Having seen the Parisian designer Clare Viola’s jewelry before, I feel compelled to quote the English novelist George Eliot, “These gems have life in them: their colors speak, say what words fail of.” L’Artisan Parfumeur shall explore the intrinsic and emotional link between being adorned by jewel and by perfume during their event “Jewelry for Scents.”
“Each piece plays with textures, light, colors and shapes to create a unique emotion. Many pieces in the collection were inspired by such L’Artisan classics as La Chasse Aux Papillons, Mure et Musc, Timbuktu , Dzing! and Voleur de Roses. Claire Viola herself will be present to talk about her inspirations and designs. Join us this Friday, November 28, at the flagship L’Artisan boutique in New York , 1110 Madison Ave , from 10am to 7pm” (from L’Artisan newsletter.)
Clare Viola website offers a glimpse of her gorgeous pieces, such as Kings Valley from Precious Wood collection, which is my coveted gem. Pictured above is Opera Garnier, from Neck Poetry collection.
linda: Sounds beautiful!
Are you going to be there too? 🙂 November 29, 2007 at 11:06am
Boisdejasmin: Linda, yes, I will be there. November 29, 2007 at 12:13pm
yellowcedar: LOVE jewelry with counter-balance. Have fun! November 29, 2007 at 5:58pm
PB: Victoria, are these necklaces supposed to be worn backwards? If not, I still love the unconventional way they chose to diplay them. Showing the back makes them even sexier. January 5, 2008 at 12:02am
Boisdejasmin: PB, No, not really, although some styles can definitely be worn backwards. I agree with you that the display style is great, very sexy and elegant. January 5, 2008 at 11:14pm