Recommend Me a Perfume June 2017

Our June “Recommend Me a Perfume” thread is now open. You can use this space to ask any questions about perfume, including fragrance recommendations, and of course, share your discoveries.

How does it work: 1. Please post your requests or questions as comments here. You can also use this space to ask any fragrance related questions. To receive recommendations that are better tailored to your tastes, you can include details on what you like and don’t like, your signature perfumes, and your budget. And please let us know what you end up sampling. 2. Then please check the thread to see if there are other requests you can answer. Your responses are really valuable for navigating the big and sometimes confusing world of perfume, so let’s help each other!

To make this thread easier to read, when you reply to someone, please click on the blue “reply” link under their comment.

Photography by Bois de Jasmin



  • Katya: Last month’s fragrance sampling ended up with some interesting results. Still nothing that can compare to my beloved Fleurs de Sel (Miller Harris) although Bois Naufrage was fascinating to experience, and I also discovered the (very different, very sweet) Sideshow by Gri Gri. For some reason, that cloying cotton candy smell layered over leather makes me think of an Angela Carter novel (possibly the Night Circus, but also Wise Children). No reason to mention this aside from I might end up buying that when I run out of Coco Mademoiselle, because it satisfies the sweet cravings, but it does seem more interesting. (I didn’t realise it until I sampled the original Coco but there is something about Mademoiselle that seems to jar, at least to my nose, and not in a good way.)

    Oh, man, I make no sense. Anyway…

    I’ve also been sampling more jasmine fragrances 🙂 I’m not sure whether I prefer the note in its cleaner interpretations or the more interesting ones – Lust by Lush was good, but too sweet. I haven’t had a chance to try A La Nuit yet, but I had a very pleasant experience with Jo Malone’s White Jasmine & Mint (does anybody else smell the cedarwood in there? I was shocked at how much I liked it.) I’m wondering about Miller Harris’ La Pluie – has anybody tried that? What are your thoughts? And if you have the Jo Malone one, how would you rate it? June 26, 2017 at 8:01am Reply

    • Hayley: I haven’t purchased a bottle, but I like the Jo Malone. To me it came across as mostly woodsy dry mint with a little jasmine.

      Some potent jasmines: Tom Ford Jasmin Rouge, Diptyque Essences Insensees 2015.

      Lighter: Guerlain AA Jasminora, Estee Lauder Private Collection Jasmine White Moss. June 26, 2017 at 10:07am Reply

      • Katya: Those sound great! I confess I am rather tempted to get the Jo Malone for the dry woods rather than the jasmine but the Guerlain one sounds tempting too. June 26, 2017 at 11:36am Reply

    • Elena Wood: Just a caveat: I blind bought A la Nuit, and I love it, but it lasts for about 15-20 minutes on me. I have not tried the Miller Harris, but Van Cleef and Arpels California Reverie might be something to try! June 26, 2017 at 10:54am Reply

      • Katya: I need to try California Reverie soon, it sounds great.

        As for A La Nuit that is what also makes me weary of Jo Malone. I have had Wood Sage and Sea Salt as well as Mimosa and Cardamom and while I enjoyed both the longevity makes me sad. June 26, 2017 at 11:38am Reply

      • Alicia: Same experience here with A La Nuit. It is a perfect jasmine, but it lasts less than half an hour. If you want a very lasting Lutens go for Datura Noire, it is not jasmine, but a sort of dark tuberose which survives easily for 12 hours. June 26, 2017 at 5:16pm Reply

        • spe: For those who have longevity issues with A La Nuit, did you purchase your A La Nuit recently (reformulation)?
          Thank you. June 26, 2017 at 8:55pm Reply

          • Alicia: it must have been about three years ago. June 26, 2017 at 11:30pm Reply

        • Katya: Yeah. I tried A la nuit last week and it was beautiful but then it just gone. Sads … August 2, 2017 at 1:30am Reply

    • Gina P: I loved the Jo Malone when I tried it at Nordstrom, so bought it. I even bought the lotion. I loved it for the first few months; but then I got quite disenchanted with it. It’s the drydown that’s very flat and almost cheap-smelling, in that drugstore fragrance sort of way. There’s little complexity–magic giving way to simpering. I get very little depth — the cedarwood is too fleeting. My bottle is languishing–glad I bought the 50ml! June 26, 2017 at 12:28pm Reply

      • Eliz M: I’ve recently fell in love with Jo Malone’s family of fragrances. In part because of the purity of notes each contain. Jo Malone’s fragrances are made for blending as if colors on a palette or as chords within a melody. Her mild-mannered Bluebell fragrance does not stand alone, but when applied with the other woodsy and spice fragrances, it blooms into something grand. By blending Jo Malone fragrances I find the effect to have a greater depth and purity than pre-blended complex fragrances, such Tom Ford’s or Guelain’s …. I’ve accumulated quite a few of Tom Ford’s fragrances prior to discovering Jo Malone, upon high recommendations by a sales associate at an Estee Lauder display in a department store. June 26, 2017 at 12:55pm Reply

        • camille: Interestingly and to my delight Jo Malone’s Mimosa and Cardamom smells divine on me and lasts for hours. July 13, 2017 at 3:41pm Reply

      • Katya: Yikes. That’s a shame. I didn’t know they did the 50 ml though! The UK only gets 30 ml and 100 ml bottles. I find that cedarwood comes through on me – I like their cedarwood and juniper cologne on me too. But I guess it just goes to show I should test it out a few times and see how it goes. Maybe I can find a sample on ebay… June 26, 2017 at 1:09pm Reply

    • Aurora: Hello Katya: I have La Pluie and on my skin I have never experienced much jasmine more ylang ylang at the beginning and then what I would call a dried hay finish, I like it very much in summer, it’s a quiet scent that doesn’t stand well to the cold. June 26, 2017 at 2:08pm Reply

      • mayfly: I agree that the ylang ylang is very prominent. June 28, 2017 at 12:33pm Reply

    • AndreaR: Jasmin et Cigarette by Etat Libre d’Orange is worth a try. Victoria has reviewed it, so you might want to read what she has to say. June 26, 2017 at 4:33pm Reply

      • Katya: I just tried that today (ordered a sample from Bloom Perfumery. Very nice niche perfume supplier and they have a great sampling service for anybody in the UK). On me all I smell is jasmine, which is actually what I was hoping for, although I am disappointed I didn’t get any smoke/tobacco on that first go. I’ll have to experiment some more, but on first impressions – I really like it. I’m considering a full bottle, but I’m not sure I can’t get something similar for less at Lush… July 1, 2017 at 4:56pm Reply

    • mayfly: I love Fleurs de Sel too, it’s such a perfect and invigorating summer scent!
      La Pluie is also one of my summer favourites,
      Both in my top ten. It really does evoke that ‘after the rainstorm’ feeling, lovely in rainy weather, I think it’s really beautiful. June 28, 2017 at 12:32pm Reply

    • Melissa Rosen: I love La Pluie. I have heard it described as a dirty rain
      ….it’s quite sexy. August 1, 2017 at 7:43pm Reply

  • Ben: Hello all,

    I’m male, and have a preference for austere and/or darker scents (Incense Avignon, Serge Noir, Rien, Bois d’Ascese, etc) which are great for colder months, but now that it’s summer I’m realising that I don’t have a signature summer scent.

    I’ve been looking around – and have liked Eldo’s Hermann, Cale’s Preludio d’Oriente, and a few other Oriental scents – but I tend to shy away from anything I think is easy and/or nice. And a lot of summer-friendly scents hit me as being easy and/or nice, which I don’t mean in a bad way, just that I’d like something that feels a bit more ‘just for me.’ For example, I often wear Knize 10 when it’s hot, which is… nice. But a little bit clean and manly. Like the kind of thing Cary Grant would wear.

    So, the closest I’ve come so far to finding a summer scent that fits my picky parameters is Legrand Oriza’s Reve d’Ossian, but before I commit to a fb is there something else I should consider?

    Thanks so much to anyone who can help!

    Ben June 26, 2017 at 8:17am Reply

    • Nina Z: Encens et Lavande by Serge Lutens is a rather austere incense and lavender scent that works really well in the summer as it is very cooling and it’s definitely not “easy” or just plain “nice.” June 26, 2017 at 2:16pm Reply

      • Ben: Thanks so much Nina! It is one of my goals in life to own one of those SL bell jar scents. So… gorgeous… 🙂 June 27, 2017 at 7:47am Reply

        • Nina Z: I’m glad you like the suggestion! June 27, 2017 at 8:46pm Reply

      • Safran: I’d second Encens et Lavande, great suggestion! June 28, 2017 at 4:47am Reply

    • Aurora: Hello Ben: I don’t know Reve d’Ossian but I liked very much other Oriza Legrand perfumes, it’s a very impressive house. Knize Ten is great anytime. For summer have you considered Acqua di Parma Colonia Intensa Oud or Colonia Leather? They are great colognes with a darker, interesting streak and might suit you. Also have you ever tried Aramis 900? June 26, 2017 at 2:22pm Reply

      • Lynley: I was going to suggest the AdP Colonia Oud too. Not at all clean smelling but it’s gorgeous in the heat. June 26, 2017 at 8:30pm Reply

        • Aurora: Oh yes, Lynley, I can imagine it blooming in hot weather like, afterall, oud is so popular in the Middle East. It is often overlooked because it’s so different from the other AdP offerings. June 27, 2017 at 3:17am Reply

      • Ben: Thanks so much! This is fascinating, because I always thought ADP were ‘nice,’ but reading reviews of this scent on Fragrantica everyone seems to be saying that although ADP are usually ‘nice’ this scent is something very special. June 27, 2017 at 7:49am Reply

      • Carla: AdP Intensa is a wonderful suggestion I think June 27, 2017 at 1:32pm Reply

    • Hamamelis: Hi Ben, what about Dzongkha? A lovely iris incense which is summer friendly (year round friendly if you ask me…) And another one to try is Annick Goutal Sables, see also Victoria’s review. Good luck! June 26, 2017 at 2:53pm Reply

      • Ben: Thanks so much! reading a review now and Dzongkha is described as ‘a peculiar and challenging experience’ that’s the kind of comment I like to see 🙂 June 27, 2017 at 7:52am Reply

      • Nick: Dzongkha is wonderful in winter where its clean clear incense (Asian not Catholic) is warm and enveloping. In spring its brightness is fresh and almost sweet. In summer the incense and iris are dry, smooth, dusty and cool. In autumn it get spicier, a little smokey and soft.

