Parfums de Nicolai Eau Soleil : New Fragrance

Parfums de Nicolaï’s Eaux Fraîches Collection (L’Eau à la Folie, L’Eau d’Ete, L’Eau Mixte, and L’Eau Chic) will include a new fragrance this summer, Eau Soleil. The new Eau de Toilette is based on orange blossom. Perfumer Patricia de Nicolaï was moved by a particularly beautiful grade of neroli (steam-distilled orange blossom essence) to create Eau Soleil. Eau Soleil includes notes of bergamot, mandarin, lemon, petitgrain, thyme, artemisia, neroli, ylang-ylang, jasmine from Egypt, patchouli, and musk.


Parfums de Nicolaï Eau Soleil Eau de Toilette is available in 30ml and 100ml spray bottles and can be found at Parfums de Nicolaï boutiques, counters, and at their online store. Via press release



  • Martha: I’m very curious about this one. The notes listed, and the name, make me think of bottled sunshine. There is hardly anything more cheerful than the scent of oranges and lemons. June 7, 2013 at 7:46am Reply

    • Victoria: Bottled sunshine is a nice idea. 🙂 June 7, 2013 at 10:47am Reply

  • Marge Clark: thinking how I love Neroli…and had never thought of artemesia with it..and that I need to try this. June 7, 2013 at 9:15am Reply

    • Victoria: I adore orange blossom and neroli, so I’m curious. Good orange blossom colognes are always something I’m interested in. June 7, 2013 at 10:31am Reply

  • Austenfan: If it is anything like her cologne Sologne it ought to be great! June 7, 2013 at 9:49am Reply

    • Victoria: She definitely has a nice cologne collection, which manages to offer some interesting twist on a classical form. June 7, 2013 at 10:40am Reply

      • Austenfan: I like all of her colognes, this one is my favourite though, it seems the most sophisticated. June 7, 2013 at 5:06pm Reply

        • Annikky: I bought Chic for my boyfriend and it’s very nice, too. It probably goes without saying that I’m excited about Eau Soleil. June 8, 2013 at 6:40am Reply

          • Austenfan: Chic is very good, quite distinctive. I don’t wear it that often, though. My favourite in her range of Eaux is probably Eté.
            I have no real plans to visit Paris this year but as De Nicolaï has introduced 2 or 3 new scents since I last visited, it seems like it is time I went again. The Soleil sound really wonderful. June 8, 2013 at 11:59am Reply

  • george: Going to the V and A on Monday to see the Bowie Exhibition; will have to make time to visit the PdN shop, methinks; will have to try this and musc intense. June 7, 2013 at 10:40am Reply

    • Victoria: Please let us know what you think about it! I know that it will be at least a couple of weeks before I get to a PdN boutique, so I would love an early report from someone. June 7, 2013 at 10:45am Reply

      • george: will do! June 8, 2013 at 4:20am Reply

  • behemot: A “must smell” next month in Paris.. June 7, 2013 at 12:36pm Reply

  • Amer: I wonder why Nicolai doesn’t offer a sample option… and I so wanted to try this June 7, 2013 at 6:16pm Reply

    • Victoria: Samples are expensive for a small company. But, yes, I would love them too. June 8, 2013 at 3:30am Reply

      • george: But- at the same time- their website!- the different and random use of fonts, the fact you have to select a product to buy it in order to see the price, and it then remains in your shopping cart and there is no way to delete it, the fact that the menu for the different strengths of perfumes disappears when you go in to them……….etc. etc. I’d like to think the above was true, but when it comes to business rigour I don’t get the impression that it is there for this company. THANK GOD it’s there with the perfume, though! Besides there is something really adorable about PDN, which I can’t say about any other perfume company. June 8, 2013 at 4:41am Reply

        • Annikky: Every time I visit their web site I feel like writing to them and asking if they want me as their Head of Marketing & Communications 🙂 But the fragrances are beautiful and my in-store shopping experience was wonderful. Would love the samples, though, too. June 8, 2013 at 6:37am Reply

          • Austenfan: Please do apply for that post!

            I know that website drives people crazy, I just find it rather amusing, but I hope it does not affect their sales. The line is so refreshingly unpretentious.
            I would love it if they had sample sets but as their 30 mls are so reasonably priced a blind buy is more easily done. June 8, 2013 at 12:02pm Reply

            • Amer: My last experience with the line was some years ago. I think it was when Eau Chic was out that I was in Paris and managed to go to their boutique. I remember that it was an unexpected experience as I kept preferring things I don’t normally go for. I ended up with Eau Chic although back then I was only wearing heavier woodier fragrances… so buying unsniffed based on descriptions only is not going to happen.

              Neroli is one of my favorite notes but it can be done in so many ways, I don’t know if Eau Soleil is the right one. Besides, I can’t even find it for sale on the web site although it is advertised on the front page. June 10, 2013 at 3:46pm Reply

        • Victoria: George, I know what you mean about the website! And the bell-shaped bottles and labels that are all over the place in terms of fonts and and and… But at least, they put their money into the juice. June 9, 2013 at 11:01pm Reply

  • Nina Z: This sounds really lovely, and the thyme note particularly intrigues me. Plus, it’s a very attractive bottle! (Like most of us, though I’m a fan of the regular line of fragrances, I’m not too happy with the bottle design.) Unfortunately, this is one of the few lines I can’t try in San Francisco, but maybe when I’m in New York City this summer…. June 9, 2013 at 5:51pm Reply

    • Victoria: I also love thyme, and the essence used in perfumery has such a delicious smoky, balsamic edge that I don’t notice nearly as much in the fresh herb.

      I’m with you on a rectangular bottle. I also don’t mind their 1oz square bottles. June 9, 2013 at 11:38pm Reply

  • catherine davis: I have been a Bois de Jasmin loyal follower for four years and today is my first comment!

    I am reading “Thinking in Pictures” by Temple Grandin and “Behind the Beautiful Forevers” by Katherine Boo.

    My favorite perfume themed book is “The Alchemy of Scent” by Jean Claude Ellena June 13, 2013 at 5:33pm Reply

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