Recommend Me a Perfume : March

This week, we have our “Recommend Me a Perfume” thread. You can use this space to ask any questions about perfume, including fragrance recommendations. If you’ve asked for a recommendation before, we would love to hear how your search went and what you’ve discovered. Bois de Jasmin will be back to its regular schedule on April 6th.


How does it work: 1. Please post your requests or questions as comments here. You can also use this space to ask any fragrance related questions. To receive recommendations that are better tailored to your tastes, you can include details on what you like and don’t like, your signature perfumes, and your budget. And please let us know what you end up sampling. 2. Then please check the thread to see if there are other requests you can answer. Your responses are really valuable for navigating the big and sometimes confusing world of perfume, so let’s help each other!

To make this thread easier to read, when you reply to someone, please click on the blue “reply” link under their comment.

Photography by Bois de Jasmin, snowdrops



  • Fiona: Marni, what a glorious scent! I have only recently discovered this gem. It has been a very long time since I have found a scent that I just can’t stop thinking about. I have not purchased a bottle because its lack of longevity is a worry. When I sampled it, it had completely disappeared within 2 hours of application. This is a bit of a deal breaker for me.

    I have heard that it layers extremely well with its sister Marni Rose which increases the overall longevity. Has anyone tried this?

    If not Marni, is there another similar perfume with more presence, keeping in mind that where I live niche perfumes are not readily available? March 30, 2015 at 7:23am Reply

    • Elena: I say this with the caveat that it might not be super easy to find/sample, but I also love Marni, also found it fleeting (though I did buy a small bottle on eBay for not too much money), and I LOVE Rose Cut by Ann Gerard. I think it really might be a great choice for you. It’s got a similar warmth to it, and is not an “old fashioned” rose by any means. You can sample it through LuckyScent. March 30, 2015 at 12:04pm Reply

      • Fiona: Thank you for the suggestion Elena. I am going to try and get my hands on a sample of Rose Cut and if I like it I will have to wait till my next overseas trip before purchasing a bottle (the taxes on importing fragrance into my country are exorbitant). March 31, 2015 at 4:50am Reply

    • Elisa: I love Marni too and also find it fleeting. Try Smell Bent Bollywood or Bust. It’s niche-y, but available online and very affordable. It’s a similar spicy woody rose but with a little more oomph. March 30, 2015 at 1:07pm Reply

    • Priscilla: Have you tried Rose Anonyme? I’ve had good luck with the longevity on this one. March 30, 2015 at 11:53pm Reply

      • Fiona: I have just done a quick search online and this fragrance sounds intriguing and something I may like since it sounds like it has some interesting masculine traits. I will try and get a sample of this as well. Thank you very much I will be sure to let you know how it goes. March 31, 2015 at 4:57am Reply

        • Michelle Peek: Rose Anonyme is beautiful and it lasts an incredibly long time. November 23, 2015 at 12:30am Reply

    • Delacey Tedesco: I love Marni, but also find the longevity an issue. But, I tried layering it with an inexpensive rose-scented body oil, and it works like a charm. All the lovely spicy pepper of the opening is still there, but the rose oil keeps the whole thing going for hours and hours. It’s made me so happy! March 31, 2015 at 5:07pm Reply

      • Fiona: I’m going to get my hands on another sample so I can try this trick. Thank you for the suggestion. April 1, 2015 at 2:08am Reply

    • Sarah: A few longer-lasting woody roses:

      Frederic Malle – Portrait of a Lady. This has the incense, the spice, the woodiness and the rose. And is a monster. I find it lasts for 12 hours or more.

      Eau d’Italie – Paestum Rose. A bit of a PoaL-light, this one has the woody rose as well. April 5, 2015 at 8:11pm Reply

  • Vanie: Hi everyone!

    I’m planning to purchase Tauer’s discovery set. Which 5 scents do you think I should get? What are your favourites? The ones everyone should try? March 30, 2015 at 8:13am Reply

    • Austenfan: My favourites are Le Maroc Pour Elle, Une Rose Chyprée and Lonestar Memories. I’ve always found Carillon pour un Ange rather puzzling but it has it’s fans. If you are at all interested in rose scents both Incense Extrême and Incense Rose have a lot of fans. Une Rose Vermeille is a fruity, creamy rose. I love the drydown of that particular fragrance but am less fond of the top notes.
      Generally L’Air du Désert Marocain is considered his best. I happen not to like it, so I find it hard to recommend it. It got 5 stars in the Guide. March 30, 2015 at 9:37am Reply

      • Sarah: I love Carrillon pour un Ange – it reminds me of vintage Givenchy Le De. Earthy lily of the valley. It’s not an everyday scent, but it does have its moments. April 5, 2015 at 8:12pm Reply

    • Elisa: My favorites are Une Rose Chypree, Incense Rose and L’Air du Desert Morocain. Good luck! March 30, 2015 at 1:08pm Reply

    • Theresa: I have samples of almost all his scents – I really appreciate his philosophy and aesthetic. My favorites are LDDM, (have full bottle), Rose Chypree, Verdant (WANT full bottle!), Rose Vermeille and Noontide Petals. Good luck! March 30, 2015 at 2:56pm Reply

    • Vanie: Thanks for the recommendations everyone! March 30, 2015 at 8:18pm Reply

    • Christy: My favorites are Phi, Incense Rose, and Carillon Pour un Ange April 1, 2015 at 1:45pm Reply

    • Reg: In my opinion, the strong Tauers are Une Rose Chypree and L’Air du Desert Marocain, but it was interesting to try Vetiver Dance, Le Maroc pour Elle and Zeta as well. Sotto La Luna and Orange Star are truly gruesome. You will either love or hate the scents and it could be a wholly different experience for you. It really depends on what you like. One thing is for certain with any set you order, it will never be a boring experience. I still consider Rose Chypree a must 🙂 April 3, 2015 at 9:45am Reply

    • Annette: Hi Vannie, maybe I am too late and you have already ordered your set (in which case please let us know what you think!), but I have been known round here as a Tauer fan:), so I couldn’t resist throwing in my two cents.
      My absolute favourites are: Incense Extreme, Incense Rose, Noontide Petals and Sotto la Luna. I can’t stand Verdant and Eau d’Epices (sorry, Andy!). Vetiver Dance and Reverie au Jardin leave me indifferent.
      It’s all subjective, of course. I would suggest ordering his classics, like LDDM or Incense Extreme or Une Rose Chypree. But whatever you order you are in for an adventure. Andy’s creations are unique. Have fun! April 3, 2015 at 12:16pm Reply

  • Sandra: Good Morning!
    Coming off a fab weekend of celebration. One year older but feeling 5 years younger..hahaha

    I really love Fate Woman-would love to know if anyone could recommend something similar that is half or a quarter of the price? March 30, 2015 at 8:19am Reply

    • angeldiva: Happy belated Birthday, Sandra! March 30, 2015 at 3:24pm Reply

      • sandra: Thank you! My first birthday as a mom as well! March 30, 2015 at 4:23pm Reply

    • Hamamelis: Happy birthday Sandra, have you checked what fragrancesoftheworld suggest as alternatives for Fate? They always list 3 (if you did not check it). March 31, 2015 at 9:25am Reply

      • Sandra: I will check! March 31, 2015 at 12:08pm Reply

        • Sandra: I don’t have that book unfortunately~ March 31, 2015 at 12:12pm Reply

          • Hamamelis: Sandra, it is a website:
            There is a button called fragrance finder. You choose male or female, and then there you look for your perfume (alphabetical). For Fate Woman it will give 3 similar ones. If you can’t find it I will look it up for you. March 31, 2015 at 12:32pm Reply

  • Vanie: Just thought of something else I wanted to ask: those of you who have tried Misia, does it smell like Chanel’s lipsticks, especially the Rouge Coco Shine line? I believe they put Rose oil in them, don’t they? March 30, 2015 at 8:35am Reply

    • Annikky: So, I’m sitting here with my Rouge Coco Shine in Confident and a sample of Misia, for science. To my nose, they don’t smell quite the same, but there’s definitely an affinity there, especially when I compare the lipstick and the very top notes of Misia. The scent of the perfume is of course much more intense than the one of the lipstick, so I have to admit that at this point of the experiment I can hardly smell the lipstick at all… March 30, 2015 at 9:29am Reply

      • Vanie: Thanks! It’s helpful! March 30, 2015 at 10:22am Reply

        • Karen: I will agree with Annikky. I’m (somewhat) embarrassed at the number of Chanel lipsticks I have, but their quality just keeps me going back. For me, the fragrance in the lipsticks is more fleeting and nothing that is more than a whisper. Misia, however, is gorgeousness in a bottle. March 30, 2015 at 1:44pm Reply

          • Vanie: Don’t be embarrassed! We all deserve some luxury! March 30, 2015 at 8:19pm Reply

  • Patricia: I have the happy job of helping my daughter find a wedding fragrance for her October wedding in the US midwest. I have been collecting little vials of orange blossom/assorted florals for her to try when she visits in May.

    She likes understated and classic florals, and her signature scent has been Bvlgari Omnia Crystalline for many years.

    Can you help me find a wedding fragrance for her? Thank you! March 30, 2015 at 8:47am Reply

    • Sandra: My wedding fragrance was Beige.
      I know it sounds cheezy but Beautiful by EL is a great wedding fragrance and so is there private collection. Would be pretty for a fall wedding March 30, 2015 at 9:08am Reply

      • Patricia: Hi Sandra, I may have a sample of Beige and I know I have one of Private Collection. Into the box they go! I must admit I’ve never tried Beautiful, but I’ve heard good things, so I’ll get a sample next time I’m at the EL counter. Thanks so much for your thoughtful recommendations. 🙂 March 30, 2015 at 10:30am Reply

    • Mara: Dear Patricia,
      Congratulations for your daughter’s forthcoming wedding!

      Some ideas for fragrance, based on what you mentioned in your short note:
      *”Seville A L’Aube” by L’Artisan Parfumeur
      *”Noa” by Cacharel
      *”Escale A Portofino” by Christian Dior
      *”Fracas” by Robert Piguet

      All the best for you, your daughter and all your loved ones! March 30, 2015 at 9:23am Reply

      • Cornelia Blimber: Hi Patricia! Congratulations1
        Understated, classic floral…what about the new version of Ivoire? March 30, 2015 at 9:30am Reply

        • Patricia: Hi Cornelia, and thank you! I only have the vintage Ivoire. Is the new version much different? March 30, 2015 at 10:41am Reply

          • Cornelia Blimber: Oh yes, there is big difference! The vintage (one of my favourites!) has a bitter note of artemisia, and the new one is very youthful, lovely, flowery. March 30, 2015 at 11:02am Reply

            • Patricia: My mother wore the original Ivoire, so it would be fitting if my daughter chose the new version. 🙂 It sounds beautiiful and right up her alley. March 30, 2015 at 11:08am Reply

              • Courant: The new Ivoire is youthful but I wear it anyway. A very nice suggestion. My daughter wore Tom Ford’s Champaca Absolute because she wanted something nobody else would be wearing. There is something quite individual about the Michelia genus of fragrances. Im pleased she chose it. As Mother of the Bride, down the pecking order, I wore Jasmine White Moss Private Collection EL. March 30, 2015 at 3:43pm Reply

                • Patricia: Oh, nice choices, Courant! My daughter probably won’t want something that everyone wears (therefore most likely niche), but I wouldn’t call her especially adventuresome when it comes to perfume. March 30, 2015 at 4:32pm Reply

      • Patricia: Thank you, Mara! These are great suggestions. The only one I’m not familiar with is Escale a Portofino. I will get a sample to add to her box. Right now I am using a small but pretty cardboard box, but maybe I should buy something special? March 30, 2015 at 10:40am Reply

    • Becky: La Chasse au Papillion has always seemed very wedding-y to me.

      Beige is a good suggestion. March 30, 2015 at 9:35am Reply

      • Patricia: La Chasse au Papillion is a great idea! I’ll get a sample, as I don’t think I have one in my stash. March 30, 2015 at 10:42am Reply

        • Patricia: Found one! 🙂 March 30, 2015 at 4:33pm Reply

    • limegreen: Congratulations, Patricia! What a fun, fun, fun thing to do with your daughter, more fun than most wedding prep stuff. 🙂
      (and thanks for getting me to try Safran Troublant, so yummy)
      How about Illuminum White Gardenia? Kidding!!!!!

      I have become intrigued with Au Pays de la Fleur d’Oranger Violette Sacree. It’s understated but interesting, more than just violets (orange blossom, rose, jasmine, lily-of-the-valley), and without the typical powdery violet.

      You may already have this as a sample for her: Bottega Venuta Knot? (I like Jo Loves Orange Tulle better for this kind of orange blossom fragrance, but JL is hard to get in the US.)

      Maybe she could layer with a gorgeous fragranced body creme (the wedding dress will smell fragrant all day) and spritz on her wedding choice perfume. (I like the quality of Jo Malone body cremes and oils, and the Malle body butters. Some of the Bond no. 9 body cremes are nice and more understated than the perfumes — Central Park South is a nice floral. March 30, 2015 at 9:39am Reply

      • Patricia: You are just full of great suggestions, limegreen! I especially like the idea of layering a perfume over body creme. Yum!

        I have a sample of Knot, but haven’t put it aside for her. I will do that! I don’t know Au Pays de la Fleur d’Oranger but will order a sample to add to the box. Thanks so much! March 30, 2015 at 10:48am Reply

    • Aurora: What fun, I’m sure it will be a beautiful wedding, such nice time of the year in the Midwest.

      All the above are good suggestions: I will add Cristalle by Chanel and No 5 Eau Premiere, both somehow evoque weddings to me. March 30, 2015 at 9:45am Reply

      • Patricia: I have some Cristalle she can try, but No. 5 Eau Premiere is off limits, as the mother of the bride has already called dibs on it! 😉

        Thanks for your suggestions! March 30, 2015 at 10:49am Reply

        • Sarah: I love Chanel 22. I think it’s ideal for weddings, and it’s what I wore back in the day. I also like, if you can find it, Plus que jamais by Guerlain. April 3, 2015 at 6:41pm Reply

    • Austenfan: I know I sound like a broken record on this one but to me Amouage Gold is the best classic floral. It has much more presence than OC but it isn’t huge like Fracas. The original Nina by Nina Ricci might be good as well, but she would have to look on ebay for that one. People often sell minis of it so it might be feasible to get a small amount for a reasonable price.
      I’m sure you have added some Goutals to the mix but wouldn’t Grand Amour be a great one to try? Not as lush as Songes but depending on concentration it has presence but not overly so. I’m one of the few fans of Un Matin d’Orage which she might like as well. No orange blossom but very lovely, and dewy.
      I hate to recommend really expensive ones but La Promesse de l’Aube is a beautiful, complex, floral fragrance with a lot of white flowers and according to some including orange blossom. The reason I’m recommending it is that it has quite a gentle presence plus MDCI has a very generous sampling program so she could get hold of some 7 mls. of this one and 4 others for a very reasonable amount of money.

      I’m sure some of the Chanels will do as well, but as I’ve not been really smitten with any of the Exclusifs I find it hard to recommend them.

      Has she tried Bvlgari Pour Femme? Just a bit more oomph than OC, but not overly so.

      You must be thrilled to bits that she is getting married. Have you decide on your own fragrance yet? March 30, 2015 at 9:49am Reply

      • Patricia: Thanks so much, austenfan, for all your thoughtful recommendations! I will get samples of Amouage Gold and the two Goutals. Luckily I already have the 7 ml. of Promesse de l’Aube (so beautiful!) and own a bottle of Bvlgari Pour Femme so can make a sample from that one.

        See my reply above to Aurora for my selection 🙂 . March 30, 2015 at 10:56am Reply

        • Austenfan: I am glad to see another Promesse fan. I remember smelling it for the first time so vividly, it nearly brought tears to my eyes. I got a bottle last year, discounted no less! March 30, 2015 at 11:02am Reply

          • Patricia: Wow! I love those discounted finds. I’m going to gift a full bottle of my daughter’s final selection so she’ll always have it.

            BTW, I didn’t mention this before, but my future son-in-law is very interested in this process and wants to be involved in the final choice. 🙂 March 30, 2015 at 11:12am Reply

            • Austenfan: Oh, that’s great. Will he wear perfume himself? I love your choice of Eau Première by the way. It seems such a great choice for a day full of joy. March 30, 2015 at 11:17am Reply

              • Patricia: I give him samples, which he is very polite about, but I don’t know whether or not he wears them! March 30, 2015 at 11:26am Reply

            • Hamamelis: I am sure we are all very keen to give fragrant suggestions for him too! But then we may have to know a little more about his preferences in fragrance (and what your daughter likes on him!) March 30, 2015 at 11:19am Reply

              • Patricia: I think I’ll let them figure that one out together! 🙂 March 30, 2015 at 11:28am Reply

                • Hamamelis: A wise mother (in law)! March 30, 2015 at 11:37am Reply

      • limegreen: Love the symbolism of Grand Amour! (tie it with “Knot”)
        Patricia — don’t you have a huge wardrobe? Your daughter could be lost for days going through your collection! 🙂
        I second the request to have you write about your process and the choice! March 30, 2015 at 5:21pm Reply

        • Patricia: When in town my daughter loves to “shop” my collection, and I make decants of what she wants to take with her. 🙂

          I think I’d enjoy writing about this process; it’s so near and dear to my heart. March 31, 2015 at 5:39pm Reply

          • limegreen: And the piece would be a beautiful record for her wedding memories. Of course with all of us eager BdJ readers, it won’t be an exclusive memory! 🙂
            What a nice mom you are! I guess this is how you know what her tastes are. (Still remembering your organized and huge collection with admiration!) March 31, 2015 at 5:52pm Reply

      • Sandra: I second Amouage Gold..for the fall it would be lovely March 31, 2015 at 12:09pm Reply

        • Patricia: Thanks, Sandra. I thought I had a sample of this, but I must have used it up. I like the idea of a fragrance that isn’t necessarily “bridal” in the traditional sense of the word. March 31, 2015 at 5:41pm Reply

      • angeldiva: No broken records here, on BDJ!
        🙂 March 31, 2015 at 10:02pm Reply

    • Heather H: Dear Patricia,

      Congratulations! My recommendation would be Houbigant’s Orange Flowers. I also second Beige parfum. March 30, 2015 at 9:55am Reply

      • Patricia: Thanks, Heather! I think I already have a vial of Orange Flowers in the box, but I will double check since it is so beautiful and would be perfect for a bride. March 30, 2015 at 10:58am Reply

      • Caroline: Orangers en Fleurs is my suggestion too. Also, Patricia, how about lending your Iris Nobile edt? March 30, 2015 at 3:36pm Reply

        • Patricia: Oh, yes. I certainly have plenty since I bought a back-up bottle! She may prefer the EDP, though. I’ll send her both. Thanks! March 30, 2015 at 4:42pm Reply

          • Areej: Hello patricia,

            I would recommend Elie Saab Le Parfum or its intense version. White floral honeyed patchouli, it is really beautiful for a bride. Another one I would suggest is Amyris pour femme by Maison Francis Kurkdjian. Hope this helps! April 2, 2015 at 1:01am Reply

            • Patricia: These are great suggestions, Areej! Thanks 🙂 April 2, 2015 at 9:45am Reply

    • briony hey: I second Seville a l’aube. I think it would make a beautiful wedding fragrance. Also how about Estee Lauder’s Tuberose Gardenia? Or Elie Saab? March 30, 2015 at 9:57am Reply

      • Patricia: Hi briony! I love Seville a l’Aube and agree that it would be a beautiful wedding fragrance. Also Tuberose Gardenia. I don’t know Elie Saab so will get a sample of that one. Thanks! March 30, 2015 at 11:01am Reply

    • Hamamelis: Dear Patricia, lovely question! I second many of the suggestions, the Goutals (Grand Amour, Songes), the Chanels (Eau premiere and Cristalle), EL Tuberose Gardenia, Houbigant Fleurs d’Oranger.
      To add one that hasn’t been suggested: OJ’s Champaca, which has both orange blossom and a fragrant rice note! (as long as it is a wedding custom in the US to throw rice). Champaca is special but not over the top, has a lovely sillage but is not overly present. Will you report back the fragrance of her choice? March 30, 2015 at 10:05am Reply

      • Anne Sheffield: Oh congratulations! I definitely second chanel n 5 eau premiere and would add Jour D Hermès. Somehow it feels weedingscent to me?? March 30, 2015 at 10:38am Reply

        • Patricia: I have Jour d’Hermes and will make a small decant for daughter’s box. Good idea! March 30, 2015 at 11:05am Reply

      • Patricia: Thanks, Hamamelis. I hadn’t thought of Champaca, and I have it in my OJ Discovery Set!

        I will report back with her choice, and may even write an article about it. 🙂 March 30, 2015 at 11:04am Reply

        • Hamamelis: Looking forward already to reading it! March 30, 2015 at 11:15am Reply

    • elisa p: I think FM Iris Poudre is very elegant and good for fall. Also FM L’eau D’Hiver(sounds like it may be similar to Beige, which I haven’t tried). And one of my faves is Prada Infusion d’Iris absolue which I find breathtakingly beautiful and romantic and has a nice vanilla base making it also good for falland is long lasting.
      Congrats! March 30, 2015 at 11:15am Reply

      • Patricia: I have all three of these and will be able to make decants from them (except perhaps for Iris Poudre, as I only have a small decant myself).

        I know my daughter likes the Absolue, as I’ve given her some before. I agree that it would make a great wedding fragrance, though, especially for fall. March 30, 2015 at 11:32am Reply

    • Richpot: Hiram Green’s Moon Bloom would be lovely. March 30, 2015 at 12:06pm Reply

      • Patricia: That’s a nice one, too! And I just got a good-sized decant of it. I’ll add it to the wedding selections box. March 30, 2015 at 1:59pm Reply

        • angeldiva: Hi Patricia,
          A big congratulations to the future Mother Of The Bride 🙂
          1) Good enough for Grace Kelly:
          Creed- Fleurissime
          *I’m wearing this right now, it’s the very essence of bridal,and classic.
          2) Byredo – Bal D’Afrique
          *inspired by the influence of African culture on 1920’s Paris. This is the most transcendent scent, and I believe, worth the price tag. I think this would translate into a very modern bride statement.

          Also, your #5 Premiere is just so absolutely sublime for this joyous occasion. March 30, 2015 at 2:32pm Reply

          • Patricia: Thanks, angeldiva! I will find a sample of Creed Fleurissime to add to the box. I’ve tried Bal D’Afrique, and I think it’s too modern for my daughter’s tastes. The Byredo that I am including is Flowerhead. I really think that one might be a contender.

            I’ve chosen my perfume, but I haven’t even started shopping for a dress! March 30, 2015 at 4:52pm Reply

            • angeldiva: Hi Patricia,
              I got my Byredos mixed up! LOL I really meant to recommend Mojave Ghost !
              Also, I read that on her wedding day Princess Diana wore Houbigant- Quelques Fleurs.
              I’ve never married. Yet. But, when I think of the idea of a bridal wedding day perfume selection- it’s as if that chosen scent becomes almost holy in a way. At least, for myself it would.
              It’s so generous of you to share your Mother Of The Bride joy with all of us!
              Many of us may live across the globe from one another, but I can really feel your happiness for your daughter:)
              The happiest thing I can share about my life lately is that I have been reunited with my true love: long distance swimming! I have found a pool that I like, and although I can’t swim for a mile like I used to three years ago- I did do 14 lengths, and what can I say it’s a start!
              amen March 31, 2015 at 8:32pm Reply

              • Karen: Wow! How terrific! Very impressive – perhaps you are part mermaid! April 1, 2015 at 8:24am Reply

                • angeldiva: Yes, I’m quite sure that my mermaid ancestors would be happy for me. When the documentaries about mermaids were aired here in the US in 2012- I was glued to my TV. They were produced by Mel Gibsons company, and very well done.
                  When they showed the graphic re-creation of the mermaid skull that they had found- I sort of froze. But, in a good way! The ridges running from way above the brows to the back of the top of the head, and the round dent in the top-back location of my head were almost identical.

                  * In the autobiography of Greg Allman – he said this about meeting Cher for the first time:
                  “She smelled like what I imagined a mermaid would smell like…”
                  romantic! April 1, 2015 at 1:03pm Reply

              • Patricia: Thank you for your kind comments, angeldiva! I used to swim a lot when I was a child and adolescent and loved the trance-like zone I’d get into while swimming laps. And the feeling of relaxation after completing a long swim can’t be beat. I’m glad you’ve returned to it. April 2, 2015 at 9:49am Reply

                • angeldiva: 🙂 April 2, 2015 at 5:17pm Reply

    • Theresa: What a fun thing to do with your daughter! Please report on how you carry this out, as it seems like your box of samples is going to be huge. She surely can’t evaluate so many at once – or even in a few sessions – so I’d be curious to hear how the selection process goes. And of course, what the winner is!

      my personal suggestion is Chamade. This scent always makes me smile! March 30, 2015 at 3:05pm Reply

      • Patricia: Thanks, Theresa. She will have to take the box(es!) home with her after her visit in May to sample at leisure.