        A real great in the perfume world. One of my favourites. June 27, 2017 at 11:22pm Reply

    • katherine x: Frederic Malle’s Eau de Magnolia is a lovely complex summer (and winter) scent. Victoria reviewed it. Lot’s of comments around boisdejasmin about it. June 26, 2017 at 7:15pm Reply

      • Ben: Ah… I do love FM, but have never really clicked with any of their scents. But this one does look fantastic! Thanks so much 🙂 June 27, 2017 at 7:54am Reply

    • Tomate Farcie: I love Carnal Flower or Fracas especially in summer June 26, 2017 at 9:44pm Reply

      • Ben: To my eternal shame I *still* haven’t tried Fracas yet, but have read so much about it. Thanks so much Tomate 🙂 June 27, 2017 at 7:55am Reply

        • Cornelia Blimber: When you are in the Piguet corner, please try Bandit! (ot do you know it already?). Not nice at all. June 27, 2017 at 8:43am Reply

          • Cornelia Blimber: The bitter, leathery Acqua di Parma Colonia Intensa is not” nice” either, and not so expensive as the oud, The oud is beautiful, though. I love also Oud Royal by Armani Privé, softer, more refined (to my nose). June 27, 2017 at 8:47am Reply

            • Ben: Thanks so much Cornelia! Never tried Bandit either, although I’ve read about it many times. And I ordered a sample of the Privé many moons ago but got a different scent in the post, time to finally follow that one up 🙂 June 27, 2017 at 11:12am Reply

    • Tomate Farcie: was just recommending Neela Vermeire Creations Bombay Bling. You might look at her entire colection June 26, 2017 at 11:16pm Reply

    • rosarita: I’m female but we have similar taste, I’ve often said my collection could be described as “brooding” 🙂 Etro Messe di Minuit or Shaal Nur are good incense scents for summer, and you might like several from the Imaginary Authors line, Slow Explosions would be my rec. There are several quirky, interesting choices from Parfum d’Empire too: Wazamba, Equestrius, Azemour among others. Have fun exploring! June 27, 2017 at 7:26am Reply

      • Ben: Thanks so much Rosarita, and I love the categorisation of ‘brooding,’ much better than what I’ve been calling it 🙂 Ah… this Wazamba looks just the ticket. I got a sample of Pd’E’s Cuir Ottoman a few weeks ago and really liked that one, so let’s go for this! June 27, 2017 at 7:59am Reply

    • Lily: Two that may or may not suit as I don’t know your references, just going by your descriptions.

      Have you tried Jungle L’Elephant by Kenzo? It is a spicy oriental with some stewed fruit that makes me think of a steamy Jungle. Or summer in the south. I can’t wear it Bc it smells exactly like my dad’s after shave (or just shaving cream) combined with his skin which has a big natural scent to it. So to me it reads as both hot weather and manly. Your mileage may vary plus it may be too “nice” for you as it is an gateway oriental for a lot of people.

      My other suggestion is Penhaligon’s Elixir. Mostly it is very sheer despite otherwise meeting your description for austere and spicy. I think it smells a bit like scotch.

      Good luck! June 27, 2017 at 8:42am Reply

      • Ben: Thanks so much Lily! I happen to work right near a Penhaligon’s and they are having a huge sale at the moment, this is great timing 🙂 June 27, 2017 at 11:08am Reply

        • Ben: Sadly Elixir has been discontinued, but I’ll definitely check out the Kenzo 🙂 June 27, 2017 at 2:10pm Reply

          • Lily: Aw, that is a shame. I saw it not be on their US website following the Christmas sale but I didn’t know it had been pulled permanently. June 28, 2017 at 8:56am Reply

    • Klaas: Hey Ben,
      I wonder if I can be of any use to you. You’ve gotten some great suggestions already, and my taste in perfume couldn’t be different than yours….I like transparant, simple and discreet. However, like you, I value originality and character!

      Anyway, I can definitely ok Aqua di Parma Oud and Leather, they are beautifull, unusual and will do great in hot weather. They come with a price tag though…..

      On a more traditional note, have you tried some of the old Guerlains? L’ Heure Blue sounds like something you could wear. It’s got a smouldering, dark quality, and is totally uncommon on a guy. There’s also Mouchoir de Monsieur. It has suffered from reformulation, but it still is a very lushious, oriental scent, with a lot of animalistic funk going on. Very Belle Epoque and unusual, so not your average ‘pleasant’ mens scent.

      I also love Kilians Taste of Heaven, for it’s incredible stark lavender opening. The drydown might be on the ‘nice’ for you, with the tonka bean and everything.

      Black Afgano by Nasomatto on the other hand…..smokey oud…….in summer…….could be?

      Have fun searching! June 27, 2017 at 12:05pm Reply

      • Ben: Thanks so much Klaas, and another famous one I’ve never tried: Black Afgano. Shame on me. That L’Heure Bleue looks really interesting though. I’m a big fan of powder too, so thanks so much for the tip 🙂 June 27, 2017 at 2:12pm Reply

        • Clair: I second trying L’Heure Bleue. I love it, but found it to be a very complex and challenging scent initially. It is powdery but not in an ultra feminine way and there is an interesting medicinal stage that later segues into a complex and gorgeous close-to-skin scent. Frau Tonis Berlin has many interesting unisex, more masculine leaning (if I must use these definitions) and they are available in 7.5 travel sprays,15, 50, and 100 ml bottles. The EDC’s are slightly less expensive (50 ml for €35) and customizable box sets (three 15 ml atomizers) make them easier to sample. No. 19 Oud Weiss might worth a try. Unfortunately the only samples they offer are ribbons sprayed with scent, and I’ve noticed that they’ve imposed a price hike overall, from €65 to €85 for the 50ml EDPs. The No.19 Weiss is great! June 29, 2017 at 5:03pm Reply

    • Carla: I recommend Habit Rouge. I wore Knize Ten in the heat one day and couldn’t stand it but I love to smell it on my husband possibly even in warm weather. June 27, 2017 at 1:30pm Reply

      • Ben: Right? Knize can be a bit much when it’s warm, and it’s the most summery scent I have :/ June 27, 2017 at 2:14pm Reply

      • john: I’d second Habit Rouge as being beautiful but not boring. Also (for me) in this category: Caron’s 3e Homme.

        On a totally different note, Yatagan in summer reminds me of high desert pines and Russian sage…I find it translucent enough for warm weather wear, and it’s a great projector. June 28, 2017 at 3:31am Reply

        • Carla: Habit Rouge has a bit of citrus that makes it work for summer, but it’s still oriental. Yatagan would never be boring! June 28, 2017 at 1:22pm Reply

    • Nina Z: I had another idea for you. Santa Maria Novella has a lot of colognes (really good quality but on the lighter side so suitable for summer), and one is downright quirky: Aqua d’ Colognia Nostalgia. “Santa Maria Novella’s intent with this fragrance was to suggest the odors associated with Millemiglia race cars. Smells of tires worn out by acceleration and sudden breaking blend with hints of gasoline and leather, both of which are characteristic of antique cars.”

      Another idea is the Peau d’Espagne (leather). June 28, 2017 at 12:59pm Reply

      • Ben: Wow, I’m really loving the look of these SMN scents. How have I never seen them before?! A gorgeous range, and I’ll be trying a sample of Nostalgia for sure! 🙂 July 3, 2017 at 7:37am Reply

    • SilverMoon: hi Ben,

      I second Nina’s SMN Nostalgia. I bought it for my husband last Christmas and he really enjoys wearing it. I should add he also likes Knise Ten very much. My other suggestion would be one of the Memo leathers, especially Irish Leather. The bottle with its golden horses is beautiful too. June 28, 2017 at 3:15pm Reply

      • Ben: Two votes for Nostalgia means I just have to try it 🙂
        And I’m loving that Memo bottle! July 3, 2017 at 7:41am Reply

    • spe: Hopefully this isn’t a redundant suggestion: De Profundis, Serge Lutens. June 29, 2017 at 10:33pm Reply

      • Ben: I don’t think Serge Lutens can *ever* be redundant 🙂
        I really loved this one when I last tried it, time to get a new sample! July 3, 2017 at 7:40am Reply

    • limegreen: A bit late to the comments section so I don’t know if you are still reading, Ben.
      I have two suggestions:
      1. Heeley’s Phoenicia, an alluring incense with dates, and other dark woods and oud, dries down to vetiver. Not an oppressive scent for the heat, and it blooms in the warm weather, as I recently tested it in warm weather. Very expensive as it is an extrait but since you are looking… (a tiny bit goes a long way)

      2. DSH Perfumes Cuir et Champignon, a funky but addictive leather and mushroom, with some cloves, and definitely not conventional.

      Good luck! June 30, 2017 at 9:31am Reply

      • Ben: Thanks so much Limegreen! I actually found an old sample of Phoenicia which I’m wearing today, and it is indeed gorgeous. Complex but not too heavy, and that’s the kind of thing I’m looking for.

        I’ve never tried a DSH before, but these are absolutely compelling. I feel like I’ve been missing out. July 3, 2017 at 7:39am Reply

        • limegreen: Lucky thing you had a sample already, Ben. I think the Heeley line is such high quality and interesting, wish it were more easily available.
          I wish I asked for a sample as the spritz I had on my wrists just bloomed for the rest of the day. And the vetiver drydown was not a typical jho-hum vetiver. July 5, 2017 at 10:52pm Reply

  • Jacinta: Hello

    I’d be happy to receive recommendations for a dark rose and a white rose fragrance. Currently my small collection contains SL Sa Majeste La Rose, MDCI Rose de Siwa, FK A La Rose and Floris White Rose.

    My favourite fragrance was YSL ‘Y’ before the reformulation and favourite fragrance memory is my mom’s V&A First scented talc.

    Looking forward to seeing your replies 🙂 June 26, 2017 at 9:57am Reply

    • Katya: I think I recommend Rose Nacree du Desert by Guerlain all the time but it is so expensive and so hard to get. But it is the first I think of when you say Dark Rose.

      Also… actually the roses I know are all very syrupy. Pink rather than black or white. If Rose Jam by Lush does anythig for you, there is Armani Si Rose Edit and Jo Malone Red Roses. All three are very sweet. June 26, 2017 at 11:33am Reply

      • Jacinta: Thank you Katya. I’ve now read a number of reviews on Rose Nacree du Desert and would love to try it. Unfortunately, as you stated, it does seem hard to come by. June 26, 2017 at 1:43pm Reply

        • Katya: I have seen it on Notino and the site offers samples I think. I got a sample from scentsamples uk but they seem ro have removed their Guerlain fragrances since. June 27, 2017 at 12:59am Reply

          • Jacina: Unfortunately Notino do not deliver to Ireland. However, I have ordered a YSL Majestic Rose sample from scentsamples UK. Will order more when I have some time to browse the website. Thank you. June 28, 2017 at 11:00am Reply

            • Katya: Oh, I’m glad you liked that. I’m actually a bit disappointed with the selection at scentsamples at the moment, but they do like to make flash sales and who knows what might come in when they next restock. I hope you find something nice. July 1, 2017 at 4:58pm Reply

              • Jacinta: 🙂 July 1, 2017 at 6:17pm Reply

    • Gina P: My current favorite rose is L’Ombre Dans L’Eau by Diptyque! Velvet rose under an arbor of green greenness. They say it’s black currant leaves, but I get tomatoes leaves and unripe tomato fruit. I love that the rose is subtle and interwoven, not out front and loud. June 26, 2017 at 12:32pm Reply

      • Jacinta: This sounds beautiful. A definite for my list.
        Thank you. June 26, 2017 at 1:53pm Reply

    • kayliz: For a dark rose, my favourites are SL La Fille de Berlin and Galop d’Hermes.

