If a person with children and living in an extended family were to write my article How to Handle Self-Isolation and Not Lose One’s Mind, they would instead title it How to Survive Quarantine and Not Kill One’s Family. Then again, they probably wouldn’t even write it, because they would be too busy being a career professional, cook, cleaner, and school teacher. All of this in addition to the general anxiety. Since most of the household responsibilities fall on the shoulders of women, many of my female friends are finding this period of confinement stressful. Whether they live in New York, Tehran or Kyiv, the problems are the same–they are under pressure from their employers, schools and their families.
Far more qualified people than me can give advice on how to manage home schooling, household responsibilities and children. On these pages I can only provide comfort, distraction, and a reminder that taking a moment out of a day for oneself is crucial. And that such moments shouldn’t be tainted by guilt.
Guilt is an emotion I know well. Like most traditional families, mine was one in which women were ready to sacrifice their comfort and their pleasure for the sake of others. For instance, they would carry heavy grocery bags instead of asking their husbands for help. “He must be tired. I can do it myself.” Or “He works all day long. How can I ask him to wash the dishes?” they would reason. They would feed the children and then too exhausted to cook a proper meal for themselves, they would finish whatever the rest of the family didn’t eat. It wasn’t seen as a sacrifice; it was proper feminine behavior.
Two women were notable in breaking this pattern in our family–Asya, my great grandmother, and my mother. My grandmother was a university student when my mother was born, so as is the case in many Soviet families, Asya assumed the parenting responsibilities. As a result, she passed down certain worldviews to my mother. Asya’s time in the garden was sacred, and all of us learned to respect it. In the same vein, my mother’s time reading or going out for a walk alone was something that I’ve accepted from an early age.
My own upbringing by different sets of grandmothers encoded me with somewhat confusing messages. I’m constantly reminding myself to ask other people for help more readily and to set aside time to do something I enjoy. When I do, I find that the benefits are tremendous, especially during difficult periods in my life.
So, if you find yourself overwhelmed, anxious and frustrated, take a pause. Let it be a brief one, but take full advantage of it. Put on a favorite perfume. Read a page out of a favorite book. Listen to a song that makes you happy.
My mother says that to unwind these days, she reads poetry. Every night she calls me to recite a new poem she learned, mostly from the classical Russian repertoire.
I was inspired by that idea, and I started opening a compilation of haiku and learning a poem at random. Haiku is short, so it’s easy to memorize. Then I spend the whole day savoring the images it creates, for a haiku contains the whole world. Here are a few spring themed vignettes from Basho, the 17th century Japanese poet.
Spring moon–
flower face
in mistFirst cherry
by peach blossomsUnder the cherry–
petal soup
petal saladTemple bells die out.
the fragrant blossoms remain.
a perfect evening!
The idea is not to encourage you to learn poetry, however. For all I know, you might find reading haiku as dull as watching the grass grow. The point is to pick any other activity that helps you relax, make time for it and tell yourself that you deserve it.
Photography by Bois de Jasmin
Your experiences and thoughts are always valuable, and if you have any other suggestions, please share them. My friends with children would especially appreciate recommendations for websites with kid-friendly activities and content.
Gisela Fluhr: Dear Victoria,
Thank you for the wonderful Haikus. Everything that keeps us sane and grounded these days and that’s able to take our minds off the fearsome news and can give us hope is much appreciated!
I wish you and all readers strength and courage – stay well and take good care of yourself and yours. Hugs!
I like to share a poem by Pablo Neruda:
Keeping Quiet
Now we will count to twelve
and we will all keep still
for once on the face of the earth,
let’s not speak in any language;
let’s stop for a second,
and not move our arms so much.
It would be an exotic moment
without rush, without engines;
we would all be together
in a sudden strangeness.
Fishermen in the cold sea
would not harm whales
and the man gathering salt
would not look at his hurt hands.
Those who prepare green wars,
wars with gas, wars with fire,
victories with no survivors,
would put on clean clothes
and walk about with their brothers
in the shade, doing nothing.
What I want should not be confused
with total inactivity.
Life is what it is about;
I want no truck with death.
If we were not so single-minded
about keeping our lives moving,
and for once could do nothing,
perhaps a huge silence
might interrupt this sadness
of never understanding ourselves
and of threatening ourselves with death.
Perhaps the earth can teach us
as when everything seems dead
and later proves to be alive.