        Chamade is so beautiful, and I think I have a wee dram tucked away…. March 30, 2015 at 4:55pm Reply

    • Annikky: So many good ones mentioned already, but I don’t think I saw Un Matin d’Orage. March 30, 2015 at 3:21pm Reply

      • Patricia: Yes, I have in on my list (but not in my possession). Also I see that lupo recommends it below. Thank you, Annikky. It must be a real winner! March 30, 2015 at 4:57pm Reply

    • lupo: Congratulations Patricia, my best wishes for your daughter!
      May I offer the opinion of a gentleman? 🙂

      I would suggest APOM pour Femme or Pour Homme, both beautiful wedding scents. It might not be appropriate for a bride to wear a male scent, but APOM pour Homme is a truly great orange blossom perfume and quite a memorable scent. Her husband-to-be will remember it forever 🙂

      In option, Joy Patou, another great wedding scent. Or A la Nuit, probably a little too forward – but another memorable scent, easy on the husband and lasts all day.

      Or maybe Un Matin d’Orage, or another gardenia/magnolia scent?

      Have a great time! March 30, 2015 at 4:11pm Reply

      • Patricia: I’m thrilled to have a man’s opinion, lupo! I will have her try APOM, both versions, A la Nuit, and Un Matin d’Orage. Joy is such a classic, and I believe I have a bit to decant.

        Thank you for your recommendations and for the good wishes. 🙂 March 30, 2015 at 5:06pm Reply

    • Petunia: Congratulations Patricia! So many lovely fragrances have already been recommended but what about Surrender from Surrender To Chance? I believe that Patty had it created specifically with brides in mind, although I haven’t tried it myself. My other thought was Rose De Siwa from MDCI. March 30, 2015 at 5:57pm Reply

      • Patricia: Surrender is a good idea, Petunia. My daughter isn’t a huge fan of rose. Is Rose de Siwa a transparent or a full-bodied rose? March 31, 2015 at 5:43pm Reply

        • Petunia: Hi Patricia, RDS is a rose scent so she may not like it. I ordered a sample set from MDCI and RDS was one that I paticularly liked. IMO, RDS is sheer pink rose petals, litchi, and peony on a bed of woody musk. The base has a hint of cedar and vetiver to balance the sweetness. It may be a tiny bit green. I am fairly new to perfume so not sure of my description. However, Patty White included RDS in a group scent review. I think she described it as pretty and pink. I don’t remember what else she said about it. March 31, 2015 at 6:44pm Reply

          • Petunia: I thought that I would add that the scents that I sampled from MDCI seem to be very much for special occasions. They have an elegance to them. Austenfan mentioned Promesse de l’Aube, which is beautiful too. The main reason I thought of RDS is that I think it is soft and pretty because you mentioned that your daughter is conservative with perfume. March 31, 2015 at 7:10pm Reply

            • Patricia: Hi Petunia, I’m going to check my MDCI box of samples (a generous gift given to me a few years ago by my brother) to see if I have Rose de Siwa. I totally agree with you about the special occasion quality of the MDCI fragrances! April 2, 2015 at 9:52am Reply

              • Reg: MDCI’s Un Coeur en Mai would be a grand wedding fragrance, especially for a Spring wedding. Penhaligon’s Lily of the Valley is a lovely classic scent. If your daughter prefers a more mature iris with a unisex edge I’d highly recommend Iris d’Argent by Keiko Mecheri which is wearable and lovely, yet a tad more interesting. Cristalle always works, just as Balenciaga. April 3, 2015 at 10:06am Reply

    • Karen: Many congratulations! Nothing to add to all the great suggestions, seems that choosing her perfume may be a delightful activity for your daughter! My son is getting married in May and I just had a beautiful afternoon at the ballet with his fiancé. Not sure what perfume she will wear, but she has a good selection to choose from. March 31, 2015 at 6:27am Reply

      • Patricia: Hi Karen, And congratulations to you, too! My daughter seems to be at the age where all her friends, both male and female, are getting married. She seems to be traveling to a wedding at least once a month! March 31, 2015 at 5:45pm Reply

      • angeldiva: Karen,
        Congratulations! Mother Of The Groom!
        🙂 March 31, 2015 at 8:38pm Reply

        • Karen: Thanks! April 1, 2015 at 8:24am Reply

    • Anne-Catherine: Congratulations Patricia and have fun with preparing for the wedding!
      Did you know in ancient Greece the bride wore orange blossom in her hair in the wedding ritus? According to a myth they believed Zeus gave it to Hera.
      For my wedding I have been looking for a florist to make a bouquet of orange blossom. In Ghent somebody could but he Saïd iT was going to be quite rough because of the branches they grow on. I liked that but unfortunately my husband couldn’t manage to get it, So no orange blossom. Instead I wore fleurs d’oranger ( Serge lutens) a whole year after our marriage, a gorgeous scent, powerful but not overwhelming.
      At the wedding day itself I wore feminite du bois, my BFF since it was launched in 1992, because I consider it in a way as my signature scent.
      good luck! March 31, 2015 at 7:00am Reply

      • Patricia: Thank you, Anne-Catherine for sharing the myth behind the tradition of wearing orange blossom for weddings. Fleurs d’Oranger is beautiful, and I will add it to the sample box! March 31, 2015 at 5:49pm Reply

    • Anushia Sreetharan: Hi Patricia. You could try Un Lys by Serge Lutens, its a soliflore of lilies with a nice vanilla dry down. Beautiful! April 1, 2015 at 6:27am Reply

      • Patricia: That sounds yummy, Anushia! I’ll add a sample to her box. (I think I have a wee bit.) April 2, 2015 at 9:55am Reply

    • spe: What time of day and how formal is the wedding? April 1, 2015 at 9:02pm Reply

      • Patricia: It’s at 5:00. My daughter is wearing a long off-white traditional gown, the bridesmaids are in short dresses, and the men in dark suits. The venue is exposed brick and beams and is not overly formal. April 2, 2015 at 9:57am Reply

        • angeldiva: Bridal Sigh…! April 2, 2015 at 5:23pm Reply

    • ElenavL: I wore Chanel 22 for mine. I remembered Victoria’s review saying something in the lines of “if pearls had a smell, they’d have smelled of #22” and I could not settle for anything by this perfect off-white of a smell. April 2, 2015 at 9:10am Reply

      • Patricia: Oh, I love #22, ElenavL. I only have a decant, but can spare some for my daughter. 🙂

        She will be wearing a multi-strand pearl necklace, so #22 might be just perfect! April 2, 2015 at 10:00am Reply

        • ElenavL: Yes, me too! I got a bottle for my wedding 2 years ago and constantly torn between keeping it for special occasions and wearing it more often.

          And I as I have missed the opportunity to congratulate you in my first comment. Congratulations! I have a tiny daughter myself and I cannot even imagine how special and how emotional it is for you to see your daughter get married. Mine is only 18 months so even a thought of letting her out of my side pains me. April 2, 2015 at 11:36am Reply

          • Patricia: And before you know it, it will be happening. 🙂 April 2, 2015 at 6:45pm Reply

            • spe: 1947 new look by Dior, Tiffany in the tall rectangular bottle, 1932 Chanel, Marc Jacobs original. April 4, 2015 at 3:12am Reply

    • Austenfan: I don’t even know whether you are still checking the comments but I thought of 2 more things your daughter might like to try, though they may already have been mentioned, (I didn’t check on all the comments): VCA First and Gardénia Pétale and of course Guerlain’s Après l’Ondée. I hope you do a post on her fragrant discoveries and the end result.

      Is it still customary in the US to have bridesmaids at weddings? I don’t think it happens a lot in the Netherlands. April 7, 2015 at 4:15pm Reply

  • Mara: Dearest All, Happy Spring!
    My recommended perfume for March?
    Hervé Domar’s P e r i d o t:




    Enjoy! March 30, 2015 at 9:14am Reply

    • angeldiva: Mara,
      This sounds DIVINE! I have never heard of this perfumer.
      🙂 March 31, 2015 at 8:40pm Reply

    • NikNik: That sounds lovely. I have never heard of Vegetal Foams. I wonder what that smells like. April 2, 2015 at 11:19pm Reply

  • Becky: Hey everyone! I am looking to explore some perfumes with ylang ylang. I loved Penhaligon’s Amaranthine, but it wound up giving me a headache. What are some of your favorites? March 30, 2015 at 9:31am Reply

    • Annikky: I think Le Labo’s Ylang 49 and Diptyque’s Eau Moheli are both nice. And while not an ylang ylang-fragrance as such, there is quite a lot of it in Ormonde Jayne Tiare, which is a lovely perfume. March 30, 2015 at 9:48am Reply

      • Reg: Le Labo’s Ylang 49 is indeed a great fragrance. An Ylang with attitude! April 3, 2015 at 10:13am Reply

    • briony hey: Have you tried Artisan Parfumeur’s Nuit de Tubereuse or Amouage’s Lyric Woman? They both have ylang in. I love them but if you found Amaranthine a bit strong you might think they’re a bit over the top. March 30, 2015 at 9:52am Reply

    • Austenfan: You may want to try Goutal’s Passion and MPG’s Fleur des Comores as well. March 30, 2015 at 9:56am Reply

      • Cornelia Blimber: My favourite Ylang Ylang: J’Adore. March 30, 2015 at 10:11am Reply

    • Aurora: A scent by Issey Miyake has a very nice ylang note and wouldn’t break the bank.

      Also Estee Lauder Private Collection Amber Ylang Ylang. March 30, 2015 at 10:22am Reply

      • angeldiva: I have never heard of this Estee Lauder perfume before, Aurora! Now, I want to try it!
        🙂 March 31, 2015 at 8:42pm Reply

    • Hamamelis: My favourites are AG Songes (more tiare than ylang-ylang, but very beautiful) and Chanel 5 Eau Premiere, or Chanel 5 Eau de toilette or the parfum version. March 30, 2015 at 11:09am Reply

    • Patricia: I recommend Yosh Ginger Ciao, but in addition to the Ylang-Ylang, it also has a heavy dose of coconut, which you may or may not like. March 30, 2015 at 11:37am Reply

    • Danaki: I like Lush ‘Sikkim Girls’, which has a tropical, oriental-style take on this gorgeous flower. Initially quite jasmine-y, but the ylang shines through the heart all the way towards the end of it. March 30, 2015 at 1:24pm Reply

    • Mariann: I get a strong ylang ylang note from Alahine that I like a lot. March 31, 2015 at 4:20pm Reply

    • AnnieA: I am pretty sure it’s discontinued and that I therefore shouldn’t mention it, but Aqua Allegoria Ylang & Vanille by Guerlain is really pretty. March 31, 2015 at 8:21pm Reply

  • Heather H: I am looking for a beautiful green floral for spring, any suggestions? March 30, 2015 at 9:48am Reply

    • Austenfan: Odalisque, Weekend ( Parfums de Nicolaï) and Début, Parfums Delrae. March 30, 2015 at 9:57am Reply

      • Patricia: Yes, yes, and yes! March 30, 2015 at 11:38am Reply

      • limegreen: thirding all of those by Austenfan. Also DelRae’s Wit!
        And Cristalle Eau Verte is so lovely and refreshing. March 30, 2015 at 5:29pm Reply

    • Tara: Heather, Champaca by Ormonde Jayne is a fantastic green floral with a great rice note. March 30, 2015 at 10:05am Reply

    • briony hey: Have you tried Ormonde Jayne Tiare? That’s a lovely one. March 30, 2015 at 10:05am Reply

      • Cornelia Blimber: I love the green smell of Fidji in the spring! March 30, 2015 at 10:12am Reply

    • Cara: Have you tried Cartier’s Baiser Volé eau de toilette? It’s very green and fizzy with the lightest touch of vanilla. March 30, 2015 at 10:26am Reply

      • Elena: I was just about to suggest Baiser Vole in the EDT! Wearing it today. I don’t get the vanilla, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. To me it’s spring flowers (lilies, etc) in a cut crystal vase as you’re arranging it with the sun streaming through. So light, so radiant, and the stems and water are almost tangible. Very good staying power on me, too. March 30, 2015 at 2:18pm Reply

      • bregje: i second(or third) that! My personal favourite du moment. March 30, 2015 at 8:24pm Reply

    • Hamamelis: I have fallen head over heels for AG Heure Exquise. I am not sure if I will get over this ;-)…a serious love affair! Such a beautiful green floral, with a warm sandelwood drydown. March 30, 2015 at 10:49am Reply

      • Austenfan: I never got over it 😉 March 30, 2015 at 10:56am Reply

        • Hamamelis: A credential to take most seriously 😉 ! March 30, 2015 at 11:11am Reply

      • Heather H: I tried this one at Saks. It’s gorgeous! They only sell 100 ml bottles though. Maybe I should just bite the bullet and purchase! March 30, 2015 at 11:00am Reply

        • Hamamelis: Don’t ask me for sane advice Heather, apparently when you are in love (with perfume or otherwise) your brain behaves as if it is high on cocaine (not that I have that experience or want to)! Go for the 100 ml! And buy a back up bottle 😉 ! Or find the Eau de Toilette on Ebay and buy both the current Eau de Parfum and the Eau de Toilette…. March 30, 2015 at 11:14am Reply

          • Avonne: Hi Hamamelis, lover of Heure Exquise! Me too! My bottle is a few years old EdT. Have you tried the new packaging EdP? And if so, how do they compare? I’m wondering if I need to buy a backup EdT while I can still find it? March 30, 2015 at 1:19pm Reply

            • Theresa: I’m wondering the same thing. I can buy the EDP here in town for $180 (ouch) or the EDT online for around $45. March 30, 2015 at 3:08pm Reply

              • Hamamelis: I would buy the EdT! I don’t think the EdP will be discontinued any time soon, although you never know ofcourse…and the EdT is getting rare. Best of luck for you too! March 30, 2015 at 4:03pm Reply

            • Hamamelis: Dear Avonne. I have both the older EdT, and the new EdP. I love them both, I find the EdP a tad more powdry, but in a good way, I am usually no lover of too much powder. The older EdT, apparently, still has Mysore Sandelwood. I think I can smell that and it is gorgeous. The EdT also lasts longer on my skin than the EdP. I bought 2 back up bottles of the EdT, for a bargain, on fragrancenet, very recently and very cheaply (42 dollar). It is unboxed but in good condition. Ebay offers HE EdT very rarely, so fragrancenet may be your best bet. Best of luck! March 30, 2015 at 4:00pm Reply

              • limegreen: Hamamelis — Can I ask you something unrelated to Heure Exquise? You seem so helpful with prices, I was wondering if you could tell me after your lovely visit to Oman if buying Amouage at the factory in Muscat is much less than what Amouage costs elsewhere, in Europe for example? Do they sell smaller sizes in 10 or 30 ml? It’s a prohibitive investment here in the US. (I love Journey Woman, and I may have the opportunity for a friend to purchase JW for me in Muscat, but I can’t find Oman prices listed anywhere. If you have a general comparison with euros, it would be helpful. This friend does not understand price checking and I would not want to impose any more than I already am with asking him to carry back a bottle!) Thanks for any light you can shed on this question! March 31, 2015 at 12:06pm Reply

                • Hamamelis: Dear Limegreen, the prices in the Amouage factory are equal, if not some times more expensive (than e.g. discounters) than prices in the US or Europe. They do sell the boxes of miniatures, and the travel sets, but those are stocked in good perfumeries in the Netherlands as well (so I suppose also in the US). I also looked at the prices at the duty free on Muscat airport, but they are similar to prices you see here on discounters or on special offers (e.g. Fate Woman 50 ml is offered here for 240,- euro’s). We are lucky that there is a good on line perfumery in Holland that sells Travalo Sprays filled with most Amouages (5 ml, which goes a long way!) for about 15 euro’s. Maybe you can ask your friend to bring you back some Omani incense, if he has little time he can buy that for reasonable prices at the airport, or any souk… March 31, 2015 at 3:09pm Reply

                  • limegreen: H – Thank you for your careful and thoughtful response! No wonder I could not find Omani prices! I won’t trouble my friend (bringing fluids back to the US with all the plane changes through security is not easy) in that case. After one of his trips to Oman, he surprised my husband and me with a frankincense/myrrh package which was greatly appreciated!
                    I still have a bit of my Journey Woman sample left (and an entire Amouage sampler) so I can wait until I win the lottery. 🙂 Thanks again for indulging my question! March 31, 2015 at 5:22pm Reply

                    • angeldiva: Hi Limegreen,
                      I don’t know if you are a fan of Amouage -Goldtone Woman. It’s available in a 3.5 oz. perfume for $170. US
                      There is a 12% off coupon that can be applied to this. Also, no tax or shipping. And if you buy the O Rewards membership (cheap) you will get 5% credit back on your final price. April 4, 2015 at 1:08am

                  • ElenavL: Hi Hamamelis, Would you mind naming the good online perfumery in The Netherlands you are referring to? So far I have only found Skins. Is that the one you mean? April 2, 2015 at 9:55am Reply

                    • Hamamelis: Hi Elena the perfumery is called
                      You can contact them with your request and they have some Travalo sprays ready filled (Epic, Dia). Also other than Amouage fragrance, e.g. Yves Saint Laurent’s Nu, an incense I love. April 2, 2015 at 4:27pm

              • angeldiva: Wowee! That’s a good price! April 1, 2015 at 6:32pm Reply

      • rainboweyes: I’ve been wearing Heure Exquise every day for the last few weeks. It’s such a beauty! March 30, 2015 at 3:09pm Reply

        • Hamamelis: Then we are on the same fragrance frequency Rainboweyes! It is for the first time since falling down the rabbithole that I have been wearing the same perfume for weeks. I really smitten! March 30, 2015 at 4:05pm Reply

        • Hamamelis: Then we are on the same fragrance frequency Rainboweyes! It is for the first time since falling down the rabbithole that I have been wearing the same perfume for weeks. I am really smitten! March 30, 2015 at 4:06pm Reply

          • rainboweyes: I just read your comment about Hiris on Olfactoria’s blog – yes, we are on the same fragrance wavelength! Guess what I’m rotating right now – Hiris and Heure Exquise, my two spring favourites! I think I need to give 28 La Pausa a go soon 😉 I’ve neglected it a bit this year… April 12, 2015 at 12:22pm Reply

            • Hamamelis: Oh Rainboweyes, you have just given me a very good reason to see if I can find a sample of 28 La Pausa, or think of a good reason why I need to visit Amsterdam (the only place in the Netherlands where Les Exclusifs are sold to my knowledge)! I have not smelled it before, but I am very fond of several Chanels.
              Hope spring is as nice for you as it is here for me, Magnolia and Camelia in bloom and bird and frogsong galore! April 12, 2015 at 12:52pm Reply

              • rainboweyes: Chanel’s distribution of the Les Exclusifs in Europe is so frustrating 🙁
                You can’t order anything online and they even won’t send you the scent from the boutique if you prepay it 🙁
                My closest salespoint is Frankfurt (or possibly Luxemburg).
                I think you would like 28 LP, you must give it a try!
                Spring is beautiful here, birds and flowers galore, yes, but still no frogs in our pond!
                I’m sure they’ll be here soon, though. April 12, 2015 at 1:18pm Reply

                • Hamamelis: We are having a bit of a frog overpopulation, and they are ensuring their off spring in a very dedicated manner 😉
                  How interesting to read you live in Europe (Germany or Belgium?), I pictured you in the States or even South America…
                  I am firmly set on finding 28 LP and will let you know my findings. April 12, 2015 at 1:28pm Reply

                  • rainboweyes: Oh, I’m in Germany, quite close to the French border 🙂 April 12, 2015 at 2:31pm Reply

    • Nina Zolotow: I’d like to second the suggestion of L’Heure Exquise. And while you’re at it, try Chanel No. 19 for comparison, as they are very similar. No. 19 is crisper and L’Heure Exquise is a bit warmer and softer. Chanel No. 19 body cream is to die for.

      If you can find vintage Vert Vent, that’s also a good one. I also love the discontinued Vetiver pour Elle from Guerlain, which you might be able to buy a decant of. March 30, 2015 at 11:32am Reply

      • Patricia: Agree on the Chanel No. 19 body cream. It is pure heaven! March 30, 2015 at 11:35am Reply

      • spe: Nina,
        You wrote a list of my favorite fragrances! I wore the VV parfum last night. It is exquisite – both green and soft. Please let me know if you find that quality in any new releases as I’m always on the lookout for that combination – sharp and sassy but also soft and powdery. I smell that in Bas de soie (serge lutens). April 1, 2015 at 2:04pm Reply

    • Lynley: Mito! especially the voile d’extrait. March 30, 2015 at 12:36pm Reply

    • Danaki: I simple one I like is Anais Anais. It’s my go-to green scent for spring! March 30, 2015 at 1:26pm Reply

    • Heather H: Thank you for your suggestions. I can’t wait to try these as soon as I have a free moment! March 30, 2015 at 9:24pm Reply

    • Sarah: I’ve recently fallen in love with Givenchy III – a green, mossy white floral. It’s gorgeous.

      Another green spring floral is Parfum de Nicolai – Le Temps d’une Fete. April 5, 2015 at 8:16pm Reply

  • Hannah: I am very content! This month I bought untitled by MMM and CDG 5. I’d like CDG Champaca and Diorissimo but I will wait until I finish a bottle. Until then I will work on my lingerie collection. March 30, 2015 at 10:02am Reply

    • Cornelia Blimber: This year you can sell red underpants: brings good luck in the Year of the Sheep. March 30, 2015 at 10:15am Reply

  • Justine Jones: I’m going to the Bay Area in May and would like to order some Mandy Aftel samples and/or perfumes. Two questions: I love florals,especially rose and gardenia. I do not like orientals. Which ones should I try?Second,I have never tried solid perfumes. What are the advantages over liquids,if any? March 30, 2015 at 10:09am Reply

    • Nina Zolotow: The Cuir Gardenia is absolutely gorgeous and it includes a real garden essence in it (very rare). It is less a leather than a beautiful floral. So if you love Gardenia, it is a must. (Unfortunately, even though Mandy lives in the Bay Area, you can’t buy her perfumes here in person, except when she has her open house in December.) March 30, 2015 at 11:34am Reply

  • Eva: I love this blog ! Victoria has a such a talent for describing perfume… and I love this community too ! Actually, it is rare to find such a relaxed and knowledgeable atmosphere, both perfume specialists and beginners can feel at ease here.

    I fell into the rabbit hole about a year ago… and I write here to ask for ideas to continue exploring based on what I have liked so far…. (I’m Swedish living in France, excuse my English!). I love this blog because of how the rare talent Victoria has to share her love for perfume, but I consider the comments sections amazing as well! Such a nice atmosphere, very tolerant and sharing.

    I am planning to get a batch of samples – I order from a site in the US and it’s good to group my orders – and I would like help to make a list of ten samples to try, either to continue exploring further what I know or to head off in a different direction… it’s up to you!

    To help you I’ll share some of my perfume history: For at least a couple of years I only used Dune. I haven’t used it now for a couple of years but I got a good price and a FB arrived last week. I still love it! It has something unique and I adore the drydown. Then my husband introduced me to Chanel no 5 in 1997 and I used it almost exclusively for ten years… Now and then I would to try something else, but I always came back with nothing or another bottle of no 5. I do not like sweet gourmand perfumes which pretty much rules out a major part of new launches… I remember having Cinema, Allure and Allure Sensuelle, Coco Noir and enjoying them (Coco Noir in spite of that sweet part), but nothing really compared to no 5. I got the EDP and the extrait – I didn’t really like the extrait at first… I think I found it too soft…. I missed the burst of aldehydes I think!

    Then I started reading about perfume on the internet…. Sort of like learning a whole new language…. I became a bit obsessed and started trying new things but more according to a plan (inspired by reviews). I made a great discovery six months ago: no 19!!! How I love this perfume. Before I never got further than that first green blast and said yikes… it made it’s way straight to my heart and if I had to chose one perfume for the rest of my life, that’s what I take… EDT or EDP, I love both. I also discovered Cristalle…. Often described as cold, but on my skin the heart of is glimmers with a slow heat… beautiful! (EDT)

    Then I got curious of the Chanel Les Exclusifs collection. So curious I ended up ordering a set of samples with all 14 of the (2 ml sprays). I have spent so much time with those samples…. I was initially thinking of asking to have one of them as a gift for Christmas. But which one? La Pausa has this part in the beginning, when the iris warms up, that is just heartbreaking with beauty. But it fades away so fast… should I get a bottle and be able to splash and reapply? Bel Respiro has this green thing that gets me going, but them same problem : doesn’t last… Cuir de Russie seemed so strange to me in the beginning, but it is getting to me… I keep going back. Bois des Iles, different every time I try it… but I keep going back. Jersey, that I at the first sniff took for liquorice, has that spicy drydown that makes me spellbound… I go back again and again. Beige is a beauty but I really don’t care for that honey – too sweet for me (but I admire the construction)… no 22 is supposed to ressemble no 5 but it doesn’t at all to me! It’s elegant but kind of cold to me….

