Recommend Me a Perfume : January 2017

Our “Recommend Me a Perfume thread is back.   You can use this space to ask any questions about perfume, including fragrance recommendations, and of course, share your discoveries. Just a reminder that there is only one week left until our Doctors Without Borders fundraiser is finished and I draw winners for our 54 prizes.


How does it work: 1. Please post your requests or questions as comments here. You can also use this space to ask any fragrance related questions. To receive recommendations that are better tailored to your tastes, you can include details on what you like and don’t like, your signature perfumes, and your budget. And please let us know what you end up sampling. 2. Then please check the thread to see if there are other requests you can answer. Your responses are really valuable for navigating the big and sometimes confusing world of perfume, so let’s help each other!

To make this thread easier to read, when you reply to someone, please click on the blue “reply” link under their comment.

Photography by Bois de Jasmin



  • Nora Szekely: Hi Victoria and perfume lovers,

    I recently fell in love with Fredereic Malle’s Musc ravageur but also read that it has been reformulated after the Estee Lauder takeover. I also own L de Lolita Lempicka (now discontinued) that I find really similar.
    Can anyone suggest other perfumes in the same vein (possibly similar to original Musc Ravageur)?
    I love musk scents in general so any sublime musk perfume suggestions are also welcome. January 12, 2017 at 7:31am Reply

    • Anon: Hi Nora, I’m not familiar with “L” but I do know Musc de Ravageur; a very helpful perfume expert suggested it to me when I was looking for a Shalimar alternative (blasphemous I know!) so my suggestions would be Shalimar, and Thierry Mugler Oriental Express, if budget allows (but then Frédéric Malle isn’t in the reasonably priced category either, so maybe you can treat yourself). Hope you find something you love! January 12, 2017 at 10:16am Reply

    • Madtowngirl: If you like MR, I would definitely recommend trying Helmut Lang EDC and Le Labo Labdanum 18. Both are also Maurice Roucel creations and have a definite resemblance to MR. Labdanum 18 is one of my all time favorites and I tend to think of it as MR’s little sister- softer and more subtle, but the musk is still there. January 12, 2017 at 10:50am Reply

      • limegreen: Hah, these were exactly the ones I thought of as well! Like you, I’m also Roucel fan, and stalked out the Helmut Lang as a result.
        I find the EdP muskier than the EdT. I think he worked on all 3 about the same period.
        MR is the strongest of the bunch and in an interview about Dans tes Bras, one of my favorites, Roucel said that there was something he and Malle were deriving from MR that led to Dans tes Bras. The 2 are not the same, but just FYI.
        Love the Lab 18 body oil, have you tried it? January 12, 2017 at 11:15am Reply

        • Nora Szekely: Hi limegreen,

          I love Dans tes bras, it is such a hauntingly strange little gem!
          I need to try Lab 18 body oil as I’m a sucker for perfumed body oils 🙂 January 12, 2017 at 11:44am Reply

          • limegreen: Hi Nora!! You will love the Le Labo body oils (I think they call it a massage and bath oil, lol). If you ever find yourself near a tester, the Dans tes Bras body butter is stunning. I actually often only wear the body butter, it’s that lasting.

            For what it’s worth, I was “told” once that Malle would not continue a fragrance if reformulation would change it too much. I have not tested Musc Ravageur post-Lauder but maybe it’s not too different.

            If you like the “sweet” part of MR, would you consider another Roucel creation — Bond no. 9 New Haarlem. January 12, 2017 at 4:20pm Reply

        • Madtowngirl: I haven’t tried the oil, but I bet it’s wonderful! I’m adding Dans tes Bras to my list!! January 12, 2017 at 12:02pm Reply

          • limegreen: Dans tes Bras is not for everyone — it might take a few tries on skin. I loved it after the third or fourth test. But it has that lovely creamy musk.
            (I guess Helmut Lang edt/edpt were also reformulated when it was reissued, but at least it was Roucel who reformulated it.) January 12, 2017 at 4:23pm Reply

      • AC: Ditto on the Labdanum 18. The body oil is indeed fabulous – richly scented and moisturizing, and also good as a bath oil. January 12, 2017 at 11:20am Reply

      • Anon: I’d forgotten about these two but completely agree and second these ideas, your suggestion of Labdanum 18 also prompted me to think about a Bella Freud perfume, the one with the greyhound on the front, although it’s “amber-y” it reminds me of Labdanum 18. They’re a little powdery too I think, like Shalimar. MR might be hard to beat, I think it’s less powdery and more all about the musk. I had a bottle before the Estee Lauder buy-out and also sampled it after, quite recently, and couldn’t tell it had been reformulated but I’m making no claims for my amateur nose 🙂 January 12, 2017 at 11:23am Reply

    • AC: The new Musc Ravageur doesn’t have the richness, spice and sillage of its former self, but it’s still quite wonderful, just a few shades paler.

      Other than L de Lolita Lempicka, Le Labo’s Labdanum 18 also has elements that are similar to MR, though much less animalic. (I believe they are all composed by Maurice Roucel.) Mona di Orio’s Musc is also nice – kind of an old school musk, sweeter than the others listed and full of heliotrope.

      I took up the suggestion of a writer on xoVain and started layering Kiehl’s Musk with Histoires de Parfum’s Ambre 114 with excellent results. January 12, 2017 at 11:18am Reply

      • kpaint: I also find Mona di Orio Musc to be similar to the Malle. The other day I wore Histoires de Parfums 1725 Casanova and it reminded me of both. It doesn’t list musk as a note but it has that same ‘jordan almond’ (coined by BdJ’s Elisa, iirc) accord to my nose. January 12, 2017 at 2:03pm Reply

        • Elisa: Yes! MdO Musc is the “color” of jordan almonds to my mind January 13, 2017 at 1:21pm Reply

    • Klaas: I’m not such a musc-fan myself, but I recently smelled Oriza Legrand’s Foin Fraichement Coupé and it is very, very interesting! On my skin it’s spicy and green with a powdery feel, but what really impresses me is it’s lushious, luminous heart of buttery musc. I don’t know if it’s anywhere close to your beloved Musc Ravageur, but if you get the chance to check this one out, I think you should. It was originally created in the mid-1800’s, but has been remodeled for modern tastes. It still is a nostalgic scent that, I guess, one either likes or hates…….I love it! January 12, 2017 at 4:01pm Reply

    • Aurora: Hello Nora: like you I really liked Musc Ravageur when I tried it and am a long time fan of Shalimar and agree with Anon the two are often compared. Opoponax by Les Nereides is to me an amp version of the drydown of Shalimar, a wonderful oriental, really delicious, never mentioned, and you might like it. It’s been reformulated too, by chance what I have is the vintage which was called Imperial Opoponax I found it online for a very reasonable price. Les Nereides perfumes are available through their websites, they’re fairly priced but they don’t seem to have samples. By the way I read on BdJ that their Patchouli Antique (now called Precieux) is wonderful too. January 13, 2017 at 7:39am Reply

    • limegreen: Hi Nora — you probably have tried it since you like musk but the original Kiehls musk is nice, even in the oil or lotion form. Very good for layering!
      It’s been discontinued but if you can get your hands on Jo Malone Cologne Intense Iris and White Musk, it’s really really nice. January 13, 2017 at 9:58am Reply

    • Elisa: It’s much louder or maybe noisier than Musc Ravageur, but try Roberto Cavalli Oro, also by Roucel, in small doses — it plays with some similar accords.

      I also think Angel Muse smells a lot like L de LL or MR in the drydown. January 13, 2017 at 1:22pm Reply

    • KarenA: Adding to an already long suggestion list, Victoria at eaumg just reviewed Parfums de Rosine Rose de Neige – not much rose, but a good white musk. January 15, 2017 at 7:53am Reply

  • CC: Happy new year all! I have made the uncharacteristic decision to buy 6 perfumes this year and have listed 5, but haven’t decided on the 6th. Would you help me wrap it up? If you have other suggestions to edit my list they would also be much appreciated. FYI I wear perfume non-seasonally, apply liberally and am very much in discovery mode. In no particular order, my list so far:

    1.Heeley’s Sel Marin
    2. Acqua di Parma Iris Nobile
    3. L’Eau d’Hiver
    4. Portrait of a Lady
    5. Kimonanthe by Disptyque
    6. *still open* January 12, 2017 at 9:05am Reply

    • CC: Diptyque, sorry. January 12, 2017 at 9:05am Reply

    • Phyllis Iervello: I would add a Musk perfume such as
      Annick Goutal Musc Nomade
      Parfum d’Empire Musc Tonkin
      Parfumerie Generale’s Le Musc & La Peau
      Surge Lutens Musc Kubla Kahn January 12, 2017 at 11:04am Reply

      • Cornelia Blimber: If I was you I would buy a classic as no.6.

        No 5
        No 19
        Mille (indispensable in my view)
        Chamade January 12, 2017 at 12:02pm Reply

        • CC: Thank you, I love the suggestion of No 19. You’re right, I should consider having a Chanel in there. I’m very curious about Chamade and keen to try that next. January 13, 2017 at 2:07am Reply

        • Aurora: Hello Cornelia, I recall you also liked Annick Goutal Grand Amour very much as an easier alternative to Chamade, and I thought this was so true, so I’ll add for CC to try it too. January 13, 2017 at 7:44am Reply

          • Cornelia Blimber: It’s so nice that you remember that! yes, I prefer Grand Amour, that’s because the hyacinth is softer there. I have a little tester of Chamade edt, and I think it’s more brilliant than Grand Amour…so I recomanded Chamade!
            Have a nice weekend, Aurora! January 13, 2017 at 7:51am Reply

          • CC: Thank you for the suggestion! I will report on the final choice! January 13, 2017 at 9:16am Reply

      • CC: Thank you for your suggestions Phyllis, I love musks and haven’t worn any in a long time. The Serge Lutens’ feels particularly appealing. January 13, 2017 at 2:06am Reply

        • Phyllis Iervello: Lots of people think that Serge Lutens Musc Kubla Khan is a powerhouse and hard to wear, but I find it a comforting and beautiful scent. January 13, 2017 at 10:19am Reply

          • CC: I love most of the Lutens I have tried, and have a special obsession with La Fille… and Chergui. Very few fragrances strike me as “too much” – but I live in a city where people as a rule are not perfumed, so I might be overcompensating… January 15, 2017 at 10:22am Reply

    • Kitty Van Halen: CC, what are you favorite perfume notes? This is a diverse list. I would suggest By Kilian Rose Oud and Back to Black, and FM Iris Poudre, based on your list, but maybe you want something a little different? January 12, 2017 at 12:01pm Reply

      • CC: Kitty, thank you for your suggestions! I don’t know that I can identify favourite notes at the moment – rather, I challenged myself to rationalize my purchases slightly and these are all tried scents that I don’t like not having around… I love Iris Poudré, but it doesn’t haunt me in the same way. I haven’t looked into By Killian, high time I do. January 13, 2017 at 2:09am Reply

    • Marie / Witness of Sense: A scent that can be worn at all temperatures, is a modern classic and fits the 5 perfumes on your list, is Eau de Shalimar. It is discontinued but easy to be found online 😉 January 12, 2017 at 2:33pm Reply

      • CC: That’s an unexpected one, Marie, I will try it!
        I am very ignorant of Guerlain but am actually wearing Samsara today. Will give Eau de Shalimar a chance. January 13, 2017 at 2:10am Reply

    • Roxann: OH, Kimonthe… you recommend that? I tried to get a sample, but no luck they were out when I was going to place an order. Diptyque wasn’t good about getting back to me via e mail, sadly. I would recommend either Il Profumo’s Cortigiana, that is my next purchase. Their Quai de Lices is also lovely. January 12, 2017 at 11:41pm Reply

      • CC: Hi Roxann, I don’t have the words for Kimonanthe, it’s utterly addictive. I went through several rounds of samples and eventually made peace with the idea of getting a bottle. It’s so, so sunny and enveloping, and it has become my Christmas-in-the-sun scent. Equal parts exotic and elegant in that hard-to-name Diptyque way. January 13, 2017 at 2:13am Reply

        • Roxann: OH, I must try harder to get a sample. $200 a bottle is just too expensive for a blind buy. Christmas – in – the – sun sounds amazing! I found that I am fond of Fabrice Pellegrin. Didn’t realize I had 4 of his fragrances until after I had bought them. (I didn’t used to pay attention to the creator). I have Eau Duelle, Floribellio, Essences Incenses 2016 (the Rose d’mai) and Aedes de Venus’s Cierge de Lune. January 13, 2017 at 1:38pm Reply

          • CC: That’s such a good clue, I need to look up his other perfumes. Kimonanthe was the perfect antidote to 2016. January 15, 2017 at 10:19am Reply

  • Lynn LaMar: Already sick of winter and winter scents (In voluntary exile (temporarily) from Florida for business) but I don’t want to go Floral until Spring. Any suggestions for something New York City wintery yet lighter than heavy spice? January 12, 2017 at 9:54am Reply

    • Susan: Hello Lynn,

      For a new New York wintery frag, I suggest FM Une Fleur de Cassie or Dior Dune. January 12, 2017 at 11:01am Reply

      • Nora Szekely: I back up Une fleur de Cassie, it works well in winter in my homeland where we have snow and cold January 12, 2017 at 11:23am Reply

    • limegreen: How about Malle Noir Epices? January 12, 2017 at 11:06am Reply

      • limegreen: Le Labo Iris 39 or Ylang 49 January 12, 2017 at 11:08am Reply

    • Claire: I often need a dose of something bright after the holidays. All the Marni perfumes fit the bill, Though Marni Rose is a favorite. “Burberry Brit Rhythm for Her for, and Prada Infusion d’Iris (and Absolue version). By Kilian Straight to Heaven (Cristal) is quite intense (rum, patchouli) but crisp and definitely a winter alternative to Spring florals. Softer, but not really floral: maybe Frederic Malle Iris Poudre. January 12, 2017 at 11:08am Reply

      • Lynn LaMar: Thank you to all!!!! First stop. Dior Dune. Received it as a gift and fairly forgot about it!! Someone knew… January 12, 2017 at 11:42am Reply

    • Lily: Penhaligon’s Ostara, to me it’s meant to be a late winter into spring scent bc it is daffodils and comforting vanilla musk.