      What is a white rose for you? Does it need to be creamy? I’m not one for light roses, but if I were, I’d go for Paul Smith Rose, I think. June 26, 2017 at 12:44pm Reply

      • Jacinta: Galop d’Hermes sounds very different and the Paul Smith is exactly the ‘white rose’ I’m looking for after reading the a few reviews. Two more for the list 🙂 June 26, 2017 at 2:09pm Reply

    • Eliz M: Jacinta, Jo Malone has several rose-based fragrances that are worth exploring – The complexity of a rose rings true within a setting of other notes that bring the fragrance as near to perfection as one can get for roses. Jo Malone fragrances are made for blending which explains the purity of notes in each bottle. June 26, 2017 at 1:02pm Reply

      • Jacinta: Love this idea. Had a look at Jo Malone’s website and their fragrance combining ideas. I have peony and Blush Suede so I guess I’ll start from there. June 26, 2017 at 2:19pm Reply

    • Nina Z: My favorite dark roses are Amouage Lyric Woman and Gucci L’Arte di Gucci (rose chypre).

      My all-time favorite rose is vintage Nahema, which is very rich and intense–like a dark red rose–definitely on the dark side compared to a bright rose like Sa Majeste. June 26, 2017 at 2:38pm Reply

      • Jacinta: Thank you. The reviews for Lyric Woman have sold it to me. Unfortunately L’Arti de Gucci seems to have been discontinued but I saw it mentioned that TF Noir de Noir is very similar. Is the current version of Nahema very different to the vintage perfume? June 26, 2017 at 3:01pm Reply

        • Nina Z: I wouldn’t say Noir de Noir is very similar, but it is a very intriguing dark rose, almost chocolatey. So check it out. For Nahema, what happened–among other things–was they used to be able to use a very high concentration of real rose essence, which they can’t do any more (that’s why the extract was discontinued). But you should try the modern if it’s easily accessible to you. (I’ve had very good luck finding vintage testers, etc. for less money that modern, but of course not everyone will have that same luck.) June 26, 2017 at 5:56pm Reply

        • Nina Z: Also, I’m going to mention some dark roses with patchouli that are not my favorites because I don’t do well with the patchouli-rose combination (it goes sour on me) but some people really love:

          Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady
          Guerlain Rose Barbare
          Serge Lutens Rose de Nuit

          Those are classic dark roses and who knows they may work on you…. June 26, 2017 at 5:59pm Reply

          • Jacina: I’ll try some samples of the rose-patchouli fragrances you suggested. Not familiar with them. June 28, 2017 at 11:03am Reply

    • Aurora: For a dark rose, have you tried Estee Lauder Knowing? Also Eau d’Italie Paestum Rose, Terry de Gunzburg Rose Infernale (incense rose) and if you like cinnamon Les Parfums de Rosine Majalis (in fact several Rosines might suit for both requests, you can try them all by purchasing the sampler on their site it’s very good value and free shipping I think). For a white which I interpret as bright rose one of my favorites is YSL Rive Gauche, it’s so special cold at first and metallic and then it blooms for hours on my skin. My absolute favorite bright rose is Caron Rose in extrait concentration (Victoria warned me that it is no longer as wonderful as it once was but the extrait might still be worth trying). June 26, 2017 at 2:43pm Reply

      • Jacinta: So many wonderful recommendations. This is my first time on Bois de Jasmin. Paestum Rose has captured my attention. Majalis is no longer listed on Les Parfums de Rosine’s website, however, I like your suggeston of purchasing the sampler and intend to do so. Also, the Caron Rose you mentioned seems to be discontinued. It’s such a shame that these perfumes are no longer available. June 26, 2017 at 3:20pm Reply

        • Aurora: So sorry for these 2 discontinued, Jacinta, Caron is an unhappy house at the moment, they are barely in profit. You know Paestum Rose is quite similar to Majalis so at least we still have that.
          I’m sure you’ll get other recommendations and I hope you will find your perfect roses. June 26, 2017 at 3:50pm Reply

          • Jacinta: Thank you 🙂 June 26, 2017 at 5:47pm Reply

    • Kelly C: I love Tom Ford’s Noir de Noir. It’s a nice, deep rose. June 26, 2017 at 3:40pm Reply

      • Jacinta: Thank you. This too will be included on my list. June 26, 2017 at 5:50pm Reply

    • Lucy: I am currently exploring Angela Flanders’ wonderful collection of Rose perfumes. I had not come across her collection until very recently during a trip to Colombia Road flower market. The Colombia Rose is beautiful, and I am currently absolutely revelling in the strawberry jam tinted rose of Rose Sauvage.
      I wonder if the Moroccan Rose would fit the bill for your dark Rose search?
      I would love to know if anyone else has tried her perfumes, I enjoyed my visit to the shop so much.
      Lucy June 26, 2017 at 5:28pm Reply

      • Jacinta: Thank you for this recommendation. Have never heard of this perfume collection. I like the Columbia Rose Trilogy which includes a Moroccan rose. June 26, 2017 at 5:54pm Reply

    • Marianna: Dark rose: A lot of my favs have been covered: Epic, Lyric, La Fille de Berlin. I would add Rose de Petra by SHL 777, Rossy de Palma Eau de Protection by ELDO, Tobacco Rose, PHI, Incense Rose, Rose Vermielle, Andy Tauer’s rose body oil. Musc Rose attar by the Rising Phoenix.
      Lighter rose: MFK A la Rose, Sadanne, Diptique Eau de Rose June 26, 2017 at 8:49pm Reply

      • Jacinta: Thank you Marianna. So many mentioned. After looking at reviews I’d love to try Rose de Petra, Rossy de Palma and PHI. June 27, 2017 at 8:49am Reply

    • spe: Soir de Lune by Sisley is a beautiful rose with an edge, so I guess it’s”dark”. I agree with Rive Gauche as a bright white rose. Narcisso Rodriguez for Her smells like a pink rose. June 26, 2017 at 9:02pm Reply

      • spe: Also, Paris by YSL smells bright and 100% Love (S perfume), to me, smells at least as interesting and dark as Noir de Noir. Not sure if it’s less expensive than the T. F. June 26, 2017 at 9:08pm Reply

        • Jacinta: Soir de Lune and Narciso Rodriguez have been added to my ‘definite’ list. Thank you. June 27, 2017 at 8:57am Reply

    • Tomate Farcie: onee more dark rose Neela Vermeire Mohur June 26, 2017 at 9:47pm Reply

      • Jacinta: Had not heard of this perfume house. Will certainly try. The bottle is beautiful. June 27, 2017 at 9:04am Reply

    • Maggiecat: Lumiere Noire by Maison Francis Kurkdjian would be a perfect dark rose. You might also try Juliette Has a Gun Lady Vengeance (FK is also the nose behind this one) June 27, 2017 at 12:25am Reply

      • Jacinta: Thank you for these recommendations. I’ll certainly sample them. 🙂 June 28, 2017 at 11:07am Reply

    • rosarita: Dawn Spencer Hurwitz is a gifted perfumer and her perfumes including samples can all be purchased on her website that you can Google. She has a deft hand with rose. The website can be a bit overwhelming but my favorite dark rose is Inner Sanctum and American Beauty is gorgeous too. You can use the contact on the website and her talented team or Dawn herself can make great recommendations. June 27, 2017 at 7:32am Reply

      • Jacinta: Hadn’t heard of DSH and you’re correct about the website. I’ll go with your recommendations and try both for a start. June 28, 2017 at 11:09am Reply

    • Carla: Dark rose-Lumiere Noire June 27, 2017 at 1:37pm Reply

      • Jacinta: Lumiere Noire has great reviews. Will definitely try this one. Thank you. June 28, 2017 at 11:10am Reply

    • Tati: Hi Jacinta, Dark rose is one of my favorite categories. You have many good suggestions already, but here are a few more: Malle’s Une Rose, which has an earthy, wine feeling that I love. MFK’s Lumiere Noire, a very beautiful rose/patch scent, and Ford’s Cafe Rose, a lighter rose with a hint of coffee scent. One more: Kilian’s Rose Oud, which has very little oud but a rich rose. June 30, 2017 at 4:28pm Reply

      • Jacinta: Thank you for these recommendations. Have looked them up.Great reviews.will certainly be trying them. June 30, 2017 at 5:22pm Reply

  • Hayley: I have recently tried Arielle Shoshanna, and loved the bright burst of intense passionfruit at the opening as well as the not very sweet, more sophisticated drydown.

    I would love to try other fragrances with a similar structure – bright fruity opening and drier drydown – that would work well in summer. June 26, 2017 at 10:01am Reply

    • AnnieA: Wildcard suggestion is pc01 biehl parfumkunstwerke, whose working title was “mango tree forest” June 26, 2017 at 4:30pm Reply

    • Aurora: Hi Hayley: Have you already tried Hermes Un Jardin sur Le Nil? It’s a green mango with a lovely woody drydown. You might like it, it’s at its best in summer. June 26, 2017 at 5:03pm Reply

    • RedFoxLab: Have you tried Soleil de Jeddah by Stephan Humbert Lucas 777? It has a bright lemon/ apricot opening and dries down to a nice leather. June 26, 2017 at 6:29pm Reply

      • kpaint: This makes me think of Galop d’Hermes, which might be worth a try. June 29, 2017 at 4:15pm Reply

    • Tomate Farcie: Neela Vermeire Creations Bombay Bling June 27, 2017 at 12:18am Reply

    • Clair: Regarding Mango notes, Un Jardin Sur Le Nil with it’s green mango lime and spices grew on me (great in Summer). I tried Kenzo Jungle L’ elephant, which is a bit too tropical for me (though really interesting) but if you enjoyed the burst of passionfruit you might enjoy L’Artisan Parfumeur Nuit de Tubereuse, which many looking for Tuberose find disappointing. I find the opening very refreshing with a juicy Mango and herbal hit, followed by a spicy but more subdued floral Musk drydown. June 29, 2017 at 6:09pm Reply

    • mendokuse: Le Parfum de Thérèse has a fruity opening and a smooth, leathery floral dry down. It’s the most inexhaustibly complex perfume I own, and I love it passionately. July 1, 2017 at 3:06pm Reply

  • Elena Wood: I LOVE Vol de Nuit, and I have a vintage Eau de Cologne (I don’t know from when… I would guess it’s at least 20 years old.) Unfortunately, it doesn’t last on me at all. Are there any formulations that last longer than others? Does the parfum last a bit better? I am not a vintage snob, and would be happy to buy a current formulation, really, longevity is all for me. June 26, 2017 at 10:56am Reply

    • Nina Z: Yes, just in general cologne doesn’t last very long. I don’t think it’s the fact that it is vintage that is your problem. I think it was designed for splashing on for immediate uplifting and not for all day wear.

      If I were you, I’d experiment with trying some different concentrations of the vintage (like from a site where you can buy samples) to see which you like best: EdT or PdT (if you can find that) or extrait. EdT might very well be strong enough to last well on you. PdT is an awesome concentration for vintage fragrances that has almost the richness of extrait with the throw of an EdT. I have several old testers from Guerlain of PdT concentrations, and they are just wonderful. June 26, 2017 at 2:35pm Reply

      • Elena Wood: Thank you! Yes, I pour it into my hand and splash it on imagining that I am channeling my inner Mad Men era man! I do love it, and if I absolutely bathe in it, it does last a while, but it’s just not concentrated enough. I will try to find some PdT! June 26, 2017 at 9:47pm Reply

        • kpaint: I have (vintage) eau de cologne versions of some classic Guerlains and Chanels, and generally speaking, find them to have the best projection and sillage. On the flip side, the extraits are gorgeous but don’t last long on my skin.

