Scent and Chemistry : The Molecular World of Odors ~ New Fragrance Science Book

I am always anticipating new publications on the topic of fragrance science, but Günther Ohloff, Wilhelm Pickenhagen and Philip Kraft‘s Scent and Chemistry : The Molecular World of Odors was an especially eagerly awaited publication.

As the publisher explains, “this book is the long awaited completely revised and extended edition of Günther Ohloff’s standard work “Scent and Fragrances: The Fascination of Odors and Their Chemical Perspectives”. The prominent chemists Günther Ohloff, Wilhelm Pickenhagen, and Philip Kraft convey the scientist, the perfumer, as well as the interested layman with a vivid and up-to-date picture of the state of the art of the chemistry of odorants and the research in odor perception. The book details on the molecular basis of olfaction, olfactory characterization of perfumery materials, structure-odor relationships, the chemical synthesis of odorants, and the chemistry of essential oils and odorants from the animal kingdom, backed up by ca. 400 perfumery examples and historical aspects.”

Available from Wiley-Vch for pre-order (the official release is July 1st;) 79 euros, with international delivery available.


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  • Mapelina: This book sounds amazing, Victoria–it will answer so many questions and make so many connections between the chemical basis of raw materials in perfume and human odor perception. I wonder if they will explore why some people like certain scents/aromas so much while others find them almost repulsive or off-putting: is it a matter of “taste” or do we actually perceive them differently because of different chemistry? Thank you for posting this preview of it–it would be easy to miss, especially if it is published in Europe.

    I did a last comment–my somewhat diffident first–to the interesting question you asked about relaxing scents, but it may have been too late (the subtitle of my life!). I adore your blog, and the variety and depth of subjects–much more than perfumes, which is already more than enough for me! March 15, 2011 at 12:08am Reply

  • Gitcheegumee: I had read sometime back of the link between scent and memory.

    And I always wondered if scent could be used in therapy for those who have lost or have had their memories compromised by illness(stroke,dementia) or by accident.

    Does this book touch upon any therapy work for scent,by chance? March 15, 2011 at 10:05am Reply

  • Gitcheegumee: Another question that I always wondered was if our genetic coding affects our sense of smell and our ph,hence how scents react to our genetic chemistry.

    Am I making ANY sense(scents) here,at all? March 15, 2011 at 12:38pm Reply

  • Violaine: thank you for putting this book to our attention
    its just in time for me!
    namaste March 15, 2011 at 1:16pm Reply

  • Gitcheegumee: What I was trying(and badly,I might add) to say,is to what degree is our skin chemistry affected by our genetic coding,if at all?

    I doubt if there is any research,but still…who knows? March 15, 2011 at 2:26pm Reply

  • Victoria: Oh, thank you, I got your comment and replied. You can leave comments on any articles you want, I see them all, not just the most recent. Thank you, I appreciate the feedback.

    I think that this book will be more about fragrance chemistry, synthetic materials and fragrance composition, rather than the physiology of olfaction. However, it seems like such a comprehensive and interesting resource. I look forward to receiving my own copy. March 15, 2011 at 10:40am Reply

  • Victoria: Hmm, I don’t think so, but I have not read the book yet, just the previewed excerpts. March 15, 2011 at 10:41am Reply

  • Victoria: Our personal chemistry certainly affects the way perfume smells on us, if this is what you are asking. I find it at work every day, smelling the same perfume on different people. Sometimes the results are quite dramatic.
    I wrote a post once about it:

    Also, diet and medications can change personal chemistry.  March 15, 2011 at 12:45pm Reply

  • Victoria: I am not sure if there is, but if I come across any, I will be sure to let you know! March 15, 2011 at 4:50pm Reply

  • Victoria: I’m very glad to hear this! Hope that you will enjoy it. March 15, 2011 at 4:50pm Reply

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