
BoisdeJasmin: March, that is funny. Yes, you absolutely deserve it! February 2, 2006 at 12:21pm
BoisdeJasmin: R, I hope that your Attrape-Coeur arrived already. I am a bit disappointed that they will not have Derby. February 2, 2006 at 12:21pm
violetnoir: Indeed it finally did last Friday, V! Samples included Philtre D’amour, which is very, very pretty! Why can’t Guerlain send that and Derby and AC over here?? :(:(
Hugs! February 2, 2006 at 4:07pm
BoisdeJasmin: R, I am also disappointed. I am glad to hear that it arrived and that the samples were included as well. My friend ordered 7 bottles from them and got 0 samples. Thankfully, when I purchased through Francoise, I received plenty of samples, including La Voilette de Madame! So, next time, I will order from her only. February 2, 2006 at 7:05pm
marchlion: Wait a darn minute, V — have I been mis-reading this the whole time as Violette (violet) and it’s Voilette? (which is… what, anyway?) I feel like such a yokel… but you got a sample?!?! What’s a $1300 perfume smell like, anyway? (A $200 perfume in a $1100 bottle?) C’mon, give me a hint. February 2, 2006 at 9:28pm
BoisdeJasmin: March, it is hardly your fault! In my email, Bergdorf spelled it as La Violette de Madame, which is clearly wrong, since I have seen the bottle and the label on my sample. The lovely Francoise gave me two of these samples, and I sent one of them to a friend who actually did not care for it at all. I think that it is beautiful–opulent and narcotic narcissus resting in the woody iris haze. Mind you, I would not spend $1300 on it, even if I had this money. I do not collect expensive bottles. On the other hand, I shall keep my fingers crossed that it shall be released in a regular bottle at some point in the future. February 2, 2006 at 9:53pm
violetnoir: Boisdejasmin to Guerlain…Did you hear V’s request? Over.
Wouldn’t it be grand if they did decide to market MdViolette in a regular bee bottle? I would love to try that one. (In the future, don’t forget that I am a huge Guerlain fan, too. Hint, hint, lol!) While Guerlain did include a sample of Philtre de Amour and Voile d’ete (I can’t spell its updated name, sorry), the other two samples were Purple Fantasy and Liu. Ugh! I will definitely contact Francoise for all future orders.
Hugs, darling! February 3, 2006 at 1:12pm
BoisdeJasmin: R, La Voilette de Madame should come in a regular bottle. It is a lovely fragrance. Of course, I very highly recommend Francoise. There are other very nice SAs at that store, but she is the one I had a very good experience with. February 4, 2006 at 4:46pm