          So it might be you; it might be your bottle. I agree with Nina Z that trying different vintages and formulations might be your best bet, and also lots of fun. If you shop on ebay, there’s usually a broad array of classic perfumes as minis, used bottles, etc. that can be very affordable. June 27, 2017 at 3:37pm Reply

    • Kelly C: I have the current EdT and it lasts very well on me. June 26, 2017 at 3:42pm Reply

    • spe: Try a sample of the parfum and see if it lasts on you. June 26, 2017 at 9:04pm Reply

    • Nora Szekely: Hi Elena,
      I have the current extrait and in warm weather it lasts for 4-5 hours on me with medium sillage. I have a 30 ml dab bottle so I’m using it rather lavishly, putting some on my wrists and inside of the elbows and on the nape of my neck. In the cold, it lasted only for 2 hours or so. I used it twice for my batch as well, it was amazing, just a few drops needed (as recommended here in one article about scented bath).
      I never tried the vintage, the current one is a smooth green scent I really love for a walk-in-an-enchanted-forest mood.
      When I wear it, I feel like the Rose from The Little Prince : beautiful, haughty, high maintenance yet fragile. I’m unique and I know it 🙂 June 29, 2017 at 11:11am Reply

  • Joy: Reading an article yesterday about EL’s original Azuree brought back memories of that amazing fragrance. The modern replacement is not even a shadow of the original. Does anyone know of a fragrance that has the depth of leather, tobacco, and a herbaceous notes that can compare? I see the vintage for sale on Ebay, but I am leary of buying there.
    I did buy a bottle of the reformulated Aliage last year. What a disappointment!
    Those were perfumes that were unique and made a statement. June 26, 2017 at 11:48am Reply

    • Katya: I’ve never smelled it before, but tobacco and herbacious notes is a description I’ve read about George by Jardins d’Ecrivains. George seems to have more of a citrus/neroli and musk notes. Maybe worth getting a sample if you are able to? They sell them on the website and I think they might have some on ebay. June 26, 2017 at 1:26pm Reply

      • Joy: This sounds like another great one to sample. Thank you for the suggestion. June 26, 2017 at 6:48pm Reply

    • Barbara: Hi Joy,
      I haven’t experienced Azuree, but based on your description of leather, tobacco, and herbaceous notes, I’d suggest looking into Tabacco Toscano by Sanra Maria Novella. I’ve noticed the line has been popping up at local boutiques, in addition to their flagship in Florence, IT. It does have a sweetness to it, but I enjoy the strong notes of tobacco and leather. 🙂 June 26, 2017 at 1:55pm Reply

      • Barbara: Santa Maria Novella* June 26, 2017 at 1:56pm Reply

      • Joy: Thank you. I will order a sample! June 26, 2017 at 2:00pm Reply

    • genevieve leger fawcett: No.16 Tomato Leather is a great choice, if you’re looking for an herbaceous leather scent. I love it! June 27, 2017 at 12:56am Reply

      • Joy: This sounds interesting. Thank you also for the link to Fragrantica. June 28, 2017 at 1:57pm Reply

    • Austenfan: Not exactly like Azurée but at least as daring is Rien by Etat Libre d’Orange. One of the most distinctive and uncompromising scents I own. June 27, 2017 at 6:31pm Reply

      • Joy: This sounds interesting on its own! Thank you. June 28, 2017 at 2:05pm Reply

    • Bastet: Caron’s Yatagan is similar to Azuree, to my nose at least. June 28, 2017 at 11:46am Reply

      • Joy: Thank you! I so appreciate all of the suggestions from those of you who have more access than I do, and have more varied experience! June 28, 2017 at 2:06pm Reply

    • Mia: Hi Joy! I am late in the game as usual but I need to suggest you to try (if you have not) Papillon’s Salome. I have vintage Azuree and I find the scents being very much alike. But the most important thing of course is what similarities we are after. I was after a beautiful combination of animalic scents and jasmin which I think both of them capture perfectly. I do know most people do not find them being similar but since noses, skins and tastes differ, this is an option. Good luck! I too love Azuree :). July 3, 2017 at 3:33pm Reply

      • Joy: This sounds like a great suggestion. Thank you!
        I ordered a decant of Azuree to verify that I still like it, and I do. It lasted all day.
        I will try the Papillon’s Salome. It seems better to buy something current, if one can. July 4, 2017 at 1:46pm Reply

  • Michael: I have a question for anyone who owns a bottle (or more) of Chanel No 22, vintage or otherwise. I read in a review that the current formulation excludes both the tuberose and incense components, compared to its vintage formula. Is that true? And if so, does it make the current version sweeter and less spicy in the drydown?

    Any thoughts, information and opinions would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance! June 26, 2017 at 12:15pm Reply

    • kpaint: I have the vintage edc, and it is definitely incensey, which I did not notice in the Exclusifs edt. June 26, 2017 at 2:02pm Reply

    • Nina Z: While I almost always prefer the vintage version of fragrances, in the case of Chanel No. 22 I love them both! And I own both. I feel that eventually they get to a similar dry down–the modern seems to get there faster. That being said, I’m talking about the new EdT formulation from last year. The new EdP formulation has definitely lost some of it’s sparkle, though I didn’t take the time to analyze why (I just snapped up a bottle of the old EdT while it was still around). June 26, 2017 at 2:29pm Reply

    • KatieAnn: I was excited about Chanel 22. I have not had the pleasure of smelling the formula that contained sandalwood in the base. I was able to try the newer formulation, however, a few months ago. It started off nice, but the drydown has a lot of bourbon vanilla. So much so that it makes my stomach a little queasy. I did not get any sense of incense at all. Hope this helps. June 26, 2017 at 2:40pm Reply

    • Joy: I have a bottle of no.22 that I purchased last year. I used to wear it in the 80’s. Although it is not as powerful nor as long lasting, it is still a wonderful fragrance. I really love it still. When I have worn it, I can still detect the fragrance on my clothes. It may be more enduring thanI think. The no.22 poudre is quite interesting also with opening notes of chilly iris root. June 26, 2017 at 6:51pm Reply

  • cp: Hi Michael, I own several bottles of the vintage Chanel and and may be interested in selling one. I have a couple of the white cartridge ones and one refill as well as the 3.4 oz in the glass spray with the black cap. The vintage is a lot richer than the new reformulated one, even the newest edp. The edt reformulated one smelled thin and sharp. I actually think the new one has more incense, but I don’t like it. The vintage has some incense, but it’s smoother. Also the florals in the vintage are more lush. You can still find bottles of the vintage edt on Ebay and you can obtain samples of the new edp by contacting Neimans or Bergdorf or visit any Chanel boutique. June 26, 2017 at 12:46pm Reply

    • kpaint: cp: This comment was not directed to me, but I may be interested if you’re selling a refill. I have two vintage bottles with empty cartridges. I am kpaintsten at outlook dot com if you’d like to contact me. June 26, 2017 at 1:47pm Reply

  • Alexa: My favorite perfumes are orientals. I would like one that leans more heavily toward the incense and spice than most I have at present. Any suggestions? June 26, 2017 at 12:58pm Reply

    • Nina Z: I love spicy fragrances! Noir Epices by Frederic Malle is a very spicy and rather dry oriental, using orange instead of vanilla. I also like Eau Lente by Diptyque, which has both oppoponax (myrrh) and tons of spices. Of course the classic oriental with spices is vintage Opium (still not that hard to find) and I love Dawn Spencer Hurwitz’s take on it DSH Fou d’Opium.

      For incense, maybe Amouage Lyric Woman (rich rose with incense) and Miyako by Annayake (an oriental with frankincense). June 26, 2017 at 2:26pm Reply

      • Alexa: Thank you, Nina. You give me a lot to explore. The Miyako intrigues me. June 26, 2017 at 2:48pm Reply

    • Hamamelis: April Aromatics Calling All Angels, Annick Goutal Encens Flamboyant and Amouage Epic (Woman) are all worth a sniff! June 26, 2017 at 2:56pm Reply

    • Aurora: Have you already come across l’AP Timbuktu, Alexa? It has the incense and spices, it’s quite unique and you will either love or hate it. June 26, 2017 at 3:36pm Reply

      • Aurora: Or for a sweeter, more oriental (it has vanilla) take on incense and spices my gold standard is Neela Vermeire Trayee, it is very expensive but a sample is affordable. June 26, 2017 at 3:42pm Reply

        • Hamamelis: Trayee is a wonderful suggestion, I forgot all about it as it is more of a winter scent for me. June 26, 2017 at 3:50pm Reply

          • Aurora: Hello Hamamelis. So nice to meet you here, hope you are well. Yes, I wonder how Trayee behaves in summer. I just wanted to mention an oriental as Alexa loves them and in case it turns out she doesn’t care for Timbuktu. June 26, 2017 at 3:56pm Reply

            • Hamamelis: Very nice to meet you to Aurora! We are very busy on all fronts, so I can’t comment often. This evening I have a bit of space to do so and I am glad we met over Trayee! June 26, 2017 at 4:03pm Reply

    • katherine x: Cartier: L`Heure Mysterieuse XII may fit the bill as well. Bois d’encens (Armani) is my favorite incense but I don’t find it particularly spicy – more creamy, sweet. I’ll back other’s recommendations for Trayee. It’s a great big sweet incense. June 26, 2017 at 7:26pm Reply

  • The Perfume Baby: I have fallen in love with Guerlain Mon Précieux Nectar Extrait which sadly, is hard to find and is very costly. I would love to find its doppelganger.

    Another one I love is A Lab on Fire Sweet Dreams 2003. It’s an eau de cologne, and I burned through 4 bottles last summer. It lasts maybe 2 hours on me. I sampled a ton load of EDCs in an attempt to find something approximating it, with no success.

    If you have smelled either of these, can you think of a close match? Thank you. June 26, 2017 at 4:17pm Reply

    • tomate farcie: Always tough trying to find something similar, it just never seems to measure up. Maybe in the same family is Van Cleefe & Arpel L’Orchidèe Vanille June 27, 2017 at 11:11pm Reply

  • Marilyn: I would love to have some suggestions, especially since I will have an opportunity to try some of the Hermes fragrances. I seem to do well with florals; for years and years my signature scent was Arpege, and I also wear Joy quite a lot. I’m ready to branch out but I don’t know what to try. Oh, i also love Annik Goutal L’Eau de Hadrian, though not so much now as it seems to have been reformulated. (Please don’t limit your comments to Hermes fragrances – I just have an opportunity to visit one of their stores very soon.)

    I have learned so much from so many of you, and am looking forward to your opinions.

    As to what I like — I am an introvert; I love to read,mostly non-fiction. I love my friends, but not in large groups, please! I am a pianist and former music teacher (I loved teaching!). I also write quite a lot, mostly letters and journals, and some essays. You all sound so interesting, and I sense a kinship with many of you. I’m looking forward to hearing what I know will be learned opinions! June 26, 2017 at 6:10pm Reply

    • Karen A: Arpege was all I wore for a while, so I can relate! My suggestion is to just start trying whatever you can, either from the reviews here on BdJ or by exploring a particular note, such as rose, jasmine, etc. Luckyscent has samples at good prices ans Surrender to Chance and the Perfumed Court also sell decants of all sizes.