Now I’ll count up to twelve
and you keep quiet and I will go. March 27, 2020 at 9:56am
Aurora: Thank you Gisela, such a pleasure to read Pablo Neruda. March 27, 2020 at 2:08pm
Victoria: Neruda is always a pleasure! March 28, 2020 at 3:00am
Victoria: Thank you so much for this! Please stay safe! March 28, 2020 at 3:13am
Silvermoon: Thank you, Gisela. He is one of my favourite poets. Reading the one you chose to post was wonderful, a great choice at this moment.
Yet the poem also seems to contradict Neruda’s lifestyle. In 2009, I was very lucky to visit his home in Santiago (now a wonderful museum) and rarely have I seen a more colourful, lively, and warmth filled place. Full of movement and joy, nothing quiet, yet welcoming. March 28, 2020 at 1:27pm
Madaris: Thanks for sharing this. In theses strange times, art & literature will see us through. March 31, 2020 at 6:02pm
Nora Sz.: Dear Victoria and perfume lovers,
Lovely idea to read poetry. I’m a bookworm and the last few days I spent watching book recommendation videos. I current ly shop my own book collection, I have many volumes that need to be read or reread.
I recommend taking walks alone or with family members you’re quarantined with. For all ages, watching the awakening nature can be uplifting.
I don’t have kids so I don’t have any websites on my mind. How ever a lovely activity I did was making up stories of my favourite movie or book characters. My grandmother wrote them down and illustrated them too (she had talent for drawing) . Baking also can be great fun. For teen girls, trying make-up looks and clothes with theier mother or older sister, or styling hair different ways on each other heads can be inspiring too. I read about a family who dresses up elegantly for dinner while in quarantine. I have a huge respect for those who work and raise kids these days. Be very-very proud of yourselves! March 27, 2020 at 9:56am
Victoria: I can see a beautiful magnolia tree from my window and following its blooming phases is always a pleasure. Makes me want to write haikus myself! March 28, 2020 at 3:12am
carole: I’ve been reading Edna O’brien’s short stories, which I adore. I feel lucky to still have a job, but I’m good and tired every night. I can manage short stories-especially hers.
I can usually manage to read a blog post or two every day-thank you for continuing to post.
Wearing Cuir de Russie, and Chanel body oil, during the third snow storm of the week.
Have a good day,
Carole March 27, 2020 at 10:27am
Victoria: I also like reading short stories, especially when I’m busy, because they provide a sense of accomplishment on days when nothing else feels finished or accomplished. Chekhov, Gogol, Saadat Hasan Manto are among my favorite short story writers. March 28, 2020 at 3:06am
Aurora: By evoking your family so eloquently you remind me of some particularities of mine. Childhood memories of my mother reading on the bed, like her and her mother I have to be lying down to read. A little girl I teach French to is home now and of course I suspended our class, I wonder how her mother is coping with two young children. Thank you so very much for carrying on with the blog and sharing the beautiful haikus, they help so much. I’ll make crepes this weekend, it always put me in a festive mood. And I have to share, because I am overjoyed, I won a 15ml bottle of Coty Chypre two weeks ago, I had to do research because it didn’t have a label on the bottle, just Coty but I found the exact bottle with the green top and a yellow bow by googling and thanks to you I recognized it as soon as I smelled it. The scent seems intact so aromatic and vivid, almost too much so, there is nothing smooth about it. It”s an unused bottle. I never thought I would come by an affordable bottle in this way. Now I feel my collection of vintage perfumes is complete. Sorry for a long comment ☺ March 27, 2020 at 12:31pm
Victoria: Perhaps, you could try your classes with the little girl over Skype? My friend is trying it with her boy’s Spanish lessons, and it seems to be working out really well.
Crepes always make me feel festive. March 28, 2020 at 3:01am
Sebastian: Basho is not my thing, but I was reading Rilke the other day, The Book of Hours. Here’s the beginning of part 2 in German:
Dich wundert nicht des Sturmes Wucht, – du hast ihn wachsen sehen
I like Joanna Macy’s translation. Here are some excerpts:
You are not surprised at the force of the storm –
you have seen it growing.
Now you must go out into your heart
as onto a vast plain. Now
the immense loneliness begins.
The days go numb, the wind
sucks the world from your senses like withered leaves.
Through the empty branches the sky remains.
It is what you have.
