Candide Effluve Guerlain : From the Archives

Guerlain lovers will have a chance to glimpse further into the archives of this venerable house by experiencing the reissue of Candide Effluve (True Redolence), a fragrance originally created by Jacques Guerlain in 1922. It was intended to connote the touch and presence of a young woman. Presented in the vintage smoked glass Baccarat flacon, the production of which dates from the 1933, Candide Effluve will be released as a limited edition of 97 pieces. 75ml extrait will be priced at 2000 euros/2860 USD. The fragrance is a classical Guerlain, floral-oriental with a lush spicy touch.

Now, I only hope that Guerlain will delight us next with Bouquet de Faunes, a truly magnificent fragrance. It is the sensation of darkness turned into the scent.


  • Archived under: News


  • Robin: I will not have the chance to glimpse anything unless you have about $2800 you can lend me. $60 is about all I can come up with on my own. And I suppose I’ll need a bit more to fly to Paris before the 97 bottles are gone, right?

    j/k, sort of, and nice to see you online today 🙂 July 4, 2007 at 12:01pm Reply

  • BoisdeJasmin: Yes, I will not be glimpsing anything either for that price, but I already have a vintage bottle from the 1930s, so that is fine with me. On the other hand, I know a few collectors who were waiting to place orders for this bottle. We will wait for their thoughts.

    The last perfume I bought was Frederic Malle French Lover. And even that was perhaps superfluous. When will I get a chance to wear it! July 4, 2007 at 12:08pm Reply

  • Dmitri aka Flacon007: Dear Victoria, nice to see your review again. Interesting news on this rare scent of Guerlain. But again the price will be an obstacle for many of us, I am afraid. Thanks to Ezhinka I recently tried Bouquet de Faunes, which at first impression showed a lot of leather, but after several weeks turned to be a sweet and very animalistic scent.
    Let me use this comment as a chance once again to thank you for wonderful samples and fragrance materials that you’ve sent me. Most of them I described in my lj. July 4, 2007 at 3:04pm Reply

  • Marina: Both sounds wonderful, but, mamma mia, the price! 🙂 “The sensation of darkness turned into the scent”…I’ll just pretend I did not read this. July 4, 2007 at 6:01pm Reply

  • Flora: Ohhh…Bouquet de Faunes..your description makes me weak in the knees. Not another unattainable one!?!? July 5, 2007 at 3:26am Reply

  • katia: Happy to heard from you again !
    Regards July 5, 2007 at 6:37am Reply

  • Judith: Wonderful to “see” you again. I hope I will get a chance to smell these in Paris. I am going with the Sniffa and, among other things, we have an appointment at the Osmotheque. Can’t wait!! July 5, 2007 at 8:12am Reply

  • violetnoir: Hello, darling V! It’s so good to “see” you.

    I wish I could be as delighted about the Guerlain re-issue. It’s way out of my price range. Maybe at least I will get to see the bottle and sniff it, lol!

    Hugs! July 5, 2007 at 1:07pm Reply

  • Karin: I agree that this is not accessible to the normal person or the average perfumista. I would, however, love to smell it. I’ve heard good things about the Faunes too. We can only hope. But at those prices, how will we get the chance to experience them. July 5, 2007 at 11:47am Reply

  • Jeannemarie: Unattainable = Desirable July 11, 2007 at 9:09pm Reply

  • Style Spy: Hi V, nice to see you!

    Oh, they sound wonderful, but I’m starting to get a little resentful about these prices. But. I will be in Pris this fall and you can bet I’ll have my hungry little nose pressed up against these bottles, sniffing away… July 14, 2007 at 10:47am Reply

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