Roses and Green Tea

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating!

The combination of rose and black tea is gorgeous–the honeyed, citrusy note of rosewater complements the gentle smokiness of black tea well and brings out its roasted chestnut accents. Andy has previously shared his recipe for “the morning of roses” tea and I mentioned how I transform tea into a cup of Shalimar. However, using rosewater in green tea hasn’t occurred to me previously, since green teas are quite delicate and it didn’t seem to me that rose would fit well with the seaweed and spinach notes of the unfermented green blends I usually drink.

Oolong tea, on other hand, suits roses well. Oolong undergoes fermentation, the length of which varies depending on the tea grower, but in most cases, fermentation releases the floral notes of tea leaves. This is the reason osmanthus and jasmine suit oolongs perfectly–the marriage of flavors is harmonious.

Adding rosewater is not the same as letting the petals perfume the leaves, but it works well enough. Start with a couple of drops of rosewater added directly into the brewed tea and adjust the quantity to your taste. Savor the fragrant vapor rising above the cup. Enjoy the slow valse of flavors. A cup of tea is a moment to put the world on pause and carve out time for yourself. Make it as enjoyable as possible.

If you have your favorite teas or tea combinations, please share. 

Scent Diary is a place to write your observations about the scents around you. Whether you write down 1 recollection or 10 matters less than simply reminding yourself to smell. You can add as many comments as you wish. You can comment today or over the course of the week; this thread will always be open. Of course, do share what perfume you’re wearing or what particularly good scented products you’ve discovered.

While looking through my articles, I found this article that I wrote a few years ago but that still remains popular and often-read: A to Z Tips for Enjoyable, Affordable and Rewarding Perfume Hobby. If you have any tips to add, I’d love to hear them.

Photography by Bois de Jasmin



  • Ewan: Teas:
    Here in Prague there are a plethora of tearooms [cajovna] selling a wide range of teas.

    Springtime brings fresh darjeelings, the first flush or harvest – Balasun, Jungpana, Puttabong, Castleton, Namring. A golden coloured brew with a crisp taste, wakes you up!
    Usually categorised FTGFOP – Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe/

    Jiu Qu Hong Mei { Red Plum ] is impressive.
    Bohea lapsang is a superior form of lapsang suchong. It tastes like classic lapsang but less earthy.

    The Keemun Mao Fengs with their orangey chocolate tomes make reliable friends.

    Green teas like West Lake Lung Ching with their delicate taste requiring delicate preparation or Ali Shan oolong with its green-creamy taste.

    Japanese and Korean teas open further vistas.
    Sencha ‘brewed’ in cold water and left for a while is a very refreshing thirst quencher

    Balancing the delicacy of those teas is the heavy, black puerh which can be drunk after 10minutes brewing as a kind of soup. King of Puerh is deep, strong, creamy and invigorating. It has the benefit that the older it is the better it gets.

    ‘čaj, čaj, čaj!’ November 25, 2023 at 3:21am Reply

    • Victoria: Such beautiful and evocative descriptions of different teas! I recently learned of a new webstore offering Japanese tea, and I have been enjoying their blog:
      But right now I am drinking an infusion of yuzu peel and cloves. It’s warming and comforting. December 4, 2023 at 3:39pm Reply

      • Ewan: Thanks for the link and the Yuzu and Cloves tip December 5, 2023 at 12:03am Reply

  • Ewan: Size and type of pot will also change the taste, some absorb too much of the taste or are too big. Some are not suitable as the leaves cover the inside of the spout and make pouring difficult.
    And what to drink from – ceramic is usually the best. There are wide arnge of bowls for tea, some are exquisite and not too pricey.

    It reminds me that the Keemun Imperial is red in a white bowl but where the edges of the tea touch the bowl there is a green tinge. November 25, 2023 at 3:48am Reply

    • Victoria: Definitely! I also notice a difference. December 4, 2023 at 3:40pm Reply

  • Diana: Wow Ewan! Thanks for your post; my tea horizons now expand – I’m planning a trip to my local tea shop to learn if they carry teas you have named. I love Ceylon tea and am fan of matcha with roasted rice which I add a few drops of vanilla and now I’m thinking I’ll try with some rose water which reminds me I have enjoyed rose & vanilla added to Lady Grey teas. Thanks for the brewing and serving tips. November 25, 2023 at 8:29am Reply

    • Ewan: Have a good time searching! November 26, 2023 at 1:06am Reply

    • Victoria: Roasted grains and vanilla — that sounds like a wonderful combination. I sometimes drink soba-cha, roasted buckwheat groats steeped in water. I will try adding vanilla. December 4, 2023 at 3:41pm Reply

  • Hamamelis: I finally had time to read and finish the Rooster House. It is such a brave book, where you are vulnerable and open about your struggles, in yourself and in the relationships with your family. Having followed your blog for many years, it felt intimate too, almost as if I already knew Valentina, and had walked around in Poltava, and ofcourse had spend time in Valentina’s garden. It also helps to understand Ukraine and its current predicament better. I recommend it highly.

    I was on holiday on the beautiful island Madeira, and we visited a lovely tea shop. I had a pot of fragrant and wonderful tea: Cha Verde Flores do Campo. Green Wu Lu tea, with green mate, ginger, chamomile flowers, linden flowers, marigold and sunflowers. I like to so much I ordered it from the shop when back home.

    A tip to add for the A-Z article is T for timing. When you don’t immediately like a perfume give it time. I could take a while, even years, but some day it may suddenly speak to you, or you may even fall in love with it and you will be glad you gave it time. November 25, 2023 at 8:44am Reply

    • Victoria: Thank you very much for your kind words! This made my evening. I’m so glad that I could transport you to our garden and to show you a bit of my Ukraine.

      Timing is definitely an important factor. I recently tried Sandalwood and Vetiver water that I bought in India a few years ago. At the time, I liked it, but it didn’t strike me as anything special, but now it feels so comforting and perfect. December 4, 2023 at 3:43pm Reply

  • kat: Thanks to you and your lovely blog I’ve started to experiment with teas/infusions myself. My current favorites are roasted barley with cacao nibs which I like in the evening (added bonus, you can add the barley and nibs afterwards to your overnight oats). And for journaling sessions a cup of hemp, rose and cocoa nibs. Both combos create something warm and comfy and soothing. January 2, 2024 at 12:18pm Reply

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