      Another option is to explore a particular perfumer. You can look up by creator on Fragrantica. It’s a fun way to discover the “feel” or style of different artists. Or, you can also explore a line – whether it’s a large company or an indie.

      If you are near a good department store such as Saks, Nordstroms, or Neiman’s (those are the ones I’m familiar with other regions have others), go in and talk with a SA from a line, such as Guerlain, Chanel, Tom Ford and let them know you really enjoy perfumes and want to find some new fragrances.

      Many times you can get some samples to try out, just be sure if you find one that works to go back and support the SA who helped you.

      Good luck and have fun! June 27, 2017 at 5:40pm Reply

      • Marilyn stanonis: To Karen A. – thank you so much for your very helpful comments! It’s difficult to know where to start because I’ve been out of the “perfume loop” for so long, just happy with my Arpege. But reading Victoria’s blog and all the learned comments inspired me to try something new. I really didn’t know where to start, Karen, but now I have several avenues to pursue. Thank you so much! June 27, 2017 at 7:06pm Reply

        • SilverMoon: Hello Marilyn,
          given what you wear, I think you 24 Faubourg would suit you best (from the Hermes range). However, something lovely but a little different would be their new perfume, Gallop. Rose and leather in a gorgeous bottle that looks like a stirrup. Or maybe Ambre Narguile would be worth a try.

          Of course, if you decide to look beyond Hermes, there is almost too much to choose from. So, Karen A’s advice sounds excellent. Maybe start with a note you love and see all the different ways they are developed by different perfumers. Maybe you will have to post another question here to see the range of suggestions 😀 June 28, 2017 at 3:46pm Reply

          • Marilyn stanonis: Hello Silver Moon, Marilyn here –Ambre Narguile. Hmmm — can you believe I’ve not heard of it?? I’m still taking baby steps! I can’t wait to try it along with 24 Faubourg. And yes, I definitely want to branch out past Hermes, especially after Nina Z’s encouragement. Hermes is where I was going yesterday, not my be-all, end-all. I can’t wait to get to another perfume counter and also to some samples. Thank you so much for giving me some direction, Silver Moon, and for being so encouraging! June 28, 2017 at 5:39pm Reply

    • Nina Z: Most of the Hermes fragrances are very different in style than Arpege and Joy, which are both rich and complex. The more recent Hermes fragrances are “minimalist” by design and so are more sparkling but also a bit thin and simplistic (sorry, I’m not a fan). You might like them, however, so if you have the chance, smell away! Smell everything! Since you liked the Annick Goutal citrus (yes, it has changed!), check out Pamplemousse Rose and Eau d`Orange Verte.

      However, based on your love for Joy, you might like 24 Faubourg, which is rich amber-y orange blossom perfume. If I was forced to take a bottle from Hermes, that’s what I would chose. June 27, 2017 at 9:09pm Reply

      • Marilyn stanonis: To Nina Z. – Hello, Nina, Marilyn here — thank you so much for your very helpful comments! Based on what you told me, I see that I like “rich and complex”. (I’ve just realized that I have no vocabulary to discuss perfumes, but you are teaching me about that.) I did go to Hermes today and so I understand, also, about “minimalist” as it refers to fragrances. I’m not minimalist in anything, which explains the slight sense of confusion I experienced wih the samples presented. Can’t wait to try the ones you suggested, especially 24 Faubourg, tho it may take awhile. I don’t love near any of the fine department stores, tho’ I travel fairly often. I’ll bet the very helpful lady at Hermes can obtain a sample of Faubourg. Thank you, Nina, for expanding my knowledge of fragrances as well as my perfume vocabulary. June 27, 2017 at 10:37pm Reply

      • Marilyn stanonis: Nina Z., I apologize for my typos — I thought I corrected all of them. Also want to thank you for advising me to “smell everything”. It will be fun! June 27, 2017 at 10:43pm Reply

    • Hamamelis: What about getting to know the Annick Goutal house a bit more? My absolute favourite perfume is Heure Exquise, much loved by many here. Rose Absolue is a beautiful rose, Songes a wonderful white flower. If you are at Hermes I recommend you try Hiris, a quiet beautiful iris. Another house I recommend exploring is Nicolai parfums, very good quality and not too expensive. Victoria reviewed several of their perfumes here. Good luck hope we hear back from your experience! June 29, 2017 at 3:08am Reply

      • Marilyn stanonis: Dear Hamamelis, Marilyn here – how very good to hear from you and to receive your excellent advice! I cannot wait to try your suggestions, especially Heure Exquise. It will be awhile before I can get to a perfume counter, maybe not till September, but I’m going to learn how to obtain samples! I’ll be sure to let you know.
        For some time now I’ve been fascinated by your name. Some years ago I had a Witch Hazel tree in my yard — the one with yellow blossoms. It bloomed every January and I always looked forward to it — January is pretty dreary in the US Midwest. Nowadays I spritz witch hazel on my face every morning to help me wake up, and I often think of you.
        Thank you for your suggestions. June 29, 2017 at 10:53pm Reply

  • Ann: I am new here, and I have not smelled a ton of perfume yet, but I would like to find a perfume that I ❤️, and that is long lasting w/ moderate to strong silage.

    I love greens, herbaceous, and earthy scents. I also love roses and white florals. And spices. And citrus. But since it’s summer, I’d like to splurge on a great green fragrance that I can drench myself in.

    I like Chanel number 19, but not Cristalle as much.

    I like Dior Eau Savauge

    I like Sisley Eau de Campagna

    These are all great – and I would like to have them all – but I’m not sure I have found something that I must have

    I like Vetiver essential oil – but I haven’t smelled any vetiver perfumes

    I am looking to order some samples in the hopes of finding a scent worthy of a full bottle

    Thank you! June 26, 2017 at 8:53pm Reply

    • Caroline: A great green with moderate to strong sillage is Scherrer by Jean-Louis Scherrer. My bottle’s a vintage ebay acquisition, but the current version has been positively reviewed here on BdJ. I see you can get a .85 oz bottle of the edt at Beauty Encounter for $35.99–practically free! June 26, 2017 at 10:13pm Reply

      • Ann: Thank you Caroline, I will look it up! June 27, 2017 at 2:55pm Reply

      • Mia: Excellent suggestion! July 3, 2017 at 3:40pm Reply

    • Maggiecat: You might try Cristalle Eau Verte if you can find it. I prefer it to the original, actually. June 27, 2017 at 12:28am Reply

      • Ann: Thanks Maggiecat – I was surprised I did not care for Christalle after reading about it – will look for the other Eau Vert! June 27, 2017 at 2:58pm Reply

        • kpaint: I felt the same – on paper it looked like a perfect match for me. It took a few years of occasional sniffing to come around to it. Now it’s a big huge lovefest with me.

          I love the Eau Verte version as well, but don’t find too much of a connection to the original. It’s lemony and powdery and fun. June 27, 2017 at 3:45pm Reply

          • Ann: That’s interesting, the more i smell perfume the more I appreciate it – I was repulsed by Angel at first spray, but have become a believer June 27, 2017 at 6:13pm Reply

            • kpaint: I fell in love with Angel the same way – little sniffs, small dabs, bigger and bigger dabs – then true love 😀 June 29, 2017 at 4:22pm Reply

              • Ann: I’ll keep sniffing Shalimar & Mitsouko, I’m not there yet – although I do sincerely enjoy the scent of Shalimar on other people June 29, 2017 at 6:34pm Reply

    • Tomate Farcie: for vetiver Guerlain Vetiver (I think you can find a reasonable price) also Atelier Cologne Vetiver Fatal. For classic green Guerlain Chamade or Balmain Vent Vert. More floral green Parfums DelRae Wit June 27, 2017 at 12:37am Reply

      • Ann: Thank you for the suggestions! June 27, 2017 at 2:59pm Reply

    • Ben: My two favourite green scents are Eldo’s Afternoon of a Faun and Oriza Legrand’s Chypre Mousse. They both have good longevity, and the Legrand is a little sweeter than I would normally go for, but somehow it all seems to tie together really nicely for me. June 27, 2017 at 8:05am Reply

      • Ann: Many thanks Ben! June 27, 2017 at 3:00pm Reply

    • Hamamelis: Annick Goutal’s Heure Exquise, or Ninfeo Mio, or Eau du Sud (which is a lot like Eau Dynamisante but much longer lasting).
      Frederic Malle Vetiver Extraordinaire is a lovely vetiver. Good luck! June 27, 2017 at 10:14am Reply

      • Ann: Thanks Hamamelis for the recommendations! June 27, 2017 at 2:59pm Reply

    • kpaint: I love green fragrances as well – and spicy ones, and roses and white florals and citrus 🙂

      Here are some suggestions that aren’t typical solid greens, but have a green tinge, edge, or aspect that I really like:

      Frederic Malle Carnal Flower
      Robert Piguet Fracas (edt)
      Cartier Baiser Volé (edp)
      Van Cleef Gardénia Pétale
      Tauer Carillon pour un Ange
      Sonoma Scent Studio Yin & Ylang
      Ormonde Jayne Sampaquita
      Marni Rose
      the original Lolita Lempicka
      Hermès Muguet Porcelaine
      L’Artisan La Chasse aux Papillons
      Diptyque L’Ombre dans l’Eau
      Atelier Cologne Trèfle Pur June 27, 2017 at 4:02pm Reply

      • Ann: Ooooh, great list! Thank you for all the recommendations SSB! June 27, 2017 at 6:15pm Reply

      • Ann: Got my yin & ylang sample (along w others 🙂

        Holy fast shipping from SSS!

        It is delicious! Really rich but natural too. Just put it on so waiting for the dry down… July 2, 2017 at 8:30am Reply

    • KatieAnn: Hi Ann, have you ever tried Chanel Sycomore? It’s a nice vetiver perfume with very decent sillage. June 28, 2017 at 9:28am Reply

      • Nina Z: That’s an excellent idea! June 28, 2017 at 2:41pm Reply

      • Ann: No, I haven’t, but Sycamore sounds very interesting. I wish the Chanel counter’s carried more than number 5, Coco and mademoiselle Coco. Adding to my list, thank you for the recommendation! June 29, 2017 at 12:02am Reply

    • Nina Z: If you like but don’t love Chanel No. 19, try L’Heure Exquise by Annick Goutal. It’s very similar (and has lots of the green note galbanum!) but it is a bit softer and warmer. June 28, 2017 at 1:06pm Reply

      • Ann: Thank you Nina Z! It’s great to have some direction but n a sea of perfume! June 29, 2017 at 12:03am Reply

    • mayfly: Hello Anne,
      I would recommend Fleurs de Sel, Miller Harris, this perfume is salty and herbal, on a bed of Iris and rose with a green leathery dry down, it’s really invigorating and beautiful in the summer. Miller Harris’ Vetiver Insolent is also lovely and green, spicy, rather than herbal. June 28, 2017 at 1:11pm Reply

      • Ann: Thank you Mayfly – Fleurs de Sel sounds really really good – i’m definitely adding it to my sample list. Thank you!! June 29, 2017 at 12:05am Reply

        • mayfly: Hope u love one of them, or one (or several!) of the other wonderful suggestions! June 29, 2017 at 2:57am Reply

          • Ann: Thank you! me too – still going to sample Fleurs de sel, but sad that it is discontinued – it looks like it is available for a decent price on Amazon though June 29, 2017 at 10:58am Reply

            • Katya: I got my MH Fleurs de Sel off ebay for a pretty decent price, too. I wasn’t sure about it at first but I have since fallen in love with it.