      Another idea might be to go to warm green scents (the only kind of green I seem to be able to wear). The one I like is Silences, raspy green vegetation over light, slightly sweet flower and an unobtrusive musk.

      Bvlgari Black is not (to me) a heavy fragrance but def does better in cold weather. Black tea and dry woods with the vanilla, instead of spices and amber.

      ELDO Putain des Palaces is a make up powder and violet, over incense and leather. I have really been enjoying it in the chilly weather. It’s not the sterotypical winter fragrance but really warm and comforting. And elegant, and sexy.

      One more that may or may not work for you is Elizabeth and James Nirvana Rose. It’s rose on cedar, I find it a very dry floral but yet unmistakably a rose, and it appeals to my nose as a fall/winter scent for when I want flower but not an unseasonably fresh blooming one. January 12, 2017 at 12:55pm Reply

      • kpaint: Not the OP, but thanks for reminded me of Bvlgari Black. I’d bought a bottle about a year ago and had completely forgotten about it.

        I also recently discovered Putain de Palaces, and wow is it gorgeous. Elegant and sexy is exactly right.

        Which brings me back to the OP’s request for something winter-friendly but not heavy and spiced: I find ELdO Fils de Dieu to work year-round. Totally winter appropriate but I’ve been known to wear it in summer. I’d put Alaia Paris in the same category.

        Other possibilities: Hermes Jour & Cuir d’Ange, Tauer PHI and either of the Deserts, Chanel No 22 & Beige, L’Artisan Séville à l’Aube, Narciso EDP/EDT.

        I can totally relate to being over and done with winter and anything associated with it. A good escape can be wearing something beachy and summery to block out the icy cold. My picks for that would be Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess, Guerlain Terracotta, Atelier Bergamote Soleil, Cartier Eau de Cartier Zeste de Soleil, or Bobbi Brown Beach. January 12, 2017 at 2:30pm Reply

        • Lynn LaMar: Kpaint. I was also thinking about EL Bronze Goddess. A tiki bar break then back to the business of getting through the winter!!!!
          Thank you so much…. January 12, 2017 at 8:56pm Reply

      • Lynn LaMar: Thank you Lily. Ostera has been heavily on my mind… January 12, 2017 at 8:53pm Reply

      • Old Herbaceous: Love Ostara! I thought about suggesting that, but to me it’s more of a February forward scent. It is so beautiful. I am sad they discontinued it, but I bought a back-up bottle when they went on sale. Yes, I love it that much. January 13, 2017 at 8:11am Reply

      • Lynn LaMar: Bless you, Lily and all you wonderful perfumistas who are a lifeline to this Florida girl to escape from the winter doldrums!! January 13, 2017 at 9:39am Reply

    • Malmaison: FM L’Eau d’Hiver is a pale, icy beauty of a scent. I’m normally a spice fiend myself but when I want a break I love this. NB you would need to like heliotrope / almond as a main note – and the spillage isn’t huge – but I do love it and return to it with joy each year. January 12, 2017 at 3:13pm Reply

    • Julie Ellis: Hi Lynn….I am also sick of winter and the many shades of gray and white landscape. I find that Bylgari Omina Crystalline is light but not too summery, Calvin Klein Euphoria, and YSL Mon Paris are nice in between scents.
      Good luck! January 12, 2017 at 6:07pm Reply

      • Lynn LaMar: Euphoria and Mon Paris sound lovely…I’m in!!! Thank you so much!! xo January 12, 2017 at 8:57pm Reply

    • Old Herbaceous: I am enjoying J. Crew No. 57 by Arquiste! It was inspired by a New York cocktail party and art gallery opening, too. January 12, 2017 at 8:48pm Reply

    • Aurora: Hi Lynn I second Kpaint and the idea of going instead for a beach summer vibe for much needed winter relief, the one I favour at the moment is Nuxe Prodigieux Le Parfum which also it is related works much better for me that Guerlain Terracotta. January 13, 2017 at 7:57am Reply

  • Nina: Dear Victoria and everyone! I currently rotate between Van Cleef & Arpels Collection Extraordinaire’s Precious Oud and Orchidee Vanile from the same line, Serge Lutense A La Nuit, Frederic Malle Carnal Flower, Nasomatto Narcotic Venus and Shalimar Parfum Initial. One frangrance that I also love and is very commercial Armani Code Satin. Can some kind reader please suggest some new scents, because although I love all fragrances I mentioned, I would like to smell something new on me. As you can see from the fragrances I listed, my vibes are white floral, tuberose, warm spicy, animalic, balsamic. I also love powdery notes. Thank you! January 12, 2017 at 9:59am Reply

    • Susan: Hello Nina,

      I think you might like PureDistance White, radiant with excellent sillage. January 12, 2017 at 10:56am Reply

      • Nina: Thank you Susan, I will have to find it! It seems to smell delicious! January 12, 2017 at 11:55am Reply

    • Nora Szekely: Hi Nina,

      You have expanded taste just like me (and many other perfumistas 😉 ).
      If you like Carnal Flower, I suggest you try Une Fleur de Cassie (I recommend this the second time today), by Frederic Malle and created also by Dominic Ropion.
      Fracas by Robert Piguet is a tad too sweet for me but you may like it and Serge Lutens’s Tubereuse criminelle is a must try if you love this flower.
      If you’re drawn to the greenness in Carnal Flower, Frederic Malle’s En passant and Diptyque’s L’ombre dans l’eau or Philosykos are also great.
      I’ve worn Code and Code Luna as well , I believe both are great even if commercial.
      Sarah Jessica Parker’s Lovely is a cheap but great light musky floral, Narciso Rodriguez for her EDT and EDP are similar. These are a bit powdery to my nose.
      Diorissimo from Dior is also a beautiful floral scent.
      As for warm spicy, I love Chanel’s Coco with all my heart in EDT, EDP and extrait form, though recently it has been changed and toned down.
      I got a bit carried away but we have many favourites in common, I hope my recommendations help you to find a new scent you cherish. 🙂 January 12, 2017 at 12:02pm Reply

      • Nina: Thank you Nora! Such great reccomendations! No worries! I could talk about perfumes all day! Une Fleur de Cassie sounds very promising, as it has almost all the notes I mentioned! Going to try that. Fracas is one of my many favourites, but can’t wear it anymore because, as you have guessed, it’s too sweet. Tubereuse Criminelle goes on the wish list, because I’m in love with this flower.
        I have all perfumes from Narciso Rodriguez 🙂 Also EDP Poudree, which, funny enough, is my least favourite from him. My favourite Narsico is For Her EDP Delicate Limited edition. So balmy on my skin!
        I agree, Chanel’s Coco is amazing, I have had the big EDT for many years now and on my skin it becomes gorgeous after 4 or 5 hours of wearing. I adore it. I haven’t yet tried the new version and I’m reluctant to, because it just won’t be the same.
        Diorissimo is, together with Annick Goutal’s Petite Cherie, Hermes’ Un jardin sur le Toit/Nil and Acqua di Parma’s Gelsomino Nobile, one of my favorites for warmer months. I have already been told to try Diptyque’s Philosykos, and now I definitely will. I also love Chanel N°19 Poudré, but it has no staying power. Thank you again! January 12, 2017 at 12:32pm Reply

        • limegreen: If you want a tuberose with not as much menthol as Tubereuse Criminelle but the tuberose loveliness of Carnal Flower, maybe give Tauer’s new Tuberose Flash a try? (I got one directly from his site, and was sent other samples.) As with the other Flash fragrances, very reasonably priced!! I may get a FB at some point… January 12, 2017 at 4:39pm Reply

          • Nina: Thank you! What a lovely find! January 12, 2017 at 4:56pm Reply

            • limegreen: I realized that you want something new, not more tuberose! 🙂
              I second many of Nora’s recommendations. For something different, have you tried the Le Labo line? Many of them are fresh (not like too many other fragrances), lasting, not too sweet. January 12, 2017 at 6:36pm Reply

              • Nina: Thank you for suggesting Le Labo, this is the one that I have never tried. Any particular perfume I should try? I adore tuberose and love finding perfumes that use it and than add a twist 🙂 January 13, 2017 at 2:38am Reply

                • limegreen: Okay, this is fun nerding out with another white floral fan 🙂
                  Tuberose with a twist is Tubereuse Criminelle! (Another one is L’Artisan Nuit de Tuberose, but tuberose and cacao isn’t quite my thing.)
                  A surprise tuberose soliflore for me was Tom Ford Orchid Soleil (in a beautiful rose gold bottle). A green note (bitter orange?) keeps it from being too sweet but it is still on the sweet side (vanilla). The sample I had worked better on my skin than some of the usual suspects (Lauder Tuberose Gardenia, Fracas, even Diptyque Do Son).

                  If you are in NYC (or perhaps Luckyscent is still doing the City Exclusives), there is a tuberose in the Le Labo line but it’s NYC exclusive. The reviews make it sound like orange blossom or something.
                  Le Labo does that “misnaming” thing so the name of the fragrance is misleading. But like you, I was looking for a change of pace and this line offered that for me.
                  White floral in the LL line are Lys 41 (sweet lily) and Fleur d’Oranger, but my favorites are less sweet: Iris 39, Rose 31, Ylang 49. I also enjoy The Noir 29 and Bergamote 22.
                  (Re: powdery scents — Some floral leathers end up powdery on me — love it! Dior Cuir Cannage, Parfum d’Empire Cuir Ottoman. And iris/violet/rose lipstick style perfumes — Malle Lipstick Rose, L’Artisan Drole de Rose) January 13, 2017 at 10:25am Reply

                  • Nina: Same here! Ok, now I’m intrigued by Le Labo, I need to read about all the fragrance and then hunt them down! Thank you for all the reccomendations!
                    So I had L’Artisan Nuit de Tuberose, and didn’t like it, on my skin, it just gives off too much pepper. I completely forgot about Diptique’s Do Son! That is creamy tuberose, heavenly! I don’t know about the lasting power though. I forgot to also mention Vaiana Dea from Profumi del Forte, another great tuberose, with just a little bit of that indolic jasmin whiff. I had a tester of Byredos’ Flowerhead, which they say is tuberose and jasmin, but didn’t win me over.
                    If you are into very powdery fragrance, maybe try Officina delle Essenze Puro Talco, a musky powder heaven. And Nasomatto’s China White, another musky powder, but not as powdery that the Puro Talco. 🙂 January 13, 2017 at 11:02am Reply

                    • limegreen: Thanks for the recommendations! (Flowerhead didn’t work for me either.)
                      I don’t like super powdery but China White sounds interesting. It also sounds like heroin or opium powder! 🙂

                      If you’re in the US, Nordstrom now carries Le Labo and some of them have the mixing bars in store. Much easier to test since there aren’t too many boutiques. January 13, 2017 at 12:19pm

                    • limegreen: Hi Nina,
                      Don’t know if you’re still reading, but I thought of a “tuberose with a twist” for you to test. It smells great in the cooler weather.
                      Lutens Cedre is not about cedar but tuberose! A woody tuberose. Just FYI if you have not tried it. 🙂 January 27, 2017 at 11:50am

    • Kitty Van Halen: Jean Patou Chaldee has the powdery thang goin’ on, plus some lovely abstract florals. ‘Tis not cheap, but worth every penny. For kicks you could give Etat Libre’s Putain des Palaces a shot. January 12, 2017 at 12:04pm Reply