I was also struck by these lines of “Gott spricht zu jedem nur, eh er ihn macht” (God speaks to each of us as he makes us), from part 1:
Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror.
Just keep going. No feeling is final.
Don’t let yourself lose me.
Best wishes to everyone of you! March 27, 2020 at 4:34pm
Victoria: I’ve selected my favorite part!
By the way, have you read the correspondence of Rilke, Tsvetaeva and Pasternak? It’s one of the most extraordinary literary exchanges I’ve read. March 28, 2020 at 3:00am
Karen A: What a stunning poem. Thank you for sharing this. March 28, 2020 at 2:05pm
rainboweyes: Another Rilke lover here…
“Du musst das Leben nicht verstehen” is one of my favourite poems… I’m not sure if it has been translated into English, though… March 29, 2020 at 6:29am
Sebastian: I don’t know of a translation that has been published in a book, but in the forums on rilke.de people sometimes present and discuss translation attempts. Here is an English translation of this poem by Liz Steichen, which I find quite good. (I have taken the liberty to use line 4 from an earlier version, have uncapitalized the beginnings of lines where a sentence continues, and have added punctuation marks, all to make it more similar to the original.)
If you don’t seek to understand life’s reason,
then it will become a joyous feast.
And let each of your days unfold
just like a child in wand’ring through the season
is given many blossoms by each breeze.
To gather them to save and hold,
the child will never think to do
She takes them gently from her hair,
where gladly they got caught with ease,
and to each precious coming year
her hands reach out for blossoms new. March 29, 2020 at 7:47am
spe: If there is any modern viewpoint more over-rated than “putting oneself first,” I am hard-pressed to think of it. Perhaps “speak your truth” comes close. Ironically, sacrifice is what makes a joyful and worthwhile existence. Much evidence for that. Not so much evidence for that result from the opposite behavior. March 27, 2020 at 6:10pm
Victoria: Did I say anything about “putting oneself first”? My point is that one should be as kind and generous to oneself as to others, that taking a five minute break just to do something one enjoys is important to wind down, and that’s not a reason to feel guilty. That’s all. And of course, there are situations when sacrificing one’s own enjoyments for the sake of others are needed, but I hope that my readers can make the distinction themselves. March 28, 2020 at 2:58am
Eudora: In those days specially, but I think it works always, I know that I need to “put myself first” if I want to do my best for the others. It would be a mistake behaving another way…for me at least. I got the post! That is the way we are having good harmony in our quarentine. And also to understand that not only me, that everyone here needs to take care of himself first…or it doen’t work.
Thanks Victoria for taking care of us, your posts are always welcome but those days are such a joy! March 28, 2020 at 10:10am
Eudora: Dear spe, I keep thinking about sacrifice those days. I see people who is doing good, who want to help others, who is doing her work, who does what is expected from them, maybe a little more, or people doing good, is that sacrifice? Sacrifice is…maybe…for the very few and not something that makes a joyful experience. March 28, 2020 at 12:31pm
Sebastian: No, I haven’t. I’ll seek it out. I wonder in what language they wrote to each other. German, French or Russian? March 28, 2020 at 3:27am
Victoria: Tsvetaeva and Pasternak wrote to each other in Russian and to Rilke in German. The German version that I have is published by Insel in 2018. The most recent editions are the most complete, because new letters resurface time to time.
https://www.suhrkamp.de/buecher/briefwechsel-boris_pasternak_24132.html March 28, 2020 at 5:05am
Erika Zúñiga: Thank you Victoria for taking the time for all of us!. Your beautiful post has being part of my Metime healing repertoir! … testful & tactful, for me is a perfect duet! I loved it.
Blessings from Costa Rica. Namaste March 28, 2020 at 5:35am
Victoria: Thank you so much, Erika! Stay healthy and safe. 🙂 March 28, 2020 at 5:51am
Erika: ((( ♥ ))) March 28, 2020 at 9:06pm
Gabriela: Thank you Victoria for your posts. You are so right, we need time for ourselves and do something we enjoy.
I am home with my two children and homeschooling has been fun. We have also played a lot but most importantly, we have created a routine.
I am so grateful for having a loving husband, healthy children… we have so much.
I find comfort in poetry and aromatherapy, there are many excellent free courses now.
Take care everyone, make your immune system strong, smell and breathe. I know it’s hard but better days will come.