    Then I wanted to learn more about the classic Guerlain perfumes. I ordered samples of Mitsouko, Après l’Ondée, Vetiver pour elle, Shalimar, Jicky, Chamade, l’Heure Bleue, Chant d’aromes, Sous le vent. I would associate Guerlain with perfumes that smelled old lady, too much, soapy… I would try Shalimar and the citrus note was blaring, metallic! I just recently tried the EDP of Shalimar and finally got it! The bergamote was light and airy, then the spices came and it all started humming…. O my good, I have to get this perfume… even though I’m not especially into vanilla (I like vanilla but it feels a bit childish and too easy, often with those awful sugery perfumes). Then I went back to Mitsouko and yeah, I am getting there! Maybe not 100% but I am definitely starting to understand why it is considered great! I also tried on the Sous le vent. It was so beautiful that I started checking where I can buy it… The same thing happened to Coco EDP : before there was something that bothered me with it and now it is just pure bliss of spices….

    So I want to order a new set of samples to continue exploring.
    I am thinking of
    – no 19 extrait (since I love the EDT and the EDP so much)
    – Cristalle EDP (since I love the EDT so much)
    – Jersey extrait (since I love the EDT and Victoria says the extrait is better)
    – Misia just because I have to check it out!
    – Cuir d’Ange (because I am intrigued by Cuir de Russie and I like Bottega Veneta but it’s not really me…)
    – Caron pour un homme (to continue exploring that lavender)
    – Bottega Veneta Knot (because I liked the original one and because I got hooked by the Elie Saab Eau Couture – something about orange blossoms!?)
    – Féminité du bois (inspired by Bois des Iles)

    So, dear fellow perfume lovers, what do you think? Thank you in advance! March 30, 2015 at 10:22am Reply

    • Hamamelis: Dear Eva, lovely to read your comment! And if you read my current infatuation with Heure Exquise (Annick Goutal) a little further up you know what I suggest for you to try, especially because you love no 19 so much. It is wonderful and given your choices I think you would love it too.
      Cuir d’Ange is a lovely perfume, but doesn’t last long on some (it does on me). Maybe Cuir de Lancome? Discontinued but in Europe easily available. I like it very much and it has great longevity. Please report back! March 30, 2015 at 11:25am Reply

      • Cornelia Blimber: Hi Eva! I have to tell you that , sadly, Sous le Vent has been discontinued.
        I think you made a great choice for your samples.
        Reading your comment, I guess you could like some perfumes labelled ”for men”. Maybe not Caron Pour un Homme: it has a touch of vanilla. Maybe Guerlain’s Derby or Héritage, Speaking of lavender: did you try Jicky? Or Gris Clair (Lutens): smokey lavender, ashy, not sweet at all. Or A Taste of Heaven by Kilian (Very expensive!).
        As a lover of outspoken, green perfumes, you might like Scherrer.
        And I think you could find some treasures in the Malle collection. For ex, en Passant, Iris Poudre, Angeliques Sous la Pluie..
        good luck and enjoy!

        Don’t worry about your English…they can even read and understand what I call ”English”! March 30, 2015 at 11:50am Reply

        • Hamamelis: I second Gris Clair for lavender! March 30, 2015 at 11:53am Reply

        • Eva: No more Sous le vent….? Snif.

          I keep taking notes! As you may have understood I haven’t at all been trying any niche perfumes so I am very to get some advice – it is a big world out there! (I have a sample of Jicky – must go back and retry!) March 30, 2015 at 3:32pm Reply

          • Eva: I checked and The Perfumed Court still sells samples of Sous le Vent… March 31, 2015 at 2:37am Reply

            • Cornelia Blimber: Well, buy them, I should say! as many as you can! I am very careful with my bottle, because i never can buy a new one. Guerlain discontinued both Vega and Sous le Vent. March 31, 2015 at 4:23am Reply

        • Eva: After your comment I went to try my Jicky sample again… the first time I said yikes! That is bizarre and nasty… (bizarre = lavender, nasty = civet I think) How can this be considered a classic? That was almost a year ago. Then I tried it again.. not nasty but bizarre… nice dry down. And now… I’m like “hi beautiful! Where have you been all my life?” I can’t believe how different I perceive it… and I tried it again and again and a last time… and now I asked my husband to buy it tax-free since he’s coming back from a trip. I haven’t even tried all the things you all advised me… this is not rational!

          But the combination of bergamot and lavender… and the dry down and yes, I think the civet it what makes it interesting… Whatever, I can’t get it out of my head…. thank you! April 9, 2015 at 3:36pm Reply

        • Eva: Hi Cornelia! I just bought Jicky… you made me go back to that sample…. (I wrote a comment straight under my own first comment about Jicky…). Now I am trying En passant…. when I grew up in Sweden the lilas were a symbol for beginning of summer and beginning of the summer holidays. Many times I would pick fresh lilas in the morning to bring to my teacher on the last day of school before summer… so I know their dewy morning smell… and this is a lila perfection! Gorgeous! Fresh lilas with dew on… but I don’t know if I want to wear it as a perfume though… I will continue using the sample. I also got Angeliques sous la Pluie as a sample. I like the peppery, spicy part a lot! Sort of makes me think of the peppery part of lavender if you see what I mean.. but the smell of the flowers is new to me and I have noticed that I take a lot of time to “process” new smells. Like lavender, it took me a while… so I don’t know if I love it yet! All I know is that there is potential. I have also tried Scherrer… I absolutely love the dry down! But the beginning… feels too old fashioned right now… but I will keep the sample and return to it… And you were right : Caron pour un homme was not my thing, too much vanilla!!! Lovely lavender in the beginning though. thanks for your advice! April 14, 2015 at 11:03am Reply

          • Cornelia Blimber: Hi Eva!
            Your enthousiasm is so refreshing! I can understand why Jicky had to grow on you, it is a very characteristic perfume ( the civet is synthtical, no animal suffering here). But it is a wonderful smell, even in the current version. Enjoy!
            If Scherrer is too much of an old classic, you might like Magie Noire by Lancôme better.

            Many happy discoveries and have a nice spring! April 14, 2015 at 11:25am Reply

      • Eva: Hamamelis, I forgot that one! I have already heard that it is supposed to resemble no 19 – I add it to my list straight away! Cuir de Lancôme – noted! March 30, 2015 at 3:00pm Reply

      • Mariann: Where in Europe do you get it? So far I’ve only see it on a few us sites and I’m keen to get a bottle. March 31, 2015 at 7:23am Reply

        • Mariann: Whoops this should have gone higher up, asking about the Cuir de Lancome. March 31, 2015 at 7:25am Reply

          • Hamamelis: Dear Mariann, I bought mine at a Dutch site, mostly selling discounts: if they don’t send to it where you live I can help out (as long as it is in the EU). March 31, 2015 at 9:22am Reply

            • Mariann: Hamamelis, thank you! My partner has family in the Netherlands, so ordering a bottle and picking it up next time we visit, yippee! 🙂 March 31, 2015 at 3:55pm Reply

      • Eva: I tried Heure Exquise and it was just that : exquise! My first try I got surprised when the beginning was sooo much no 19 that I couldn’t really enjoy it! Like a no 19 gone wrong! But the second time around I was prepared. I sat by the computer and just felt that divine iris wafting around as I moved my hands to write…. lovely lovely and very classy, elegant! Plus my husband really liked it! I am also trying Iris Poudre de Frederic Malle and they have that classy iris in common so I will compare them a bit more before I commit to a FB…. but I already know I will get one, one day or another…. April 14, 2015 at 11:07am Reply

    • Carlisle: I agree with everything you said in your 1st paragraph. (And your English is perfect, too!)
      As for the perfumes you’re considering: each one is worth exploring, but I have a weakness for Cristalle 🙂 March 30, 2015 at 11:32am Reply

      • Eva: My only regret with Cristalle is that my husband does not like it… at all…. !

        I think it works year round but maybe even more for springtime! March 30, 2015 at 3:34pm Reply

    • Annikky: It’s an excellent list and if you can afford it, I’d sample them all and throw some other Serges in there for a good measure. If you like the iris in La Pausa, you might want to try Iris Silver Mist – it can be challenging, but many people adore it, me included. March 30, 2015 at 3:26pm Reply

      • Eva: I’m very curious of Iris Silver Mist since I think I have a thing for iris… but I am a little bit worried that I will find it too cool, too aloof… like La Pausa in the beginning it is a tad cold if you see what I mean. But I have to try it! March 30, 2015 at 3:36pm Reply

        • rainboweyes: That’s what I love about Iris Silver Mist 🙂
          But when you’re looking for a warmer iris, I’d recommend Parfums d’Empire Equistrius. March 30, 2015 at 4:40pm Reply

          • Cornelia Blimber: Iris Silver Mist is one of the most beautiful perfumes in the world. Cool, aloof? yes, maybe. But also earthy in the initial phase. And true to its name: silvery.

            For a warm iris, you could try Dior Homme and Dior Homme Intense. March 30, 2015 at 5:00pm Reply

            • Eva: I have to try Iris Silver Mist, if not for any other reason than to make my own opinion! Dior Homme – interesting! March 31, 2015 at 2:38am Reply

          • Eva: Equistrius, it rings a bell! On the list! March 31, 2015 at 2:39am Reply

            • Cornelia Blimber: Rainboweyes, what do you think of Iris Nazarena? March 31, 2015 at 4:25am Reply

              • Annikky: Another great iris, in my opinion. March 31, 2015 at 6:27am Reply

                • rainboweyes: Yes, definitely, I love it too! I haven’t bought a bottle yet but it’s calling my name 🙂 March 31, 2015 at 6:48am Reply

                  • Anastasia: I also like Iris silver mist, I do find it a very cool aloof Iris. For a more exuberant and outgoing Iris I get that from Insolence (guerlain). I don’t like fruity scents but for some reason Insolence is growing on me, it’s not fruity in a candy kind of way but in a let your hair down and dance the drydown…DIVINE! April 6, 2015 at 8:22pm Reply

    • rainboweyes: Welcome to the BdJ community! Of course you have to try Heure Exquise if you love No. 19. It’s a must!
      Have you tried 31 Rue Cambon from the Exclusif range?
      For a soft leather scent I’d recommend Cuir de Nacré by Ann Gerard. And maybe Vero Profumo Mito Voile d’Extrait for a green perfume? March 30, 2015 at 3:29pm Reply

      • Eva: Thank you, I am a big fan of the community! Thanks for the suggestions! Noted!

        I have a sample of 31 rue Cambon and I just put some on… thing is I don’t remember what it is like and I think that might be the problem… it is nice and polished and … we haven’t clicked? Very refined and soft-spoken! March 30, 2015 at 3:41pm Reply

        • Eva: This is so much fun! I am noting everything but I will have a big problem cutting down to 10 samples like I said. Maybe do one group for now and another for later… March 30, 2015 at 3:46pm Reply

    • limegreen: Dear Eva,
      I agree whole-heartedly with what you said about the BdJ community! And your English is fabulous.
      Have you considered taking the signature scent questionnaire on the Malle Editions de Parfums website? They will make some recommendations, too. It’s sort of fun to take the questionnaire. And you’re in France so it will be easy for you to test the perfumes, or have samples sent to you.
      I love Cristalle, too. The EDP is different than the EDT, sweeter, more peach, still very nice. I like all the Cristalles (EDP, EDT, Eau Verte) for different seasons.
      Have you considered Malle Eau de Magnolia? It’s a gorgeous fragrance, shares some DNA with Cristalle, but longer lasting and different enough that it may pass the husband test. 🙂 March 30, 2015 at 6:37pm Reply

      • Eva: No, I haven’t had the courage to look into niche scents at all… but that sounds fun! And if I can get some samples, even better! And I’ll check out the Eau de Magnolia (I use Cristalle when my husband is not around but I just hope he will “get it” some day…) March 31, 2015 at 2:41am Reply

        • Karen: The quality of Malle’s perfumes is incredible. Don’t have any qualms about trying niche lines – there are many exquisite fragrances! Also, Malle offers 10ml bottles that don’t save money at a per ml cost, but are between $50-$70 (US), so make having some affordable. It’s a way to see if you want to splurge on a full bottle. March 31, 2015 at 6:37am Reply

          • Eva: Great advice, for me it’s 30-36 euros for 10ml plus shipping 9 euros, really interesting. March 31, 2015 at 8:49am Reply

            • limegreen: I agree with Karen — no qualms in trying niche houses! And the Malle SAs are so nice, no pressure at all, and knowledgeable without being overbearing. 🙂
              What you talked about in your post already answers most of the questions in the Malle questionnaire. If you take the questionnaire, when they respond to you via email, you can call up and ask for samples of their recommendations (or whatever you want to try, up to 3, I think) and they just charge you for the shipping/handling. The samples are a good size, in 2 ml, sometimes 3 ml sizes, so I got a good idea of a fragrance. (In the US, there’s no charge for shipping if you order something.)
              The 10 ml sprays are great, I’m so glad they have those now. And it’s a much better deal in France than here, lucky you! March 31, 2015 at 10:17am Reply

              • Karen: It’s funny, because I think there is a slight intimidation factor to try niche fragrances when in reality the opposite has been my experience. Because the quality is so good, sales people are excited to talk about the fragrances and appreciate a new perfumista!

                And if you have a sales person who isn’t helpful or good at explaining something, ask to work with someone else. March 31, 2015 at 3:35pm Reply

        • limegreen: Forgot to mention that the drydown of Bel Respiro is almost identical to Cristalle Eau Verte, and CEV lasts much longer than BR. March 31, 2015 at 6:07pm Reply

    • spe: I think you’ll love Cuir d’ Ange! April 1, 2015 at 2:09pm Reply

    • Eva: Thanks for all your input !
      And please keep adding ideas if you want !
      I wanted to make a (first) command of ten samples with a budget of 100 euros.
      Here is what I will do :

      The following perfumes can be found in a perfume shop close to me (like Sephora) that proposes samples if you ask nicely:
      Guerlain Héritage, Chanel Cristalle Eau Verte, Chanel Cristalle EDP, Dior Homme, Dior Homme Intense, Caron Pour un homme, Serge Lutens Gris Clair, Iris Silver Mist, Portrait d’une femme

      Some perfume houses send samples when you ask nicely (by phone or mail). I will get the following free samples :
      Annick Goutal : l’Heure Exquise (and also samples for Petite Chérie and Vent de Folie ??)
      Parfums d’Empire : Equistrius, Mito and Mito Voile d’Extrait
      Ann Gérard : Cuir de Nacré.
      Hermes : Cuir d’Ange

      I also want a sample Jean-Louis Scherrer but I can’t find samples at the Perfumed Court, nor Surrender to Chance which are the two sample sites I have used so far… so I checked ebay and found a 3.7 ml for 5 euros with shipping… it is on its way !

      I also filled out the questionnary on the Frederic Malle website. They answered and proposed Iris Poudre – same as you did -, Musc Ravageur and Portrait d’un lady. They send three samples for a shipping fee of 17 euros…. So I decided to fourk out 34 euros to get the ones you proposed as well : Eau de Magnolia, En passant and Angéliques sous la Pluie.

      Kilian A taste of heaven was also mentioned. On their site I can order five samples for 15 euros + 10 euros shipping, so after some thought I decided to order A Taste of Heaven, Sacred Wood, Rose Oud, Amber Oud and Love & Tears. I know how expensive they are, I see this more as part of my perfume education and hope I won’t fall in love…

      I called the Serge Lutens shop in Paris. They simply said that Gris Clair, Iris Silver Mist and Féminité du Bois, I can find them at Sephora… so I just order their collection of 34 wax samples from the Exclusif Collection Palais Royal… for 8,50 euros.

      I will order the following samples from Surrender to chance for 43 euros :
      1. Chanel Misia from my own list – I already have samples of all 14 in the les Exclusifs collection so I have to check this one out… maybe a spring scent ?
      2. Cuir de Lancôme
      3. Extrait de Chanel Jersey
      4. Extrait de Chanel no 19

      Which brings me to a grand total of 115,50 euros… but I will get to try 24 perfume samples + 34 Serge Lutens wax samples and 9 perfumes I go to a Sephora for a try and a sample. I will have fun with your advice for weeks to come ! Thanks again ! April 3, 2015 at 10:44am Reply

      • Eva: Correction : three samples from Frederic Malle is 7,50 euros plus tax = 9 euros… they put the wrong amount in my first mail. Mine just arrived and each is 3,5 ml in a spray bottle in a small box. Very nice! Can’t wait to try all six! April 7, 2015 at 4:32am Reply

        • limegreen: Eva — How exciting that you have all these samples to play with for a while! (I nearly fainted when you said that the shipping for the Malle samples was 17 Euros! Glad it was an error. Those are nice sized samples, you will get a good feel for the perfumes. It may be all you need for Portrait of a Lady, a little goes a long way!)
          Let us know next month your sampling results!
          (I just put on En Passant the other day, so lovely for spring.) April 7, 2015 at 6:02pm Reply

  • Cara: Hello everyone!
    I’m looking for a (not too expensive) spring perfume. I tend to gravitate towards slightly more masculine scents (I wear Eau de Cartier most days; I love its crisp refinement), and I tend to look for similar scents. But now I want to try something that’s a little warmer with decent staying power without being too cloying. Thanks so much! March 30, 2015 at 10:23am Reply

    • Elisa: Maybe Pharrell Williams Girl (combination of a masculine cedar note and violet) or Narciso? March 30, 2015 at 1:13pm Reply

      • Annikky: Oh, Girl is a good suggestion – I was very pleasantly surprised by that one. March 30, 2015 at 3:30pm Reply

      • bregje: We are really on the same page today,elisa! I was going to suggest Narciso too 🙂 March 30, 2015 at 8:32pm Reply

    • spe: Eau de magnolia be Frederic malle , madrigore by annick goutal, vetiver by chantecaille. April 4, 2015 at 3:19am Reply

  • Bonnie: I love the smell of oranges and vanilla mixed. Is there any perfume such as this? I am new to the world of scent; I’ve collected so far all the standards but have not wandered off the beaten path so to speak. Would love your suggestions! March 30, 2015 at 10:27am Reply

    • ~Kat: Hi Bonnie!
      I would recommend Organza Indecence…best of luck to you. 🙂 March 30, 2015 at 12:21pm Reply

    • Lynley: Bond No9 Little Italy is a sweet orange. Im not sure if it has vanilla but it does have that mix of sweet and juicy. March 30, 2015 at 12:41pm Reply

      • limegreen: Little Italy does not have vanilla, but it is zesty with clemetines and cilantro! March 30, 2015 at 5:48pm Reply

    • Danaki: Maybe Hermes Eau des Merveilles. There is definitely orange and there is sweetness. I love this scent and would recommend it anyway. Good luck. March 30, 2015 at 1:34pm Reply

    • Aurora: Hello Bonnie: I am not sure whether you are in Europe or the US or elsewhere. In Europe, there is a small niche line Au Pays de la Fleur d’Oranger (already referred to in thread for brides) which is all about orange blossom/Neroli: I love and use their Neroli Blanc which has a very true note of neroli on a sweetish base which must include vanilla.

      Otherwise, in mainstream lines have you already sampled Bottega Veneta Knot, another sweet orange blossom? Or Valentina Acqua Floreale, yet another sweet orange blossom? Or Armani Code? (I like this one very much). Good luck in your search March 30, 2015 at 1:51pm Reply

    • elisa p: BOnnie, Now Smell This(a blog) recently had a piece on “creamsicle” scents. There are some good suggestions there, as well as what another person replied about Atelier cologne layering: orange sanguine and Incensee vanille were a popular combo for that effect. You can get free samples of those from Sephora. March 30, 2015 at 3:17pm Reply

    • limegreen: Smell Bent has a creamsicle/sandalwood scent called Sunshine. They have nice sampler sets. March 30, 2015 at 5:50pm Reply

      • Karen: And Smellbent’s prices are so reasonable. March 31, 2015 at 3:36pm Reply

        • limegreen: Very reasonable! And reading all the names of the fragrances on the Smell Bent website gives me the giggles, great stress relief! March 31, 2015 at 9:42pm Reply

          • Anastasia: limegreen I checked out the website because of you, and the names are killing me!! April 6, 2015 at 8:32pm Reply

            • Anastasia: Hi Bonnie

              Have you tried Atelier Orange Sanguine, its a nice citrusy scent..

              For a softer scent I love Serge Lutens Fleur D’oranger

              Also competoir sud pacific has a scent Vanille Citrus. Ive never smelled it myself but the notes listed seem like what you’re looking for April 6, 2015 at 8:36pm Reply

            • limegreen: 🙂 Anastasia — Worked on stress relief, didn’t it?!
              The credit goes to BdJ reviewer, Andy, who introduced Smell Bent here. (Look up his BdJ review of Commando, it’s great.) April 7, 2015 at 6:15pm Reply

            • limegreen: Andy’s review of “Commando”:
     April 7, 2015 at 6:17pm Reply

              • Anastasia: “Difficult to feel alone wearing this” that’s funny! Thanks for the link!! April 7, 2015 at 7:24pm Reply

    • Tati: Hi Bonnie! Anna Pliska is orange and vanilla heaven. And affordably priced. April 6, 2015 at 4:28pm Reply

    • Kasey: I would like to put in my vote for layering Atelier fragrances. If you’re in the US and would like to try it, Sephora has the vanilla and orange duo in deluxe minis for under $20 USD April 14, 2015 at 1:59am Reply

  • Trudy: I love the Recommend Me posts. So many great suggestions! I agree that Beige would be a beautiful wedding fragrance but then again there are so many others that would as well. Chantecaille Tiare is pretty. Of course orange blossom is a classic wedding fragrance and there are a lot of lovely orange blossom fragrances. I like Jo Malone Orange Blossom Bath Oil which can be used as a body oil. Lately I’ve been wearing the newest Narciso in the white bottle. I got my hands on a sample and debated buying a full bottle but finally decided to go for it. Its very good. I get a lot of compliments and reactions to it…the other day a friend hugged me and said “ooh you smell expensive”! That’s a first! March 30, 2015 at 10:57am Reply

  • Nancy A.: For me when I recently tested Misia a memoir of Chanel 5 was apparent because of the roses. Speaking of Chanel, I’m thinking Spring and the scent of hay or green meadows, violets, roses:
    Chanel 19, Christalle (layered) or individual, Diptiques Eau de Lierre, Eau de Rose, Insensee, Henley’s Amandiere.

    Bonnie, off the top of my head Atelier created individual scents in Vanilla and Orange respectively. You may want to check out their website or Sephora and layering may work for you. March 30, 2015 at 10:58am Reply

  • Daiana: Hello! I have never wear perfume (too lazy) but I am ready to start (finally! I am 24)! I want to smell ladylike.
    I am torn between Jour dHermes absolue, Prada Infusion diris absolue, Tuberose Gardenia and Love, Chloe. Dont have money for all of them. Which one should I try first? March 30, 2015 at 12:33pm Reply

    • Sandra: Welcome to the perfume world!
      How did you chose these scents?
      Personally I love Jour March 30, 2015 at 12:52pm Reply

      • Cornelia Blimber: Difficult choice, all are good perfumes…I would go for the cheapest. March 30, 2015 at 1:04pm Reply

        • Daiana: I thought of going with the cheapest too but most people choosed Jour so I think that would be my first! March 30, 2015 at 3:53pm Reply

      • Daiana: I choosed them based on Victorias ratings, peoples reviews and prices. I want to get a perfume rated 4 starts at least and it must cost less than 200 dollars. Thank you for your answer!! March 30, 2015 at 3:52pm Reply

    • Trudy: All nice selections. I’d say you can’t go wrong with any of these. Personally I’d probably go with Jour d’Hermes. March 30, 2015 at 1:19pm Reply

      • Susan Minnicks: I would too, but they are generous with samples at Hermès so you could ask for both there and layer them, and buy the Prada, their gift sets can be a great deal. March 30, 2015 at 1:49pm Reply

        • Daiana: Im not someone into sampling so much. For me its all or nothing! Thank you for your respond! March 30, 2015 at 3:56pm Reply

          • Cornelia Blimber: haha, I am with you! always want to have 100 ml. March 30, 2015 at 5:05pm Reply

    • Karen: What about getting decants of several? Saves money and since you are new to exploring allows for more exploring! The Perfumed Court and Surrender to Chance do decants in a wide range of sizes. March 30, 2015 at 1:54pm Reply

      • Daiana: Thanks for the info. Does it really saves money? I dont have a trainned nose so I dont think it makes sense exploring. Probably they will all smell good to me. Im planning on buying Jour and once I finish it, see if I feel like repurchising or keep trying for “more” (?). March 30, 2015 at 4:03pm Reply

        • Karen: It does save money in that you may get a full bottle and realize 1/2 way through that it’s no longer love love love. Since you are new to perfumes, part of the fun and pleasure is learning about scents and finding new treats.

