Cherry Blossom Haiku
The sky shifts with the cherry branches above my head. I’m lying on the grass staring at the blossoms. This idyllic scene would be straight out of a Japanese silk painting were it not for the fact that I’m dressed for garden work and the reason I’m in a reclined position is because I’m exhausted after weeding the garden. But as the petals fall on my face, I forget about the back pain and think of my favorite haiku by Matsuo Basho, the 17th century Japanese poet.
How many, many things
They call to mind
These cherry-blossoms!
Haiku weaves vivid images, and cherry blossom themed poems have an element of contemplation and bittersweetness that is compelling. The sight of blossoms, so exquisite and so evanescent, is a reminder of the transience of things, and while it can be melancholy, it’s also reassuring. Everything passes–and then returns.
noturfave in Why Green Fragrances Are Difficult and Yet Fascinating?: Vent Vert is back, but no idea if the new reformulation is worth it. The new edition is also quite expensive. February 13, 2025 at 8:37pm