I am in Spain but suffering for my loved ones in Brazil, they will have a tough time. March 28, 2020 at 9:56am
rickyrebarco: I am enjoying watching youtube videos of the world’s great orchestras playing different pieces. The Royal Concertgebouw orchestra is my favorite right now along with my city’s wonderful symphony orchestra.
Daily meditation and cooking is also keeping me sane. March 28, 2020 at 2:12pm
Karen A: Wonderful post, love the haikus! Stood in a grove of apple trees while their blossoms fell years ago and have never forgotten the sensation! Petal soup indeed!
It is essential to take time for oneself, especially if caring for others. I’m now the sole care giver for my mother who has health issues and it’s very challenging.
No suggestions for people with children but it has been helpful for me to be sewing masks for my adult children and friends while keeping to my regular activities. My Turkish lessons through Italki have been an amazing connection to my tutor who is now a dear friend.
We’ve been able to go for walks in a nearby state park as trails are accessible off of a road, the park is closed of course.
My best to everyone, I hope you are all safe! March 28, 2020 at 2:13pm
Sandra: I am juggling a lot in the epicenter of this, and grieving for my very sick city. But I will never leave NYC
For me homeschooling is easy with the kids. Explaining why they can’t see their classmates and teachers in person is challenging.
I took my last iTalki lesson in Italian until further notice..my kids are too small to understand. I am also grieving this.
I carve out time for tea, working on making a good Turkish coffee and let me littles ones help. Still can’t get the creme layer..but it will take time.
I also, in this period of time dress up everyday. In NYC you can never be undressed or undereducated. Its my form of rebellion. Keeps my sanity. You can stay in your PJs if you want but I will be in my leather skirt and silk blouse with no explanation needed… March 28, 2020 at 3:58pm
rickyrebarco: I’m listening now to a suite by composer Gliere, who is from Kiev according to my classical music channel. It’s very melodic and beautiful, lifting my spirits today. His style reminds me of Tchaikovsky and Mussorgsky somewhat. March 28, 2020 at 4:20pm
Karen Boorsma: Hi all! Greetings from a windy but lovely, light evening in London.
As the pace of life slows down, my husband, daughter and I reflect and realise how little we actually need on a daily basis. Whilst the luxuries we are used to; regular food deliveries, expensive pilates classes, eyebrows being tinted and waxed, cabs, eating out and general over spending are being missed, in the same breath, it allows us to take stock of our lives. What is really important….?
We haven’t spent any money on petrol (giving our beautiful earth a much needed break!) No paying to park our car, no hectic school run into central London twice a day, no numerous coffees from Costa and a more mindful approach to food preparation, food spend and what we are throwing away. It’s incredible what happens when we slow down…..if mindfulness and gratitude can be practiced, there is so much to gain. Calming the mind from all the usual daily chatter and focusing on the present.
So many programs on TV/Netflix to watch, podcasts, TED talks, books (oh the books that are sitting next to my bed which I haven’t started!) The National theater also starts a live stream at 8pm every Thursday evening from this coming week.
The pressure of every day life somehow seems much lighter. And yes, we have to clean our own houses now! However, we get on with it and realise how much we outsource now days. There’s a certain pride and enjoyment is looking after ones home, cooking for the family and parents who are at home on a regular basis with their kids. (I heard a wonderful story about a dog who strained his tail from too much wagging, due to the sheer joy of the whole family being at home!)
In our home, we have chores assigned (some with more resistance than others!) And each family member contributes to our team. My daughter gets on with her remote schooling, we bake, cook, make smoothies, hang out in the garden, languish in the hot tub (a fantastic purchase from last summer!) And, in a strange/new normal kind of way, it’s a welcome break………this won’t be forever, this too shall pass, make the most of it, find the good.
In less than a week of lock down, my daughter and I have done our nails (I usually go.to a salon) given up eating red meat and chicken, are switching to cruelty free products and perfume where we can and have made hand sanitisers! My husband learns new dances with her on Tiktok, she makes videos, we play with our beloved family of cats and her drama class is done via Instagram. Being an only child, she is used to entertaining herself…. however, we often have friends round or are taking her out. She’s finding ways to create her own fun at the moment. Just like we did as kids.
Drawing, puzzles and spending more time on face time/house party with family and friends is also a new positive. We chat to family overseas more regularly. (Joining a community group/website and offering support/help is also such a worthwhile thing to do.)