          When I first started following BdJ, I was all about Arpege – now looking at my (very crowded!!) perfume tray, I see a huge range of scents, many of which I never would have tried had it not been for sampling. March 31, 2015 at 6:47am Reply

    • Aurora: I agree, they are all nice perfumes and getting samples is a good idea. Use the samples for a while and see which one you go back to most, and make your selection that way. Keep a list, and in a few months you might be able to afford the one you liked second best. Have fun, that’s the most important part. March 30, 2015 at 1:57pm Reply

      • Daiana: Aurora I really like your name! Thanks for replying. March 30, 2015 at 4:05pm Reply

        • Anastasia: Daiana you are very brave to buy without the try! If you don’t want to sample maybe you could spray the top two and see how they wear during the day. I’ve done many blind buys based on reviews that did not sit well on my skin.

          Ive sampled the iris by prada and the love chloe very nice scent but the longevity on my skin is not there. If the Tuberose Gardenia is the one from Estee Lauder, amazing scent and the longevity is good, I’ve never smelled the Jour de Hermes, but I sprayed one of the hermes scents on a card and 2 weeks later it still has the scent on it.

          My vote goes for the Tuberose Gardenia but I agree with the others its a try before you buy April 6, 2015 at 8:47pm Reply

    • angeldiva: Hi Daiana,
      I think Prada Infusion D’Iris smells: sexy, expensive, uplifting, and, a little sophisticated.
      You can get a free sample spray in a little vial at Sephora.

      🙂 March 30, 2015 at 2:20pm Reply

      • Daiana: I dont think I want to smell sexy. I want less Scarlett Johansson more Kate Beckinsale. Thank you for your answer! March 30, 2015 at 4:12pm Reply

        • bregje: Prada and love,chloe are both fragrances Kate Beckinsale would wear,i imagine 😉 March 30, 2015 at 9:03pm Reply

    • bregje: Personally i would not choose tuberose gardenia blind if i were you(i actually did a few years back and did not like it at all.So sample that one first)
      The other ones are quite safe.
      If you want to smell ladylike,i’d choose prada or chloe.
      But i love the brightness of jour! It’s very effervescent 🙂 March 30, 2015 at 9:01pm Reply

      • Daiana: Thank you! Am I the only one who feels bad about making the sales assitant open a bottle for me to sniff and then not buying it? Haha. I guess I wont even buy it (I dont know you but I trust you! LOL). March 31, 2015 at 12:50am Reply

        • Danaki: Most companies provide samples that sales assistants give out for free if you ask them. Especially for Prada or Chloe, as these are available in most department stores. March 31, 2015 at 1:07pm Reply

        • bregje: You are not the only one 😉 .
          It depends on the sales person though.Sometimes they can be so difficult about giving you a sample! As if you’re asking them for gold. March 31, 2015 at 2:42pm Reply

          • angeldiva: LOL March 31, 2015 at 10:09pm Reply

      • limegreen: I agree — Tuberose Gardenia is not a safe blind buy.
        Infusion d’Iris has a powdery drydown that did not work for my skin, so that probably is something to consider if you do not like powder smells. March 31, 2015 at 11:38am Reply

        • bregje: Love,chloe is powdery too. March 31, 2015 at 2:42pm Reply

    • Daiana: What about Molecule 01 by Escentric Molecules? Victoria hasnt talked about it. March 31, 2015 at 12:55am Reply

    • Nina Zolotow: You should try all of them first. The way you’ve written makes me think you haven’t tested all them yet. Just because something gets four stars doesn’t mean you’ll love it or even that it will smell good on you. Sometimes skin chemistry can make a difference. March 31, 2015 at 11:37am Reply

  • Annija: I’m 23 and, after years and years of sweet and flowery fragrances, I’ve finally decided to look for something more mature. So I could use some recommendations.

    I discovered that I actually really like oriental scents. I like Guerlain’s Shalimar, but I don’t want to feel like I’m going to an opera every day. I enjoyed Atelier Cologne’s Ambre Nue from the sample set, but I felt like it was a bit too plain, although a lovely scent overall. Basically, I’d like to find something between.

    I was thinking about Serge Lutens Ambre Sultan, but haven’t had a chance to try it yet.

    I’d like it to be around 100 euros. Please recommend me something 🙂 March 30, 2015 at 2:15pm Reply

    • rainboweyes: If you like Shalimar, maybe you should try Etat Libre d’Orange Fils de Dieu du riz et des argumes? It’s a modern interpretation of Shalimar. Another suggestion would be Lumière Blanche by Olfactive Studio. It’s not a typical oriental but a very cosy soft and spicy scent. March 31, 2015 at 4:25am Reply

      • Annikky: I second both of these and would maybe add Ormonde Jayne Tolu and The Different Company Oriental Lounge, both lighter orientals. What about Coco or Coco Noir? If nothing else, these are easy to sample and don’t cost the earth. March 31, 2015 at 7:33am Reply

    • limegreen: Ambre Sultan has a very strong oregano note, so you should try a sample for a while. Lutens Feminite du Bois is gorgeous and if it works with your skin, it really projects beautifully all day.
      Have you explored the diptyque line? Volutes or Eau Duelle are interesting without being overpowering.
      Have fun with your quest! March 31, 2015 at 10:30am Reply

      • Cornelia Blimber: Shalimar makes you feel like going to the opera…Ambre Sultan could make you feel like going to a church! That said, Ambre Sultan is an excellent, outstanding perfume. it has grandeur. But maybe it is not an easy to wear every day scent.
        What do you think of Opium Eau de Toilette (Eau de parfum is richer, for the winter).
        Or maybe Sublime by Patou.
        One of my personal favourites: Byzance, Rochas (maybe hard to find).
        Enjoy your sniffing! March 31, 2015 at 11:03am Reply

        • Cornelia Blimber: Second Feminite du Bois. March 31, 2015 at 11:04am Reply

        • limegreen: Church! 🙂 March 31, 2015 at 11:41am Reply

          • Anastasia: If you like Shalimar you might like Samsara also by Guerlain, its a very nice scent, also by Estee Lauder Tuscany Per Donna as well as the sensous line (sensuous or sensuos noir). Limegreen is right Ambre Sultan has a very strong oregano scent I loved it on paper and the first time I sprayed it on my wrist but then I got sick of it.

            If you want a kick you in the face and knock out your teeth oriental you might want to try Youth-Dew. good luck in your search! April 6, 2015 at 9:01pm Reply

    • AnnieA: Kenzo Flower Oriental (still at discounters I think) is a gauzy summer oriental. March 31, 2015 at 8:25pm Reply

    • Nina Zolotow: Coromandel by Chanel is a good option. More modern than Shalimar and richer than the Ambre Nue. Very rich and gorgeous. Victoria says it “features notes of jasmine, patchouli, woody notes, amber, benzoin, and frankincense.” It comes in smaller bottles now so is affordable. Another favorite of mine is Tolu by Ormonde Jayne, as mentioned above, which is an intoxicating amber that is less sweet and cloying that most other ambers. A modern classic no one has mentioned is Tauer’s L`Air du Desert Marocain, a dry, spicy, oriental. A really different oriental is Frederic Malle Noir Epices, which is also spicy and dry, and blends really well with the skin. I suggest you take your time and sample a lot of different scents–there are many beautiful orientals out there. April 1, 2015 at 12:22am Reply

    • Karen: I suggested Cartier’s La Pantere to another poster, and will suggest it to you as well. It is sophisticated and similar to Chamade (I ended up wearing both to compare one day then looked up notes which there are some similar ones). The price is very accessible and the bottle is also beautiful!

      It’s a great day time and night time scent. April 1, 2015 at 8:32am Reply

    • Cybele: try Histoire de Parfum Ambre 114 and Dior Bois D’Argent. Other options could be Estee Lauder Sensous and Sensous Noir or Hermes Ambre de Merveille. Hope you find something you like! April 1, 2015 at 1:28pm Reply

  • Recovering Perfectionist: Can anyone recommend a perfume that smells like Yosemite Valley in August? Smoke, woods, sun-warmed stone & pine needles, fresh air? Thanks! March 30, 2015 at 2:27pm Reply

    • angeldiva: Hi,
      It sounds like the handmade scents from the company JUNIPER RIDGE may offer something for you.
      I’m on a similar search: Can anyone recommend a scent that smells like the mountains (more sweet greens than wood) in Great Britain?
      thanks! March 30, 2015 at 2:44pm Reply

      • Annikky: Have you tried the Juniper Ridge scents? I’ve been intrigued by these for some time. And for the British mountains – I’m sure you’ve already tried it, but what about Ormonde Jayne Woman? Too woody? March 30, 2015 at 3:34pm Reply

        • angeldiva: Hi Annicky,
          I’ve come close! Topanga Canyon sold out- that’s the story with these scents. Then there was some interest in others, but they contain mushroom (I’m allergic…)
          Overall, the camping plus distilling in a search and concur scent mission seems like just the right company for Recovering Perfectionist.
          No, I’ve never tried Ormande Jayne Woman! I read the references here countless times, and recently read about the company on their website. I don’t get around to the A list department stores, and don’t have a niche perfume shop nearby. But, this is going on a list believe me.
          Thanks! March 30, 2015 at 3:55pm Reply

          • angeldiva: *** If anyone would like to trade a decant of Ormonde Jayne Woman for a full bottle of Carven Ma Griffe- let me know, OK?
            Inside the US would be easier.
            🙂 March 30, 2015 at 4:00pm Reply

            • Hamamelis: Angeldiva, I would be happy to send you the 10 ml travelspray of OJ Woman, no need for Ma Griffe in return. But…I am not sure about the European – US postal regulations, I will check with our postoffice and let you know here in this thread! March 30, 2015 at 4:11pm Reply

              • angeldiva: Oh, this really makes my day! I have some Oriza Le Grand samples you may enjoy as well, and of course, I can pay shipping.
                Thank-you so much for this kind gesture!
                🙂 March 30, 2015 at 6:58pm Reply

                • Hamamelis: I will let you know once I know about the postal regulations! If that doesn’t work out I am sure we will find a way to get Woman to you. March 31, 2015 at 3:14am Reply

                  • limegreen: H – make sure they post it ground shipping only (they will need to tell the Post Office they are mailing perfume and that it is less than 1 oz.) March 31, 2015 at 11:55am Reply

                • Hamamelis: Dear Angeldiva, after some research it is clear that I can’t send perfume into the US, at least not legally (because of the alcohol). If you leave your email address here, or via Victoria pass it on, I will contact you. I am pretty sure someone within my friends or family will travel to the US in the not too distant future. I could give the package to them and ask them to post it to you. March 31, 2015 at 9:28am Reply

                  • angeldiva: Done! March 31, 2015 at 2:43pm Reply

          • Annikky: Petunia recommends Sonoma Scent Studio below. If you’re in US, definitely give their Forest Walk a try, too. March 31, 2015 at 3:49am Reply

      • Petunia: What about Sonoma Scent Studio based in California? I believe she has woods and incense scents. March 30, 2015 at 6:53pm Reply

        • angeldiva: Hi Annikky, Hi Petunia,
          I exchanged some emails with the owner of Sonoma Scent Studios! I’m going to revisit Forrest Walk. She thought it would be too piney for me. So, that puts is in the running for what Recovering Perfectionist has described!
          you two are good March 31, 2015 at 2:42pm Reply

          • Annikky: I don’t find Forest Walk very piney, but mileage varies, etc. I have just realised that Tom Daxon’s Salvia Sclarea might also work, but could be somewhat difficult to sample. April 1, 2015 at 6:55pm Reply

      • Courant: Try Annick Goutal’s Nuit Etoilee in EDP form. The drydown is significantly iris and amber but its brief was to conjure up pine woods and campfire. I never get tired of this one as compared to Mon Cherie or Songes March 30, 2015 at 11:51pm Reply

        • Delacey Tedesco: This scent, in the EDP, is pure love for me. Such a glorious, warm pine – for me, specifically, warm ponderosa pine needles on the ground in the dark, after a long hot summer day. March 31, 2015 at 5:41pm Reply

    • Petunia: Recovering Perfectionist, I suggest that you look up Sonoma Scent Studio. March 30, 2015 at 7:06pm Reply

    • Recovering Perfectionist: Thanks for the suggestions of Juniper Ridge & Sonoma Scent Studio! I have tried some from both of those lines, but I’ll dig a little deeper and see if something else will do. March 31, 2015 at 12:20pm Reply

    • Peppermoon: It’s difficult to find, but Diptyque’s L’Eau Trois smells exactly like sun-warmed pine and summer air. March 31, 2015 at 7:54pm Reply

    • Sarah: Maybe Boudicca by Wode? April 3, 2015 at 6:44pm Reply

  • Malmaison: Hello from the Southern Hemisphere where we are heading into fall! I have two questions.

    First, I am ready to change up from my summer white florals and move to something more seasonal, specifically sandalwood. My mother had a sandalwood fan in our linen closet for ages, which I was obsessed with, and which, it turns out, my younger sister has quietly annexed! So I bought myself one off etsy, but it’s not enough. I need more sandalwood. PROPER sandalwood, but not too laden with opulence, more dry and spicy, yet not harsh. Any recommendations? Santal Majuscule from the SL line sounds good as a starting point but I would really love some suggestions.

    Also, I am about to head to London on a business trip and have factored in an hour to drop by Liberty’s to do some niche sniffing, since it’s quite close to where I am staying. Any ideas for hard to find perfumes I should try, of any variety, would be most gratefully accepted. My general top five perfumes are Carnal Flower, Eau Des Merveilles, Gypsy Water, Bottega Veneta and Cuir de Lancôme.

    Well, and Fracas, La Fille de Berlin, La Chasse Aux Papillons, Mitsouko and Bronze Goddess, because really, who can pick just five?

    Many thanks to my fellow perfumistas! March 30, 2015 at 2:34pm Reply

    • angeldiva: Hi Malmaison,
      We have a wonderful inexpensive scent here, in the US. It’s PACIFICA Sandalwood.
      It’s made in Oregon, and the Sandalwood contains top notes of tangerine, and, sweet orange.
      *I layer this with Serge Lutens A La Nuit.
      🙂 March 30, 2015 at 2:53pm Reply

      • angeldiva: Oh, dearie me. Dyptique Tam Dao may indeed be more proper ( I missed that ) than my recommendation.
        But, by reading your about your exquisite taste in perfumes, you may very well have tried Tam Dao.
        I understand from reading BdJ -just what happens when the sandalwood search is on!
        Hope this helps,
        🙂 March 30, 2015 at 3:35pm Reply

        • Malmaison: Believe it or not, I have not yet tried Tam Dao (but I struck myself forcefully on the head for not thinking of it myself!) Good call, I shall make it a priority when I am in London. And the Pacifica Sandalwood sounds most intriguing. Many thanks! March 31, 2015 at 7:17pm Reply

          • angeldiva: Welcome! March 31, 2015 at 9:04pm Reply

      • Petunia: Angelica, That combination sounds really pretty. I have ALN but tend not to wear it, although I do like it. I’ll have to check into Pacifica Sandalwood. Tx for the great idea! March 31, 2015 at 6:55pm Reply

        • Petunia: Stupid auto correct. My sincere apologies… I meant Angeldiva! March 31, 2015 at 6:57pm Reply

          • angeldiva: lol… no worries.
            I wish I could post my true name. But, I’m in a stupid lawsuit, and I can’t!
            🙂 March 31, 2015 at 9:08pm Reply

            • Petunia: Ugh! That’s awful. I hope everything turns out okay for you. I don’t use my name either. It’s a fairly common name so using a handle is easier. Linda….. :). Have a great day and best of luck to you! April 1, 2015 at 7:22am Reply

              • angeldiva: Hi!
                Victorias review of A la Nuit included this idea of layering with Sandalwood. You can read the review -she doesn’t specify a brand name Sandalwood, so I just grabbed the Pacifica at Whole Foods, and it works.
                I was relieved because on it’s own the A la Nuit was a bit too much for me, now all is layered , and all is well!
                🙂 April 1, 2015 at 6:45pm Reply

                • Malmaison: But now I want A La Nuit as well! It’s on my long term wish list, but I was going to postpone it till next summer. Hmmm … April 2, 2015 at 6:15pm Reply

    • Theresa: how about Guerlain’s Habit Rouge? that is the scent I chose for my last birthday present March 30, 2015 at 3:17pm Reply

      • Malmaison: Right, that’s going on the list, thank you! March 31, 2015 at 7:17pm Reply

      • angeldiva: Hi Theresa,
        It seems like everybody’s talking about Habit Rouge. Males and females. Do you know if the mens version is different from the (female?) version? I can buy it ( the mens’s) on my discount site.
        Thanks! March 31, 2015 at 9:11pm Reply

        • Courant: There are two concentrations, the EDP and EDT. As with Chanels they are different, but I think women wear Habit Rouge from the Guerlain men’s range. I use the soap when I run a bath, but leave the fragrance to my husband. He has the EDP. April 1, 2015 at 3:35pm Reply

          • Theresa: I have the EDT, which i suppose is the “men’s” version. I didn’t try the EDP. I like it very much – the opening is quite different with a bright citrus punch, but then it mellows to sandalwood that lasts and lasts. April 1, 2015 at 3:48pm Reply

            • angeldiva: Oh! Lightbulb! I finally understand.
              Thank-you, both! April 1, 2015 at 6:47pm Reply

    • elisa p: Le labo Santal is just that: dry and woody. I have the candle but I like smelling it on others. A little also goes a long way. Comes in a body cream as well. March 30, 2015 at 3:23pm Reply

      • Malmaison: Ah, lovely. I have Le Labo Lys which I wore flat out all summer long. Very intrigued to try the sandalwood and I do like the idea of a body cream, plus I know I can find the line when I go to London. Thanks! March 31, 2015 at 7:19pm Reply

    • Hamamelis: Dear Malmaison, if you are in London you should try Ormonde Jayne Woman, which has a strong sandelwood note. Maybe also Bois des Iles if your budget allows for it? March 30, 2015 at 4:18pm Reply

      • Malmaison: I will definitely try OJ Woman, I’ve read such a lot about it. Re Bois des Iles, the funny thing is that I get quite intimidated at the Chanel counters, or at least the ones that sell the more exclusive lines of perfume. (Which is ridiculous since I am no shrinking violet!) However I think I must pluck up my courage and give it a try! March 31, 2015 at 7:22pm Reply

        • angeldiva: Hi Malmaison,
          You are not alone! I wrote at length about my discomfort at Chanel in Beverly Hills. The Exclusives weren’t even labeled or priced properly for me to understand. And, the only person who talked to me about them was the security guard!
          I just didn’t know that I would be there that day, or I would have suited up. If I’d borrowed a Birkin Bag, or bought the light blue knock-off Kelly Bag that I want- those folks would have been tossing samples into said bag, and shining my shoes!
          🙂 March 31, 2015 at 9:23pm Reply

          • Sarah: The sales staff at Chanel are indeed intimidating. I went into their shop in NYC a few years back. I was ignored (not dressed in beautiful clothing, etc) but I finally asked someone to sample some 22. Once I made it clear I was familiar with the original parfum and was wearing it, then I was treated VERY nicely. No sample given, but I had a spritzed card for comparison. The new version doesn’t quite cut it, and luckily for me, I have a stockpile of perfume strength. April 3, 2015 at 6:51pm Reply

            • angeldiva: Hi Sarah,
              I enjoyed reading your post!

              I wish I could say the same about re-reading my own post- but, it’s just so lame! LOL Honestly, that visit to Chanel was in 2009! Ok, so six years later, and I think it would serve me well to just get over it!
              I wouldn’t even enjoy shopping in a high-end store, now, unless it was in the Premium Outlets.
              I enjoy bargain shopping online! And, I don’t have to wear designer clothing to accomplish
              Being a native Angelino I call tell you that people size you up according to your car and whatever handbag you are carrying. But, to let this bother me at this time of my life is a waste of brain cells! lol
              Someday I’ll be familiar with the Exclusifs, and I’ll have a base of knowledge because of BDJ:) Sniffing them was like sniffing bottled Heaven, and Oh! those Chanel boots are to die for… April 4, 2015 at 11:04pm Reply

    • George: The fragrances I have got excited about finding in Liberty are the S Perfume range- including 100% love and S-EX, Absolue pour Le Soir, Iris Silver Mist, Jack by Richard E Grant. There’s a good proportion of the Commes Des Garcon range- so if you want to run through their incenses, that’s an idea. They also have the re-introduced Helmut Land range, which I haven’t got around to trying yet, but which are fabled. PLus they have the Aedes de Venusta range, which are pretty exclusive too. They might also have the recently reviewed on here Divine perfume in by then, and maybe Cologne Indelebile the new Malle. Anyway, there is a LOT to try. For Sandalwood, you might want to try Dries Van Noten by Malle. I advise spraying on fabric because the dry down (even the next day) may well be the smell you are looking for more than the top and mid sections of the perfume- i.e. proper sandalwood. March 30, 2015 at 4:26pm Reply

      • Malmaison: George, thank you so much for that wonderfully comprehensive list! Now I am wondering whether I can fit in TWO visits, just so my nose doesn’t get too confused by all the things I want to try. Very interested by Dries Van Noten and particularly your point about waiting for the drydown. I have generally had a lot of luck with the Frederic Malle perfumes, but think I only gave that one a fleeting sniff on a paper strip, so I will definitely try it properly. March 31, 2015 at 7:24pm Reply

      • Courant: I am so keen to try Jack. I loved the Richard E Grant film ‘Jack and Sarah’ and I also love the film based on his early life “Wah Wah”
        A celebrity scent is on my horizon, amazing. It means so much that you champion it George April 1, 2015 at 3:38pm Reply

    • Aurora: Not only Santal Majuscule but also Santal Blanc and Santal de Mysore both also by Lutens.

      Samsara by Guerlain is a lot about sandalwood too, especially nice in the vintage formula.

      Not sure if Liberty carries all of them but some other nice European niches are Parfumerie Generale, Vero Profumo, Atelier Cologne, Arquiste, Phaedon.

      Have a lovely hour in Liberty. March 30, 2015 at 4:56pm Reply

      • George: There’s a new Bloom perfumery store in Covent Garden, which carries all the lines Aurora mentions (except Atelier Cologne, which is in Liberty) March 30, 2015 at 5:24pm Reply

        • Malmaison: I’m staying in Covent Garden so this is PERFECT, thanks again George! March 31, 2015 at 7:39pm Reply

          • George: There’s also a Chanel makeup and fragrance standalone with les exclusifs and a Dior makeup and fragrance standalone in Covent Garden and a Miller Harris shop too. The Chanel shop is less intimidating than the boutiques: it’s more like a conventional department store counter, but with les exclusifs. April 1, 2015 at 4:47am Reply

            • Malmaison: George, you are THE BEST. April 1, 2015 at 5:07am Reply

      • Malmaison: Thanks Aurora, do you have any thoughts on the relative merits of the various SL sandalwoods? I must definitely try Samsara as it’s one of the classics I have never got around to, without really knowing why. And thanks also for your great suggestions of lines to try! March 31, 2015 at 7:25pm Reply

    • rainboweyes: What about Olfactive Studio Lumiére Blanche? It has a nice sandalwood note too. March 31, 2015 at 4:28am Reply

      • Malmaison: Your suggestion is perfect because I already own and love this … and now I’m wondering why I didn’t put it in my Top Ten! I guess when I wear it I am thinking about the milky comfort rather than the sandalwood, it’s like sitting in a sunny room with a china cup of chai latte (when I’m usually in a dark office with a mug of terrible coffee …) Thank you! March 31, 2015 at 7:34pm Reply

    • Peppermoon: Santal Majuscule is more wet than dry. It’s sour, wine-like rose with sandalwood. Lovely, but it doesn’t sound like it would fit the bill. March 31, 2015 at 8:02pm Reply

      • Malmaison: Thank you, sounds lovely but as you point out, maybe not quite what I had in mind. Good to have a steer as there are so many to choose from. March 31, 2015 at 11:33pm Reply

    • Nina Zolotow: Definitely try Tam Dao. Diptyque is usually generous with samples, so ask for one! Also, yes, you must try Bois des Iles. Don’t let anyone in Chanel intimidate you. If you’ve got cash to spend, then you belong there! Also, at least in the US, they always give you a sample so go ahead and ask for one! March 31, 2015 at 9:28pm Reply

    • Christy: I adore Santal Majescule and Diptyque Tam Dao edt for sandalwoods. I think Tam Dao sounds closer to your description. I haven’t tried the Tam Dao edp.

      For fall scents, I like spicy roses. La Fille de Berlin is a favorite! I particularly adore Ormonde Jayne Ta’if edp (rose & saffron) as well as Tauer’s Incense Rose, Vero Profumo Rozy edp, and Neela Vermiere Mohur edp.