      • Nina: Thank you Kitty, I will definitely try Chaldée, and the name Putain de Palaces evokes heavy velvet, I need to try it! When I was younger I used to wear Budoir by Vivienne Westwood. Thank you again! January 12, 2017 at 12:40pm Reply

        • Kitty Van Halen: Ah, yes! I loved Boudoir. You might also like Etat Libre’s Bijou Romantique, then. January 12, 2017 at 2:55pm Reply

    • Marie / Witness of Sense: I wonder if you might like Tardes by Carner Barcelona. It is floral-powdery with rose musky notes, heliotrope and tonka (I think).
      One of my friends has a very similar taste in fragrance like you and she swears by Tardes. January 12, 2017 at 2:42pm Reply

      • Nina: Thank you Marie, mmm sound lovely. I’m putting it on my list. I’m so fond of Etro’s Heliotrope, that I have to try Tardes. January 12, 2017 at 2:56pm Reply

      • Patricia: Seconding Tardes! I’m wearing it today and enjoying the combination of rose, cedarwood, heliotrope, and tonka. It would make a terrific everyday scent, but is not at all generic. 🙂 January 14, 2017 at 4:01pm Reply

    • Old Herbaceous: Have you tried Gardenia Petale from VCA’s Collection Extraordinaire? I haven’t but I a devoted to its Muguet Blanc. GP might suit you as it is clearly a white floral and you like other scents from that line. January 12, 2017 at 8:51pm Reply

      • Nina: Oh yes, I have Gardenia Petale. The Collection Extraoirdinaire is amazing, and I can understand your love for Muguet Blanc. January 13, 2017 at 2:42am Reply

        • spe: And California Reverie from the same collection! A breezy, fun tuberose. January 15, 2017 at 2:25pm Reply

    • katherine x: Hi Nina,
      Piling onto Limegreen and Old Herbacious’ recommendations: Van Cleef’s Gardenia Petale – beautiful – good dose of white floral with a carnal twist…Persitent too.
      Le Labo favorites include Iris, Ylang and Santal. Good luck! January 12, 2017 at 11:13pm Reply

      • Nina: Thank you Katherine, I just asked Limegreen for any suggestions from Le Labo. Ylang looks interesting in the description and I wonder how Santal’s woodiness blends with powdery notes. January 13, 2017 at 2:49am Reply

        • katherine x: There’s a creamy woodiness to Santal – and quite a bit of violet to my nose. It has the atmosphere of a powder. It does not smell like baby powder or girly sweet powder (which I love btw). January 13, 2017 at 7:40am Reply

          • Nina: Very pretty! Trying it for sure! January 13, 2017 at 8:19am Reply

      • limegreen: Should have read further before replying to Nina above!
        I’m always surprised at how lasting the Le Labo scents are (except for Bergamote).
        Santal for some reason is very sour on my skin. 🙁
        But Rose 31 was sour, too, until I tried it again later and it ended up being more peppery green and lovely. January 13, 2017 at 10:32am Reply

    • katherine x: Alibi… You might like Trayee or Mohur by Nina Vermeire. Patricia reviewed them here. January 12, 2017 at 11:20pm Reply

      • katherine x: Make that Neela (not Nina) Vermeire. January 12, 2017 at 11:20pm Reply

      • Nina: Is it similar to Myrrhe Ardente from Annick Goutal? Because I have that in 100 EDP, and I think I wore it four times. It is just a little bit too smoky… January 13, 2017 at 2:55am Reply

        • katherine x: I don’t know the Goutal you have – but Trayee is not at all smoky – it’s sweet but not cloying – spicy – indian spicy. Mohur is rose and I think someone might’ve mentioned almonds and milk. I’m not huge into roses but this one is easy to wear. January 13, 2017 at 7:37am Reply

          • Nina: Ah, this combination sound more appealing! I’m not into rose either, but the spiciness speaks to me. I will try both. Thank you. January 13, 2017 at 8:14am Reply

            • katherine x: Nina – So as not to mislead you, suggest you read Victoria’s review – her take is less enthusiastic and she smells leather where I don’t. That said – it’s a very popular scent apparently. January 13, 2017 at 8:22am Reply

              • Nina: Thank you Katherine, beautiful review by Victoria, as always, gave me another perspective 🙂 Generic men’s cologne is not my thing. Thank you for the info, so I won’t get too worked up and then will find out I don’t like it. I have to love my perfume from the beginning, don’t want to wait until the dry down to like it 🙂 January 13, 2017 at 8:33am Reply

    • Old Herbaceous: Try Sarah Jessica Parker’s SJP Stash! I didn’t think I would like it, but it is surprisingly compelling. I sprayed some on a paper strip and after WEEKS of its drydown wafting across my bedroom, and me thinking, what is that vry nice smell, I finally headed over to Ulta and bought the smaller set of Stash for half-price. Given the notes you like, it’s probably a safe blind buy for you, given its affordability. And if you do like it, you can spritz away with abandon! January 13, 2017 at 8:28am Reply

      • Nina: Will do! I have been hearing so much positive reviews for Stash, so I think I will buy it for the purposes you mentioned 🙂 Thank you! January 13, 2017 at 8:36am Reply

    • KarenA: Une Voix Noire by Lutens’ is a gorgeous gardenia that I’ve fallen in love with, you might find it works well for you. January 14, 2017 at 3:21pm Reply

      • Nina: Thank you Karen, I will check it out! January 14, 2017 at 4:32pm Reply

      • Notturno7: Hi Karen, I love Une Voix Noire, too. We really do like similar scents. 💕Victoria has written a lovely review which made me try it and maybe one day I’ll get a full bottle. I have to pace myself as I went down a perfume rabbit hole last year!! January 15, 2017 at 3:53am Reply

        • KarenA: I got a small decant when StC had Lutens’ discounted. Wanted to try a few I was not familiar with, and retry Serge Noire since I loved the sample I received. Voix Noir is really beautiful. And I can totally see you loving it! January 15, 2017 at 8:00am Reply

  • key change: Hello Victoria and perfume lovers!
    I’m wondering what your favourite vanilla scents are. I have yet to own one, and the last one I ever loved was the vanilla perfume oil from the body shop, which has sadly been discontinued. I don’t want anything sickly sweet, but also want an unmistakable vanilla, and not for the vanilla to be buried under layers from significantly more dominant notes. Thanks in advance for sharing your ideas. January 12, 2017 at 10:03am Reply

    • briony: I also love vanilla scents. My current favourites are Serge Lutens’ Bois de Vanille, Lorenzo Villaressi’s Teint de Neige (very powdery), Van Cleef & Arpels’ Orchidee Vanille and Hermes’ Vanille Galante. I also smelled Agonist’s Vanilla Marble at lunchtime today which seemed very nice. January 12, 2017 at 10:15am Reply

      • key change: Thank you! I’m starting to compile a list of must-try vanilla scents. January 16, 2017 at 10:09pm Reply

    • AC: I’m not a vanilla fan at all, and don’t own any vanilla frags, but have recently fallen hard for Indult’s Tihota. It’s sweet, but not overly so, and is singularly and unmistakably a vanilla fragrance with a hint of floral undertones (I smell orange blossom and orchid, but only super up close and in whispers). Of all the vanilla fragrances I’ve tried over the years (and I keep trying, hoping to find something I like without drowning in sugar syrup or an overdose of synthetic musk) – this is the only one so far that I adore.

      It’s super spendy though, so definitely try it first. For cheaper options, I’ve heard Tihota being compared favorably to scents from the Maison de Vanille, though I haven’t tried it myself. January 12, 2017 at 10:36am Reply

      • key change: Oh my goodness, Tihota has a cult following, and it seems as though it’s with good reason. That always gets me so excited. I’m especially excited because like you, I keep hoping to find the right vanilla, but often drown in sugar and feel as though I smell like a child might haha. January 16, 2017 at 10:11pm Reply

    • Michaela: Atelier Cologne Vanille Insensee.
      See January 12, 2017 at 10:59am Reply

      • key change: Oh right, I’d forgotten about this one! I do need to give it a sniff. January 16, 2017 at 10:13pm Reply

    • Donna Kittredge: Hello key change. I like Tihota, as well. In addition, I like M. Micallef’s Note Vanillee which is a very boozy vanilla–almost like getting a good whiff from a high quality culinary vanilla. Also, Dame Perfumery in Scottsdale, AZ makes Black Flower Mexican Vanilla which is a slightly spicy vanilla. Both share some similarities and both are unisex. January 12, 2017 at 10:59am Reply

      • key change: Oh thanks for the suggestions. I haven’t heard of the last two brands. January 16, 2017 at 10:16pm Reply

    • Sandra: How about Shalimar
      Or Angelique Noir from the same house.
      No one does vanilla like Guerlain January 12, 2017 at 11:17am Reply

      • kpaint: Agree on Guerlain and would add Tonka Imperiale to the list. Not vanilla but closely related and satisfying in the same way. January 12, 2017 at 1:38pm Reply

        • kayliz: Thirding Guerlain and adding Cuir Beluga. Silly name, beautiful perfume — powdery but not over-sweet vanilla with soft suede. January 12, 2017 at 6:58pm Reply

      • key change: Haha, I’ll probably get kicked out of the perfume-verse, because I’m not a huge fan of Shalimar. I haven’t smelled Angelique Noir, however, so will give it a try! January 16, 2017 at 10:17pm Reply

    • Madtowngirl: I would second Vanille Insensee and also Le Labo Vanille 44. January 12, 2017 at 12:04pm Reply

      • key change: Ah yes, le labo! the last time I was at a Le Labo counter, this was the only fragrance they didn’t have. I suppose that’s what the internet is for though 😉 January 16, 2017 at 10:19pm Reply

    • Kate: Molinard’s Vanille is a very deep, smoky vanilla that stands out for me as one of the best.
      I also love Douceur de la Vanille by Les Nereides. January 12, 2017 at 12:25pm Reply

      • key change: Oh, thank you. I do love the idea of a grand, smokey vanilla. January 16, 2017 at 10:22pm Reply

    • Lily: I love Elizabeth & James Nirvana Bourbon. It is a boozy vanilla on a cedar base, to my nose there really isn’t much else there. But it is so completely enough. YMMV of course, not all noses (and skin) are the same, but it’s my love for when I just want to smell vanilla. Also relatively easy to find and affordable, always a bonus. January 12, 2017 at 12:44pm Reply

      • key change: Thank you. The fact that it’s more accessible is definitely a plus. January 16, 2017 at 10:24pm Reply

    • Nina: Van Cleef & Arpels Collection Extraordinaire’s Orchidee Vanille. For me this is the best! Warm and sexy, and vanilla note is amazing. January 12, 2017 at 12:47pm Reply

      • key change: Definitely going to sniff this one! January 16, 2017 at 10:25pm Reply

    • Kitty Van Halen: PG Felanilla! January 12, 2017 at 3:12pm Reply

      • key change: Thanks! January 16, 2017 at 10:26pm Reply

    • limegreen: I’m not a big vanilla fan so I probably shouldn’t comment, but I do love Mona di Orio Vanille, which is smoky and not super sweet. It’s hard to test, not very available, I guess. January 12, 2017 at 4:50pm Reply

      • key change: Thank you! I remember smelling this when I was at Les Scenteurs, but for some reason it’s not standing out in my memory (although admittedly I was not on a vanilla quest then). Perhaps worth another sniff. January 16, 2017 at 10:28pm Reply

    • Tati: I love wearing vanilla to sleep so like it simple and sweet. Favorites: Reminiscence Vanilla (not very expensive), L’Artisan Havana Vanille (boozy vanilla), and I Profumi di Firenze Vanilla del Madagascar (cupcake).