My kitchen was transformed into a hair salon a few
days ago, where questionable hair dyeing was taking place and upon venturing into my daughter’s bedroom, it appears she has ‘done a Banksie’ on her wardrobe doors. My nerves of steel around pre teen girls bode well for me at this stage and the positive spin is she’s a good artist 😊 (wonder if the newly adorned wardrobes will add value to the house…..hmmm?)
I’m sure that one could have seeds, plants, pots etc delivered too. The weather is improving and any time spend in nature is just wonderful. (Barefoot on the grass raises your body’s voltage, which is so.good for you!)
This lockdown will demonstrate that it’s not survival of the fittest, but survival of the most adaptable. Like my dad always says, ‘when times are tough, people show their true.colours’.
Focus on all we have, it may be far from perfect, but it’s alot more than many people can merrely dream of. We manifest and create our realities much of the time.
Let go of fear and embrace all the positive you can find during this time, hug one another, make the most of this break and make sure the wine fridge/bar is well stocked!
Whilst there will be sadness and upheaval after this period, there will also be a shift in human consiousness. There has to be……
(Oh and eBay will deliver eyebrow/eyelash tint…..)
Sending positive vibes always as I listen to my husband dj for the first time in years, from his study. Move over Calvin Harris 😉
Thank you to Victoria for creating such a beautiful, elegant, informative and kind space. And thank you for having me.
Time to dash; my daughter has decided to decorate her white trainers with sharpies and also informed.me she is able to fit our new kitten’s head in her mouth……. please top my wine up.
Much love, hugs and strengh to you all.
Xx March 29, 2020 at 3:09pm
WARA: Victoria Dearest and dearest All…..a pain so sharp struck our family when our dearest papa Hugo got his Angel wings on January 12th…after a long illness of two years 🙁
As we are dealing with this crisis, we are happy he was spared this tragedy. Sending love, light and good wishes to our circle of Bois de Jasmin!!! My daughter is an adult now, but I home schooled her when she was in the fourth and fifth grade. You will be amazed at the resilience, creativity and wonderful surprises that self learning can bring to children!!! Thomas Armstrong is a great resource for parents. He explains the science and psychology of children learning on their own and in their own ways. Be gentle and kind to yourselves as well as others. All my love draped in Paris, Chanel, Sonia Rykiel and OUD! March 30, 2020 at 7:33pm
Victoria: My condolences, Wara. Sending lots of hugs to you.
Thank you for the reading suggestions, I will pass them onto my friends. March 31, 2020 at 8:44am
B: On a related note, what is your view on using perfume as substitute hand sanitizer (if needed)? This company claims it is perfectly suitable but I trust you more!
https://www.fragrancex.com/blog/substitute-for-hand-sanitizer/ April 5, 2020 at 8:45pm
Victoria: If your perfume contains more than 60% ethanol, then in principle, it’s possible to use it in this way. But it’s not the case of the more the better, because 100% ethanol would evaporate too fast. You need it to linger on skin to disinfect properly, which is why gels are so useful. The only problem then remains to determine how much ethanol your perfume contains, because besides alcohol, it also uses solvents, water, and of course, fragrant oils. The other problem is that how can you be sure that you’re using enough perfume to provide a proper disinfecting effect? You really need to drench your hands in it. April 6, 2020 at 2:51am
elvie elvanui: Dear Victoria and dear Fragrant Comrades,
Thank you for the article and the ideas!
I find myself struggling twenty times more than usual, this whole thing is very scary for me. Not the change of routine strictly, but the acception of losing control. I live a very strictly restrained (may say a bit deprived?:/) life anyway, don’t go out at all for parties, don’t meet friends that often, usually have at the most 3 afternoons a year for myself, as I care for my autistic three yo and two older kids and that pretty much rules our everyday life, so that’s not much of a problem. Homeschooling is hard, bc.I don’t get to pay full attention to any of the kids during the day, and that shows, and I feel like I’m gonna split into 3 pieces. One MUST let go of some expectations. And I am anxious for my elders. Trying to keep them safe. Scared for medical workers and basically everyone out there. It’s hard for us all.
Strict planning and safe, well known patterns help us survive normally, but we haven’t yet built the new patterns up. This is the hard part. Learning the basics. I’m sure we will get over that , so I also encourage family moms to set an even pace and try not to accomplish everything at once. Our 65% counts as 150 these days! That my kid’s psychologist had told me and oh so true! We will all learn the new ways:)!