      Outside of spicy roses and sandalwoods, I’d suggest Vero Profumo Rubj edp (passionfruit and cumin) and Jo Malone Blackberry & Bay for fall. April 1, 2015 at 3:22pm Reply

      • Malmaison: Oh, I do love a spicy rose. Have you tried ELDO Rossy de Palma? This has quickly become a Favourite of mine. I’m very interested in the sound of OJ Ta’if in particular, will add that to the ‘testing in London’ list. Thanks! April 2, 2015 at 6:19pm Reply

        • Christy: I will try the ELDO–thank you for suggesting it! Ta’if is to die for–it’s in my top 4 (other favorites are FM Lys Med and Vero Profumo Mito edp and Rubj edp). I should have mentioned Tauer Phi as another incredible spicy rose! April 3, 2015 at 7:20pm Reply

  • angeldiva: Hi,
    I’m searching for a perfume with the following notes:
    orange blossom,vanilla,jasmine and bergamot?

    🙂 March 30, 2015 at 2:48pm Reply

    • Aurora: Hi Angeldiva: you know from the top of my head there is at least bergamot, jasmine and vanilla (only instead of orange blossom it’s more citrus in general of which bergamot is one) in a great classic: Shalimar by Guerlain but you’ve probably already tried it. March 30, 2015 at 4:45pm Reply

      • angeldiva: Thank-you, Aurora,
        It’s amazing, but I really haven’t tried Shalimar in a proper way. I sniffed a bottle that belonged to my friend’s mother when we were in high school. I think I sneezed.
        Must revisit, and am so grateful for your knowledge of the notes.
        🙂 March 30, 2015 at 7:25pm Reply

        • Karen: I’ve mentioned that the parfum worked much better for me than the EDP or EdT. March 31, 2015 at 6:51am Reply

          • angeldiva: Hi Karen,
            Thanks so much, I’m going to revisit Shalimar.
            🙂 March 31, 2015 at 2:12pm Reply

            • Karen: Watch (or rewatch) the video ad and you will most definitely be inspired to give it another try…… March 31, 2015 at 3:42pm Reply

              • angeldiva: Hi Karen,
                That’s a good idea! Speaking of good ideas, I decanted three perfume samples for my neighbor today. Eau Premier,Ambre Sultan and Guy Laroche- Jai Ose. ( *why doesn’t anyone ever talk about Jai Ose? lol)
                The poor dear is not recovering properly from her eye surgery. And, although I wanted to distract her from her burden with the nostalgic bottle of Ma Griffe, that didn’t work on her skin either! She had not heard of it even though she’s in her 80’s. So, she returned it to me, and I will make her a larger rollerball decant of one of the three samples that she likes best. I think it’s Ambre Sultan – she loves musky non-florals. Who knew?
                At least I am comforted in the knowledge that she sees the absolute best eye specialists in Los Angels. I think a great grandmothers’ eye sight must be a very precious thing, indeed.
                🙂 March 31, 2015 at 9:40pm Reply

    • Peppermoon: Try 24 Faubourg! These notes are listed. Also, you can try the Fragrantica “search by notes” function yourself to find more. March 31, 2015 at 8:07pm Reply

      • angeldiva: Hi Peppermoon,
        Yes! I’ve had my eye on 24 for some time. I’m going to try Fragrantica again- wish I had better computer skills,
        Much Thanks! April 4, 2015 at 4:28pm Reply

    • Nina Zolotow: Annick Goutal Songes is a beautiful jasmine/vanilla. It doesn’t have orange blossom but does have some other white flowers. I just checked and Victoria gives this one five stars! March 31, 2015 at 9:25pm Reply

      • angeldiva: Hi Nina,
        Thank-you for the recommend. I’ll tell you that your words about sniffing and saving for a favorite have come all too true! LOL
        I’m going to have to be more careful with blind Annick Goutal buys.
        So, at a fabulous price, I did get a 100ml bottle of Grand Amour- it arrived yesterday.
        It just doesn’t work on me:(
        Maybe I can improve my luck at winning a bottle of perfume on BDJ – by giving this away! April 4, 2015 at 4:34pm Reply

        • limegreen: angeldiva — Since you mentioned it, Songes is not a safe blind buy. The ylang is a strong banana-like note along with the jasmine. I’m glad I tried a lot Goutal samples first because a majority of them did not work with my nose or skin, almost “sour” for lack of a better description.
          But Grand Amour is worth letting it grow on you. I didn’t think it was for me at first but I’m glad I tried it again without anything else to distract me. If you just got it, try it again fresh in the morning. 🙂 April 4, 2015 at 9:45pm Reply

          • angeldiva: Good Advice! I did try again, today. Four hours later I emailed Victoria to learn how to do a BDJ giveaway! lol
            So, stay tuned, and all the best of luck!

            Honestly, I’ll feel very, very good if I can give it away , here. I really have gotten so much joy from this site. April 4, 2015 at 11:09pm Reply

            • limegreen: That’s too bad it didn’t agree with you.
              I had a lot fun doing the BdJ giveaways last year so you won’t regret it either. 🙂
              I would do more giveaways but in the last half year, mailing perfume through the post office has become a hassle. It has to be done through ground shipping and “declared” (so you can’t use the automated system). Some PO staff won’t take more than 1 oz. (30 ml), kind of random it appears. I have no idea where these limits are stated because it’s not on the USPS website.
              I had one PO staffer confuse 16 oz fluid with 1 lb. and I was sending one of my best friends a perfume for Xmas and of course it weighed over a pound (glass!) and the staffer refused to send it. April 5, 2015 at 9:48am Reply

    • Karen: Since you already have A la Nuit, what about layering it over Pacifica’s Vanilla? Won’t cover all the notes, but is an inexpensive option. April 2, 2015 at 11:12am Reply

      • angeldiva: Hi Karen,
        I think my nose would be confused. Like where is the sandalwood? LOL
        Actually, after much research there is a perfume by Van Cleef and Arpels called California Reverie- that has the notes, and description I’m searching for.
        It’s expensive… And, I just ordered the Bronze Goddess Whipped Bodycream!
        I need a perfume loving husband! April 4, 2015 at 4:37pm Reply

        • Kasey: Van Cleef & Arpels fragrances have a tendency to show up heavily discounted on websites like, ideel, Gilt, and

          I purchased the 100 ml bottle of Feerie for $30 USD! April 14, 2015 at 2:08am Reply

  • Lisa: I’m fairly new to perfume and reading the posts and comments on this blog has been great fun and a tremendous help.

    I tend to gravitate toward and smell best in spicy ambers and orientals — Chergui, Bulgari Black, Bois d’Argent, Ambre Nargille, Coco, Hyptnotic Poison, etc.

    For Spring, I’m looking for something a bit fresher and more feminine, but my chemistry doesn’t want to cooperate. I love white florals in the bottle — especially orange blossom — but they often get bitter and soapy in the drydown. Dewier rose scents tend to turn sharp and acrid.

    I feel like I need something combines fresh, sparkly, floral/citrus top notes with a warmer base? Any suggestions?

    Thanks. March 30, 2015 at 3:17pm Reply

    • Aurora: Maybe (if you haven’t tried them yet) a good bet might be Eau des Merveilles, or Elixir des Merveilles by Hermes. They both have an citrusy orangey vibe at the top, they are not soapy and no white floral either, and their drydown has a warm salty amber, long lasting (especially Elixir).

      Also Chanel Cristalle (the eau de toilette has more citrus and feels fresher) with a warmer base, I wear this one a lot in spring and even summer.

      I would also recommend you give a try to the Un Jardin sur le Nil by Hermes, it has a fruity green mango note(not sweet) and is wonderful, especially in the heat of summer(have a look at the notes of fragrantica). March 31, 2015 at 10:12am Reply

      • Lisa: Thanks so much, Aurora! These sound like excellent recommendations.

        I sampled Eau des Merveilles awhile ago and I really enjoyed it; it could definitely be a contender. The elixir sounds great too.

        I’ll also be excited to try both Cristalle and Un Jardin sur le Nil. I’ve been meaning to get to know Chanel better and that green mango note in the Hermes is very intriguing. March 31, 2015 at 2:08pm Reply

        • Malmaison: Have you tried Ambre des Merveilles? It has that saltiness I love in Eau des Merveilles, amped up with that amber note you really like. It’s not necessarily the first thing I would think of for spring but it’s certainly not a ‘cold weather only’ perfume. I’ve been wearing it for the last five days straight on a series of fine early autumn days and it really hits the spot.

          Otherwise maybe Bottega Veneta Eau Legere? It’s fresh, feminine and springlike but at the same time should avoid your problems with the white floral drydown. March 31, 2015 at 7:43pm Reply

          • Lisa: Hi, Malmaison.

            I sniffed L’ambre des Merveilles at Sephora around the holidays and remembered really liking that salted caramel note. I’ll be interested to see how it fares in warmer weather.

            I really enjoyed the original Bottega Veneta, but I haven’t tried any of the flankers. Eau Legere does sound like it could be great for spring.

            Thanks! April 1, 2015 at 6:23pm Reply

    • limegreen: It’s pricey but Tom Ford Rive d’Ambre has a gorgeous sparkling citrus opening, has a touch of mint, and dries down to a soft amber.
      I love wearing diptyque’s L’Eau Tarocco (blood orange, spicy, rose, woody) in the spring/summer, very zesty and sparkling and soft drydown. March 31, 2015 at 10:46am Reply

      • Lisa: Thanks, limegreen!

        These both sound beautiful.

        I haven’t tried anything from either line, but I love the idea of the mint in the Tom Ford and the blood orange in the Diptyque.

        I’ll definitely track down some samples/decants soon. March 31, 2015 at 2:15pm Reply

        • limegreen: I know what you mean about soapy or bitter drydowns! Like you I love white florals and citrus but some perfumes turn metallic (acrid, bitter) on my skin. Such a bummer.
          Have you tried Nicolai Cologne Sologne? It may be a neroli (and other notes) that will agree with your skin chemistry.
          If you get to a diptyque counter, even though you’re not looking for rose, you might want to try Eau Rose or the new one Eau Plurielle (sp?) which is rose and ivy. I like it but the L’eau Neroli may not agree with your skin chemistry.
          Yves Rocher Neroli is nice, longer lasting and more floral than 4711, and the price is exactly right, a mini at nearly the same price of a sample. 🙂 On my skin, no metallic or soapy drydown. March 31, 2015 at 2:55pm Reply

          • Lisa: I checked out Cologne Sologne on Fragrantica, and it definitely sounds promising. I like the idea of the benzoin in the base and I love the scent of neroli.

            I’ll have to take look on the Yves Rocher website. I’ve used their skincare products, but I’ve never tried any of their fragrance lines. I’ve read that they’ve worked with some great perfumers, and the price is certainly right!

            Thanks again! April 1, 2015 at 7:58pm Reply

    • angeldiva: Clinique – Aromatics Elixir March 31, 2015 at 2:14pm Reply

      • Lisa: Thanks, angeldiva!

        That’s one I definitely need to revisit. March 31, 2015 at 2:17pm Reply

        • angeldiva: Hi Lisa,
          Can you believe I tried this for the first time last year? Go figure- it’s an American scent, but until I read V’s description of it- I had my nose in the air! LOL
          I layer it with L’occitane Verbena and float away… March 31, 2015 at 2:22pm Reply

          • Lisa: I used to sniff Aromatics Elixir in this little pharmacy when I was a kid. The aldehydes reminded me of 7-up. 🙂

            Layering the Verbena over top sounds like a great idea! April 1, 2015 at 6:27pm Reply

            • angeldiva: 🙂 April 1, 2015 at 6:55pm Reply

    • Karen: It may be my chemistry, but Cartier’s La Panthere is actually quite sparkly on me, with some earthiness in the base. It’s a lovely lovely fragrance that incorporates the best of old-world perfume complexity with freshness. Plus it can be found for a reasonable cost and the 50ml bottle will last you quite a while. March 31, 2015 at 3:47pm Reply

      • angeldiva: Karen,
        You wouldn’t believe how popular La Panthere is amount actresses, here in Hollywood!
        🙂 April 1, 2015 at 1:11pm Reply

      • Lisa: Hi Karen.

        I’ve never tried La Panthere, but I definitely should. The fruit and leather notes sound really interesting and I love the bottle! April 1, 2015 at 6:33pm Reply

        • Karen: It is (at least on me) a very easy fragrance to wear. Good longevity – which matters to me as many fragrances fade quickly on me. Plus, it seems to be flexible, works for both casual or dressy. April 2, 2015 at 6:58am Reply

    • NikNik: I recently tried Dama Bianca by Xjeroff and fell quickly in love. “Shalimar for spring” is what popped in my head. Notes from Fragrantica are: top notes are lime and kumquat; middle notes are italian iris, egyptian jasmine, lily-of-the-valley, violet and lilac; base notes are sandalwood, cedar, vanilla, ambrette (musk mallow), white musk and malt.

      I smell a lot, and love few. This one is special IMHO. Unfortunately, I have an allergy to kumquats! I had a major allergic reaction to this as though I had eaten a dozen! So definitely some natural ingredients in there.

      It is pricy, but worth it. April 2, 2015 at 11:32pm Reply

      • Lisa: Hi NikNik,

        Those notes sound like perfection! I especially like scents with ambrette in the base.

        I’ll definitely give Dama Bianca a try if I come across it.

        Thanks! April 4, 2015 at 6:45pm Reply

  • Mira: I’m looking for a white floral/orange blossom that is easy and light for warm weather. I like the 2014 guerlain terracotta, and bottegta veneta knot. I have serge lutens fleur d’oranger, but it is a bit too heavy and indolic. March 30, 2015 at 5:09pm Reply

    • Hamamelis: Dear Mira, I recommend Frederic Fekkai Sensuelle for a light and easy warm weather orange blossom. It is discontinued but easily and often cheaply available on line. March 30, 2015 at 5:39pm Reply

    • Trudy: I liked the Guerlain Terracotta too. Unfortunately it sold out in the U.S. before I had a chance to get a bottle. The SA at Neiman’s gave me a sample vial (made from their tester) and I did my best to make it last. It was lovely and summery but although very fleeting on me. So, I’d appreciate suggestions for something similar as well. March 30, 2015 at 5:45pm Reply

      • Caroline: Not dupes, but in the same vein: Le Labo Lys 41 and Bronze Goddess. March 30, 2015 at 7:02pm Reply

        • Malmaison: Second both of those … I was lucky enough to grab one of the Terracottas last season and it sits very comfortably next to both Bronze Goddess and Lys 41 in my perfume drawer. March 31, 2015 at 7:45pm Reply

          • angeldiva: I second the BRONZE GODESS! It totally lived up to Victorias review, and then some! April 1, 2015 at 6:58pm Reply

      • angeldiva: Hi Trudy,
        I concur! Can’t find Terracotta. Can’t find Frederick Fekkai to save my life. LOL Sometimes living in California makes me feel cut off when it comes to certain perfumes.
        But, I suppose the grass is always greener. For example I have never even heard of a coffret of Chanel Exclusives. And, I would so love to smell the perfumes of The Merchant Of Venice.
        LOVE March 30, 2015 at 7:30pm Reply

        • LizzieB: Terracotta is back. I ordered some from Nordstrom and just got the bottle today. March 30, 2015 at 9:33pm Reply

          • angeldiva: Bazinga! March 31, 2015 at 2:15pm Reply

          • Trudy: LizzieB, Thank you so much for this info! Ordered at Nordstrom today! March 31, 2015 at 6:59pm Reply

      • MikasMinion: Terracotta is available again right now. I bought a bottle last week from Nordstrom and it smells just like last year’s. I was told they are going to treat it like Bronze Goddess and release a LE every summer. March 30, 2015 at 10:51pm Reply

    • AnnieA: Annick Goutal Matin d’Orage – isn’t not discontinued, is it? March 31, 2015 at 8:22pm Reply

    • Nina Zolotow: Annick Goutal Neroli is a wonderful orange blossom scent that is really great in warm weather, and is the most uplifting perfume I’ve ever warm. It’s one of my summer staples. March 31, 2015 at 9:11pm Reply

      • angeldiva: Hi Nina,
        Thanks for the recommend! I am in search of the worlds most beautiful neroli. The AG is going on a short list.
        P. March 31, 2015 at 9:47pm Reply

        • Nina Zolotow: Victoria loves this one and I got started with it after reading her review. The current formulation is a cologne. If you look around, you can find the older formulation, which is an EdT, so richer and longer lasting. April 1, 2015 at 11:02am Reply

          • angeldiva: Thanks! April 1, 2015 at 1:12pm Reply

    • Christy: Ormonde Jayne Frangipani is my favorite white floral in warm weather. April 1, 2015 at 3:27pm Reply

  • bregje: Hello everyone!

    I’m on a bit of a quest:
    the other day i was reading an old book about herbs that used to be my mother’s and before her my grandmother’s. I remember being intrigued by it when i was a little girl.It has all these herbal remedies and tea’s in it and some clipping’s that my mother added.
    Anyway,there was a small paragraph on ‘love potions’. Apparently those were used on girls who were having an arranged marriage.To make them fall in love with a possibly older and/or uglier gentleman.
    It also said that the oldest love potion known was the drink that made Tristan and Isolde fall in love. And the ingredients of that particular drink have been preserved/remembered(i don’t know the exact way to say this in English,sorry). They were:
    frangipani,orangeblossom,marjoram,rosemary and incense.
    To me this instantly reminded me of perfumenotes and i’ve been searching for a perfume that has all these notes in it.
    Can anyone help me? March 30, 2015 at 8:54pm Reply

    • Kat: Well, allows you to search their database by notes. This is what you get when typing in those ingredients: “WOW! You searched for such a great combination of perfume notes, but it seems nobody has made a perfume like that yet!”
      Maybe somewhere out there such a scent exists but hasn’t made it into their database. Or despite what the automated message says some of these ingredients do not work well together and that’s why no such fragrance exists (which considering what happened to Tristan and Isolde is not a bad thing – on the other hand their story might just be a cautionary tale that you should not drink perfume). March 31, 2015 at 5:34am Reply

      • Karen: Ha ha ha, good point about Tristan and Isolde! Love potions have a history of going *slightly* awry, don’t they! Is there any better warning than A Midsummer’s Night Dream?

        But the notes listed do sound like they’d make a great fragrance! March 31, 2015 at 6:55am Reply

        • bregje: That’s what it said in the book too! Although i think i’d rather be in love with Tristan than with King Mark,haha. March 31, 2015 at 2:29pm Reply

      • bregje: Thanks Kat for searching!I didn’t know you could search for all the ingredients combined (learned something today 😉 )
        My friend drank her mother’s perfume when she was little(thinking it was applejuice) and had her stomach pumped! So you are absolutely right in warning us,haha March 31, 2015 at 2:36pm Reply

    • Danaki: Funnily enough this sounds like Kenzo Amour, coincidence? March 31, 2015 at 12:13pm Reply

    • angeldiva: Bregje,
      This is a question tailor made for Victoria, if ever I have read one!
      She is probably well versed on the subject of the herbs pertaining to your family history.
      So interesting!
      🙂 March 31, 2015 at 2:19pm Reply

      • bregje: Thank you,Angeldiva!
        After reading it,i was just curious what it would smell like. I’ve even contemplated conjuring it up myself 😉
        And then,i thought:this is a bois de jasmin question 🙂 March 31, 2015 at 2:32pm Reply

    • Indigo: To me, Guerlain’s Jicky comes pretty close to the notes you list. The lavender, basil and jasmine smell very like rosemary, marjoram, and frangipani. Then with the orange blossom, incense (and added bonus of vanilla and civet!) I think your love potion is there. I love Jicky and it would explain its very long success… March 31, 2015 at 4:20pm Reply

  • Alice: I’ve fallen head over heels for all things bright and mandarin orange but not floral after getting a sample of Diptyque’s Oyédo. Do you have any suggestions for anything else I should try? Thank you! March 31, 2015 at 12:39am Reply

    • Austenfan: Oyédo is unique. I’ve got a sample and adore it. I’ve never smelled anything like it. March 31, 2015 at 12:47pm Reply

    • limegreen: I agree with Austenfan, Oyedo is unique. I think Oyedo is yuzu grapefruit, less so mandarin orange. If you like the offshoots of grapefruit (not breakfast grapefruit, for example), see if you can get a sample of Jo Loves Pomelo. It is my favorite of the grapefruit variety, though pomelo is not a grapefruit.
      I also love the Atelier citrus colognes: Orange Sanguine, Cedrat Enivrant.
      Guerlain AA Mandarin Basilic has a fresh burst of mandarin orange but dies down to a dull roar on my skin. April 1, 2015 at 9:38am Reply

    • rainboweyes: What about Hermes Eau de Mandarine Ambrée or Eau d’Orange Verte? Or Ramon Monegal Entre Naranjos? April 1, 2015 at 12:01pm Reply

  • angeldiva: Hello Everybody!
    I’ve been circling these scents at my discounter. So, I’m listing them here to see if any of you can recommend any of them.
    Creed- Irisia Petit Fracas
    Houbigant- Quelques Fleurs
    – Apercu
    Dsquared 2 She Wood Light Golden Wood
    Victorinox – Swiss Army Mountain Water
    Oreon- Parfums Bleu World Cacharel-Eden
    Lanvin- Eclat D’Arpege
    Marina De Bourbon- Asteria
    Parfum Gres- MadameGres
    L Lolita de Lempicka – Coral Flower
    – Elle L’aime
    * all perfumes listed above are EDP’s

    Bulgari- Eau Parfumee Extreme
    Cindy Crawfords Woman
    Acqua Colonia Lavender & Thyme EDC
    Kate Moss- Summertime Chloe-L’eau de Chlo
    Schiapparelli -Pinkenz- :Arrogance Pour Femme”
    Laura Biagotti Womans & Roma
    Jean Paul Gaultier Summer
    Lolita de Lempicka- Au Maculin Fraicher
    *above are all EDT ( except the one EDC)

    Thank-you all for your experience, and imput. Any comment would be great! March 31, 2015 at 3:34pm Reply

    • angeldiva: * and, Zibeline! March 31, 2015 at 3:36pm Reply

    • Nina Zolotow: It’s tempting to buy perfume when the price is very low, but in the end it’s better to save up for something you have tried at least a few times and are sure that you really love. At least that’s my opinion. (And from my point of view, none of those fragrances are amazing classics that it would be crazy to pass up.) March 31, 2015 at 9:13pm Reply

      • angeldiva: An honest opinion, thanks! 🙂 March 31, 2015 at 9:15pm Reply

    • limegreen: Hi angeldiva!
      Not personally familiar with any on the list but I did smell Quelques Fleurs once and it was not memorable. To be fair, it was handed to me on a testing strip at Nordstrom, they were doing some promotion or another, and I was not inspired to try it on skin. In that line, I like Orangers en fleur the best, so QF seemed flat to me.

      Of the fragrances that have been discontinued and only available at discounters, I’ve been enjoying Gres Cabochard EDT with relish, something that’s gotten a lot of love on BdJ (Victoria and comments). It’s a chypre, light leathery smoky with sparkles of citrus, not a heavy leather perfume at all. Not on your list, but I thought of it when I saw Parfum Gres on your list. Cabochard does not break the bank, either. (I had a Xmas gift card for amazon and spent it on books and perfumes. 🙂 ) April 1, 2015 at 10:45am Reply

      • limegreen: Victoria’s review of Cabochard and comments:

        (I like the fact that the reformulated edt is light on the leather. 🙂 ) April 1, 2015 at 10:50am Reply

        • angeldiva: Hi Limegreen,
          Thank-you so much for the link , and the recommend. I don’t know anything about Gres perfumes. So, I’m going to search for this one.
          🙂 April 1, 2015 at 12:49pm Reply

    • Courant: As for cheap and cheery at the discounters Mauboussin perfumes are wonderful. Mauboussin original EDP is gorgeous, Histoire D’eau is a discontinued legend.These are Christine Nagel perfumes. L’Elixir (I don’t have it yet) is on my list April 1, 2015 at 3:51pm Reply

      • angeldiva: Hi Courant,
        Thank-you! I know nothing about Mauboussin. My discounter: is getting more impressive all the time. You can buy the discontinued: Gucci- eau de parfum ( with the round topper),Kenzo -Summer, even Gucci -Envy. But, at this moment they are out of Gucci Envy. Versace- Yellow Diamons also sells out quickly.
        Thanks, again! April 1, 2015 at 7:05pm Reply

  • Hamamelis: Dear everyone,
    My niece is celebrating her 15th birthday this weekend, and asked me to give her perfume as a present. I don’t have children, or have any other contact with young adults other than my nieces, so have no idea what girls that age like to wear. She said: it has to fit my age, fresh and sweet…
    She is I think a typical 15 year old, she looks lovely but doesn’t think so herself, she suffers from peer pressure and wants to fit in. I would want to give her something that may make her feel beautiful, and that my brother and sister in law would be happy to smell in their home!
    Thank you in advance for any suggestions! April 1, 2015 at 4:58am Reply

    • Aurora: The first that comes to mind is Anais the original – a delicate floral – by Cacharel or the flanker Anais Premier Delice – a gourmand over a floral (Victoria reviewed this one not long ago. They last well but are not overpowering.