      For going out daytime or night, I prefer Mona di Orio Vaniile, an elegant woody vanilla. January 12, 2017 at 8:44pm Reply

      • key change: Oh, love all the vanilla theems you’ve got going. Thanks. January 16, 2017 at 10:30pm Reply

    • katherine x: Cartier’s Baiser Vole Essence EDP. Big beautiful vanilla and lily. Gorgeous and good staying power. January 12, 2017 at 11:22pm Reply

      • Aurora: Katherine: what a good idea, I love BV Essence too and this time of year is perfect to enjoy it, in the summer I find it has too much presence. January 13, 2017 at 9:24am Reply

        • katherine x: Thanks Aurora! I’m with you – I wear BV essence in cooler months also. I like the “regular” BV edp for summer. January 13, 2017 at 12:22pm Reply

      • beyondbitter: Mmm, for iris with vanilla, Guerlain, Iris Ganache. It’s an amazing cozy, winter, gourmandy floral frangrance. So beautiful! January 13, 2017 at 10:04pm Reply

      • key change: Thanks. I especially like the idea of it being bold. I’d never thought of lilly and vanilla. January 16, 2017 at 10:33pm Reply

    • Marianna: I highly recommend Gothic I by Loree Rodin. Both oil and EDP are amazing January 13, 2017 at 2:25am Reply

    • Aurora: Hello Key change: you might like to try Yves Rocher Vanille Noire at such a good price; AC mentioned La Maison de la Vanille which I love because their take on vanilla is not too sweet, their site offers their whole sample set for a really good price, a must for vanilla lovers, I own Vanille Sauvage de Madagascar (lavender and vanilla). January 13, 2017 at 8:10am Reply

      • key change: Oh, thank you for the suggestion. I love sample sets! January 17, 2017 at 4:14pm Reply

    • limegreen: I don’t think anyone has mentioned Dame Perfumery Black Flower — very easy to get samples direct from the site January 13, 2017 at 10:46am Reply

    • Jodee: Hello! I really enjoy vanilla perfumes and own many. My favorites are Tihota, Dulces in Fundo (orange blossom +vanilla), Annick Goutal Vanille Exquise, Outremer Vanille (very affordable) and Profumum’s Vanitas which is a myrrh + vanilla. Good luck in your vanilla quest! January 13, 2017 at 12:48pm Reply

  • Anne: Hello,
    My favourite vanilla is eau Duelle by Dyptique. I also love the vanilla from Creeds ( can’t remember the name but it’s something like imperial Vanilla), but it s far out of my budget. January 12, 2017 at 10:26am Reply

    • Cornelia Blimber: Last week a gentleman in the bookshop sniffed at me and said: ….mmmmm…vanille! I was wearing Shalimar edp.
      My favorite vanilla is Un Bois Vanille (Lutens)..the sweetness toned down by a liquorice note (to my nose) and surprisingly fresh in the drydown.
      Hypnotic Poison has a lovely vanilla as well. January 12, 2017 at 11:06am Reply

      • Cornelia Blimber: Sorry, Briony, you already mentioned Un Bois Vanille! January 12, 2017 at 11:09am Reply

    • limegreen: Second the Eau Duelle! Do you wear the EdP, or edt? I find the EdP woodier and not as sweet (which is how I like my vanilla). January 12, 2017 at 4:49pm Reply

      • Anne: Hello. I find eau Duelle is not Enough mentioned as one of he lovliest Vanilla. It s not too sweet, not foody, the vanilla is well and truly there, like a warm cashmere blanket. To me it s very much a skin scent. I tend to prefer the EDT, and probably because I find it very easy to wear, and maybe a bit more feminine or round? At leat that s how the EDT interact with my skin. January 13, 2017 at 12:46am Reply

        • Cornelia Blimber: L’Instant de Guerlain has vanilla and magnolia. January 13, 2017 at 6:48am Reply

          • Cornelia Blimber: You may also like Songes (Goutal) and Casmir (Chopard). January 13, 2017 at 10:26am Reply

            • Notturno7: I love Songes! Especially in the summer. Mmmmm January 19, 2017 at 5:48pm Reply

  • Kate: What do y’all know about the Frédéric Malle hair and body oils? Do they smell the same as the fragrances and last a long time, or are they a cheaper, but inferior alternative to the sprays? January 12, 2017 at 10:49am Reply

    • AC: I wonder about this too, for the Portrait of the Lady oil!

      I had the Musc Ravageur body butter, and it’s very similar to the fragrance (a bit creamier and rounder), is strongly scented and lasts all day. January 12, 2017 at 11:30am Reply

    • Marie / Witness of Sense: I was once given a sample of the Portrait of a Lady body butter and I found it quite intense and long-lasting. The scent was the same as the perfume. January 12, 2017 at 2:45pm Reply

    • maja: I tried Lipstick Rose lotion and loved it more than the perfume. Very beautiful and longlasting. January 12, 2017 at 6:04pm Reply

    • Nina Z: The Carnal Flower hair mist is absolutely gorgeous! It does not smell “inferior” in any way to the perfume. Just lovely on my friend’s hair. January 12, 2017 at 8:13pm Reply

    • Nora Szekely: Hi Kate,

      Luckily in my city I could sample Frederic Malle body products.
      My findings:
      Body butters : I own Portrait of a lady and Musc Ravageur. Both are close to the perfume and the last all day with strong sillage so I wear them on their own many times. I tried all body butters they have, all are wonderful, just a bit creamier than the perfumes but very true to the scent and also making the skin smooth.
      Hair mist: Carnal flower is beautiful, a tad lighter than the perfume but same lovely tuberose heaven. I bought it, it lasts for 4-6 hours on my hair.
      Body and hair oil: I was thrilled to see my beloved Portrait of a Lady being produced in body oil form however I found it thinner than the body butter so I will stick with my butter. However if the scent or the butter is a bit too much for you, then I recommend trying it. January 16, 2017 at 6:00am Reply

    • Notturno7: I had a sample of Carnal Flower body butter and it was delicious! Good staying power. January 19, 2017 at 5:50pm Reply

  • Sandra: Looking for a scent similar to Samsara January 12, 2017 at 11:18am Reply

    • Old Herbaceous: What about Chanel Bois des Iles? January 12, 2017 at 8:59pm Reply

      • Sandra: I have a sample of that some where I will try it out again January 13, 2017 at 7:25am Reply

    • Aurora: Also, if it’s mostly the sandalwood drydown you enjoy most you might like to explore sandalwood perfumes like Serge Lutens Santal Majuscule, Santal Blanc, Santal de Mysore or Diptyqe Tam Dao for eg. A floral sandalwood like Samsara that I find not dissimilar is Jean Patou 1000 with its very blended flowers (including the jasmine of Samsara). January 13, 2017 at 9:30am Reply

      • Sandra: I have tried all of those minus Jean 1000, will give that a sniff.
        I guess the other ones were not floral enough for me January 13, 2017 at 10:12am Reply

  • debi: Which is a good Tom Ford to buy? I have Black Orchid and like it. January 12, 2017 at 11:20am Reply

    • Kitty Van Halen: Debi, what are your favorite fragrance notes? Moss Breches and Neroli Portofino are my favorite TF’s. Moss Breches reminds me vaguely of Polo green, but more balsamic and witchy-woodsy. NP isn’t a sweet-sweet-sweet neroli like some neroli scents are, and is a great bright, fresh summer or spring scent. I loved Black Violet, too, but I believe it has been discontinued. 🙁 I consider it the wicked stepsister of Ormonde Jayne Woman– just as spooky, foresty, but with a poisonous flower note. January 12, 2017 at 12:08pm Reply

      • debi: So sorry. I had given a list of perfumes I but I think I managed to lose it while posting. I am not very familiar with the notes but I like perfumes which emphasise on a single note or two. I like perfumes which are slightly heavy as light perfumes just dont stay on me. Some perfumes I like are Serge Luten Orange Blossom ( all my names will be wrong as I never remember the full name), Jo Malone CI range -Velvet Rose & Oud/ Ginger Lily, Issey Miyake The Scent, J’adore. January 12, 2017 at 12:24pm Reply

        • Kitty Van Halen: If you like scents on the denser side, you might like Noir de Noir, which isn’t so much heavy as just rich– patchouli and chocolate. A little like Serge Lutens’ Borneo, but less patch and more sweetness. Venetian Bergamot is nice, and if you like things like SL Fleur d’Oranger, you might like it, as it sort of has a similar fresh but sturdy character to it. I’m not a big vanilla fan, but do like Tobacco Vanille, also one with some heft and longevity. January 12, 2017 at 3:03pm Reply

          • Debi: I was looking at Tobacco Vanille too. Thanks for your suggestions. January 12, 2017 at 10:37pm Reply

            • CC: Tobacco Vanille is glorious. I knew it to be worn by a cretin, and it’s still an irresistible scent. January 15, 2017 at 10:28am Reply

              • Debi: 😂 January 20, 2017 at 8:27am Reply

    • KarenA: Orchid Soleil is a love it or not new Tom Ford. White flowers, along the same line as Malle’s Carnal Flower. I love it and have used up a sample, now contemplating decant or bottle…. It lasts (my skin also eats up many perfumes) and has been a wonderful treat as I take a break from ambers and heavier winter scents. January 13, 2017 at 4:28am Reply

      • Debi: Thank you. I am going to UK next month and will be able to pick something from duty free (I am from india and the are horrendously pricy with all the taxes) January 20, 2017 at 8:24am Reply

        • Karen A: Not Tom Ford, but a beautiful white flower is Hummingbird by Zoologist. I just received a sample of it and Civet, both are love love loves. Zoologist is in Canada. Civet made it to many Best Of 2016 lists, rightfully so. Not sure if it would be up your alley, but it’s completely addicting. Plus, they offer travel sizes – always a plus. (Not Tom Ford, but could not resist letting you know about these two and the brand) January 20, 2017 at 8:31am Reply

          • Debi: Thank you. Not sure if I will be able to get these brands during my trip, but will keep in mind for future reference. January 20, 2017 at 8:37am Reply

    • Notturno7: Debi, I got FB of Tom Ford Fleur de Chine (which had been discontinued) and Shanghai Lily which you might like if you like stronger scents. Victoria reviewed them both.

      Karen A, thanks for Orchid S recommendation. I’ll have to try it. I just noticed that you replied to my post earlier. I must have switched off notices to replies by mistake! January 19, 2017 at 6:03pm Reply

      • Debi: Thanks if I don’t go for tobacco Vanille, I will try fleur de chine or shanghai lily January 20, 2017 at 8:26am Reply

      • Karen A: Also, check out Hummingbird by Zoologist. Since we are scent twins, I think you will love it! And Civet is AmazingGorgeousIncredible! Another addiction….. January 20, 2017 at 8:33am Reply

  • Meems: Hi all,

    Please recommend me a lactonic floral that’s more on the milky than floral side. I’m looking to move on from Gucci Rush. January 12, 2017 at 1:16pm Reply

    • KatieAnn: Hi Meems! Funny! I am also looking for something that is a creamy floral. I want something that is not too sweet and has a definite lactonic feel.
      In regards to your question, I wonder if you would like Salvatore Ferragamo’s Signorina (the original). It has panacotta accord which makes it smell somewhat milky. It is, however, also on the fruitier side and is definitely a gourmand. I still find it pretty charming. January 12, 2017 at 1:38pm Reply

      • Meems: Jasmine-rose over patchouli-pannacotta-musk sounds divine! Thanks for the recommendation! January 12, 2017 at 5:02pm Reply

    • AC: Would it be terrible of me to give a shoutout to a discontinued favorite? Imho one of the best milky florals was Le Feu d’Issey by Issey Miyake. Etra by Etro share some similarities though, and it’s still in production. January 12, 2017 at 2:34pm Reply

      • Meems: I’ve heard great things about Le Feu d’Issey, and would love to try it someday…. Shame about the discontinuation and its absence from the major sample sites. Will seek out Etra, though! Many thanks! January 12, 2017 at 5:05pm Reply

    • Kitty Van Halen: Amouage Lilac Love. It’s not actually a lilac scent and is built around a theme of “milky floral.” January 12, 2017 at 3:10pm Reply

    • Ninon: Many people get creamy South Asian desserts from Mohur, though it is all rose on me. Une Rose de Kandahar is another gourmand rose, but the almond is more powdery than milky to my nose. January 12, 2017 at 8:48pm Reply

  • Anne: Hello, I m not sure this is a milky floral, but how about Narcisso Rodriguez EDP ( the pink bottle). I find it quite flowery and yet very velvety soft milk. January 12, 2017 at 3:17pm Reply

  • Kaitlin: Hi! I just discovered your blog and I’ve torn through so much of it in just a few days! I’m brand new to fragrance – I’ve never smelled a lot of the classics. This is all brand new to me!

    I read your tips for making a list of scents that you like, so I thought I would throw this out there and see if anyone had suggestions! Thanks in advance.

    Scents I love:
    • Citrus, especially grapefruit and blood-orange
    • Most herbs but especially rosemary and basil
    • Paper, old books
    • Campfire smoke, rain, leather
    • Peonies, lilies, violets
    • Aldehydes (Love Chanel 5 Eau Premiere!)
    • Fresh bread, baking cakes (I’m a hobby baker)
    • Vanilla, butter, coconut
    • Clean laundry

    Scents I dislike:
    • Anything too powdery
    • Lavender (in large doses, it gives me migraines)

    I have a very tiny collection: Chanel 5 Eau Premiere, TM Alien, Paco Rabanne 1 Million, Maison Margiela Replica Lazy Sunday Morning, some Polo Big Pony bottles. Fragrances I like include Tom Ford Noir Pour Femme, D&G Light Blue, Estee Lauder Modern Muse, Chanel Coco Mademoiselle, Derek Lam 10 Crosby 2 AM Kiss, TM Angel, Clinique Aromatics Elixir.

