Ukrainian Scent and Taste Adventure : June 2-9, 2020


Our Ukrainian Scent and Taste Adventure tour is scheduled for June 2-9, 2020. I’m partnering with Nataliya Cummings of the Experience Ukraine, a boutique UK based tour operator. We’re taking reservations right now and there are still some places open. We would like to accommodate everyone, but we want to keep the group small. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. This tour will be a chance to learn about perfumery, discover the beautiful region of Transcarpathia, explore artisanal crafts, scents and food. The tour will include 8 days with a variety of workshops. We will travel from the capital city of Kyiv all the way west to the historical city of Lviv, and along our journey we will cook, eat, smell, have fun and discover Ukraine’s many treasures, from UNESCO heritage sites to smoked pears!

Safety: Ukraine is absolutely safe for travel. The tour will take place in the western part of Ukraine, 20km from the Romanian border. If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Flights: we recommend flying in and out of Kyiv, unless you would like combine this trip with a visit to Poland, Czech Republic or Austria (Lviv offers easy connections to those countries). At the end of the tour, many of us will be taking a high speed train from Lviv to Kyiv, so you can travel with our group. Ukraine International Airlines offer many direct flights from the major US and European cities.

To book the tour: fill out the form on the the Experience Ukraine website. You can also see the full program on the Experience Ukraine website, while the detailed perfumery workshop descriptions are available  here.

Dates: 8 days, from June 2nd to June 9th, 2020

Cost: from £1800 per person, fully inclusive, excluding flights to Ukraine. The price is based on 2 people sharing a room. Single supplement is £300.

Testimonials for previous classes

My personal favorite part of Victoria’s class, as a novice, is learning how to experience scent – to distinguish different fragrances, to commit them to memory, to know when a fragrance is evolving or sometimes oscillating between two scents and so much more. And each of the three times I have attended her class, I learn new techniques, new scents and gain more appreciation of the art of perfume.  –David

As a participant of last year’s course, let me speak up for how much knowledge, pleasure, discovery and camaraderie one short week can contain. Highly recommended, because each individual designing this experience for you is full of love and passion and knowledge for the region and the material.   –Meg Jamieson

I am so glad I went to the course and be guided by Victoria with her vast knowledge on scents and perfumes. I got to learn the basics of the different fragrance families and how to differentiate between white florals and other florals. And within white florals, how to distinguish one from the other. This was so fascinating and very intriguing and was the best part of the course. I also learnt what happens if you combined two scents and how it enhances the overall smell. –Ruth Q

As a professional fragrance evaluator in a cosmetic company, I found Victoria’s class the most interesting and inspiring one among many perfumery classes that I took. I was very surprised by Victoria’s intimate knowledge about perfumes and her brilliant tips to analyze fragrances. I enjoyed every details of this class.  –Pema

Photography by Bois de Jasmin, Ukrainian summer



  • Jessica: Which flights do you recommend from New York? Thank you. December 13, 2019 at 11:05am Reply

    • Victoria: There is a direct flight to Kyiv from JFK on Ukraine International Airlines. I travel on that airline both from the US and from Europe. December 14, 2019 at 3:57am Reply

  • nozknoz: Please consider offering an online perfume class in 2020, Victoria. Obviously, it wouldn’t be at all the same as a travel class, but would be more accessible for some and very enjoyable in its own right.

    I did Anima Vinci’s online class last week and enjoyed it immensely. The Zoom medium isn’t perfect but I like it, personally. May 4, 2020 at 3:28pm Reply

    • Victoria: Thank you, I will definitely consider it. I didn’t want to do it during the lockdown period for a number of reasons, but once the restrictions will be lifted, I’ll put something into place. The online format can work perfectly well, especially if one doesn’t seek to replicate the usual classroom experience, but offer something different. May 6, 2020 at 8:11am Reply

  • Vivian: Hi Victoria. If you ever plan to re-open this class, please make an announcement. I would love to pre-order this class, If you let me 😉 Tks September 20, 2020 at 2:25pm Reply

    • Victoria: Of course, Vivian! I will let everyone know. September 21, 2020 at 5:00am Reply

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