              I wish I could recommend a good green fragrance but I’m not sure I can think of one that I’ve tried with a good sillage. Have you tried Diptyque Vetyverio or L’Ombre Dans L’eau? Vetyverio is a bit more citrusy than woodsy but it is a lovely green, and so is L’Ombre (although a bit on the floral/fruity side). Diptyque’s edts are not very long-lasting on me, but the edps I’ve sampled are really good. In terms of price they are a smidge more expensive than Chanel’s N19 but nowhere near Frederic Malle or Les Exclusifs prices. July 1, 2017 at 5:06pm Reply

              • Katya: Also my favourite Diptyque is Do Son, which is a tuberose white floral with a marine note that I cannot smell, but my mom does (in edt, although I would splurge on an edp happily) which I really love. I have heard it described as ‘synthetic’ but it is one of those perfumes that brings me compliments all the time, so worth considering. July 1, 2017 at 5:08pm Reply

                • Ann: Thank you for the suggestions! I have a sample of l’ombre dans l’eau, but I have yet to sample it – it’s so small it makes me nervous I am going to waset it, ha 😉

                  I will add do son to my list, and wow les exclusifs are exclusive! July 1, 2017 at 8:56pm Reply

    • mendokuse: Something I’ve been doing lately to combat the oppressively hot and humid weather of summer is layering FM Vetiver Extraordinaire with Chanel La Pausa – it adds another dimension of dry rootiness that plays well against the delicate floral character of La Pausa (which I prefer on its own in winter or spring). July 1, 2017 at 3:14pm Reply

      • Ann: Oh, That sounds really lovely – adding La Pausa to my list. How do you like to layer? Are they next to one another or do you put one on top of the other? July 1, 2017 at 3:23pm Reply

      • mendokuse: I layer La Pausa on top of Vetiver Extraordinaire because I feel that VE has more lasting power, and you would lose La Pausa underneath it. Generally, I would say that you should layer fragrances on top of one another to create the illusion of a single, new fragrance, but occasionally I like to create a kind of scent map all over my body (usually when I’m feeling restless or bored), where I have small amounts of very different scents dotted here and there (ex: back of neck, between collarbones, wrist, crook of elbow, knees, etc). The trick is to make sure not to use any perfumes that are so strong that they would drown out the others even at a distance! July 1, 2017 at 3:36pm Reply

        • Ann: Thank you! I love the idea of layering… I need to build up my collection before this becomes a practical option, but looking forward to it! July 2, 2017 at 8:34am Reply

  • Kharina: Good morning from the UK!
    Last week, whilst melting in front of my air purifier and fan in the diabolical heat, I thought I was happy I purchased a bottle of old skool 4711 to liberally bathe myself in. I do enjoy the cooling freshness. The sad thing of course is that it is a simple cologne and it is not at all long lasting. Any suggestions of a bergamot scent even for men that could out last the heat? Also, any recommendations to something that smells similar to Santa Maria Novella’s Melograno?
    Many thanks and oceans of love to this platform! June 27, 2017 at 3:22am Reply

    • Victoria: Kharina, see Aurora’s comment below. She replied to the general thread, so I just wanted to make sure you notice it. It has a great suggestions. Another one from me is The Different Company Divine Bergamote. Atelier Cologne also has several good colognes that last well. June 27, 2017 at 6:27am Reply

      • Aurora: Many thanks and sorry, Victoria! June 27, 2017 at 1:53pm Reply

      • Kharina: Thanks a lot Victoria! I just checked online and Notino are currently doing a massive sale on The Different Company. My poor wallet. June 28, 2017 at 6:06am Reply

    • Eudora: Hello Kharina, last summer I bought Mugler Cologne -I think is sold like men’s- and was perfect for my husband, my daugther and me. It is not expensive -you can bathe- at all and it is long lasting. Your clothes will smell the next day. I find it a perfect cologne! Actually I am missing it. June 27, 2017 at 8:21am Reply

      • Kharina: That sounds intriguing! I will give that a whirl! Thank you! June 28, 2017 at 5:49am Reply

    • Hamamelis: Cristalle or Annick Goutal’s Eau du Sud. June 27, 2017 at 10:17am Reply

      • Kharina: My Aunt wears Cristalle, so I respect her usage. I forgot about Annick Goutal’s juice – I’ll have to revisit as it has been many years. June 28, 2017 at 5:52am Reply

    • Nina Z: Well, no citrus notes are going to be that long lasting because the nature of citrus is that it’s a more fleeting note. However, if you like bergamot, check out Bergamote by The Different Company–that will last a lot longer than 4711! Another idea would be Dior’s classic refreshing fragrance Eau Sauvage, which while not bergamot, is going to last much longer than the 4711.

      If you like Santa Maria Novella, you might like Garofano, which combines carnation with citrus (though, of course, the carnation lasts longer than the citrus). I love this one in the heat. June 27, 2017 at 8:56pm Reply

      • Kharina: I have the Garfano soap in my knicker drawer! I love carnations but never thought about the spiciness in heat. I love your thinking! I’ll check out Eau Savage, it is a classic, after all. Thank you! June 28, 2017 at 5:54am Reply

    • Katya: Hi Kharina,

      This will probably sound silly but do you think maybe Lush might have something up your street? When you say bergamot (or any citrus) Sun perfume comes to mind which I remember smelling lovely but which in the end didn’t warrant a full bottle. Still, Lush scents are known to be tenacious – so tenacious, in fact, I had to get rid of my Vanillary because I was sick of it.

      Also I haven’t tried them but maybe the Library of Fragrance has something? They sell them in Boots for about 15 quid each, and they have this quirky thing going for them that might be worth exploring. The only thing is you can’t really tell what one might smell like from the description. Their ‘sunshine’ cologne for example is described as ‘cotton warmed by the sun’ (???)

      I also mentioned this above, but Vetyverio by Diptyque opens with a really nice citrus note before drying down. It is very unisex – worth checking out if you have a Space NK or a John Lewis nearby. (Or Selfridges, of course, although I find them really intimidating.) July 1, 2017 at 5:23pm Reply

      • Kharina: Library of Fragrances was Dementer, wasn’t it? That is a brilliant idea, as is Gorilla perfumes. I like a teeny spray of Lust, as it is so heady. Luckily there is a SpaceNK in town, so I’ll check the Diptyque out! Thanks so much for the recs! July 2, 2017 at 5:35pm Reply

  • aurora: Hello Kharina: waving back from the UK too, it was so hot last Wednesday wasn’t it.
    When I read bergamot I immediately think of Shalimar. So what about Shalimar Eau de Cologne? It’s a bergamot floral leather, I find the longevity OK, I haven’t compared them but it would be safe to say it lasts longer than 4711 (which I enjoy as well by the way). Shalimar EdT also has bergamot (in fact so does the EdP and extrait) and it would last longer but it may be a bit too heady for summer. Hope you get many other options. I don’t know Melograno, so now I’m curious. June 27, 2017 at 5:58am Reply

    • Kharina: So hot I got an undercut and now it’s gone all cool, hah! Love your idea about the Shalimar cologne, I haven’t had a chance to test the cologne version. A dear friend of mine wears Shalimar all year, but as the cologne is more fresh and citrus, I’ll give that a go.
      Melograno lovely, although I think doesn’t work on everybody as it may just smell like soap on some peeps. Fun fact: Vesper Lynd in Casino Royale wears it. You can find a bottle in her wash bag. 🙂 June 28, 2017 at 6:01am Reply

      • penny: Hi kharina,
        I was checking out portrait of a lady in liberty’s a while ago and was introduced to Cologne Indélébile Frederic Malle because I asked for the same thing your asking for now a long lasting 4711 and I was recommended this because it was especially made to be a long lasting version. hope that helps June 29, 2017 at 1:57pm Reply

        • Kharina: Oh you star! Thanks for that, I’ll check it out! June 30, 2017 at 5:54am Reply

          • penny: You are so welcome! so happy to help , I would like to add if you don’t mind, that Dior’s Escale à Portofino is very similar a real favourite of mine but only lasts a bit longer than 4711 however Tom Fords Portofino lasts more anyway hope you find one that fits the bill.
            . June 30, 2017 at 11:45am Reply

  • Mara: Hello to everybody from Athens, Greece!
    I have recently discovered “El Born”, a liquorish eau de parfum by CARNER, a maison de perfumers from Barcelona. “El Born” belongs to their Woody Collection, and is inspired by the homonymous historical district and neighborhood of the Catalan capital.
    Its Top Notes are sicilian lemon, calabrian bergamot, angelica and honey. Middle Notes are fig, heliotrope, benzoin from Laos, egyptian jasmine. Its Base Notes are madagascaran vanilla, Peru balsam, australian sandalwood and musk.
    When first applied, one gets a strong smokey/incense dark impression (due to benzoin), along with fig and honey. You then get a sweet, liquorish smell which is very pleasant, like a soft, shiny light on the top of a complex and original synthesis, but this does not stay long. What remains is a peppery, spicy, musky powdery smell, which endures for many hours, without being overpowering. This is a sweet, woody perfume, somehow recalling olfactory moments of ELDO’s “Like This”; yet, it is cosier and more sensual, in a sophisticatedly bohemian way. Worth the try! June 27, 2017 at 6:54am Reply

  • Eudora: Dear Victoria and Perfume Lovers: I just moved to the countryside and have limited access to perfumes. In my last trip to the city I tried Cacharel’s Eden and I loved it a lot. I found it mesmerizing. How can you describe it (because I could’t)? it is long lasting? Thanks! June 27, 2017 at 8:30am Reply

    • Cornelia Blimber: Ha, another Eden lover! I use it when I like to feel like a tiger in the deep green jungle. June 27, 2017 at 8:53am Reply

      • Eudora: Love at first smell for me. How does it feel a tiger in the deep green jungle? I mean, I only smelled it once and all I can remember was that it was very unique -for me- while thinking…what it this? If felt green for sur. Thanks! June 27, 2017 at 9:28am Reply

        • Cornelia Blimber: The Tiger feels self-assured. He (she of course speeking of myself) has no ennemies in the jungle, only humans, but he has eaten them all. He sniffs the warm damp from the earth and enjoys the sparkling sunlight in the emerald leaves of the trees.
          That’s me wearing Eden. June 27, 2017 at 11:11am Reply

          • Eudora: Unforgettable was Eden and unforgettable will be your link
            feeling as a tiger in the deep green jungle. Great Cornelia! June 27, 2017 at 11:27am Reply

          • Hamamelis: What a great description Cornelia! I must try Eden again 😉 June 29, 2017 at 3:12am Reply

    • Patricia: For me it’s like rolling in newly cut grass in Spring. June 28, 2017 at 5:20pm Reply

      • Eudora: I love how newly cut grass smells! Thanks Patricia! June 29, 2017 at 8:12am Reply

  • Raquel: Hello everyone, could someone please recommend a rose and cardamom perfume? I love the smell of both combined in desserts.
    My only rose perfume is actually an oil (Al Haramain Attar Al Kaaba) Thank you! June 27, 2017 at 7:31pm Reply

    • Tiamaria: Hi Raquel,

      You might like Neela Vermiere Mohur. Rose and cardamom and lots of other lovely stuff. June 28, 2017 at 4:44am Reply

      • Raquel: Thank you Tiamaria for your suggestion, I’ve always been curious about NV. I’ll see if I can order a sample! June 28, 2017 at 9:00am Reply

    • Anu: Raquel, I pretty sure I detect cardamom notes in Marni Rose. I also second the recommendation of NV Mohur. June 28, 2017 at 8:45am Reply

      • Raquel: Anu, thank you!, I will try Marni Rose if it’s available in my country, if not then when I travel. June 28, 2017 at 9:02am Reply

      • kpaint: Per published notes all 3 Marnis (original, Rose, and Spice) all have both rose and cardamom.