    Any tips for a newbie would be so appreciated! January 12, 2017 at 5:10pm Reply

    • KarenA: Wow, you’ve got a terrific collection, and far from tiny! My only suggestion is to try a variety of samples and just play around with exploring notes or certain lines. It’s easy yo get addicted to samples, and they do seem to multiply on their own – but it can be helpful when there are just so many choices.

      Despite my best intentions of limiting my sample purchases, I am anxiously awaiting two from Zoolologist, Civet and Hummingbird. The nice thing about having samples is you can reference them for figuring out what works and doesn’t work for you. Plus, they are great to share! January 13, 2017 at 4:36am Reply

      • limegreen: Hi KarenA– as soon as you are not looking, the samples clone and multiply! 🙂
        The best kept resolutions when it comes to perfumes and samples are meant to be bent!

        (And great advice!) January 13, 2017 at 11:42am Reply

        • KarenA: Well, many of those multiplying samples have been from yours and Notturno7’s generosity! January 13, 2017 at 7:50pm Reply

          • Notturno7: Lol 😍!! Yes, it’s fun to share. And it multiples the JOY!!

            And thank you too, Karen A for sharing.
            Lovely to be friends, thanks to BdJ and Victoria 💜 January 19, 2017 at 6:12pm Reply

    • Michaela: Very good advice from KarenA! Samples are perfect to explore and decide.

      For blood oranges I would suggest Atelier Colognes Orange Sanguine, very close to the real thing, yet highly interesting in development.
      Campfire smoke is Jacomo Jacomo, for men, at least to me. I may be wrong.
      For aldehydes, your favorite is great!
      For clean laundry feeling, you may sample Ester Laudee White Linen, high on aldehydes, too.
      Despite you dislike lavender, you may try Burberry Brit Rhythm for women, a beautiful lavender-peony scent. And Caron Pour un Homme, the kindest lavender ever, in a brilliant vanilla combo. January 13, 2017 at 7:05am Reply

    • Old Herbaceous: If you like the scent of paper, old books and vanilla, try Dzing! by L’Artisan Parfumeur. It is an odd scent but I like it very much, and Luca Turin gave it five stars in his guide to perfumes. You also said you like the scent of bread, and to me, Dzing! has a bready quality as it dries down. I was going to suggest Aromatics Elixir but I see you already have it — have you tried EL’s Azuree? It is very herbal, including a strong basil note. I’ve also just discovered Clinique’s Wrappings, which you can order from their website. Very nice! It does have a lavender note but I don’t really pick up on that. P.S. I love Chanel No. 5 Eau Premiere too! January 13, 2017 at 8:37am Reply

    • Aurora: Great advice already, so pleased you are discovering and enjoying scents. For the classics I would start with Guerlain, Chanel and Dior first and for the niche perfumes Annick Goutal, Diptyques and recently Victoria had a great FT article on Arquiste (they are expensive but worth it it seems). And follow your nose, trust yourself in your dislikes, also, if you can participate in the scent diary on this site, it reminds us of paying attention to scents around us not only perfume. January 13, 2017 at 9:44am Reply

    • Kaitlin: Thank you so much for all the lovely suggestions! I’m so excited to read all of your kind words and thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to give suggestions. <3

      I'm adding ALL of these to my wishlist. From devouring the blog over the past couple of days, I've made a list of fragrances I'd like to try. I'm planning on ordering samples tonight so I'm thrilled to have more to add to the list! January 13, 2017 at 10:39am Reply

      • Notturno7: Kaitlin,
        Welcome to BdJ! This is such a fun community here, a very friendly ‘bunch’.

        I really enjoyed reading Victoria’s reviews on this blog.
        Look up the reviews by house and ratings.
        I click on 5 and 4 star ratings and I love how V pairs up scents with art and beautiful paintings.
        Watch out though,haha, I find them very addictive.
        I second Aurora, I’d start with Chanel and Guerlain classics.
        Have fun on your new journey! 😍 January 19, 2017 at 6:23pm Reply

    • limegreen: Good luck with sampling, it’s a fun quest.

      There are lots of suggestions i won’t make here, as others have given you great recommendations, but one that you might enjoy given that you enjoy baking:

      L’Artisan Bois Farine (you might like the smell of flour, but don’t know if you want to wear it, so test this one first)

      And my latest basil favorite:
      Jo Malone Neroli Basil January 13, 2017 at 11:47am Reply

    • Patricia: My favorite lilac fragrance, En Passant by Frederic Malle, has a noticeable bread note and the lilac is lovely and not at all cloying. January 14, 2017 at 4:11pm Reply

    • Michael: Here are some recommendations based on my personal collection:
      Basil/citrus – Lime Basil & Mandarin (Jo Malone)
      Paper/old books – L’Air de Rien (Miller Harris)
      Leather – Cuir de Russie (Chanel)
      Violets – Dans Tes Bras (Frederic Malle) January 15, 2017 at 9:12am Reply

  • Kirstyn: Hello! I am down to the last few drops of my bottle of L’Ambre des Merveilles from Hermes. I love the longevity and balance of sweet, spicy, and powdery that this fragrance has. But, I am looking for something similarly lovely that I can spray a bit more liberally and is a little less sharp. Maybe something a little airier and slightly sweeter? I love anything related to vanilla, benzoin, spices, or amber, but do not want anything very fruity. Any ideas? January 12, 2017 at 8:20pm Reply

    • Tati: Hi Kirstyn. I love amber too, but my favorites are heavier and sweeter, i.e. Lutens Ambre Sultan, and Etro Ambra. Two lighter ones that are sweeter are L’Artisan L’eau de Ambre, and Histories de Parfum Ambre 114, which also has florals. January 12, 2017 at 8:57pm Reply

    • Old Herbaceous: What about Chanel Bois des Iles? January 12, 2017 at 9:09pm Reply

    • Old Herbaceous: Oops, posted this reply in the wrong place! Have you tried Halston Woman Amber? I haven’t yet, but it is calling to me and it is very reasonably priced. January 12, 2017 at 9:12pm Reply

    • Caroline: Prada Candy? January 12, 2017 at 10:08pm Reply

    • KarenA: Estée Lauder’s Amber Mystique is a beautiful elegant sparkly amber. January 13, 2017 at 4:37am Reply

    • Aurora: Hello Kirstyn: A very ‘friendly’ and also on the wallet is Yves Rocher Voile d’Ambre, it has some citrus so it’s a little fruity but not overly so, it is what makes it so easy to wear I find. January 13, 2017 at 10:07am Reply

    • Nina Z: Oriental Lounge by The Different Company is a soft, sheer amber scent you might like. January 13, 2017 at 9:29pm Reply

  • Ninon: Hello! I am aching for spring (a long way off here…), but not ready for watery florals. What late-winter scents can I wear as a bridge between Bois des Iles and Bois d’Armenie, and En Passant, for example? Thank you! January 12, 2017 at 8:42pm Reply

    • Old Herbaceous: I love Laboratorio Olfattivo’s Nirmal. A cool iris warmed by some amber and cedar. I like florals a lot but I’m like you, taking a break right now from the more flowery, transparent ones and looking for a little warmth. January 12, 2017 at 9:16pm Reply

      • Ninon: Thank you so much for the recommendation! I am not familiar with this house…I look forward to trying this! January 12, 2017 at 10:19pm Reply

    • Surbhi: I have loved ostara for late winter / before spring fragrance. It was a blind purchase for me after Victoria’s review and absolutely loved it. January 14, 2017 at 12:32am Reply

  • Old Herbaceous: I like amber notes but haven’t taken the plunge into a full-on, amber-dominant fragrance. Any recommendations for my first one? January 12, 2017 at 9:18pm Reply

    • Kitty Van Halen: Serge Lutens Ambre Sultan is sublime. January 12, 2017 at 10:42pm Reply

      • Old Herbaceous: Thanks! I have a couple of other Lutens, but not that one and I’ve had my eye on it. What about L’Artisan Eau d’Ambre or Eau d’Ambre Extreme? Any thoughts on those? January 13, 2017 at 8:44am Reply

        • limegreen: I think of Eau d’Ambre (and the Extreme, which I have) as a beginner’s amber. Straight up, not too syrupy, and on the lighter side of amber-centric perfumes, and no funny stuff. It took me a while to appreciate the oregano note in Ambre Sultan, for example.
          I enjoy in small doses Youth Dew Amber Nude (discontinued but can be found) done by TomFord for Estee Lauder. January 13, 2017 at 10:57am Reply

    • Marianna: There are so many amazing ambers!!! Kafkaesque did an amazing overview of different types of ambers.
      For a beginning amber I would recommend Ambre Precieux by Maitre Perfumeur et Gantier- it is very gentle and cozy amber. Mervielles Amber is very gentle as well. Mona di Orio Amber is a slightly more challenging in the beginning but settles in nicely after about 30 mins. If you want to get more adventures, both Profumum Ambra Aurea and Farmacia Ambra Nera are to die for January 13, 2017 at 2:34am Reply

      • Old Herbaceous: Thanks! Those all sound great, and I will read Kafkaesque’s overview, I love that blog. January 13, 2017 at 8:45am Reply

    • Nina: For a really strong amber I would suggest Il Profvmo’s Ambre D’Or. Amber, smoke in the beginning, a little bit of moss. Drydown is sweet, honey, vanilla. I don’t wear it often, because is overpowering in the beginning, but I love having it in my collection 🙂 January 13, 2017 at 8:59am Reply

    • Aurora: Hi: I apologize because I sound like a broken record 🙂 but Yves Rocher Voile d’Ambre is a lovely amber of the easygoing kind. January 13, 2017 at 10:10am Reply

      • limegreen: This is a very nice amber. I love that Yves Rocher has sales where the 5 ml perfume bottles are only $5! Basically the price of a sample but one gets a decant. 🙂 January 13, 2017 at 11:04am Reply

        • Aurora: Oh yes, YR is great this way and also their frequent 50% sale! And I remember mentioning wearing Voile d’Ambre to Victoria and she has it too and I also recall her saying a good amber needs not be expensive… so true. January 13, 2017 at 12:00pm Reply

    • Elisa: Alahine!!

      I also really like Eau des Baux and it’s a steal. January 13, 2017 at 1:28pm Reply

    • Old Herbaceous: Thanks for all the great suggestions! I went to Sephora and got a couple of samples of the ones they had. Can’t wait to explore! January 14, 2017 at 9:00am Reply

    • Old Herbaceous: Has anyone tried Molinard’s Ambre? Thoughts? January 14, 2017 at 10:54am Reply

  • Melissa: I own – Chergui, Loulou, Narciso (also because that milky cube is the loveliest bottle EVA), Rubj (edp) No5 L’eau, Pampelune.

    Dream/or someday purchases — Olfactive Studio’s Selfie, Carnal Flower, Ambre Narguile

    Why have I listed these scents? Because I need help. 🙁 Will you, delightful perfume acicionados?
    I read SO MUCH about perfume all the time (it’s really my most passionate hobby), I’ve practically memorized the A-Z tome, I buy decants, whenever I visit my best friend in London we spend an ENTIRE day going to all the department stores and boutiques smelling till our noses fall off. I could go on…

    And yet for all that, I can’t pick out notes. I read about “lactonic florals” “animalic” “civet” etc. I smell single note oils at Whole Foods, I smell components at Providence Perfume Co. I then return to my own perfumes to attempt to break them apart. Nuttin’. (By the way, I have the same problem with wine). I smell perfumes I like, I smell perfumes I don’t like. But I can’t tell you why I do or I don’t. When assistants at perfume counters/shops ask me what I like, I can’t tell them. I can only tell them what I own. Do you see common threads in my purchases? Can you tell what ties them together? What notes I seem to be attracted to? Thanks a lot, everybody. January 12, 2017 at 9:50pm Reply

    • Kitty Van Halen: If i had to guess, I’d say your tastes run from rich orientals verging on the gourmand, to clear, bright citrus-y/aldehydic. But I have the same problem, sweets! Just roll with it. Love what you love! Maybe not limiting yourself to categories is what keeps you experimenting and enjoying perfume! January 12, 2017 at 10:45pm Reply

    • KarenA: Seconding Kitty’s words. I basically feel like Homer Simpson and his response to donuts, Yummmm. Although I did have an ah-ha moment when I was putting some cinnamon in to a container and went, Hey I recognize this from Mitsouko. Carnal Flower comes in an affordable 10ml spray. I wish more lines offered 10ml bottles. January 13, 2017 at 4:46am Reply