We also take care of two elderly relatives for this time and that helps us focus on what is important. A sparkly clean front window is no longer one of those things:).
On the practical side, we make a good use of our tiny balcony as we have no garden. We paint, listen to music and play with sand out there. Gives a small break from being shoved into each other’s face in a tiny apartment all day:). Vitamin D is a plus too! Also, if you have a pet, spending time with them can help a lot imo.
And books. My beloved books. And oh gorgeous beautiful music lulling me to sleep. A good NF show if we can make it. My perfumes. Those help a lot. I still pick a SotD though we only go for short walks, but I need this. And -a plus, if you’re a party girl normally – a temporary breakup with makeup:)! Your skin will thank you:).
Please stay safe! We will get through this! April 7, 2020 at 7:44am
Victoria: Thank you for sharing! It gave me a different perspective, and it was very helpful. This loss of control and uncertainty are difficult to handle, and I appreciate your suggestions on how to cope. I myself go through phases, when I feel optimistic and then phases when I feel completely the opposite. I don’t have any one good solution for such moments, but I rather remind myself of things that bring me pleasure. For instance, I decide that I’d cook something for us or read a book. I try to make small plans for the following days to feel that I have at least some control, even if it’s quite limited (for instance, read x/call y, etc.) I also go offline a lot–not reading the news helps tremendously. And sharing with friends. Many of us experience this situation in the same way, and different people have different techniques. April 7, 2020 at 8:44am
elvie elvanui: Thank you, Victoria! Yes, changing the angle and perspective can be enlightening, I often deliberately force myself to think of people who are in a far worse situation than me. Doctors and medical staff members, people forced to make decisions on behalf of whole countries… Performance artists in these times of vacant stages and empty chairs… Families in hard financial situations… My heart is with them. May they be strong.
Yes, planning (nice things:)) for a few days ahead can help too. Only things you actually can control:).
The Internet, though not capable of everything, helps people like us feel some welcome connection:). It’s nice to have You all! April 13, 2020 at 4:39am
Eliza: Dear Elvie,
I have an autistic 3 year old too! And another older child. My 3 year old is not taking this well, he wants to go out very much. And frankly, so do I.
I’m struggling with home-based learning too. And home based diy early intervention for my autistic child too!
I’m not doing very well with all the stress and anxiety and also the added stress of my husband working from home which means that he’s at home ALL the time. Another person’s bad mood to deal with.
I don’t put on much perfume nowadays, but reading about them and reading Victoria’s blog helps maintain my sanity slightly. April 12, 2020 at 1:23pm
elvie elvanui: Dear Eliza,
Thank you for your words! I feel your pain. It’s pretty hard, isn’t it? Making them understand the whys and hows is very much struggle. My son doesn’t understand either. He just got used to spending a few hours at early interventional daycare, getting close to a few teachers , he was doing so much better with all the professional help. and now… Bamm! There it goes. I can see he’s struggling to get it, why are we all at home all the time, why Dad’s sleeping all day (nightshifts:(), why he should keep quiet (spoiler: he can’t), where are the grannies… His speaking, behaviour, agression, screaming, playing activities, sleeping and eating habits that were building up nicely now spectacularly caved in… It’s hard to see that. I have help via email and phone but I’m no professional. Just trying to put out the wildfires all day:). The siblings feel the pressure of this too, I imagine that’s not much different in Your household:/. And homeschool on top of that:/… Respect!! We will rock this. If you wish to speak to someone in the *almost*:) same boat, maybe exchange a few tips, or just simply vent things out, perhaps Victoria would be so kind as to share my email with you (I’m the one who won the Orris Noir💝 giveaway around Christmas, she might still have it somewhere).
Reading about simple pleasureable things like perfume helps for sure. Reminds us that there actually are nice things waiting on the other end:)! We must grab all morsels of joy to keep this engine running, right?
Stay safe and keep on rocking! April 13, 2020 at 5:06am
Eliza: Dear Elvie,
It is indeed hard to see our autistic children kind of regress when they are unable to go to early intervention school!
Mine is having more meltdowns than usual, I think he feels out of control of the situation and is trying to take control of whatever he can.
I had a bad day today, am finding it hard to put up with my husband’s overworking and being in a cranky mood after that.
Would love to talk with you via email but I’m not sure how to get your contacts from Victoria or if she still has a record? April 24, 2020 at 2:10pm