        Add to that list:
        Caron Parfum Sacré
        Guerlain Rose Nacrée du Desert
        Lubin Black Jade
        Rosine Rose Praliné
        SHL Rose de Petra
        Tauer Incense Rosé

        I can’t vouch for the cardamom in any of these (I’ve never picked up on it) but I can vouch for the rose. 🙂 June 29, 2017 at 4:31pm Reply

        • Tati: I can second Black Jade, which is one of my favorite rose perfumes due to the spice, particularly cardamom. I will definitely be trying the Marni Rose. July 1, 2017 at 2:11pm Reply

          • Raquel: Tati, thank you for your comment! Oh so many perfumes to try! July 1, 2017 at 6:58pm Reply

        • Raquel: Kpaint thank you! I’d love to try them all! July 1, 2017 at 6:55pm Reply

    • Clair: Hi Raquel. Rose and Cardamom are two favorites of mine, though I’ve often had trouble finding them together and Cardamom fragrances can lean masculine. I second the Marni’s. Marni Rose is my favorite. Olfactive Studio Lumiere Blanche is a beautiful milky Cardamom, much softer than the Marnis. I don’t think there is any Rose but it has that kulfi dessert aspect as does L’Artisan Parfumeur’s Safran Troublant. Teo Cabanel Oha is a neglected Rose Cardamom fragrance which has a lovely spicy current. I detect clove as well as Cardamom. Underrated IMO. June 29, 2017 at 6:28pm Reply

      • Raquel: Hi Clair, I’m definitely going to order Marni Rose! Thank you! July 1, 2017 at 7:08pm Reply

    • Katya: Not sure if this is any help at all because I cannot detect any spice in this myself (caveat: my nose is blind to a lot of subtle scents) but I have read that there is spice in Eau de Protection by Etat Libre d’Orange. I got a sample and on me it smells like Lush’s Rose Jam, or Si Rose Edit by Armani. (Which are very fine sweet jammy roses and tickle my fancy when I feel nostalgic for Bulgaria, but I need in small quantities because: overwhelming.) I also have Jo Malone’s “Mimosa and Cardamom” and I love it – I’m wondering if anybody has tried layering that over Red Roses cologne and if so, what the result was like. Jo Malone, unfortunately, doesn’t last very long on my skin (that I can tell) but I do love their compositions. July 1, 2017 at 5:28pm Reply

      • Raquel: Hello Katya, Eau de Protection sounds lovely since I love Lush Rose Jam. Thank you very much for your suggestion! July 1, 2017 at 7:11pm Reply

    • Merylam: Hey sorry for the very late reply, and don’t know if it’s still relevant, but I’ve been going through old threads and wanted to reply.
      Kashan rose from the different company as both rose and cardamon. It’s actually my favourite rose I’ve tried so far, I like rose more in theory than in practise it seems, but as I said really like kashan rose, there is a review of it on this website as weel, if you are curious. December 12, 2018 at 4:06pm Reply

  • Melissa: Speaking of rose, I’m interested in trying a decant of one of Andy Tauer’s rose scents but there’s quite a few of them and I just don’t know which to pick. Can someone recommend a favorite? Thanks! June 28, 2017 at 9:10am Reply

    • Hamamelis: Hi Melissa I recommend Une Rose Chypree but on me it smells best in Autumn and Winter. It is wonderful. June 29, 2017 at 3:14am Reply

      • Kari: Seconding Une Rose Chypree. June 30, 2017 at 12:23am Reply

    • kpaint: Yes, there are quite a few but I’d recommend testing just 1 to start. He uses a very specific rose accord in all the rose perfumes and it has as many detractors as fans. If it suits you, more are worth trying.

      I am in the first camp, except that I absolutely love PHI – it is a desert island perfume for me. That said, I don’t find it to be rose-forward (it’s one of many notes and thus don’t classify it as a “rose” perfume. June 29, 2017 at 4:36pm Reply

  • Lily: I want to thank whoever recommended FM’s Eau de Magnolia to me, probably half a year ago or more. Maybe several people mentioned it or seconded the suggestion. I can’t even recall what I was after.

    I have been trying my sample intermittently since I got it last winter, and finally had a click with the scent this past weekend. It was one I didn’t dislike, I just wasn’t sure if I thought it was more than ok. I struggle with a lot of the chypre scents, I think I am just not crazy about the oakmoss, and I wasn’t immediately convinced that the light floaty floral part was the exact light floaty floral I was after.

    I got a sample of Atelier Cologne’s Sud Magnolia, which I am also enjoying, but having both helped me see the FM more clearly. The Sud Magnolia is a good citrus rush (on me at least that citrus LINGERS) and so sort of in the same position in my wardrobe but sort of not. Like yes both are light summer florals. But the Sud Mag is juicy and bright while the FM is like a cool breeze.

    Anyway. The cost of a bottle is painful, but I can see making a summer ritual of buying a 10 ML travel spray and enjoying it through the heat, and seeing emptying the small bottle as a sign of autumn coming on…. June 28, 2017 at 12:41pm Reply

    • mendokuse: If it makes you happy, it’s worth it! July 1, 2017 at 3:17pm Reply

  • Jennifer: Hoping I could get some help finding some similar scents to two discontinued fragrances that I used to enjoy in summer.

    The first being Lush’s Ginger perfume and the second being Missoni for Women.

    Both are a bit oddball but I am really missing them – likely because they are both so unique! June 28, 2017 at 3:21pm Reply

    • Carla: I’m trying to think of something similar to Missoni but can’t. I used to love it but don’t so much anymore. It was one of my most commented on perfumes. A well done fruity floral for once. June 29, 2017 at 3:00pm Reply

      • Jennifer: Yes! I like is strange because I have nothing else (fruity/chocolate/floral) at all like it in my collection but it definitely garners compliments. June 29, 2017 at 7:06pm Reply

      • Jennifer: Yes, it’s funny but I always get compliments on the Missoni, too! July 5, 2017 at 11:51am Reply

    • Kari: I came around to Lush after Ginger vanished so I’ve never smelled it, but if you like mimosa and Ginger together, you might like my favorite Jo Malone layering combination: Mimosa and Cardamom paired with Nutmeg and Ginger. June 30, 2017 at 12:23am Reply

      • Jennifer: Thank you, I will definitely have to get a sample. July 5, 2017 at 11:51am Reply

    • aurora: If it’s mainly the ginger you crave, there is the lovely refreshing Origins Ginger Essence which has been around forever and Serge Lutens (richer and spicier) Five O’clock au Gingembre.

      Perhaps for Missoni you could try (nothing will ever completely replace it) Prada l’Eau Ambree (floral citrus over cacao and sandalwood) I like it very much. It is discontinued too but recently, plenty available on eBay. Good luck in your search! June 30, 2017 at 5:52am Reply

      • aurora: correction: sorry not sandalwood, opoponax and patchouli. June 30, 2017 at 5:55am Reply

        • Jennifer: Thank you for the suggestions! I have and LOVE SL Five O’clock au Gingembre – one of my favorites of all time. I will certainly try to find the Prada, sounds promising!! July 5, 2017 at 11:54am Reply

  • Kari: I am getting married in a couple months and am considering my fragrance selection. I’d love to hear what you wore or, if you could choose today, what you would wear to your own wedding, and why? June 30, 2017 at 12:16am Reply

    • Kari: As for my own top choices: I’m waffling between Chanel Coromandel because I LOVE it so much, and feel incredibly beautiful in it; or Serge Lutens Fleurs d’Oranger, which really seems to shine in late spring/summer, and reminds me of joyfulness and romance. June 30, 2017 at 12:19am Reply

      • Aurora: How exciting Kari, congratulations! They are 2 beautiful choices. If I was getting married I think would go for an orange blossom as well because of its association with brides, my choice would be Au Pays de la Fleur d’Oranger Neroli Blanc do you know it? Or perhaps Chanel Eau Premiere for its timeless elegance, July 2, 2017 at 6:47am Reply

      • katherine x: You may want to try Le Labo Neroli (or fleur d’oranger or Jasmine). Maybe Frederic Malle Lys Mediterranee, or Eau de Magnolia. All make a statement but are not too heavy. I believe Victoria wore white floral (tuberose) “carnal flower” by Frederic Malle to her wedding. Fracas is another candidate – less carnal – lots of tubereuse like the Carnal Flower. For a more vibrant and clean (less warm) feel try Labo Iris 39 – a favorite – despite some lukewarm, if not negative, reviews. July 2, 2017 at 11:26pm Reply

      • Katya: I hear that number 22 of Les Exclusifs by Chanel is very good for webddings, however, what I do not hear is that the EdPs are worth the money. Having never smelled it, I really cannot say, but maybe you might want to?

        One of my favourite high street perfumes is Chloe Love Story (edp) which is heavy on the neroli and always, always, always rakes in the compliments. Not a fan of the other incarnations, but the edt is more floral and light if you like. Chloe fragrances are sold in bottles shaped like those famous love locks that people hang on Paris bridges (or used to, before the city council said it was becoming a structural hazard) so there is a nice bit of storytelling. The stuff lasts absolute ages on me, and it is comparatively affordable. If I were getting married, it might be what I chose. (Although, given my love of green scents, I might have just bought a bottle of No 19, instead. Or kept my Miller Harris Fleurs de Sel specifically for that day.) July 3, 2017 at 6:03am Reply

    • Lily: Assuming the groom had no strong opinion for or against any of my options, I would be looking at:

      Houbigant Orangeurs en Fleurs. It is similar to the Lutens but in my experience lighter, and more bright; the Lutens was too indolic for me (but I am very sensitive to that). For me the OeF is the scent of pure happiness; it’s both a bright sunny day with flowers blooming and fruit on the tree and the house at Christmas filled with spices and oranges and wood.

      Caron Parfum Sacre because it is the perfume I find most sensual/sexy of all the ones I own and like.

      For sheer feelings of elegance and crowd pleasing (since they both feel like modern tastes shaping classic ideas of beauty) Hermes Galop and Chanel No. 5 L’Eau.

      Serge Lutens Fille de Berlin as a Big Perfume, and rose is always linked to romance and happily ever after.