    • George: I’ve got to admit that I find note talk a bit tedious, and the difference between note and perfume to be an arbitrary one. I wouldn’t worry if your head isn’t picking them out, because I don’t think a lot of the people talking about perfumes really pick out notes- it’s just become a convention for discussing and describing perfume that is not really the truth of how most people experience perfume- it’s like the notes are a series of buses arriving at a station one after the other, which has nothing to do with the truth of the volatility of the various complex materials both natural and abstract that are used in perfumery. Beyond which, I don’t really like the whole “I like this note, this note and this note” stuff either; usually whether or not you like a perfume is more to do with balance of ingredients and which way it skews than which notes are used. If I were you I would more concentrate what perfumes you like and what perfumes smell like and don’t smell like other perfumes, and think about the relationship between the perfumes that you try. I would also take similar perfumes and spray then on either wrist and contrast and compare them through their developments. Once you consider perfumes that way, and really treat them as “notes”, and how those “notes” compare to other “notes”, it will be the differences between them that are likely to alert you to the presence of certain ingredients rather than their actual presence within a perfume considered on its own. And if you don’t end up formulating yourself in terms “I like this note and this type of perfume but not that type of note and perfume”, I wouldn’t worry: it means you are able to go out their and smell all perfumes with an open mind, and judge solely on the pleasure and entertainment it gives you rather than because of some preconceived notion in terms of what sort of perfume you like and enjoy. January 13, 2017 at 7:47am Reply

      • Susan: Hello George,

        I wholeheartedly agree with you. My reaction to perfumes is mostly an emotional one. What feels right one day, will not the next. I never analyze what the individual notes are, but appreciate the entire symphonic effect and the resulting sense of well being in wearing a cherished fragrance. January 13, 2017 at 10:38am Reply

      • katherine x: Well said. Good advice. Thanks. January 14, 2017 at 9:24am Reply

    • Old Herbaceous: I see a couple in your collection with incense and/or white flowers. I think it’s fun to go on Fragrantica and look up the notes in fragrances, then play around with the “search perfumes by notes” function and see what pops up! You might like Amouage Memoir Woman; here is my review of it: January 13, 2017 at 8:53am Reply

      • Melissa: Good tip, I’ll try that, thanks! January 13, 2017 at 11:16am Reply

    • Elisa: I wrote an article last year about how you can use wine-tasting to expand your perfume vocabulary and note-detecting skills…maybe you’ll find it helpful! January 13, 2017 at 1:33pm Reply

    • kpaint: I think a lot of budding perfumistas may have a similar approach as I do, tedious as it may sound, but it might help you develop the vocabulary you feel you’re missing.

      When I try a new scent I put it into a database (excel spreadsheet) along with a list of the published notes (from basenotes or When I initially started doing this, I’d read reviews while experiencing the perfume myself to see if I could pick out the notes reviewers mentioned. Eventually, I’d test the perfume then check the listed notes to see if I was accurately picking up its published contents. After doing this for a few years, I’ve gotten much better at understanding what I’m smelling.

      The column headings I use for my master spreadsheet are: House/Brand, Fragrance Name, Perfumer, Year Released, Description, Published Notes. This way I can keep track of what I have and what I’ve tried, and can also use filters if I want to pull up a list with specific commonalities.

      In another tab I keep a daily diary (although I only record sporadically unless I’m really on top of things) of what I’ve tested or worn each day and my impressions. This is also a good way to exercise one’s scent vocabulary as it forces you to put your reaction into words.

      I know this method will only have limited appeal (to people like me who love list-making and excel 🙂 ) but I do think that developing a scent vocabulary is not much different from learning a new language, so a somewhat academic approach is needed. January 13, 2017 at 2:02pm Reply

      • Lily: Are you my twin? I have this exact spreadsheet except i didn’t include the description of what the perfume was meant to be, but my reaction to it. I was less concerned about picking out notes vs looking for correlations of what I liked/did not like.

        Half the time I try a new perfume I smell things that aren’t listed, or can’t smell things that are. But I know there are certain notes that either my nose is hypersensitive to, or my skin really amplifies, so I am cautious when I see them listed. Certain flowers that get “screechy” on me, vetiver always overtakes everything else, any hint of sweetness gets sweeter…things like that.

        So to OP, as many have said above, one choice is to just not worry about notes and take each perfume wholistically, and if you are really wondering if you have subconscious lures then make a comparison of listed notes (or what you smell, or both) of all the scents you have a strong reaction to.

        If you are looking for ways to find new perfumes that you think you would like, one alternative to notes is the “mood” of a fragrance. That can be a bit slippery as people can find different things “comforting” or “seductive” or whatnot, but it is another avenue to use. January 14, 2017 at 8:00am Reply

        • kpaint: I knew I wasn’t the only one 🙂 🙂 January 14, 2017 at 6:26pm Reply

          • Nora Szekely: Hi kpaint,

            I also have excel sheet to track what fume or sample I wear and also how much liquid is left in my bottles.
            It also helps me track how my taste changes and which scents I prefer in a given season.
            I will try your method of sampling it sound interesting and educational. January 16, 2017 at 6:42am Reply

  • Karen: Hi Victoria and fragrance lovers,

    I’ve just found this page today, and have been voraciously reading dozens of the wonderful posts. I’m as impressed by Victoria’s readers as I am by Victoria herself — your thoughtful contributions are a wonderful complement to Victoria’s generous sharing of her knowledge and her beautiful writing.

    But to the point of my post, I would be so grateful for a fragrance recommendation. I have worn Stella for many years, and am never going to stop wearing it, but I would love some suggestions for something special to wear as an alternate fragrance. Might Marni by Marni be a good option? I should add that I intensely dislike fruity fragrances, and heavier fragrances don’t seem to suit me very well. I have a bottle of Gucci Eau De Parfum that I use about five times a year and I adore it, but it doesn’t feel quite like me. Similarly I occasionally wear Annick Goutal Eau d’Hadrien, but I find I enjoy it more if I spray it on linen. So I’m all over the place in terms of what I like, and would be grateful for any and all suggestions you can offer x January 12, 2017 at 9:54pm Reply

    • Michaela: Stella is wonderful!
      Unfortunately I don’t know Marni by Marni but I may suggest some everyday light fragrances I love.
      You may try Hermes – the Merveilles line (my favorite is salty Eau des Merveilles), Eau de… line (Eau de Narcisse Bleu and Eau de Gentiane Blanche are my personal favorites); Bulgari – Eau Parfumee au The… line (I love The Vert and Rouge and I will sample Blue as soon as I find it).
      I also like almost all Atelier Cologne perfumes, some are very far from others, so sampling is a must. I own only Orange Sanguine for now, I found this one fits me perfectly almost every time. January 13, 2017 at 7:50am Reply

    • Old Herbaceous: Hi! What aspect of Stella do you think you’d like to emphasize? I love it too, btw. Or are you looking for something that contrasts with Stella? Your thought of Marni suggests that you want to keep a strong rose note but add some spices, is that right? January 13, 2017 at 9:01am Reply

    • Kirstyn: I found the Marni to be a deeper rose, very incense-y and smoky. It is a fun spicier rose, though. If you are not looking for something that deep, here are some recommendations:

      For Roses: What about Narciso Rodriguez For Her the EDP (the pink bottle)? It is a more musky rose, but still has a little of the sweet/sour feel of Stella, but I find it almost creamy. Another rose scent that I was thinking of is Chanel No. 5 Eau Premiere. It is more soapy versus Stella’s citrusy rose, but I feel like the smells are a similar tone.

      For Amber: I love L’Ambre des Merveilles. It doesn’t have any floral or fruity scents, and is a drier side of amber when set against Stella. Another one to check out would be Commodity Gold, which is an airier amber.

      Good luck! January 13, 2017 at 9:20am Reply

    • Aurora: Hello Karen, as you are already set up with lighter roses like Stella and Marni in your future perhaps a more opulent rose like Guerlain Nahema? (to me it smells of a passionfruit rose) I often wear for going out occasions. January 13, 2017 at 10:27am Reply

    • Elisa: Marni is great. If you’re looking for another sheer rose, try Nirvana Rose or Bollywood or Bust (more woody) or L’Ombre dans l’Eau (more fruity) January 13, 2017 at 1:35pm Reply

  • mendokuse: Just thought I’d mention that when I passed by a Frédéric Malle boutique earlier today, I was told by an employee that their fragrances would be going though a price increase this coming March 2017, so if you want to stock up or finally buy a FM fragrance you’ve been eyeing for a while! January 12, 2017 at 10:01pm Reply

    • Aurora: How nice of you to share the info! They are already too expensive as it is for me to justify a bottle – I have 2 samples I fancied and that’s enough for me. January 13, 2017 at 10:15am Reply

    • Nora Szekely: Hi mendokuse,

      Thank you for the information. I love this house and buy frequently, I will rush with my purchases then 🙂 January 16, 2017 at 6:45am Reply

  • Marianna: Hello, I am interested in exploring floral leather. I love Journey, Memo French Leather and Naomi Goodsir Cuir Velour. Any other recommendations? January 13, 2017 at 2:36am Reply

    • Michaela: You could sample Cuir de Lancome, beautiful floral leather. Little sillage, despite its power. January 13, 2017 at 7:38am Reply

    • Kirstyn: What about Bottega Veneta? It’s a jasmine and leather based scent. January 13, 2017 at 8:35am Reply

      • Surbhi: I layer my leather perfume with jasmine attar. So, I am going to try this perfume. January 14, 2017 at 12:15am Reply

        • Notturno7: Hi Surbhi and Marianna, for jasmine leather, I love Lutens Sarrasins. It’s gorgeous. January 19, 2017 at 6:54pm Reply

    • limegreen: Since you mention Cuir Velour, you might like testing Byredo Bullion, it has the same soft leather jacket smell
      Leather and smoky plum: Byredo Accord Oud

      My floral leather favorites:
      Second the Cuir de Lancome rec (above)
      Dior Cuir Cannage
      Lutens Cuir Mauresque (a little more stewed fruit than Cuir Cannage)
      Parfum d’Empire Cuir Ottoman

      similar to Cuir de Lancome:
      Knize Ten Golden Edition (not the original Knize Ten) January 13, 2017 at 11:16am Reply

    • Aurora: Thirding Michaela for CdL and adding Diorling often overlooked and a gentle floral leather. January 13, 2017 at 12:07pm Reply

    • kpaint: I’ve not tried any of the leathers you’ve mentioned, but I’ll add a few more to the list:

      I love the Hermès floral leathers Cuir d’Ange and Kelly Caleche. Their leathers are that of a luxury handbag rather than a new pair of Frye boots, as it were.

      Atelier Sous le toit de Paris is not leather, but a gorgeous suede dusted with violets.

      It looks like Chanel Cuir de Russie hasn’t been mentioned yet, but as the grand dame in this category, it should be on your to-try list. (I would put it in the same category as Cuir de Lancome and Cuir Ottoman, which are all peaux d’espagne if I’m not mistaken.)

      Not everyone gets leather from this one, but I’ve read reviews of others who do, so I know I’m not entirely alone ;): Love, Chloé. It’s powder and florals laid over leather. My notes tell me that I found Tauer Lonesome Rider to be similar but with a stronger birch tar-leather underpinning. January 13, 2017 at 2:39pm Reply

    • mendokuse: I love Chanel Cuir de Russie as well, and I’ll also throw in FM Le Parfum de Thérèse as a suggestion, who is a fruity floral leather with a very distinctive character. January 13, 2017 at 5:11pm Reply

    • Neva: Hi Marianna, I can recommend to you Heeley’s Cuir Pleine Fleur. I think it perfectly fits your description. January 16, 2017 at 5:26pm Reply

  • bill: I just want to thank everyone for their leather scent recommendations last month! I got myself a Knize Ten, which I adore! January 13, 2017 at 5:09am Reply

    • Cornelia Blimber: Excellent choice, Bill, enjoy! January 13, 2017 at 6:50am Reply

    • Aurora: It’s lovely of you to report back and you smell great :). January 13, 2017 at 10:17am Reply

    • limegreen: That’s great! (Be careful, it’s only the tip of the iceberg — there are so many leathers to explore, very addictive 🙂 ) January 13, 2017 at 11:08am Reply

  • Therése Mellby: So the new man I’m seeing asked me to pick a scent for him. He says he likes spicy or “sporty” fragrances. I thought I’d introduce him to Encre Noir, but besides that I’m drawing a blank. I need recommendations! January 13, 2017 at 3:55pm Reply

    • john: I think it depends on this man’s taste in other things… How much does he notice details, materials, etc? Is he a stickler for these things or more easygoing? How old is he, and is he a traditionalist or not so much?

