chanel fundraiser: 1 post

Rebuilding Ukraine Fundraiser

In one year of war, Ukraine has experienced widespread destruction. Many of its cities and villages have been so savagely bombarded by Russia that the familiar landmarks of these places are gone. People lost their homes and their familiar places. Many people also lost their lives during the carnage. For the past few months I’ve been collaborating with Thought Group Chile, a group of architects working to rebuild Ukraine. Cristián Wittig is the director of the group and he is working tirelessly to rebuild Ukrainian cities, particularly Irpin and Chernihiv, the places that suffered the most severe devastation.

Based in Chile, Cristián and his group traveled in Ukraine and are familiar with its realities and its needs. The learnings from his project in Ukraine are vital for other places affected by war or natural disasters. Talking to Cristián, I’ve been appreciating even more how important is the design of public spaces in order to create a feeling of community. Also, how essential it is to choose materials carefully. Part of the reason the destruction has been so severe in Ukraine is the ubiquity of light, unstable constructions on poor foundations.

To help Thought Group Chile, I turn to you and offer this fundraiser. I propose donating to Thought Group Chile, any amount you wish, and in return, you will be entered into a contest for the original-formulation Chanel 28, La Pausa, 200ml/6.8oz. I absolutely love this perfume and I find the original formula to be exceptional, but I’m delighted to contribute this precious item from my collection towards a good cause. The bottle is almost full, as you can see in the photo, and it comes in its original box. I can ship anywhere in the world.

There will also be other prizes including vintage Coty Chypre (please check after the break.)

If you have a bottle of perfume that you would like to contribute for this fundraiser, please contact me. Please let me know the size, condition and where in the world you would be willing to mail it to the eventual winners.

How the contest works: donate any amount you want to donating to Thought Group Chile, email me (boisdejasmin at yahoo dot com) the donation receipt, and you will receive a confirmation from me that you’re entered into the contest.

How the winners will be selected? Randomly.

The contest will run till March 20th. Thank you for participating!

Please feel free to ask questions in the comments section.

Link for PayPal donation account:

QR Code for donating

Extra 30+ prizes

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