      Things like time of year, time of day, and size/formality of ceremony would probably determine which I ultimately chose.

      Assuming, that is, I didn’t decide to find something new specifically for the wedding 😉 July 2, 2017 at 3:13pm Reply

  • Kate: This is a slightly left-of-field question but I was wondering if anyone could help me. I collect Guerlains and have a bottel of 180 Ans de Creation which I acquired on Ebay a couple of years ago. It smelled great and I wasn’t suspicious at all of any adulteration (the top of the bottle is practically soldered on anyway, so with would have been difficult to do without leaving a trace). However, I’ve noticed that a slight sedimentation has formed in the bottle. The fragrance seems unaffected. Does anyone know if this could happen under normal circumstances? I’ve never experienced this with perfume before, even with quite old bottles. June 30, 2017 at 10:09am Reply

    • Notturno7: Hi Ben, I second Habit Rouge. If you can get it in an extrait, it’s just amazing.
      I might be wrong here, but have you tried Chanel Coromandel? My Dad loved it. ( as do I and my Mom 😊).
      Also, Clinique Aromatic Elixir, but that’s maybe more for fall and winter.
      For summer, I’d recommend Cristalle, Chanel Pour Monsieur , Dior Eau Sauvage, Guerlain Après l’Ondée. July 2, 2017 at 5:34am Reply

    • AnnieA: There was a thread about this on Fragrantia: July 11, 2017 at 2:34pm Reply

      • Kate: Thank you, that was an interesting read. The bottle is, as far as I can see, sealed, so I’m hoping it’s just a natural sediment and not an adulteration. July 11, 2017 at 7:57pm Reply

  • Mary Thomas: Hi, i need help. Could anyone suggest a fragrance that smells similat to Tiempe Passate by Antonia’s Flowers.
    I absolutely Adore its scent, however, it is Quite Pricey and i have never seen it discounted.
    A bit about my scent loves: Cristalle, Silences, Envy, Rush, Dior Home, Tiempe Passate, #19, #5, Tuberose Criminelle, Madame Rochas ( vintage), Diorissimo (vintage), Norelle ( vintage)…..
    Thank you So Very Much!!!! July 1, 2017 at 4:57pm Reply

    • Aurora: Hello Mary: from your scent loves you enjoy a variety of fragrances and I love many on your list. For a fragrance similar to Tiempe Passate I was thinking of Cacharel Amor Amor for you, Have you tried it? It shares some DNA (clementine citrus, rose, amber) but no cedar wood, it’s very affordable and is admired by many perfumers for the wonderful burst of citrus. My other advice would be to wait and save for it if you lov TP som much, or maybe get for Christmas or birthday as a present. July 2, 2017 at 8:08am Reply

      • Aurora: sorry for the typos it should read if you love TP so much July 2, 2017 at 8:29am Reply

        • Mary Thomas: Thank you, Aurora, i will give Amor Amor a try!… Have not smelled that one yet… There are So Many Alike Smelling frags on. The market today that i thought for sure i would find something similar to Tiempe Passate….alas!!!!….it was / is not easy…thank you again for your kind suggestion…. July 2, 2017 at 11:47am Reply

  • Sarah: Dear Victoria and fellow perfume lovers,
    I will be in Italy, Greece, Solvenia and Montenegro later this month. I would love to find a fragrance that is from any of these countries. I love trying new scents and want to find something original!
    Any recommendations would be appreciated! July 2, 2017 at 2:53pm Reply

    • Katya: I’ve never tried any Korres perfumes (Greece) but from what is available of their range in the UK, I think it may be worth checking out? If you went to Bulgaria I would have suggested you try checking out shops that sell original rose oil (or what passes for that). Google tells me that Refan has a store in Athens, and that one usually carries an interesting range of oils/perfumes/soaps, so it may very well be worth checking out. July 3, 2017 at 5:54am Reply

      • Sarah: Katya,
        Thank you so much for your recommendations! I shall write them down and investigate! July 3, 2017 at 9:52pm Reply

  • Marie: Hi! I am looking for a new frangrance and would love some recommendations 🙂 Some current favorites include SL La Fille de Berlin, Byredo Rose Noir and TF Tuscan leather. Does anyone have suggestions? July 2, 2017 at 3:23pm Reply

    • katherine x: Hi Marie,
      If you like a dusting of rubber/smoke with your warms sweet leather then Cartier L’Heure Trezieme (XII) or Le labo patchouli might suit you! July 2, 2017 at 11:14pm Reply

      • Marie: thank you, Katherine, for your suggestions! I’ll make sure to try them out. July 3, 2017 at 2:07am Reply

    • Katya: Hi Marie. I’m not sure if you’ve tried this already, but whenever I try Shalimar my first impression is of burning rubber followed by a very lovely perfume emerging.

      If you like sweet/jammy roses, some fragrances that smell almost identical to me are Lush Rose Jam, Armani Si Rose Edit, and Eau de Protection by Etat Libre d’Orange (caveat: I only tried that third one once). I spritzed la Fille du Berlin and it really reminded me of one of those three, which is odd because the notes are not all the same. July 3, 2017 at 5:50am Reply

  • Sarrajah: I always loved L’Air du Temps and wore it almost exclusively after my first purchase in 1965. Some years ago, it changed and I quit buying. What would you recommend as a replacement? I realize that I am old and that sensitivities to smells and tastes change with age. But I still miss the wonderful first ‘hit’ of that fragrance which, in my memory, conjures up the sound of a knife tap on a crystal glass. It was a perfectly glorious fragrance and I’d love to experience its like once more. July 2, 2017 at 6:07pm Reply

    • Aurora: What a poetic description of l’AdT! Yes, it is so sheer nowadays it’s become a ghost of a fragrance. First, another carnation which might suit you is Etro Dianthus, it is soft but quite long lasting on my skin, it’s one of my favorites.

      Second : Why not track vintage bottles on ebay; where I live in the UK there are often listings and prices are very affordable due to the numerous offerings. At the moment I have a parfum de toilette concentration which is heaven and a small bottle of the extrait, very beautiful. Neither has turned. Preferably select bottles with their original boxes, a little bit more expensive but safer. Good luck! July 3, 2017 at 3:23pm Reply

      • Aurora: and important too, select sellers with high ratings of 100% and ideally who accept returns. July 3, 2017 at 3:31pm Reply

      • kpaint: On the US site, there’s tons of vintage L’air. I bought a bottle a few years ago for around $25 and it’s in great shape. July 6, 2017 at 7:58pm Reply

  • Tracy: I am looking to sample the Amouage men’s line. Out of the women’s, I love Memoir and Fate, which I now own two bottles of. Recommendations of which to try from the men’s will be appreciated. Thank you x July 2, 2017 at 10:48pm Reply

    • nozknoz: I’ve seen Gold (men) and Jubilation XXV recommended. July 5, 2017 at 11:55am Reply

    • kpaint: Sunshine Man is really fun, though perhaps more of a winter scent. July 6, 2017 at 8:01pm Reply

  • nozknoz: Good morning (or evening) everybody, I have a question and need ideas. A friend and his family are traveling to Japan (Tokyo and Kyoto). I introduced them to niche perfume, and they’ve kindly offered to bring back something for me.

    I know I’ve read a couple of articles about Japanese niche perfumers, but the only one I can find is Parfums Satori, which is now mostly available at Luckyscent. Do you know of any others?

    Or any Japan exclusives that might be interesting?

    (I saw Victoria’s review of the Shiseido White Rose fragrance.) July 5, 2017 at 11:54am Reply

    • Victoria: I don’t find any perfumes made for the Japanese market particularly interesting, as they tend to be light, airy fruity-florals. On the other hand, Japanese incense, especially Kyukyodo, is excellent and unlike anything you can find outside of Japan. They also carry small scented sachets that you can tuck in your purse or clothes. The prices range depending on the quality of ingredients and the percentage of precious oud in the blend, but even on the low you can find plenty of great choices. July 6, 2017 at 4:49am Reply

      • nozknoz: Thanks so much, Victoria! These are great suggestions.

        I was searching Bois de Jasmin for earlier relevant posts and took note of the comment by the Indonesian blogger about the beautiful brocade incense pouches in Kyoto. July 6, 2017 at 11:12pm Reply

  • Sans: Hello everyone. I’d like some perfume recommendations. Nothing very upmarket, niche or exorbitant in pricing. It’s really hard to get samples in my country so will need help.
    Here’s an absolutely random list of perfumes I loved:
    My Burberry
    Aerin Ikat Jasmin
    Estee Lauder Sensuous
    Clavin Klein Secret Obsession
    Dolce & Gabbana The One Desire
    Ferragamo Signorina
    Roberto Cavalli Aqua

    Thank you 🙂 July 10, 2017 at 10:44am Reply

    • aurora: I think I didn’t post correctly, sorry. Would it be perfumes for summer? What about a really good citrus fragrance: Eau de Rochas, or a fruity/musk Cacharel Noa L’Eau (it’s one of my favorites for summer cassis and apple are the fruits), or a citrus musk Chanel No 5 l’Eau or a green mango woods Hermes Un Jardin sur le Nil. With the exception of the Chanel they are not expensive even the Hermes as you can get a 30ml bottle for around £30 where I am in the UK. Also, try again to post a request in August thread you will get more answers. Good luck! July 14, 2017 at 6:08am Reply

  • Jacq: I am looking for something similar to Estee Lauder Knowing and also YSl 2009 Opium edt. Can anyone suggest some along these lines?
    Thank you. July 12, 2017 at 12:16am Reply

    • aurora: For Knowing: Have you tried Terry de Gunzburg Rouge Nocturne? It shares many notes with Knowing and might suit you

      For Opium (2009) Moschino Moschino reminds me of Opium quite a bit as does Molto Missoni (that one is discontinued but may still be available online discounters or ebay the price was really reasonable here in the UK). July 14, 2017 at 7:47am Reply

  • aurora: Sorry you didn’t get any answer sooner.
    Would it be a perfume for summer? What about a really good citrus fragrance: Eau de Rochas, or a fruity/musk Cacharel Noa L’Eau (it’s one of my favorites for summer cassis and apple are the fruits), or a citrus musk Chanel No 5 l’Eau or a green mango woods Hermes Un Jardin sur le Nil. With the exception of the Chanel they are not expensive even the Hermes as you can get a 30ml bottle for around £30 where I am in the UK. Also, try again to post a request in August thread you will get more answers. Good luck! July 14, 2017 at 5:57am Reply

  • Jo: I haven’t owned very many perfume. However the one I have always loved is (was) Marc Jacobs Women. I have scoured the internet over recent years to find the last of this discontinued beauty, but unfortunately the latest bottle was well past its best-by-date so I need to move on. Any suggestions for something similar? I have tried many gardenia dominant scents, but nothing has grabbed me the way that perfume did.
    Thanks in advance perfume gurus! July 20, 2017 at 4:45am Reply

    • Victoria: Have you tried Michael Kors? Marc Jacobs was a riff on Kors, and you can try any of Kors’s lighter flankers to find something similar to Marc Jacobs Women. July 21, 2017 at 7:20am Reply

      • Jo: Thanks Victoria, I can’t remember if I have tried Michael Kors, so I will definitely give it a go. Thanks again! July 22, 2017 at 11:17pm Reply

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