      A classic like Eau Sauvage is great (spicy and fresh, but with good bones) just as an education if nothing else. If he is less classically-inclined and maybe more of a world traveller type, I’d try Cartier Declaration, a wonderful spicy, well-travelled scent with great longevity. A nice entry-level warmer (i.e. autumnal) spicy scent is l’Occitane’s Eau des Baux (one of the first scents I bought for my son, in his early 20’s…It’s great on an older man too, and very easy to wear.) Younger men I know (I teach at a boarding school) seem to favour Bleu de Chanel or Allure Homme Sport, both of which are too fresh, abstract and linear for my tastes, but which have worthwhile materials. I mention all of these designer-level scents because you can try them out with him at a mall… kind of a fun date if you prepare ahead, research the notes (avoid those SA’s!) and compare notes over coffee… January 14, 2017 at 2:37am Reply

      • Therése: Thank you, John! This man is in his 40’s and he’s a psychologist and somewhat of an “intellectual hippie” if that makes sense. He is currently not wearing scent at all, but he usually likes what I wear (and always notices and asks what I’m wearing). He is also quite aware of scents of everyday, like food, or fabric or flowers.
        I like your idea of making it a date, I think I will do that! Thanks again! January 16, 2017 at 7:22am Reply

    • Steve L.: I’m clearly in the minority but the Iso E Super in Encre Noire gives me a headache. That ingredient seems to be an issue for some people. Safer bets might be Eau Sauvage or Pour un Homme — time-tested classics. January 14, 2017 at 8:26am Reply

      • john: Steve, I am in the same boat… Had to pass on Encre Noir, Terre d’Hermes and (a favourite) Declaration, all because of sensitivity to ISO E Super. I completely second your vote for Pour un Homme, something I’ve worn as an off and on signature for almost two years. Wonderful and inexpensive. Also: Guerlain Vetiver (interestingly both PuH and GV have nice cedar notes but no ISO, thank goodness). January 14, 2017 at 7:22pm Reply

      • Therése: I will be careful with Encre Noir! I have worn it around him, and he hasn’t complained, but smelling something on someone else and wearing it yourself are quite different. I will definitely let him try Eau Savage (and Pour un homme if I can find it in my small town.)

        Thank you! January 16, 2017 at 7:25am Reply

        • spe: Bond No. 9 Great Jones or Mitsouko. January 17, 2017 at 11:08am Reply

  • Cecilia: Hi! I’m 23 and starting a high profile internship in the European Union office in Rome and I’m looking for a signature perfume to use every day. Something classic yet not too used. Flowery and citrusy scents are the ones that work better with my skin. I normally use the Chloè signature edp as my everyday perfume these days and occasionally l’eua de Chloè. My style is pretty simple and classic (something like white shirt and pearls).
    Can you suggest me something? January 13, 2017 at 4:05pm Reply

    • Surbhi: I can think of eau de magnolia. Its light, citrusy and bit of floral, refreshing, strong enough to last through the day. And it can be worn everyday. January 14, 2017 at 12:14am Reply

      • Cecilia: Thank you I try it! January 14, 2017 at 9:34am Reply

    • Old Herbaceous: Try the new Chanel No. 5 L’Eau. It is classic but pretty, floral, very elegant and youthful, and it plays up the citrus notes. I love No. 5 Eau Premiere, but it is more floral, less citrusy. You might like it too. January 14, 2017 at 9:07am Reply

      • Cecilia: Yes, is on my top list! Normally Chanel is a little too much for me, but I tried it on a couple days ago and I like it very much. I also love the lighter take on the timeless classic. Thank you! January 14, 2017 at 9:37am Reply

    • Hamamelis: Mona di Orio Eau Absolue (Citrusy), Ormonde Jayne Osmanthus (Citrusy), Champaca (Flowery with a basmati rice note, lovely) or Tiare (like Cristalle). Ormonde Jayne sell nice sample packets. Ofcourse you could try Cristalle or Cristalle Verte, very office appropriate. Good luck with your internship! January 14, 2017 at 9:28am Reply

      • Cecilia: Thank you very much! Now I have a lot of reccomendations to try on! January 14, 2017 at 9:38am Reply

    • Nora Szekely: Hi Cecilia,

      Congratulations for your new position.
      I would suggest Diorissimo by Dior, a lovely lily of the valley scent. La chasse aux papillons by L’Artisan is a sublime floral scent that lifts the mood too.
      I recently tried Tommy girl by Tommy Hilfiger I suggest you try it as it is a widely available bright, citrusy-floral scent.
      I recommend trying the Narciso Rodriguez line as well, lovely florals with medium-low sillage, if you like musk. January 16, 2017 at 7:03am Reply

      • Cecilia: Thank you so much! I’ve tried la chasse aux papillons yesterday and is really sublime like you say! January 16, 2017 at 3:04pm Reply

  • Surbhi: I wore Carnal flower everyday in summer this year. Eventually I couldn’t smell it at all. I stopped wearing it for few weeks. I tried it again this month. I still can’t smell it. Anything I Can do to be able to smell it again ? I was wondering if it has happened to anyone before and if something worked ? January 14, 2017 at 12:22am Reply

    • AnnieA: I’ve never had anything permanent, but just need to take a break for a season or even a year. Perhaps wait until next summer to try again…? January 16, 2017 at 6:38pm Reply

  • Wolf: I got into fragrances mainly to explore the world created by Hedi Slimane. I’m a fan of his design at Dior Homme and Saint Laurent. He released Cologne Blanche back when he was the creative director at Dior Homme. The powdery almond lightness is intoxicating but I don’t know where to find it anymore? Are there any other fragrances that are similar to this? I tried L’eau d’Hiver but I found it too floral and soft. Cologne Blanche almost has this sharpness that feels like ice. January 14, 2017 at 2:31am Reply

    • Caroline: Check out Aqua di Parma’s extensive Blu Mediterraneo’s selections. There’s at least one almond scent, but haven’t tried it myself to advise how light or heavy it is. January 14, 2017 at 9:20am Reply

      • kpaint: Mandorlo is the almond one. It’s definitely on the lighter side. I might suggest to the OP to try YSL Cinema? It’s a feminine but both almondy and YSL so might fit the brief 😉 January 14, 2017 at 6:30pm Reply

    • Susan: Wolf,

      You may like Serge Lutens’ Louve. January 14, 2017 at 11:20am Reply

    • limegreen: I haven’t smelled Cologne Blanche but maybe you can give Heeley L’Amandiere a try. (Barneys carries the Heeley line.) It’s powdery almond, with a light dusting of tartness to keep it from being overly sweet. It’s long lasting without being loud, kind of a soft hum. It’s not normally my style but I love this fragrance, in all temps.
      Good luck! January 14, 2017 at 3:35pm Reply

      • limegreen: And L’Amandiere is a different texture than L’eau d’Hiver so it’s not as soft/watery. January 14, 2017 at 3:38pm Reply

    • kayliz: Francis Kurkdjian created the scent of Cologne Blanche (Hedi Slimane the presentation) so you might want to try other colognes by him. His own brand is Maison Francis Kurkdjian. I don’t know Cologne Blanche but the MFK cologne that looks closest to me is masculin Pluriel.

      Or perhaps it’s the rosemary note that’s responsible for the ice effect? If so, Colonia Essenza by Acqua di Parma might be worth a try. January 14, 2017 at 8:27pm Reply

  • Megan Alisa: Hello Perfume Lovers, I am brand new to the world of perfume. My collection, if you could call it that, consists of one large and well used bottle of AG Eau de Hadrien EDP plus a small roll on bottle of Auric Blends Egyptian Musk, used rarely.

    I want to smell like a forest. I want to smell like Nesti Dante Cipresso soap or an Illume candle I have in Balsam and Cedar. I have tried Library of Flowers cream perfume in The Forest, which sounded perfect in the description but turned completely to flowers on my skin. The ingredients were oak, moss and sage and all the reviews talked about how foresty it was but on me it was nothing like that.

    I’m from the Pacfic Northwest and I know forests smell different depending on the trees. I love the smell of Christmas trees, balsam, cypress though I’ve never smelled cypress in person that I am aware of. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. January 14, 2017 at 12:48pm Reply

    • KarenA: Serge Lutens’ Fille en Anguilles – it’s the best forest scent ever! Well, honestly it’s really the only one I’ve tried but it’s so perfect and beautiful I’m fine with not trying any others! January 14, 2017 at 3:26pm Reply

      • Lily: Second this! January 14, 2017 at 4:24pm Reply

    • katherine x: Dawn Spenser Hurwitz (DSH) has several perfumes with pine: Sev de Pin is described as pine sap – resinous – and there’s nothing sweet about it, nor is it “perfumey” – feels like a soliflor. Voices of trees is another with more notes and more perfumey if you will. January 14, 2017 at 4:56pm Reply

    • kpaint: I’m from the PacNW, too. There is a local perfumer here in Seattle that does a line called Olympic Orchids. One of her scents, Blackbird, has the most overwhelming pine forest/christmas tree note. It also has blackberry (it’s supposed to recreate the sensation of picking blackberries in a PacNW forest, afaik) but to me, it’s not summery or fruity because the christmas tree note is so forward.

      Are you still in this area? I’ve actually got a sample I can send you if you’re interested. Click on my user name to contact me.

      I’ll also 2nd the DSH recommendation and suggest you try Winter Woods as well. January 14, 2017 at 6:37pm Reply

    • john: I’m also based in the region (BC, Canada)… recently sampled Maison Margiela’s new, ‘Soul of the Forest’ (from a new higher-concentration line). I should quickly say that MM as a house is not always my thing (a bit too molecular, if that makes sense?) but this is pretty nice: fir, cedar, a bit of incense, a touch of currant and a ‘maple sap’ accord that I think works rather nicely to convey that honey smell I associate with the forest floor of Vancouver Island. Low sillage but nice longevity. The only forest scent I currently have in my collection is Yatagan, which is more ecclesiastical campfire than forest, but still great. January 14, 2017 at 7:32pm Reply

      • john: I’ll quickly add, re: Maison Margiela, that if you know the house, they often use a sweet base (think of the ‘toasted marshmallow accord’ in By the Fireplace or the boozy sweetness of Jazz Club). I don’t love it in those two (though my wife is quite fond of it), but I think that in Soul of the Forest it works quite well. January 14, 2017 at 7:36pm Reply

    • Patricia: Ormonde Woman by Ormonde Jayne is my favorite forest fragrance. It would be well worth finding a sample to test. January 14, 2017 at 10:22pm Reply

      • SHMW: I agree. I’m glad someone said that as I currently feel that OW is the answer to every perfume question for me.
        I would also suggest Chanel Sycomore but not only am I not sure if others will feel this fits that category I also realised I am now out of date as I would be recommending the just-discontinued edt and not the new edp which I haven’t had a chance to try.
        I agree with some of the previous comments about how hard it is to decide where things ‘fit’ or what notes stand out. On one site I saw Timbuktu described as being similar to Ormonde Woman and the same has been said about it being similar in structure to Sycomore and while I did sort of immediately agree, these all fill very different slots for me personally. January 15, 2017 at 9:32am Reply

    • Lou Ann: You may like Siskiyou by Juniper Ridge. It’s a forest in a bottle! January 15, 2017 at 12:22pm Reply

    • Aurora: Also, Annick Goutal Nuit Etoilee is worth a try, very much like a still night in the forest. January 16, 2017 at 1:24pm Reply

    • Joy: This is predominantly a woodsy scent, but I re-tried Hermes Eau des Merveilles this morning and was stuck by the predominance of fir. It does not ‘smell like a forest’ but it does smell like you really ought to be in one, if that makes sense. I love fir scents too but don’t have other recommendations. January 20, 2017 at 12:54pm Reply

  • Tess: Hello all, I’m looking to invest in some perfume “classics” – in particular, Chanel’s No. 19. I’ve tried both the EDT and the EDP on separate days and I enjoyed them both. I note that in Victoria’s review she says the EDT and the parfum are her favourites, but the parfum is out of my price range.

    May I please ask which would you recommend? As I say, I liked them both. I’m just not sure as to which to pick! January 15, 2017 at 12:43am Reply

    • spe: The EDT has a more distinct personality. It’s fresher. The edp is slightly more generic smelling, but some people might consider it more elegant and less sporty than the EDT. The parfum is my least favorite – it smells leathery to me and flat and heavy. I say EDT on the left arm, edp on the right arm. Wear both. January 15, 2017 at 2:44pm Reply

      • Tess: Thank you so much for your advice, Spe! Much appreciated. January 18, 2017 at 6:43am Reply

  • Hikmat Sher Afridi: Hi Victoria & Perfume lovers,
    I am recommending the perfumes of Dusita Parfums specially Oudh Infini & Le Sillage Blanc and Zoologist Perfumes for the month of January. Without any doubt these perfume houses are creating some extra-ordinary perfumes, IMO. January 15, 2017 at 5:43am Reply

    • Aurora: Thank you Hikmat! So nice of you, these perfumes are new to me, I will add them to my list. January 16, 2017 at 1:26pm Reply

  • Megan Alisa: Thank you so much for all the suggestions. I plan to sample each one. I have spent most of my life near Seattle and am surrounded by green trees but I realize I don’t know what they are, or if they are even the scent I crave. The greenery from Christmas really stirred up this longing, also discovering Nesti Dante Soap in Cipresso was a real revelation.