      Also perhaps have a look at Marc Jacobs, he has so many, but the one called Honey is quite charming.

      For something more sophisticated Idylle by Guerlain or L’Instant so that you would be the first one to introduce your niece to this prestigious house. April 1, 2015 at 6:11am Reply

      • Hamamelis: Lovely suggestions, as Cacharel was one of the first perfumes I wore in my adolescent years (LouLou). Marc Jacobs Honey is also such a good suggestion, especially as my sister in law is a beekeeper!
        I have postponed to introduce myself to Guerlain since falling down the rabbithole for almost a year now…I have samples but haven’t started yet with this house. Once I am over HE I will give it a careful start!
        Thank you! April 1, 2015 at 6:27am Reply

        • limegreen: The Marc Jacobs bottles are really cute, too, with daisies and bees as caps, fun for your niece to have on her dresser. (I don’t have any MJ scents but the bottles are eye-catching.)
          Guerlain AA Flora Nymphea is honey and orange blossoms (going with the honey theme), light and sweet.
          Jo Malone Orange Blossom is easy to like, very fresh and sweet.
          At that age, she may be brand conscious, so maybe Marc Jacobs.
          Have fun! April 1, 2015 at 9:50am Reply

    • Aurora: I should clarify it’s Anais Anais L’Original (that’s the name) I am referring to, the one I used when I was 15 by the way.

      Still Cacharel (no affiliation) there is also Amor Amor, or the current Miss Dior (previously Cherie) I believe it targets a young market.

      Do you think you will go on the quest with your niece and see what she likes or do you want to surprise her? Have fun in either case. April 1, 2015 at 6:24am Reply

      • Hamamelis: Thank you for clarifying! Anais Anais would be more fitting than LouLou for her.
        I will have to surprise her as she lives too far away to plan an easy outing. Hence a thorough investigation via BdJ 😉 April 1, 2015 at 6:29am Reply

        • Aurora: You’re welcome. Will you have a chance to report back in Recommend Me next month? I will be so interested to find out what you decided. April 1, 2015 at 6:52am Reply

          • Hamamelis: Yes I will Aurora, we will celebrate her birthday coming Monday (second day of Easter here, a public holiday), so I will report both my choice and how she liked it! April 1, 2015 at 6:54am Reply

            • Cornelia Blimber: The 15, 16 years old I know are loving sweet things, like La Vie Est Belle, Parisienne, Black Opium. Your niece wants something ”sweet and fresh”..what about Candy by Prada? Or maybe Juicy Couture, a tuberose but a very fresh one.
              Anyway, congratulations to her and a happy birthday! April 1, 2015 at 8:47am Reply

              • Hamamelis: Thank you Cornelia, I will take those on board. I think she would like to look like the woman on the Prada Candy box…but I am not sure if my brother would be so happy about that… April 1, 2015 at 9:50am Reply

              • Austenfan: I think Prada is a great suggestion as well, they do a lovely coffret of minis of Candy and I think a few Infusions. April 2, 2015 at 4:34pm Reply

                • Hamamelis: I will try and see if I can find it in my neck of the woods (Veluwe)! April 2, 2015 at 4:54pm Reply

        • bregje: I remember when i was 15 i thought Anais smelled old.I loved Lou Lou.
          Difficult question…
          I think a girl that age would love something like Chance by Chanel.(or one of the flankers)
          I don’t think it’s the best perfume ever made,but as a girl i probably would have felt beautiful wearing it. April 1, 2015 at 11:31pm Reply

          • Hamamelis: Hi Elena the perfumery is called
            You can contact them with your request and they have some Travalo sprays ready filled (Epic, Dia). Also other than Amouage fragrance, e.g. Yves Saint Laurent’s Nu, an incense I love. April 2, 2015 at 4:32pm Reply

            • Hamamelis: Sorry wrong place for this reply! April 2, 2015 at 4:32pm Reply

            • ElenavL: Thanks a lot, Hamamelis!

              I am too very curious what you would get for the girl at the end of your quest (or already got, given the date). April 5, 2015 at 2:15am Reply

          • Hamamelis: Thank you Bregje, maybe Chance is a prrsent for her 18th birthday! April 2, 2015 at 4:34pm Reply

    • Karen: Marc Jacobs’ Daisy and flankers and Coach’s line are all very very nice fragrances and appropriate for a 15 year old. Also some of Annick Goutal’s fragrances might work as they are light and beautiful. Don’t want anything “weird” for a teenager! April 1, 2015 at 8:40am Reply

      • Hamamelis: Thank you Karen, and no, nothing ‘weird’, she wants to fit in, and only stand out if that fits in 😉 I am so glad to be decades past this!
        I thought of AG, but feel a bit hesitant to spend too much on the gift. Once she is a bit older and would appreciate it I would be happy to, but now I think she has still a short excitement and contentment span… April 1, 2015 at 9:54am Reply

        • limegreen: H – Good point about attention span! How about getting her a mini or a rollerball or a perfume solid? She can carry a rollerball or solid in her purse easily enough, and show it off! 🙂
          L’Occitane solids are great, especially the rose ones. I think they also have 20 ml mini’s. (I found a L’Occitane combo “stick” that was rollerball perfume on one end and a liquid lip gloss on the other. It was for one of their generic peony fragrances but very pretty and very pink! I bought it for someone youngish and they loved it.) April 1, 2015 at 11:05am Reply

          • Hamamelis: Thank you Limegreen, great suggestion. I have to see if I can find L’Occitane, there isn’t an Occitane shop close by. But lipgloss and perfume, that would make her very happy! April 1, 2015 at 11:45am Reply

            • bregje: L’occitane has an online shop.But of course you can’t smell through a computer screen 😉 . April 1, 2015 at 11:33pm Reply

          • Austenfan: I can only second the l’Occitane suggestion. They sell small bottles of fragrance and the packaging is colourful and nice. I happen to love L’Arlesienne but that might not be what your niece would like. I also like the Cacharel suggestions and for cuteness it’s hard to beat the MJ Daisy bottle.
            Another nice, crisp fragrance is Moschino Funny. Quite an appealing bottle as well.
            I gifted my niece for her 15 the birthday with a whole box of samples and decants out of my own collection and she loved it. April 1, 2015 at 1:29pm Reply

            • Hamamelis: Thank you Austenfan for your thoughts, and the lovely idea to give a box of samples and decants. I will surely check out the Cacharels, MJ’s and Moschino Funny. I am afraid Occitane is not possible because it is not available where I live, and ordering through their website will take too long. But, a good suggestion for my other nieces! April 1, 2015 at 5:51pm Reply

    • Cybele: I think she would smell pretty and fit in with La Petit Robe Noir Eau Fraiche, See Chloe, or Mon Jasmin Noire L’Eau Exquise. April 1, 2015 at 11:27am Reply

      • Hamamelis: Thank you Cybele, I think I have some samples of the fragrances you suggest, which may form part of the present! April 1, 2015 at 11:47am Reply

    • angeldiva: Hi Hamamelis,
      Honestly, I am really enjoying Kate Moss -Wild Meadow! It’s so optimistic, and makes me think of romantic English stories. I think the scent of lemon (L’occitane Verbena) is also wonderful on young women.
      She sounds very sweet!
      🙂 April 1, 2015 at 12:53pm Reply

      • Hamamelis: Dear Angeldiva, I will take Kate on board, thank you for the suggestion! April 1, 2015 at 5:52pm Reply

    • Kasey: The Coach Poppy fragrances are really youthful to me, clean and sweet florals.

      Also, Katy Perry’s Purr line is a favorite of my little sister. April 14, 2015 at 2:17am Reply

  • angeldiva: Yippee! Today is beauty parlor day at the beach!
    🙂 April 1, 2015 at 1:15pm Reply

  • Nicole: Hi all! Any recommendations for a sexy/seductive summer scent that can hold up in Florida heat and humidity? Beachy, white floral, and orange blossom are all good. I like L’Artisan La Chasse (too pretty), Tom Ford Shanghai Lily (too heavy), Chanel 31 RC (too classy), and many others, but don’t know that I have something that fits into the summer sexy category. Ideas? Thanks! April 1, 2015 at 10:16pm Reply

    • angeldiva: Oh! Honey!
      If you haven’t tried Estee Lauder’s- Bronze Goddess you’d be in for a wonderful experience!

      Also, Annick Goutal- Le Chevrefeuille = honeysuckle Heaven! April 1, 2015 at 10:45pm Reply

      • bregje: Bronze Goddess!!! April 1, 2015 at 11:34pm Reply

    • Aurora: Or Terracotta by Guerlain. April 2, 2015 at 5:54am Reply

    • Cybele: Private Collection Tuberose Gardenia April 2, 2015 at 6:09am Reply

    • Karen: Luten’s A la Nuit is worth a sample if you haven’t tried it before. If it’s too much Jasmine, you can layer it as Angeldiva suggests above. April 2, 2015 at 7:04am Reply

    • Nina Zolotow: Frederic Malle Carnal Flower (tuberose) is so great in the heat and humidity. I loved wearing this in Hawaii. I believe it was Victoria’s scent for her wedding in India.

      A different kind of beachy scent if Terracotta Voile d’Ete, a French idea of beachy. It’s a carnation scent that smells like French sunscreen. Discontinued to easy to find.

      I already said this above but Annick Goutal Neroli, a super uplifting and refreshing orange blossom, is really wonderful ini the heat. The current version is a cologne but I love the older EdT version. April 2, 2015 at 10:55am Reply

    • Annikky: Serge Lutens Fleurs d’Oranger. I like all three scents you mention and seriously, you need to try the Lutens (although get a bottle of Bronze Goddess as well, if you can). April 2, 2015 at 11:58am Reply

    • limegreen: I don’t know about sexy, but the new Ropion cologne for Malle seems intriguing, a long-lasting cologne with orange blossom, neroli, bergamot, narcissus and musk. Cologne Indelebile.
      Sounds hopeful for cologne lovers! April 3, 2015 at 11:20am Reply

  • skylar: Hi! I’ve been looking for a nice androgynous scent that DOESN’T smell like car interiors or axe. I love the smell of pine, juniper, wood smoke and can handle hints of vanilla and more ‘feminine’ scents but nothing too old ladyish.
    I don’t like really heavy and over powering scents (I’ve been gifted many perfumes over the years that I never wear) so tbh I’d be satisfied with even a deodorant recommendation at this point.
    Thanks! April 2, 2015 at 1:56am Reply

    • rainboweyes: What about Hermés Geoffrey Beene Grey Flannel, Atelier Cologne Vetiver Fatal, Hermes Eau de Gentiane Blanche or Memo Irish Leather? April 2, 2015 at 3:40am Reply

      • Cornelia Blimber: Maybe one of these:
        Fille en Aiguilles (Lutens)
        Yatagan (Caron)
        Palais Jamais (Etro) April 2, 2015 at 7:18am Reply

        • rainboweyes: Some more suggestions: Miller Harris Fleurs de Sel, Parfumerie Generale No. 11 Harmattan Noir, Artisan Parfumeur Timbuktu and Dzongkha, Eau d’Italie Sienne d’Hiver, The Different Company Sel de Vetiver, Divine L’Homme Sage and Homme de Coeur. April 2, 2015 at 12:18pm Reply

    • Hannah: The entire CDG Incense series might work but in particular Kyoto, Zagorsk and Jaisalmer. April 2, 2015 at 8:13am Reply

    • limegreen: Second Lutens Fille en Aiguilles, though it may be on the heavy side for your tastes.

      The Tom Ford body sprays are quite nice, lighter versions of the Private Blends fragrances, and an ancillary product that is relatively affordable (a third of the price of the perfumes) and higher quality than Axe. A Tom Ford SA at Nordstrom once told me that they came out with these body sprays to offer a nicer alternative to Axe and he loved spraying it all over, even over his nice suit, so I guess it does not stain.
      There’s one in Oud Wood and of course Neroli Portofino, both are androgynous.

      Acqua di Parma has come out with an Oud that I really like (when I smelled it) and it comes in a deodorant/body spray, too. April 2, 2015 at 9:40am Reply

    • Andy: Seconding everything above–also how about trying Bulgari Black, with its smoke, leather, and vanilla? It might evoke the “car interior” too much for you, but it’s worth a shot! April 2, 2015 at 10:30am Reply

    • AnnieA: For smoke there’s Le Labo Patchouli 24… April 2, 2015 at 6:48pm Reply

    • NikNik: You should look at

      Tzora by Anat Fritz
      GS03 by Biehl Parfumkunstwerke
      Timbuktu by L’Artisan Parfumeur
      and Ormonde Woman by Ormonde Jayne

      These are some of my favorite unisex perfumes and they are all great in the warmer weather. April 2, 2015 at 11:41pm Reply

    • Jackie: As for recommendations, Skylar, i second Serge Lutens Femininite du bois (don’t be scared off by the “femininite!) and also suggest Dior Homme, two of my current favourites I learned about on this blog. 🙂 April 3, 2015 at 12:28pm Reply

    • Victoria: The branch of the thread that has taken a turn into personal attacks has been removed. I don’t have commenting rules here, except for one–no personal attacks against me, my co-writers or commenters on this site. We welcome disagreement and dissenting views, but please keep the discussion courteous. April 4, 2015 at 11:48am Reply

      • elisa p: I’m glad you brought attention to this issue as being disrespectful, but also not a very useful descriptor for fragrance since scent is such a subjective experience. I don’t have many scent associations from my youth so, in some respects feel I have a more unbiased experience with scent and more freedom to choose without preconceived stereotypes. I happen to be drawn to scents that have a retro feel or seem to come from a different time and place. Those vintage scents were actually a step forward for women expressing sexuality and sensuality in a less restrained/repressed way. I think much modern, mainstream perfumery is actually a step back in that the message is woman should not assert but stay in the backround and smell pretty, clean, sweet but unobtrusive. It is 2015 and only recently do we see pharmaceutical commercials that more boldly acknowledge that women are having sex after 50! I know this was a diversion from the intention of this blog but I think it’s so important to insist on changing how we view aging in western society. I enjoyed reading the comments and also got some good fragrance recs myself. And I find that you write in a way that shows a sensitivity, maturity, and wisdom that I really appreciate. April 6, 2015 at 10:44am Reply

        • Victoria: Yes, it’s hard to get away from the fact that “smells like old woman” or “smells like old man” have negative connotations, even the comment wasn’t intended this way at all. Which is why I’m glad we could discuss it and explore what makes these phrases so pernicious. They are common, and they are used frequently, but why? Why do we have to use stereotype laden phrases to describe smells? And in the end, what does it convey about a scent that can’t be conveyed by more precise terms? Perhaps, I see it this way, because all of the older women around are trendy, curious, ready to experiment and try something new. They don’t fit any particular profile. In contrast to my grandmother, I have much more old-fashioned tastes. 🙂 April 6, 2015 at 3:22pm Reply

          • elisa p: I live in NYC and am an RN in homecare so I have seen the gamut of older adults. And most defy any stereotypes and caricatures. In fact, most of us in my specific field consider 80 as relatively young! I have admittedly used stereotypes or have resisted trying something based on something as superficial as the sponsoring celebrity. But why would I want to limit myself that way? I might miss out on something I really like! I would love to do a blind sniff of unmarked samples and evaluate my preferences without knowledge of era or brand. April 6, 2015 at 5:33pm Reply

            • Victoria: It’s the best approach! For instance, Lady Gaga’s Eau de Gaga has turned out to be a fantastic green tea cologne (and affordable and nicely packaged!) But it also took me some time to figure it out (mostly through such blind sniffing sessions, like the ones you’ve described). Perfume is never marketed in a straightforward way, and one really has to trust one’s nose above anything else. April 6, 2015 at 5:49pm Reply

              • elisa p: I’ll have to try that one. I was thinking a green tea scent would layer well with the vial of grass essential oil I bought on impulse from a cute indie fragrance shop in the East Village. Sometimes you just need to smell like a freshly mowed lawn. Yes, trust the nose indeed! My husband jokes that fragrance is a good interest for me since I was blessed with a prominent olfactory tool 😉 April 6, 2015 at 6:54pm Reply

                • angeldiva: Hi Elisa P.,
                  Oh, how I miss Jovan – Grass Oil ! The very idea of it was so basic, and it smelled fantastic on me!
                  I could’t agree with you more about smelling like a freshly mowed lawn. 🙂 I don’t know why the perfume industry has ignored this wonderful note, lately – it was everywhere in the 1970’s.

                  Also, a question for all:
                  I love my Kenzo -Flower, but, I’m looking for something to layer it with.
                  The scent is strong on me with a real hot house flower effect. Would love to lighten it up !
                  Much Thanks! April 6, 2015 at 9:38pm Reply

                  • Hannah: Since the replies seem to not be aligning, this is for Angeldiva and includes an important bit of info that I forgot.
                    I don’t know about adult perfumes (since I was a child), but grass perfumes were in all the catalogs/shops that targeted teens in the 90’s. I remember really deliberating whether I should get the grass or cake batter perfume (I think they were solids) from the delia*s catalog but in the end I didn’t get anything.

                    My original comment should probably be deleted…. April 6, 2015 at 10:39pm Reply

                    • angeldiva: Thank-you so much, Hannah!

                      *”Hannah” is my favorite song by 70’s rock artist Robin Trower. April 7, 2015 at 2:58pm

                  • elisa p: I love the grass just straight and think it’ll be great for summer! I’ve tried layering it with some florals but the final products have turned too soapy for me. Never smelled the Jovan, though. Maybe grass is considered too allergenic?
                    I have that issue with iris poudre: to strong sometimes for certain occasions. When I want a fainter, less aldehydic version I spritz a little into some unscented cream and apply it that way. I also think a faintly vanilla lotion might be nice, too. Vanilla seems to soften the sharpness of some scents. April 6, 2015 at 10:50pm Reply

                    • angeldiva: Hi Elisa,
                      Yes, I think you are right- Jovan -Grass Oil could have been allergy producing. It really did smell exotic. A representation of the type of scent people wore in the epicenter of the sexual revolution of the 1960’s-70.
                      So, times change, and perfumes change. And, that’s a good progressive thing.
                      🙂 April 7, 2015 at 5:26pm

                • Victoria: Perhaps, a green fresh cologne would work? Even something inexpensive like 4711. Or Ivy by Marc Jacobs (if it’s still sold). April 7, 2015 at 10:51am Reply

                  • angeldiva: I’ve been circling Ivy! I have to save my money- I think it’s discontinued. But, I’m definitely going to order a sample! April 7, 2015 at 3:00pm Reply

          • Karen: Had to post this link to an “old lady” we can all admire, even if her fashion style is too out there for some! Iris Apfel has got some incredible clothes and jewelry, and wears them with such flair.

   April 11, 2015 at 10:27am Reply

            • Victoria: Brilliant! I love Iris Apfel. April 11, 2015 at 10:36am Reply

            • Cornelia Blimber: I once saw her in Amsterdam. The elegant way she took a seat in the tram is inimitable. April 11, 2015 at 12:36pm Reply

              • Karen: Now that’s something to aspire to! I’ve had a lot of fun reading about her and other older women who embrace fashion and are expressing themselves so creatively! April 14, 2015 at 6:45am Reply

    • angeldiva: Hi Skylar !
      I think when it comes to smoke, you can’t beat Serge Lutens- Ambre Sultan.
      For years I wore Guerlains Imperiale cologne, wonderful- no vanilla
      If you’re OK with lime and petitgrain you may like Eau De Courreges. It’s marketed to women, but, could swing both ways.
      And, I haven’t smelled this , but, I have now read a great deal about it: Guerlains- Habit Rouge EDT *this is a men’s fragrance- there are many flankers.
      But, both sexes seem to be wild for this scent!
      Best Of Perfume Luck! April 4, 2015 at 11:31pm Reply

    • Kasey: If you like niche fragrances, try REPLICA, I love both Lazy Sunday Morning and Beach Walk. April 14, 2015 at 2:20am Reply

  • Karen: What about Tauer’s L’air du desert marocain or Lutens’ Feminite du Bois? (although Lutens’ has a lot of cedar.

    But, can I put out a request for no more “old lady” usage? All the old ladies I know – and as someone over 50, maybe I’m included in the old lady category – smell pretty darn good! As a group we buy and use more perfume cause we’ve generally got more income to do so and also are not afraid to support smaller lines that cost more.

    Also, many younger people are working in places where perfume is not allowed and so get out of the habit of wearing it. This doesn’t apply to the BdJ crowd, but I smell more older women wearing sumptuous perfumes – Chanel’s, Guerlaines (the whole line, not just new releases), Malle and others.

    Apologies for going on about this but of all fragrance descriptions this one really sets my teeth on edge. If you don’t like powdery fragrances, or perfumes heavy on a certain note (violet or Iris perhaps?), specify that.

    But I am putting out a request for a moritorium on the phrase “old lady” used in a negative context. April 2, 2015 at 7:16am Reply

    • Cornelia Blimber: I agree with you, Karen! April 2, 2015 at 7:20am Reply

    • limegreen: Karen — Great post! 🙂
      Haven’t you heard? 50 is the new 30!
      I never know what smelling like an “old lady” is supposed to be when people use it on fragrance blogs. It sometimes refers to lilacs which I adore.
      And who are these old ladies? Mothers, grandmothers, the lady next door? The Queen of England? April 2, 2015 at 9:22am Reply

      • Karen: Yup!! Maybe rose water? That’s what my best friend’s (in high school) grandmother smelled like – when she went to go do volunteer work at the nursing home! Or maybe sweaty? At least that’s what the old ladies in my kick-butt yoga/Pilates class were all smelling like this morning! or maybe this incredibly elegant old lady who passed by my seat at the ballet to whom I said, “You smell so beautiful!” Arpege like my great aunts?

        Maybe we can make Smell Like an Old Lady in to a positive phrase! ha ha ha – don’t think that will happen. But seriously, if any other group of people was replaced with “old lady” think how offensive it is. And yet somehow it remains in the lexicon of (mostly women) perfumistas as such a negative insult.

        I’ve (obviously) given it a lot of thought and held my words when I’ve seen it in other posts/queries/comments but I’ve just had it with insults and generalizations about old ladies! April 2, 2015 at 9:33am Reply

        • Hannah: Honestly, where do you live that the majority of old women wear Guerlain and Lanvin? My grandma was very chic and she wore some cheap powdery perfume from the drug store. April 2, 2015 at 9:49am Reply

          • Karen: Where I live is not the issue. As a point of reference for the Ma Griffe giveaway a while ago, my query was What perfume have you bought strictly based on a memory. Read the responses as people from all over the world gave very poignant replies with the majority citing a grandmother, aunt or older relative or friend/teacher.

            The term is used in a pejorative way associated with fragrance. Old ladies do no more smell a certain way than all _______ do (fill in with your own word/ethnic group).

            As far as I can tell, Catherine Deneuve is an old lady, as is Sophia Loren, Angelica Houston and many more. If you want a perfume that smells floral or fruity or with a vanilla base – then those are the descriptions. Old ladies wear all kinds of perfumes for goodness sakes! April 2, 2015 at 10:15am Reply

            • Jackie: Hear, hear Karen! “Old lady” is a pejorative and condescending word no matter what context it’s used in. It’s sexist as well as ageist (it’s not about aging, per se, it’s about women aging!) And heaven knows we’ve got enough pejorative words for women (of various ages)!

              Also, as you say, Karen, it’s just vague and unhelpful. Are 20-year olds and 50-year olds referring to the same smell when they use the term? Unlikely.

              Karen, don’t apologize for “going on about it”! I, for one, am so glad you did!!

