Lateral Cooking by Niki Segnit : Unlocking the Secrets of Flavors
Why does pork pair well with peaches? Why does jasmine uplift the aroma of green tea? And why does chocolate and coffee marry so well together? Great cooking is based on an understanding of flavors and the way in which different ingredients can pair together. Yet, it’s a skill that can seem elusive, especially to those who are new to cooking. While there are numerous resources with excellent recipes, few of them teach novices how to approach flavors and techniques. This is an especially unfortunate oversight since one of the easiest ways to improve one’s cooking—and to enjoy the process more–is to cook using one’s nose and palate to their fullest.
This is a subject the food writer Niki Segnit explored in her 2010 book The Flavour Thesaurus. Covering a wide range of ingredients, from almonds to washed rind cheeses, the author deftly intertwines food science and her own experience to unlock the mystery of aromas and tastes. The book suggests hundreds of combinations and explains why, for instance, coriander and blueberry pair well together. Coriander contains up to 85% linalool, a compound with a bright, floral-citrusy fragrance. The same molecule is responsible for the aroma of blueberry, and adding a bit of ground coriander to a blueberry dessert magnifies the flavors.
Yenni Kasim in Rubbish to Gems : A Tale of Javanese Tea Wedang Uwuh: I am an Indonesian. We believe that broiled ginger root is better than the fresh one. Broiled one has a stronger warming effect and it is better to cure cold… February 12, 2025 at 9:05am