    I want to thank Victoria and this wonderful web site for introducing me to this seductive new world, I was intimidated by perfume before, overwhelmed by the perfume counter at stores, everything always smelled too flowery, too sweet, cloying and lasted too long even after attempts to remove it. I especially appreciate the articles about how to introduce yourself to perfume, how to test it.

    People sharing their knowledge and experience is such a big help. January 15, 2017 at 12:07pm Reply

  • Morelle: I have just produced a batch of bergamot marmalade, something I do each winter ever since Victoria posted this lovely recipe
    It’s really wonderfull stuff! I use a different recipe, though. I use preserving sugar with a 2:1 ratio of fruit to sugar, and I add the juice of blood oranges (same amount as the bergamots). This does not reduce the heady bergamot aroma (it comes from the zest, really, not from the flesh and juice), and means I can double the outcome.
    If you can get hold of bergamots I would highly recommend to make your own jam from them. January 15, 2017 at 6:50pm Reply

    • Victoria: Sounds wonderful! I can imagine how well blood oranges will combine with bergamot. January 16, 2017 at 2:41am Reply

    • kpaint: Wow! Sounds intoxicatingly delicious! January 16, 2017 at 1:44pm Reply

  • Cecilia: Thank you for all your lovely reccomendations! I came back to report what I ended up buying.
    – La chasse aux papillon which is elegant, airy, delicious and wearable.
    – Dyptique l’ombre dans l’eau edt on impulse because is seriously the most original scent I’ve ever met.
    Thank you again! January 17, 2017 at 1:07pm Reply

  • Tania: Hi,

    I have bought a bottle of Opium EdT from the 1990s and love it. I cannot be brave enough to wear it to work, however.

    Any softer perfumes in the same style that I could enjoy and which are not expensive?

    Thanks January 18, 2017 at 5:38am Reply

    • Michaela: Not softer, but playful, easier to wear, I think, and rather inexpensive: a single spray of Kenzo Jungle. More would require the same courage to wear to work 🙂 It has a great unmistakeable sillage and it lasts forever.

      Softer, but not inexpensive: Lumière Blanche by Olfactive Studio.

      I’m looking forward for other recommendations, I’d also like to find a lighter affordable Opium. January 18, 2017 at 8:57am Reply

    • Lily: I don’t know the old opium so this may be off – but Caron Parfum Sacre is a spicy and relatively dry oriental. On my skin it wears discreetly, but that is also at 1 or 2 sprays. Victoria has a great review of it up.

      Noir Epices also seems to wear quietly on me. Again not sure of similarities but it smells like the new Opium’s opening, which I loved (and then didn’t love the rest).

      That’s about it for my knowledge of spicy orientals 🙂 January 19, 2017 at 2:57pm Reply

  • Alexia: Hi!!!
    I’m looking for a feminine, but not girly, perfume for spring and summer. I’m primarily looking for a fattige perfume.
    I’m 18, so it shouldn’t be too mature. Perhaps something floral or chypre, maybe rosy (but it doesn’t have to be rosy).
    I’d like it to stand out and have good staying power. I’m not particularly fond of

    I like Light blue, Daisy dream, Si, Midnight Rose, Black Orchid, Miss dior, Ô de lancome, Éscale a Portofino, Midnight Rose, Bronze Godess, Tom Ford Tabacco Vanille and the new YSL perfume (which name I don’t recall).
    I love the smell of syrens and lavender.

    Thank you,
    Alex January 18, 2017 at 10:44am Reply

    • Alexia: Sorry I mean day perfume, not fattige perfume.
      And I menar to write that I’m not particularly fond of perfumes that are very powdery January 18, 2017 at 10:59am Reply

      • Nora Szekely: Hi Alexia,

        I love La chasse aux papillons by L’Artisan it is light but not girly to my nose.
        Tom Ford Neroli Portofino is similar to my nose.
        Stella by Stella McCartney is a good rose scent.
        Bvlgari Eau perfume au the vert is unique scent.
        Hermes Un jardin… series is worth trying out. My favourite is Un jardin apres la mousson, it surely stands out.
        My favourite lavender scent (it was recommened here ) is Penhaligon’s Lavandula.
        I have to admit, these light scents are not too long lasting ones. If you have a chance, try and wait a few hours to see how long they last on you before buying as it can vary based on skin chemistry, temperature and humidity I think.
        Yves Rocher and Yardley flowery scents are also good and cheap, so you may reapply during the day. January 20, 2017 at 4:43am Reply

        • Alexia: Thank you Nora for your recommendations! I’ll be sure to try them out! January 29, 2017 at 6:58pm Reply

  • Cas: Hi Guys,

    I’m looking for a new perfume to start the new year. I tend to lean towards oriental fragrances, particularly woody-oriental, and I’m looking for something not too heavy.

    Perfumes I’ve loved: Youth Dew, Samsara (vintage), Caron Tabac Blond (vintage), Caron En Avion (vintage). I’m reasonably fond of Caron Nuit de Noel, but I find the current formulation has too much rose. I quite like light musks too (in my mis-spent youth, I wore Body Shop White musk, but don’t like the current formulation.)

    As you can tell, Sandalwood is my favourite note, but I also like cinnamon/spices, leather and musk. I’d prefer something that doesn’t feature much patchouli, and which isn’t too sweet/gourmand.

    Thanks in advance! January 18, 2017 at 8:52pm Reply

    • Notturno7: Hi Cas,
      I already spent more then an hour today reading the posts on this fun thread so I have to be quick and go back to work 😅.
      I love Youth Dew, Samsara and NdN, too. I found vintage NdN on eBay and it doesn’t have too much rose at all, it’s more woodsy with spices.

      You might like Aromatic Elixir, Bois des Iles, Shanghai Lily, Cuir de Russie.
      I see that you like vintage, so you might also like Caron Narcisse Noir. I got a vintage extrait of NN and Hermes Caleche extrait on eBay and they are gorgeous. Dark, with spice and plenty of wood notes.
      Also, look up the beginning of this thread post. There’re lot of recommendations for musks scents for someone who asked earlier.
      Hope this helps. January 19, 2017 at 6:45pm Reply

    • katherine x: Not too heavy but still very interesting are Le Labo Santal 33 and Iris 39. Their vetiver has a musc spin. Ylang is a favorite, not musky but fresher and more perfumey. January 19, 2017 at 9:47pm Reply

    • Mia: Hi Cas! I seem to have extremely similar taste with you, great! Recently I have really enjoyed Molinard Habanita edp with similar vibe with Tabac Blond. It is the new formulation, affordable and not too heavy or too sweet. It leans more to sweetness than my usual suspects but not too much. If you are interested in having a floral with similiraties to your woodsies, I think Vero Profumo Mito would perhaps work for you. New year and a new scent are a good combo; best of luck! January 20, 2017 at 2:18pm Reply

  • Cas: Thanks Notturno7 and katherine x: I might try the Le Labo recommendations, Cuir de Russie and Shanghai Lily: I find Aromatics Elixir a bit bracing. January 19, 2017 at 10:32pm Reply

  • Joy: I’m a 35 year old woman ~ compelled by scents that combine opposites: cool and warm, dark and light, masculine and feminine, and so on. Terre d’Hermes and Vetiver Tonka have been great loves but I’d like something longer lasting and a bit more feminine.

    I enjoy orange blossom, rose, sandalwood, vetiver, nutmeg, vanilla, amber, saltiness, bergamot, hay, tonka, cardamom, oakmoss, violet, hazelnut, woods, and things I probably haven’t discovered yet.

    Obviously, you do not need to try and capture all of these notes, but these are just to give you an idea.

    Notes or qualities I don’t like include cumin, much clove, heavy tuberose, oud, fig, melon, tropical fruit, ozonic scents, hypnotic scents, big florals, and big spices.

    Thoughts, ideas? Many thanks in advance. January 20, 2017 at 12:40pm Reply

    • Mia: Hi Joy! I recommend you the same scent as Cas above, Molinard Habanita. It answers to at least your sandalwood, nutmeg, vanilla, amber and vetiver cravings – all in the same package! It is also very affordable and long lasting. Some perceive it being old-fashioned, while some think it is very modern. Check it out? I am referring to the newest release and formula, 2012 edp. Best of luck! January 21, 2017 at 3:45am Reply

      • Joy: What a unique bottle! Your description sounds very intriguing and I will have to give it a try. January 21, 2017 at 11:15am Reply

    • Lily: So your lists of likes/dislikes almost completely overlap with mine (only exception that I do like fig and all spices!). But not that many of my perfumes have an opposites thing. Here’s the ones that seem to:

      Bvlgari Black – unisex scent, rubber tired and vanilla. Sounds weird but it is sooooo good. Hm. I might have to wear it today….

      Elizabeth & James Nirvana Rose – it smells like rose on cedar, though it’s apparently geranium/vetiver. It is a darker rose than you might think on initial wear bc it has this fizzy brightness. But a lot of depth.

      The original Agent Provocateur (EDP) has a hot-cold thing going. Another dark rose, this time with spices and patchouli. Read on what the spices are though, they might be not to your taste.

      Houbigant Orangeur en Fleurs is a GORGEOUSLY balanced orange blossom and spice and wood scent. My fave perfume. The spice is cardamom and present but in no way dominant.

      For salt – Hermes Eau de Merveilles. That one took me a couple wears to get, bc I read reviews talking about all these things i don’t smell in it. It’s what you smell like after a bonfire on the beach, salt and a hint of smoke and a hint of wood and sun-warmed skin.

      Jacomo Silences is about the only green I can wear, bc it has a warmth underneath the raspy green top and just a hint of flowers to sweeten it.

      Good luck! January 21, 2017 at 10:15am Reply

      • Joy: Lily, many thanks for all of your diverse recommendations. All but Hermes Eau de Merveilles are new to me. In fact I tried Eau de Merveilles the other day and deemed it too citrusy and masculine. Then I tried it the next day, and was stunned by the contrast. I smelled a coastline, the crashing grey kind, with windswept trees and yes, sun-warmed skin. The only other one I know is Bvlgari Black, and did not respond to the rubber note. But I am definitely going to seek out Houbigant Orangeur en Fleurs! Thanks again. January 21, 2017 at 11:10am Reply

      • Anne: I love your taste!

        Can I ask a question about Silences? I’ve been wanting to get a vintage bottle of the stuff myself, since it sounds like just the kind of GREEN perfume I’ve been searching for. But since scents can vary so much between EdT, EdP, PdT, etc versions, I wanted to know what particular concentration is the version you’re familiar with? And which would you recommend? February 13, 2017 at 1:22am Reply

        • Lily: Hi Ann! I am actually not familiar with any version of it other than the one I own. I found it for like $12 on eBay and did a blind buy Bc it wasn’t available on any sampling sites. My bottle is packed for a trip I’m leaving on momentarily, but I know I bought one of the older bottles – black glass, only one instance of “Silences” on the box. I don’t remember if there was an option of EDP vs EDT or if I would have even thought to check. Perhaps someone else will chime in about different iterations of the perfume, if there are any. Once I am at my destination I will see if the bottle itself lists concentration! February 13, 2017 at 11:32am Reply

        • Lily: My bottle is labeled as parfum de toilette which I assume is similar to EDT? 88% alcohol so approx 12% oils would be in line with an EDT. If you haven’t already, you might ask about the differences in versions on the Feb recommend me a perfume thread which went up today. February 13, 2017 at 7:54pm Reply

  • Cocorico: Hi! So excited to be participating! Hope I’m not too late.

    I’m new to the world of fragrances but am hoping to start out my collection with the following over the next couple months, based off of decant research I’ve been doing….

    Lalique- Encré Noir
    Tom Ford- Oud Wood
    Serge Lutens- De Profundis
    Fendi- Theorema

    I’m also interested in the following…..

    Luten- Bois de Violette, Fleurs d’Oranger, Boxeauses, Iris Silver Mist, Tubéreuse Criminelle, A La Nuit
    Shiseido- Feminite du Bois
    Geurlain- Samsara
    Profumum- Acqua Viva (supposed to be similar to Eau d’Hadrian by Annick Goutal)

    I like woodsy, citrusy scents, perhaps veering more the masculine than the feminine. I’m NOT a Chanel girl at all but Lutens descriptions consistently intrigue me.

    I’d also like to say how much I love how you all talk about perfumes. It has inspired me in ways that have been surprising. January 23, 2017 at 1:41pm Reply

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