              Skylar, I don’t know if you’re new to this blog, but I just want to point out that this is not all targeting you! “Old lady” is a term used a lot in perfume talk, and I think Karen just couldn’t take it anymore! 😉 It wasn’t directed at you. 🙂

              Btw, I’ve even seen bloggers use the term!! Very unhelpful! Though never Victoria. In fact, I think she spoke to it briefly once in an earlier comment thread. April 3, 2015 at 12:19pm Reply

              • Jackie: Indeed, you will find quite a lively discussion, including Victoria’s comments, in a post from 2010 here: April 3, 2015 at 12:39pm Reply

                • Karen: Wow – and yikes – that was quite a *lively* exchange. (definitely yikes on some of those comments, me thinks issues way beyond perfume) I had not seen it, so thanks for posting the link. Like so many derogatory generalizations, I don’t think people always realize the offensive nature behind a comment or remark – and sometimes we all do need a bit of a reminder to make us think. I really appreciated Sergio’s comments, and found it interesting that he said the exact same thing I did – replace old lady with any other group to realize its wrongness. April 3, 2015 at 2:23pm Reply

                • limegreen: Thanks, Jackie, for reposting the BdJ link!
                  (And I think Skylar stopped reading the thread… 🙂 ) April 3, 2015 at 5:00pm Reply

        • limegreen: It’s ageism, Karen. It seems as a society, we’re obsessed with youth and fear getting old or at least looking it. Think of all the cosmetics and skincare products that are aimed at not looking like an “old lady” though they do not use that in the ads! 🙂 I think they use “mature skin” as an euphemism, cracks me up.
          So what does the Queen wear, does anyone know? April 2, 2015 at 10:02am Reply

          • Karen: Excellent points! I stopped buying – who was it, Lancôme?? – when they dropped Isabella Rossillini – probably one of the most gorgeous women in the world. It was a while ago, but at the time I thought, really? Who the heck do you think is buying your products? 20 year olds? April 2, 2015 at 10:24am Reply

            • limegreen: Death is the only surefire way to stop aging. 🙂 April 2, 2015 at 1:05pm Reply

      • Hannah: I’m of 2 minds about it. It’s not a good descriptor because it is too subjective, and it potentially offends many people on the perfume blogs/forums because it suggests that older women have bad taste in perfume. So I agree that it should not be used. But I also don’t think it is as ridiculous as detractors think it is. Just because someone’s grandma might wear classics or Frederic Malle doesn’t mean the majority do. Old people often wear dated things. It’s fine for them, but why would a younger person want to? It is reasonable that a younger person doesn’t want to wear a perfume that represents trends of the past. I think it is a good point to make because some people really only like modern perfumery but old lady is not a good term to use. April 2, 2015 at 9:43am Reply

        • Karen: A lot of old ladies also wear modern fragrances. And if you don’t want a classic like Shalimar or #5, then that’s what you don’t want. I know more “old ladies” buying Misia and Amouage fragrances than I do younger ladies, partly because at some point many women (myself included) just are more courageous about fragrance (and life), less concerned about what others like or fitting in.

          Plus, in all reality how many women under the age of 40 do you know that can afford $300-$400 bottles of perfume! April 2, 2015 at 10:21am Reply

          • rainboweyes: I think that’s not a matter of age but a matter of style. I know many old women having an excellent perfume taste. And I know even more youg women wearing those horrible generic scents. April 2, 2015 at 12:28pm Reply

          • Hannah: Most people aren’t going to buy a $300 bottle of perfume regardless of age. And “old” is usually considered to be more like 65+, which is actually the age group with the highest poverty rate.

            I already said the phrase isn’t a good descriptor. April 2, 2015 at 11:16pm Reply

    • Aurora: Well said, Karen. April 2, 2015 at 9:40am Reply

    • limegreen: And while we’re at it, I would like ‘smells like pee” to be removed from fragrance “reviews” and comments (not here at BdJ) because it’s not helpful. 🙂
      (One of the many reasons I love BdJ, the reviews and comments are very helpful and do not fall back on such phrasing.) April 2, 2015 at 10:03am Reply

      • Karen: Seriously – ugggg. April 2, 2015 at 10:07am Reply

        • Hamamelis: Thank you Karen for your proposed moritorium which I back up 100%. April 2, 2015 at 4:40pm Reply

          • angeldiva: Hi!
            I recently read this in Closer Magazine, and it made me feel proud!

            I’m paraphrasing-

            “Monica Bellucci Named The First Bond WOMAN”
            At 50, Monica is four years older than Daniel Craig. In the new 007 film, SPECTRE, has James Bond met his match?

            Professor Chris Hansen of Baylor University tells CLOSER it’s a , “significant,” hire.

            “It’s saying that the filmmakers have confidence
            that young men will find a 50 -year-old sexy enough for a role that has traditionally gone to younger women.”

            *I think her character should wear Shocking by Schiaparelli !

            amen… April 2, 2015 at 6:43pm Reply

            • Karen: She is just gorgeous! April 3, 2015 at 5:48am Reply

      • Aurora: I totally agree about that too. It’s as if on some blogs their terms of reference are from the kindergarten. April 3, 2015 at 10:42am Reply

    • Danaki: I know!! This really frustrates me. My grandma who is 83 wears Elie Saab edp! My mother, who is 65, wears SL Feminite du Bois, YSL Manifesto, Thierry Mugler Angel (yes, Angel), and CK Escape “It’s good for the office”, she sighed. She has others too…but anyway…point is, the “old ladies” in my life smell awesome and … dare I say…trendy! April 3, 2015 at 9:31am Reply

      • Karen: Exactly!!! Hooray for trendy women – of all ages! I’m so fortunate to have many role models, including my mom, and the many older women involved with the organization I volunteer with. Maybe it’s not the “norm”, but I’ve been surrounded by incredibly smart, stylish, hard working women who care about important issues AND also wear clothing that fits their personalities and are not afraid to wear gorgeous perfumes! Or, you know what? Maybe this really is the norm. April 3, 2015 at 2:31pm Reply

  • Alessandra: Hello everyone!

    What would you select as an ideal Annick Goutal fragrance for spring? I am extreeeemely undecided, am in love with too many fragrances from this amazing house. Let’s say that, for now, Eau de Charlotte is no. 1, although I would love to get Songes, too.. but I am preoccupied it could be too intense for daywear in the spring/summer, though I would definitely wear it in the evening. Any help would be hugely appreciated! 🙂 April 2, 2015 at 9:54am Reply

    • limegreen: Eau d’Hadrien EDP (femme) if you like citrus. April 2, 2015 at 10:04am Reply

      • Alessandra: I like citrus, but it does not suit me well, alas! Thanks anyway 🙂 April 12, 2015 at 10:48am Reply

    • Andy: I can only speak for myself, but I suspect I’m going to be wearing Ninfeo Mio a lot both this spring AND summer! If you like realistic fig leaf scents, do try it. April 2, 2015 at 10:36am Reply

      • maja: I second Ninfeo Mio, absolutely fantastic and wearable both in spring and during summer heat. April 2, 2015 at 12:35pm Reply

      • Alessandra: ooooh yes, I do love ninfeo mio, I have a sample and can’t get enough of it! That’s a close contendant to the other ones I’ve sniffed, yes 🙂 thanks a lot! April 12, 2015 at 10:49am Reply

    • Nina Zolotow: Heure Exquise is a beautiful green iris and rose scent. It’s just a perfect scent for spring, at least where I live! April 2, 2015 at 10:58am Reply

      • Alessandra: I do have to try this one, I haven’t yet… will be road testing it this week, then. Thanks! 🙂 April 12, 2015 at 10:50am Reply

      • Alessandra: I do have to try this one, I haven’t yet… will be road testing it this week, then. Thanks! 🙂 April 12, 2015 at 10:50am Reply

    • Austenfan: Many Goutals are excellent for springwear: The Soliflores; Le Jasmin, Le Chèvrefeuille, La Violette. Un Matin d’Orage, The new Cologne Trio, Grand Amour (it has quite a prominent hyacinth note which signals spring to me), and I can only second Heure Exquise (perfect all year round) and Ninfeo Mio. April 2, 2015 at 4:31pm Reply

      • Hamamelis: Second them all and especially Heure Exquise. April 2, 2015 at 4:41pm Reply

        • rainboweyes: Another vote for Heure Exquise! April 3, 2015 at 6:51am Reply

      • Alessandra: thanks an awful lot! I need to try grand amour, too, in fact…. is it the one prominently gravitating around rose? I think, at first, I didn’t try it because I didn’t want a prominently rosey scent.. however, I adore some roses in spring / summer (one for all, La Fille de Berlin), so I can make an exception 😉 April 12, 2015 at 10:52am Reply

  • Hannah: Tea people…
    Recently, I went to a cafe that is Japanese style, so you get a Japanese teapot and you can get more hot water to have as many cups as you want but there are instructions for how to do it properly. I had sencha at this cafe. The next day my dad and I needed to waste like an hour, so we went to another cafe and I ordered sencha again, a large one because we needed to waste an hour. They gave it to me in a huge glass, not a glass tea cup but a glass you’d drink water from. I’m usually lazy about making tea but I had an epiphany. I have decided I will ALWAYS make green tea with my little Japanese teapot. Before I was too lazy to get it out, but now it will always be out.
    So I would like to know your favorite Japanese teas that are easily found in the US! April 2, 2015 at 10:08am Reply

    • Andy: Hi Hannah,
      For a good selection and fast, professional service, I’ve been using Upton Tea Imports a lot lately. They offer a good range of Japanese green teas, varying in price and quality, but the nice thing is that you can order all their teas in an inexpensive sample size to try before committing to a large amount (just like ordering perfume samples!). Another brand I love for Japanese teas is Aiya, but I’m not sure if they sell online, and their teas aren’t always easy to find at shops. April 2, 2015 at 10:44am Reply

      • Hannah: They do sell online.
        And I’m looking at the Upton teas.
        I need to go to Japan already. Japanese green tea and senbei are all I want in life but I still haven’t been there. April 2, 2015 at 2:51pm Reply

        • Andy: I haven’t been either, but would love to go some day! 🙂 April 2, 2015 at 3:16pm Reply

          • Hannah: Andy, I ordered a bunch of green tea samples. So far I like tamaryokucha the most.
            I want to get the matcha gift set from Aiya, as a gift to myself. April 11, 2015 at 12:15pm Reply

  • May: Can anyone recommend a perfume that smells precisely like rain? Before the rain, during the rain, after the rain – pretty please? April 2, 2015 at 11:57am Reply

    • Hannah: Demeter Thunderstorm is supposed to. April 3, 2015 at 7:58am Reply

  • maja: Hi everyone, good to read you all! 🙂

    I have a question this time – ever since I’ve tried Arquiste Boutonniere n.7 I can’t get it out of my head. It is really expensive so I was wondering if there are any (cheaper) gardenias similar to that one so not creamy/cloying/ylang-ylang-ish/aquatic/tropical. I know, it’s a lot of restrictions. I’ve tried and did NOT like Tuberose Gardenia, Un Matin d’Orage, Ellenisia, Narciso.

    Thanks a lot! 🙂 April 2, 2015 at 12:34pm Reply

    • maja: I’ve also tried Isabey Fleur Nocturne but I find it too sweet and creamy. April 2, 2015 at 12:44pm Reply

    • limegreen: I’m not familiar with AB no. 7 but I have tried a lot of gardenia fragrances. Tuberose Gardenia did not work on my skin, so I did not like it either.
      Van Cleef and Arpels Gardenia Petale is just as expensive, but it smells like a fresh gardenia on the bush (to me). You should smell it if you can, just for the love of gardenia!
      Kai Gardenia is nice, but quite similar to the (cheaper) Hawaiian gardenia perfumes I have tried. I like the Kai dry body oil. IMO, Forever Florals Gardenia is the best of the Hawaiian ones, a pretty soliflore, without being tropical/coconut (wait a bit for the initial alcohol blast) and easily found for less than $10 on many online sites such as eBay or amazon (so you don’t have to be in Hawai’i to get it!). The perfume oil is nicer than the spray. (The seller sent me a small perfume oil roll-on as a freebie.)
      If you are feeling adventurous, Tuvache (Jungle) Gardenia captures the bleu cheese/mushroom part of gardenia. I have not smelled the vintage but the current formulation.
      The nicest Gardenia fragrance I have smelled has been the Malle Gardenia a la Nuit perfume gun home fragrance — but can’t wear it and at that price, may as well get a perfume one can wear!
      If you find your gardenia perfume, would love to hear about it next time! April 2, 2015 at 1:28pm Reply

      • maja: Thank you so much, limegreen, I am not sure these are being sold in Europe. Only VC&A is available in Italy for what I know. And I’ll try to check it out. 🙂 April 2, 2015 at 4:56pm Reply

    • Aurora: Two mainstream gardenias you might want to try are: Michael by Michael Kors (although it feels a little beachy and might be best in summer) and Marc Jacobs by Marc Jacobs, I think it is still available.

      But I agree with you Boutonniere No 7 is very special and more unisex. Perhaps you could wait and save for it or ask for it as a birthday or Xmas present. Good luck with your search. April 4, 2015 at 5:00am Reply

      • limegreen: I’m not sure but I think the Kors signature perfume is tuberose, not gardenia. It’s a nice basic tuberose though. April 4, 2015 at 12:21pm Reply

      • maja: thanks, Aurora. I could probably be happy with a small decant of Boutonniere, too, since I don’t see myself wearing gardenia very often. A decant would make a great gift, too. 🙂 April 9, 2015 at 2:23am Reply

  • Ariadne: Hi everyone! First of all let me say sorry for my English: I’m a 20 years old Italian girl so my English is not very fluent.
    Sense of smell is my guide in life: smells and odors can shortly change my day and my mood. Also I link some smells to my childhood, and that’s why I’m writing this comment: I remember my mother’s garden, with freesias, roses and mediterranean bushes (myrtle, juniper, lavender).
    Some of my favourite perfumes are Hermès Un jardin sur le nil and Un jardin sur le toit, Noa by Cacharel, Dior Escale aux Marquises, Elizabeth Arden Green tea and yuzu, Serge Lutens Fleur de Citronnier.
    I’m looking for an uplifting spring scent which has to be delicate and not headaching: I don’t like touberose or gardenia’s smells, instead I love freesia, honeysuckle, aromatic smells like myrtle or juniper and citrussy fragrances (neroli, verbena..).
    I also can’t stand heavy and too sweet perfumes like Dior Hypnotic or Mugler’s Angel.
    Thank you !! April 3, 2015 at 4:43pm Reply

    • Hannah: Diorissimo? April 3, 2015 at 6:05pm Reply

      • Ariadne: Thank you Hannah! I am already familiar with Diorissimo. I like it but the lily (or lilac?) note in it sounds a bit “old” for me. April 4, 2015 at 5:30am Reply

        • Cornelia Blimber: In that case, Lily by Stella Mc Cartney could be better for you. April 7, 2015 at 11:43am Reply

          • Ariadne: Thank you Cornelia, I will give it a try! Seen it on fragrantica, seems interesting. April 8, 2015 at 11:26am Reply

    • angeldiva: Hi Ariadne,
      What a charming post. I love, love LOVE Citronnier, and hope to buy a full bottle. Your wonderful European perfumes are a luxury here in California.
      If you like honeysuckle – you may already be familiar with Annick Goutal- Le Chevrefeuille. It’s my favorite perfume.
      🙂 April 3, 2015 at 8:21pm Reply

      • Ariadne: Hi Angeldiva! Here in my city Annick Goutal is rare, so I have not tried Le Chevrefeuille. I will though! Thank you. What are your favourite perfumes, a part from A G one? 🙂 April 4, 2015 at 5:47am Reply

        • angeldiva: Hi Ariadne,
          I’m flattered by your question, and think Italy is fabulous. What I wouldn’t give for a shopping spree at Merchant Of Venice!
          I would also like to share that at age 54 there is so much I can learn from someone who is 20! It would be so great to have a young woman sitting in my closet, and helping me put together a fashionable outfit for a date! LOL
          I also think that when describing perfumes there are legitimate descriptors that people use. For instance I don’t feel comfortable wearing Juicy Couture, I think it’s a bit young for me. There are also scents that make a statement that is too Mature. LOL Even for me!
          But, that’s the beauty and the art of perfume, isn’t it? I’ve taken recommendations from BDJ, from everyone, and everyone has enriched my life!
          Who sang, “Age Is Nothing But A Number?”
          So, Le Chevrefeuille is hard to find even for me, so I bought a lot of samples on sale, and decanted them in to an AG bottle I bought on ebay. I enjoy this all the more because I worked so hard. Keep trying!
          My collection, and favorites:
          Kate Moss- Wild Meadows edt $
          Jessica Simpson -Fancy Nights edp $
          * I have to layer this with patchouly oil because the plum not is too strong
          Giorgio (Beverly Hills) edt $
          I layer this with a FAVORITE:
          L’occitane -Verbena $
          Oscar de La Renta edp $
          Espirit D’Oscar (spicier) edp $
          Guy Laroche- Jai Ose edp $
          * I wore this in High School, and it still thrills me!
          Clinique- Aromatics Elixir edp $
          Clinique Wrapping edp $
          *this is marketed at Christmastime
          Yardey -Iris $
          *great for layering, and a bargain!
          Eau De Courreges edt $
          Balmain- Vent Vert $ 1/2
          *this is a a chypre- I layer it with the Kate Moss
          O de Lancome edt $1/2
          Aqua Allegoria- Herba Fresca $1/2
          Imperial cologne $1/2
          Concentree D’Orange Verte edt $$
          L’Heure Bleue edp $$
          * this is a mature / historical scent- I have to layer it
          Flower edp $$
          Summer edp $$
          SERGE LUTENS
          Ambre Sultan
          A La Nuit $$
          Cacharel -Amour Amour edt $
          Donna Karen – Gold $
          * a mature Lilly
          Gucci eau de Parfum $$ 1/2
          * mature, sultry, historical
          MY SUPERFAVES:
          Estee Lauder- BRONZE GODDESS!
          eau fraiche $$
          *only marketed in Spring/Summer in America
          Creed- Fleurissima $$$$
          Chanel eau primiere $$$
          *in a class by itself- I would have worn this in my 20’s
          Also, I buy basic Cinnamon cooking oil, and put it on my wrists – drives men wild…
          ciao! April 4, 2015 at 5:53pm Reply

          • angeldiva: sorry, the D’Orange Vert is from Hermes
            Thank-you, Aurora April 4, 2015 at 6:02pm Reply

            • angeldiva: also, I didn’t get into all my samples! Most of them are in a price range where I would not allocate my budget to buy them!
              🙂 April 4, 2015 at 7:02pm Reply

          • Ariadne: Hi Angeldiva! You have a lot of perfumes!! And you’re right, Italy is fabulous..I live in the south, in Calabria. The land of Bergamot! When I was younger..well, some years ago, me and my friends used to go to bergamot industry to buy pure essential oil and wear it. Sort of artisan perfumer!
            I see in your list Verbena by L’occitane, it’s my father’s signature 😉 So I’m very familiar with it. For Christmas I bought him another verbena scent: 4711 Melissa & Verbena-Maurer & Wirtz , give it a try !!
            You listed some perfumes I have never tried. Thank you for having suggested them! 😉
            Also, I invite you to try the new Clinique’s one, Aromatics in white. I think you can appreciate it! I love it, I think it’s intimate and deep. Too notable on me,though..sigh.. it would overwhelm me! April 8, 2015 at 11:55am Reply

            • angeldiva: Hi Ariadne,
              Please tell your dear Dad that a lady in California wears L’occitane Verbena, and thinks that he has amazing taste in fragrance!
              I’ve now read about Clinique-Elixir White, and will test it when I’m able.
              Good Perfume Luck!
              🙂 April 9, 2015 at 6:17pm Reply

    • Aurora: Hello Ariadne: as you like Green Tea by Elizabeth Arden you might also enjoy Eau Parfumee au The Vert by Bulgari and Eau de Gaga (Victoria reviewed it very positively, I use it and it’s not expensive).

      Also more classic ‘Eaux’ that are very good: O and O de l’Orangerie by Lancome, Eau de Rochas (I really like that one), Eau Concentree d’Orange Verte by Hermes which lasts quite well, in fact all the Eaux by Hermes are good including Eau des Merveilles.
      Have fun! April 4, 2015 at 5:24am Reply

      • Ariadne: Thank you Aurora for your reply! I already enjoy Eau de Rochas, it was my mother’s perfume. Hermes’ Eau claire des Merveilles is in my collection of fragrances! I think it is a perfume for important occasions, so I don’t wear it very often.
        I will try Eau de Gaga!
        Also, If a can ask you, do you know perfumes with freesia note? I’m already familiar with Eternity by Calvin Klein (here in Italy it’s considered a freesia perfume) but I find it too powdery. April 4, 2015 at 5:59am Reply

        • Hannah: Diptyque has a freesia perfume, Ofresia. I’ve never tried it, though. April 4, 2015 at 9:23am Reply

          • limegreen: Ariadne, I second Ofresia. I have Ofresia and it’s all about freesia, with greenness. It’s supposed to have pink pepper, but it’s not that spicy, much closer to a soliflore than not. (Demeter Freesia is all freesia, but as with most of the line, very fleeting.) Hope you can find a diptyque counter where you are to test Ofresia.
            It’s not a favorite of mine, but some of my verbena loving friends adore L’Occitane Verbena (and its many flankers).
            Have fun with your quest! April 4, 2015 at 11:25am Reply

            • limegreen: Ariadne, Inspired by your post, I spritzed on Ofresia to remind myself (have not worn it since last summer) and it is freesia with some leafy greenness, very spring-like. As with many Diptyque Edt, it’s linear but very nice, and does not change in the drydown, no powder. April 4, 2015 at 12:39pm Reply

              • Hannah: I might try it, too. In the past things like that wouldn’t have been my style, but now I like Diorissimo, CDG Lily and Champaca, etc. so I might like that, too. April 5, 2015 at 11:24am Reply

                • limegreen: Hi Hannah — it’s worth sampling. Ofresia is “light” but lasts, a good 6-7 hours on my skin.
                  I only have tried the reformulated Diorissimo and it is nice enough but fades on my skin rather quickly, so I have not been able to appreciate this perfume. It just may be how lily-of-the-valley is in perfumes. April 6, 2015 at 12:45pm Reply

              • Ariadne: Thank you limegreen. I heard about Ofresia but Diptyque is not easy to try where I live. I will give it a try in my holiday abroad! If it’s a green freesia on me, as you said, I will be very happy. I would have found my signature. I love freesia, my room is always full of it! April 8, 2015 at 12:01pm Reply

                • limegreen: Hi Ariadne — If you are in Italy, you can go to the diptyque website, search by country, and by city, and you will find where diptyque is available. There seems to be many in Italy. You can find the closest one to you, and call them up for a sample of Ofresia, even if it’s for the cost of shipping (Eva above had amazing success in getting all kinds of samples!). April 8, 2015 at 7:32pm Reply

        • Aurora: Hi Ariadne: Oh good you are already familiar with some, you already know a lot about perfume.

          Well, for a freesia note, have a look at Fragrantica on the web: I see Miracle by Lancome, Estee Lauder Pleasures, Fragonard Freesia (this line is not expensive it’s French and quite good I don’t know if you find it in Italy) and Fragrantica particularly recommends Antonia’s Flowers (I know this one, it very good but very flowery and is from the USA).

          Also, already recommended by Angeldiva Annick Goutal has some very good Eaux: Eau d’Hadrien, Eau du Sud, Eau du Ciel, Neroli, they are all light and user friendly. Diptyque is a very good house too with L’Eau, L’Eau de Neroli, Eau Lente, Eau Plurielle, Eau Duelle… etc they are so many.

          From Italy you might also explore Acqua di Parma Blu Mediterraneo line, again there are many of them and Santa Maria Novella based in Florence also has a line of acqua di colonia. April 4, 2015 at 9:31am Reply

          • angeldiva: Hi Aurora!
            I think that it is you that knows so much about perfume! Mercy! The index of perfumes you have mentioned is vast!
            Is it OK to ask if you are in the perfume industry?
            🙂 April 7, 2015 at 4:49pm Reply

            • Aurora: Hello Angeldiva: Oh, no I am not in the perfume industry and I feel I’m still learning as far as fragrances are concerned, but I do love perfume and Bois de Jasmin is such a wonderful forum. Glad if my answers have been useful to you, we all help each other as Victoria says. April 8, 2015 at 3:27pm Reply

        • limegreen: And Ofresia is on the more delicate side. April 4, 2015 at 11:28am Reply

        • Ingeborg: Hello Ariadne,
          Why not try the Korres edt called White tea, Bergamot, Freesia? It is not too expensive and quite lovely during sping and summer. My skin “eats” scent, so I do not know how long this scent would last on your skin.The bottle does not look great, maybe because Korres tries to have eco-friendly packaging, but the scent is good. April 4, 2015 at 10:24pm Reply

          • Ariadne: Hi Ingeborg! I have never heard of Korres. I’ll search about it and see if I can find here! Thank you 🙂 April 8, 2015 at 12:06pm Reply

    • Aurora: Also, Le Chevrefeuille was recommended by Angeldiva and Annick Goutal has some very good Eaux: Eau d’Hadrien, Eau du Sud, Eau du Ciel, Neroli, they are all light and user friendly. Diptyque is a very good house too with L’Eau, Diptyques L’Eau de Neroli, Eau Lente, Eau Plurielle, Eau Duelle… etc they are so many.

      From Italy you might also explore Acqua di Parma Blu Mediterraneo line, again there are many of them and Santa Maria Novella based in Florence also has a line of acqua di colonia. April 4, 2015 at 5:56am Reply

      • Ariadne: Annick Goutal and Diptyque seem to be suitable for me. Hope I can find a shop where try all of their perfumes!
        Acqua di Parma is a must here! All their fragrances embody very well their name! I really like Mirto di Panarea and Ginepro di Sardegna. Althogh the second is made for men..but not gender in perfumery!
        Also, you suggest Antonia’s flower and I’ll look for a sample on ebay. I read that it is sold in USA, unfortunately! April 8, 2015 at 12:22pm Reply

  • angeldiva: Hello,
    Wishing everyone a pleasant Easter, or holiday of your beliefs. 🙂
    I have been using a wonderful, new, very perfumed product. A bath soap that smells like Frankincense and Myrrh. It is handmade by a family in South Carolina. The scent is a bathing surround cloud experience, and the most luxurious as far as using a bar of soap goes. Very emollient-not tons of lather. But, a hybrid of lather, cream and foam. It takes a tiny bit longer to rinse.
    The company is: Karess Krafters. I saved a few pennies by ordering from
    On the Krafters website you can purchase less than perfectly shaped bars of soap in bulk, and the scents run a range like I’ve never read!
    Some are floral, some gourmand. Then the very beautiful 3 bars I bought for about $21.US- delivered.
    enjoy! April 3, 2015 at 9:48pm Reply

    • Aurora: Thank you for your recommendation Angeldiva, these soaps sound great, enjoy April 4, 2015 at 5:18am Reply

  • Johanob: Wow,this post took on a life of it’s own!Lol!I’ve never had to read that many comments to get to the bottom,and comment myself!Fun read,though!
    OK guys,I’m on a serious quest for two things:the first would be for a really dark,intense spicy rose perfume!I already have the big guns Portrait of a Lady,Rossy de Palma,Sa Majeste la Rose,La Fille de Berlin and L’Artisan Voleur d’Roses.I WANT MORE MORE MORE!lol!Secondly,any good recommendations for summery,early-fall days?We are experiencing a very hot Fall season this year,and I find Colognes too soft and my usual perfumes(see above) a bit much for these days.Thank you!Happy Easter All!!xo Johanob April 5, 2015 at 10:52am Reply

    • Nina Zolotow: Amouage Lyric Woman is a beautiful dark rose fragrance. My two favorite dark roses are Guerlain Nahema, a fiery, intense rose (I prefer the vintage) and Gucci L’Arte di Gucci, which is a gorgeous dark rose chypre, which is unfortunately discontinued but still possible to find (see if you can get a sample of that first). April 5, 2015 at 2:35pm Reply

      • Cornelia Blimber: Happy Easter, Johanob!
        I) A beautiful dark rose/mossy chypre is Knowing, Estee Lauder.
        Maybe you could love Parfum Sacré by Caron.
        My dark rose favourites: second Nahema and add Une Rose (Malle).

        II) What about a lavender? Like Jicky, Caron Pour Un Homme, Héritage (Guerlain; balsamic fougère/lavande).
        Or maybe one of these:
        Rive Gauche for men
        Eau Sauvage
        Acqua di Giò
        Cristalle edt
        Sublime by Patou (beautiful soft amber)
        Vitriol d’Oeillet by Lutens
        Good luck and enjoy! April 5, 2015 at 5:18pm Reply

        • Johanob: Hi Cornelia!You just reminded me of some beautiful perfumes I actually do have!And lavender is a good note for the seasonal change,I do agree!Thank you for your input!Now I need to go dig out some lost lovelies from the vault…lol. April 5, 2015 at 5:24pm Reply

          • Aurora: All very good recommendations, another beautiful one with a lavender note is Pour Un Homme by Caron.

            Many dark roses have been listed, also perhaps check Les Parfums de Rosine line, it’s a niche house all about roses, they have a website where you can order samples if I remember right. April 6, 2015 at 12:13pm Reply

            • Aurora: Sorry, I see Pour un Homme has already been recommended, perhaps also Brin de Reglisse by Hermes which Victoria refers to in her post today, it sounds very nice. April 6, 2015 at 1:49pm Reply

      • Johanob: Oh yes,those sound really nice!Thanks for the recommendations!Happy Easter! April 5, 2015 at 5:22pm Reply

        • elisa p: Hi Johanob, I really like Agent Provacateur(the signature). It’s a deep rose chypre that is done really well and well reviewed. I don’t wear it that often because it has crazy sillage and my husband says “it smells like seduction ” so not great for my workplace 😉 It’s also fairly inexpensive. April 6, 2015 at 8:29am Reply

        • Courant: Diva by Ungaro is inexpensive online and Annick Goutal’s Rose Splendide is supposed to be charming. I have Quel Amor! Worth a look. And everyone recommends Perfumer’s Workshop Tearose as being a true rose scent April 7, 2015 at 8:38pm Reply

    • Karen: Dark roses are my favorite! Despite a very full tray of lots of goodies, my first instinct is always La Fille or PoaL. Rose nacree du desert by Guerlain is Gorgeous Gorgeous Gorgeous! And a sample of Rose Cut by Ann Gerald should arrive today so I will report back on it. April 6, 2015 at 9:17am Reply

      • Karen: Trying out Rose Cut which arrived today – it feels quite similar to Rose Flash by Andy Tauer, not dark along the lines of your favorites. If you give Rose nacree du dessert a try (and the other suggestions), report next month – love to know your experiences! April 6, 2015 at 6:10pm Reply

  • Raquel: Happy Easter!!! I think I read on this blog that Agent Provocateur is a nice dark chypre rose fragance but not sure about it… April 5, 2015 at 12:15pm Reply

    • Victoria: Raquel, yes, it is, with lots of spices too. Sultry! April 6, 2015 at 4:42pm Reply

  • Melissa: Hey everyone!
    I’m a 20 year old German girl in desperate need of a recommendation 😀
    I have to say I was never really into perfume and the only one I own and love is Jo Malone Blackberry & Bay, however sometimes I sneakily use some of my mums Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue, which I also really like.
    Lately I’ve been wanting to try something different and then sampled Narciso Rodriguez For Her, but then hesitated to buy it. Two others I quite like but never bought are Gucci Premiere and Chloé. I would like to know which one of these you would most recommend or what other recommendations you have. I’m open for everything that is either soft floral, woodsy or a bit fruity/citrusy. April 5, 2015 at 12:43pm Reply

    • Hannah: Narciso Rodriguez For Her would be my pick.
      I prefer Narciso Rodriguez over these, but some more you might like: Stella by Stella McCartney, Alien by Thierry Mugler, Flower by Kenzo. April 5, 2015 at 3:11pm Reply

      • Cornelia Blimber: Maybe you could try Idylle by Guerlain. (Sadly the Idylle Eau Sublime has been discontinued.)
        It is in the same mood as Narciso R. For her, but I think it has more sparkle.
        Or maybe Champs Elysées.
        Or Chant d’Arômes.
        Maybe Arpège– rather retro and reformulated of course, but still lovely.
        Or one of the freesia’s recommended above (Ofrésia).
        If you like a really soft, subtle flowery one: Osmanthus, by The Different Company ( rather expensive, around 100 euro)

        As a woody citrus: Diorella.
        You may also like Ô de Lancôme.
        Happy sniffing! April 5, 2015 at 5:31pm Reply

        • Hannah: I was thinking about recommending Champes Elysees. Have you tried it recently? I have some from the mid 2000’s and I’ve been wondering how it is now. April 5, 2015 at 5:40pm Reply

          • Cornelia Blimber: Hello, Hannah,
            I bought mine some 3 years ago, and if my memory does not deceive me, it smells the same as when it was launched. April 5, 2015 at 5:57pm Reply

  • Julie: Hello Fragrant Friends-
    Hope all of you enjoyed a beautiful Easter or Passover…
    I wish you happy & bright longer days.
    Has anyone used “Kai” the perfume oil or the perfume? I am unable to book a 3 week trip to a private island, this sounds like a sweet escape?!?
    Would love to hear your thoughts on this. 🙂
    Thank you! April 6, 2015 at 5:43pm Reply

    • Victoria: Kai is delicious, if you like white flowers–gardenia, tuberose, jasmine, tiare, but the only thing I don’t like about it is the relative lack of sillage. It sits close to my skin and doesn’t bloom well. If you like white flowers, what about Marc Jacobs for Her, including its different flankers and variations? Or Annick Goutal Songes, if you would like white flowers and vanilla? April 6, 2015 at 5:51pm Reply

      • Julie: Thank you Victoria, I tried Eau de Charlotte & loved it. Songes sounds lovely as well as Marc Jacobs for Her. I know I have not tried anything from Marc Jacobs. Kai caught my eye because of a bubbly bath sponge (said to last for 30 uses) product that they sell too.
        I love so many different scents! The only perfume oil I’ve ever used was Kiehl’ls Musk Oil back in the day. 🙂 Not even sure if I have ever smelled gardenia, I do love jasmine and tuberose. 🙂 One of my favorites for spring/summer is Cristalle EDP. April 6, 2015 at 7:13pm Reply

        • Victoria: Gardenia by Chanel is another option, but it’s fresh, with a peachy accent. April 7, 2015 at 10:53am Reply

  • Anastasia: Can someone tell me if there were any new IFRA regulations that came into effect in 2015? I’ve smelled Obsession and before the holidays it was spicier, now its more of a sweet vanilla dry down. Chanel No. 5 seems to have lost its depth it smells like no. 5 but like somethings been taking away. Same with Coco the top notes are still there but its backbone seems gone. Dior addict is now just babypowder…

    I live next to a mall so I spend the weekends smelling and it just seems that a lot of fragrances seem to have lost their base, their omph and backbone..WT&**%$$!!

    Is this something that if its a reformulation issue will take a few years to work out until they find something else, similar to how the some guerlains were reformulated a few times before they got it close to the original.

    Sorry for such a long post but I’m so for lack of a better word sad and pissed when companies say nothings changed when its obvious that it has. I may not be an expert but certain scents I know are not the same this year. Why do these companies try and treat us consumers like idiots when it comes to reformulation?? April 6, 2015 at 8:09pm Reply

    • Victoria: Nothing specific for 2015, but this must be the earlier round of regulations. Perfumes are constantly changed, and yes, I echo your frustration with the way these reformulations are communicated (or not communicated!) April 7, 2015 at 10:56am Reply

      • Anastasia: Thanks Victoria, what I’m hoping is that this is just a learning curve because of whatever regulations, get the changes done so they can keep the fragrance on the market and fine tune it later…I guess I just don’t understand how some fragrances can get so watered down but something like Aromatics Elixir remains a scent that just keeps on giving and giving despite regulations….

        Was there something earlier that might have affected them? When I check the batch codes on the bottles, they are from 2014 April 7, 2015 at 7:16pm Reply

        • Victoria: Probably just the ongoing changes. Some brands don’t try as hard to maintain their classics, but Lauder (the mother brand of Clinique and Aromatics Elixir) is one of the most diligent. April 8, 2015 at 8:50am Reply

          • Anastasia: Thanks Victoria, yup EL owns a lot of fragrance companies and makeup (mac, bobbi brown..)I didn’t know how many until I happened to go to an EL warehouse sale…the markup on Beauty products is insane especially in the luxury area.

            Hmm, maybe that’s why Frederic Malle sold his company to her.

            Aromatics Elixir I did not understand that scent until I tried it and waited for the drydown…WOW!!

            What other companies would say try to be diligent in their reformulations of classics? April 8, 2015 at 10:02pm Reply

            • Victoria: Guerlain is pretty good now that Thierry Wasser handles the reformulations. Chanel has a great trackrecord. You do notice differences, which are inevitable when the regulations ban many key materials, but the quality is not destroyed. April 9, 2015 at 6:25am Reply

    • limegreen: Anastasia — I don’t know if you are still reading, but I agree with you! I found a difference in trying out the Chanel testers at Nordstrom just a few weeks ago, compared to just last fall!
      The Chanel no. 19 edt was an odd color — almost aqua green.
      And the Chanel no. 5 edt was very light in fragrance (and disappeared from my skin after a shorter amount of time than before), remarkably different than what one would associate with no. 5. So I looked it up on the Chanel website. No. 5 EDT is now described as a lighter version that is appropriate for all over the body, as in BODY SPRAY.
      They still sell parfum extrait and eau de parfum, but the edt is now encoded as body spray. April 7, 2015 at 6:40pm Reply

      • Anastasia: EXACTLY!!! There’s certain scents that I would swear on my life that I know what they smell like. No. 5, Coco and Obsession and some EL fragrances. I sprayed No. 5 today (EDP) and like you said it disappeared from my skin in a heartbeat. If I want a body mist I’ll go to bath and body works. And Coco I bought edp almost got into a fight with the SA when I went back to return it. They are still recognizable but it’s watered down version, as if the basenotes are missing…I knew I wasn’t going crazy!! I feel like they are doing what Dior did to their fragrances (hypnotic poison, addict) and yup noticed the color of 19 has changed as well…so sad… April 7, 2015 at 7:08pm Reply

        • limegreen: And the prices have jumped in the last several months. The 50 ml Eau Premiere is now $100.
          I didn’t try the no. 5 edp, but interesting that it’s lighter, too. Do you realize that one could pay $80 for no 5 edt (aka body spray)?!
          On the plus side, people like myself who did not care for the super aldehydic part of no. 5 will find it toned down now. 🙂 April 7, 2015 at 8:46pm Reply

          • Cornelia Blimber: I agree with both of you. I am glad that you mention it, so it is not just me.
            I know No.5 very well, emptied many bottles through the years. Now I have turned to Le Dix and Liù instead. Imagine how happy I am with Le Dix (100 ml!) so generously offered by Austenfan!
            I was also disappointed by Fille en Aiguilles. Still good, but thinner. April 8, 2015 at 3:38am Reply

            • anastasia: Cornelia, that says a lot if you were a faithful user and switched!

              I just looked at he notes for Le Dix and it sounds absolutely divine!!! Is it a discontinued fragrance? Also Liu? Is that by Guerlain, if that’s that one it sounds amazing as well! April 8, 2015 at 11:10am Reply

          • anastasia: $80 for body spray…ridiculous, I think instead of the body spray you’re better off just buying the soap. It’s cheaper and will probably last just as long as the EDT! April 8, 2015 at 11:04am Reply

            • Cornelia Blimber: Le Dix has been discontinued, but Liù is still there, in the exclusif range. April 8, 2015 at 12:16pm Reply

              • Cornelia Blimber: Yes, Guerlain! April 8, 2015 at 12:17pm Reply

  • Linnea: So, I’m taking the chance and emerging from the shadows of merely being a reader of this blog and your comments because a major life event is coming my way this June — I’m graduating from university! (gasp) Of course, I thought it would be lovely to have a special scent to mark the occasion 🙂

    The ceremony will be in June, and I’m planning on wearing a cream or pastel-coloured dress with gold accessories. I will be receiving an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree with fields of study in Environment and French. For reference, my signature scent is Narciso Rodriguez for Her EDT — I love it and wear it a lot, and my friends have come to associate it with me, but I wanted something different this time around 🙂 What perfume would you recommend, and why?

    You all seem to know your fragrances, so this seemed like the best place to ask for advice. What would you wear to a midsummer graduation ceremony? I look forward to your answers! April 6, 2015 at 10:08pm Reply

    • Cornelia Blimber: Congratulations!!
      Environment and French…it should be a French perfume.
      Since you seem to love florals, I suggest;
      Joy (Patou)
      Nahema (Guerlain)
      En Passant (coll. Malle)
      A la Nuit (Lutens)
      Songes (Goutal)
      First (Van Cleef & Arpels)
      24 Faubourg (Hermès) April 7, 2015 at 3:51am Reply

      • Cornelia Blimber: And Ysatis (Givenchy)’s a festive perfume. April 7, 2015 at 3:55am Reply

        • Victoria: And maybe No 19 for something green and French! 🙂 April 7, 2015 at 11:08am Reply

          • Linnea: Thank you so much for the suggestions, Cornelia! They are all great — now I’m having a difficult time choosing! Just looking at the notes, though, À La Nuit and Nahema seem most fitting to my tastes and interests: À La Nuit for being floral-spicy-honey-musky and Nahema for being floral-woody-green. I do like florals! Hmm, it seems as though one is a daytime and the other a nighttime fragrance … what to choose!

            Victoria, I love No. 19! It just so happens that that’s my mother’s signature fragrance, but it would have been quite fitting as well — a French perfume with floral-woody-green notes, because, as my Environment background would give away, I’m a hiker, so oakmoss and vetiver are incredibly appealing to me 🙂 And, doesn’t iris symbolize wisdom in the language of flowers?

            Thank you for the suggestions ladies, this is very exciting! April 7, 2015 at 12:09pm Reply

            • Cornelia Blimber: An Iris perfume maybe? Like Iris Silver Mist (in the black spray: € 120)
              Or Hiris (Hermès), maybe sprayed over L’Heure Bleue (Guerlain).
              Or a very green iris, very sparkling and joyous, Fidji (Laroche)!

              Happy sniffing,enjoy these days! April 7, 2015 at 4:06pm Reply

    • Victoria: Linnea, congratulations! This is so exciting. If you like Narciso Rodriguez, you might enjoy something similarly musky, even Narciso, the latest perfume. But are there any other fragrances or scents that you enjoy? You should pick something that makes you feel wonderful and uplifted. But which perfume will have this effect depends on your tastes. So, if you tell us more, we can find something. April 7, 2015 at 11:04am Reply

      • Linnea: Oh, I wasn’t aware Narciso had a new fragrance! I just love the For Her EDT, I find it very age-appropriate — comfortable and sexy at the same time. And it’s such a chameleon! Sometimes it just smells like a slightly dirty orange blossom-vanilla combo (and I’m not a fan of vanilla, so that’s saying something), sometimes I catch whiffs of anise, sometimes there’s a metallic note in there. It can be easy to overspray, so I usually just rub the nozzle behind my ears and on my décolletage, unless I’m going out at night 😉

        So NRFH EDT does make me feel wonderful and uplifted, but for graduation, I wanted something special — perhaps with some meaning to it. I was thinking of getting a decant or a small bottle, just to mark the occasion, as you would with a bottle of good wine. I am open to anything, but as mentioned above, I like floral (orange blossom in particular — but no big white ones like gardenia or tuberose), musk, woods, honey, green, and citrus (orange in particular) notes, in any combination. Other scents I’ve found appealing are Prada Infusion d’Iris, Hermes Terre d’Hermes, Serge Lutens Fleurs d’Oranger, Chloé Chloé EDP, Tokyomilk Excess, and Fresh Cannabis Santal. As you can see, I’m open to men’s scents as well, and if there was such a thing as floral-green-musky, I would buy it! Again, any suggestions would be appreciated 🙂 Recommend away! April 7, 2015 at 12:30pm Reply

        • Victoria: Chanel No 19 Poudre is floral-green-musky, but I’m not sure if it may not be too low-key. There is, of course, Serge Lutens’s Iris Silver Mist, which is a terrific, bold iris. By Kilian Sweet Redemption is an orange blossom with lots of incense, vanilla and balsams. It’s addictive. Another orange blossom with a difference is Hermes 24 Faubourg, orange blossom and amber. It’s stunning and makes a statement, and to your other comment, my French colleagues describe it as the one of the quintessential French perfumes.

          L’Artisan Parfumeur Seville a l’Aube is an orange blossom cologne with a great musk finish. Again, another statement making perfume, although some people have complained about its lasting power. It wears like iron on me, but I’d test it well on skin.

          A La Nuit is more of a big jasmine perfume, while Nahema is a candied fruit accented rose. Both are beautiful and dramatic. April 7, 2015 at 1:17pm Reply

          • Cornelia Blimber: Sorry, I wrote my comment before reading this!
            I included 24 Faubourg because it it is so elegant, so really French, so ladylike and yet so uplifting.
            As an iris, maybe also Dior Homme, but for this occasion maybe something more bright. April 7, 2015 at 4:14pm Reply

        • angeldiva: Hi Linnea,
          Wonderful posts, and a HUGE congratulations on your educational achievement. Especially the French!
          There is a line from Stockholm that I’m familiar with because I went to the party t Scent Bar, Beverly Hills where Killian was promoting some of his new perfumes.
          The line is: Byredo, and isn’t in my current budget! But, Mojave Ghost smells wonderful. I think the line just smells different, new, organic and inspiring. Amazing quality- even for my nose in training! LOL
          If anyone knows a lesser priced Byredo – like perfume, I’d love to know.
          Also, I’ve had hours of entertainment reading at random Victoria’s reviews. And, picking a note>>> then review>>>then everyone posting, and suggesting.

          Have a wonderful time! April 7, 2015 at 5:16pm Reply

  • Anastasia: Has anyone sniff sniffed the Oscar De la Renta Essential Luxuries perfume, specifically Santo Domingo, Oriental Lace or Coralina…what would you compare them to? April 7, 2015 at 10:12pm Reply

  • angeldiva: Comment #600! Is this a record?
    Got my Bronze Goddess Body Creme, today. Side by side with the eau fraiche -you can really appreciate the crystalline aspects of the eau fraiche. Too beautiful. Will layer it tomorrow! April 9, 2015 at 10:52pm Reply

  • Kasey: Has anyone tried the “perfume primer” Concrete & Canvas to make a fragrance stay on the skin longer? Does it work well without altering the scent?

    It’s only sold in large bottles, and I didn’t want to try it before getting feedback. Thanks! April 14, 2015 at 2:29am Reply

    • Victoria: I haven’t tried, but I’m a bit skeptical. Why not try a regular unscented moisturizer (Curel or Aveeno, for instance)? April 14, 2015 at 10:33am Reply

  • lunarharp: i need a perfume for my signature scent.. I want people recognize the smell.
    I was thinking about see by chloe (tried it in store n bf like it) and I really fell for it.. its clean n crisp n soft at the same time. I’m just afraid im paying dollars n ppl dont smell it on me. So longetivity n sillage are my main concerns. I like tresor midnight rose for that reason too. But its my moms signature scent!
    Im also interested in cavern, narciso rodriguez narciso, and the last ones i tried: cartier baise vole and dior j’adore (love this two!)

    we dont have narciso here in stock so if you recommend me between the bunch, i’ll have to blind buy.

    so please help me which one is the most one of a kind, long wearing with great sillage thats not too offensive but definitely “there”. I want to be seductive, lol. Maybe any other perfumes that ars in ur opinion pretty?

    Anyway, my mom just recently bought me narciso l’eau.. and while it smells great on the first spray, it dries down to nothing n ppl cant smell it on me 🙁 April 14, 2015 at 1:12pm Reply

    • Hannah: Lunarharp, This is kind of tricky because I think you’ll run into the problem of others not smelling it on you for most fragrances and I think sillage in general is a bit hard to rate.
      I think Eau des Merveilles is long lasting and has good sillage, and it’s also unique. Many people complain that it has no sillage and lasting power…but a lot of the negative reviews will say they needed to try it because they noticed it on someone else so obviously it was the sillage that drew them to it. So, I do recommend trying it.
      I think Classique by Gaultier may also have decent sillage, because I’m pretty sure I’ve smelled it on others. Have you tried that one? April 14, 2015 at 1:48pm Reply

  • May: Where do you spray perfume, especially in the winter when your wrists are covered with layers of clothing? April 15, 2015 at 9:42am Reply

    • Victoria: I spray it on my scarf and on my neck, under my hair. This makes for a super sillage. April 16, 2015 at 5:10am Reply

  • Meriam: Hello everyone,

    What do you guys recommend: Prada Infusion dIris Perfume or Absolute? I got a sample of the perfume which I really liked and went to go buy a 30ml bottle but then I saw the Absolute and wasn’t sure anymore (no tester available). Will really appreciate any help you guys can give me. Thank you 🙂 May 16, 2015 at 1:26pm Reply

    • Victoria: The Eau de Parfum is my favorite, because Absolute just smells like a version of L’Heure Bleue by Guerlain. The perfume is much more interesting. May 18, 2015 at 2:05am Reply

      • Meriam: Thanks Victoria, I ended up at the same decision on Saturday 🙂 I went to Sephora where they did have the testers out, sprayed the perfume and inhaled deeply. Sprayed the Absolute and ran for the washroom to rinse off 🙁 Smelt like burning tires on me. Sprayed the toilette further up my arm and found that I may actually have preferred it to the perfume but opted for the perfume because it seemed to have more character…now however, I’m tempted to buy it as well because for hours afterwards the toilette bloomed in the most beautiful way. Do you think theres enough of a difference between the two to warrant another purchase?? May 18, 2015 at 11:44pm Reply

        • Victoria: I don’t think so. They’re similar enough. May 19, 2015 at 12:59pm Reply

          • Meriam: Then I shan’t 🙂 Thank you. May 19, 2015 at 2:34pm Reply

  • Kira: Hi all! Any recommendations for a sexy/seductive summer scent that can hold up in Florida heat and humidity? Beachy, white floral, and orange blossom are all good. I like L’Artisan La Chasse (too pretty), Tom Ford Shanghai Lily (too heavy), Chanel 31 RC (too classy), and many others, but don’t know that I have something that fits into the summer sexy category. Ideas? Thanks! Found one from Xerjoff on dutch site but it is expensive April 19, 2023 at 9:53am Reply

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